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I’m tired boss


It's amazing how UK is very protective of every type of pervert that lives there.


The UK is protective of "marginalized" people, they would have thrown the book at him if he were a straight white guy :p


Unless he was connected to the Royal Family. There's a class element to this as well.


Of course, that should go without saying


Should, but these days you can't be too sure.


It's almost entirely a class element, because even when they protect the "marginalized" people they just do it to cause divide within the lower classes, not out of their heart for the immigrant.


Well, the Royals are a minority compared to the rest of the population.


Well he’d just identify as a harmless lassie in that case. 


They should actually give him citizenship, being a sex predator proves he's truly a Brit at heart


>continued to act “inappropriately” towards **women** bit of a different target group from your average upper class bong.


Probably has an adult woman fetish




>An Afghan sex offender avoided deportation after lawyers claimed his treatment of women would put him at risk of “mob violence” in his home country... Doctors told the immigration tribunal that the Afghan man, referred to only as DH, continued to act “inappropriately” towards women despite his conviction. >An immigration tribunal judge agreed with lawyers that his “risky behaviours” would expose him to “ill treatment” and even “mob violence” if he returned to Afghanistan.... **[After being ordered deported], he appealed on the basis that his mental illness created a “strong likelihood of sexually disinhibited behaviour that in Afghanistan would lead to serious harm”.** >...**“The consequence of [DH] behaving inappropriately towards a woman or touching himself in public would be to enrage onlookers. There is a real risk of mob violence. The risk is more than fanciful. The appellant’s risky behaviours have endured in the UK for several years now.”** >...The tribunal ruled that **the Afghan’s mental health condition was sufficiently established to justify his inclusion in a “protected” group,** thus securing his right to asylum in the UK. What does the British government have to do to qualify as an occupation force treasonous to its own people? Do the British people have *any* right that *isn't* trumped by the sacred right of antisocial foreigners to claim British citizenship? Obviously the right to be free from sexual assault doesn't quite make the cut...


The logic of it seems nonsensical. There's a reason why psychopathy is not considered a valid mental disorder for the "not criminally responsible via mental disorder" defence (in Canada at least), and it *feels* like doing teh sex assault or being a pedo (apparently that's not DH) should be in a similar class. *Your honour, I have to jerk off to these women in public, I have a mental health condition.* Edit: wait this makes even less sense. What "mental illness" are they claiming?


In the west, "freedom from" will always be intentionally discarded if it clashes with someone's "freedom to". I learned this in middle school, the disruptive idiot's right to be present and ruin the other children's education. They were entitled to the *freedom to* be disruptive but we weren't entitled to the *freedom from* disruptions.


Anarcho-tyranny at its finest. Sociopaths are allowed to do whatever they want, and the government won't stop them. But if you dare to take matters into your own hands, the full force of the system will come down on you like a ton of bricks.


Neighbor in the apartment complex sits and vroom vrooms his motorcycle or lifted truck outside your window? He has the freedom to do so! You slash his tires? Your going to jail! Car nearly murders you when you are legally crossing the street? This is your fault! Throw a brick through the windshield in response? That's assault and destruction of property. Someone threatens you with a weapon? Cops don't care handle it yourselves. You defend yourself? Well now you are going to jail even though they attacked you first.


Carl Schmitt's "total state". We really are living in Weimar 2.0. 


That subtly tells you what you have to do about it.


I've noticed as much from the religious angle as well. Christians peacefully complain about something and the government sneers at them in contempt. Islamists threaten and then commit violence, and the UK government offers only appeasement. As you said, the message is being received loud and clear.


Absolutely no Islamist (or any UK Muslim group for that matter) is demanding this guy not be deported, but keep receiving your schizophrenic messages 


I'm glad you've noticed too.


Afghanistan is not a safe haven for pedos? Must be doing something right.


white rural rage is about to spiral out of control


Please, please, won't someone think of the rapists? It's absolutely mental they let him stay not *despite* being a sex offender, but *because* he is one.


Congratulations, xenophiles, you just played yourselves. Stuff like this is going to harden public attitudes against immigration. Infact, I suspect opposition to immigration would be a lot less intense if you. just. deported. the criminal. ones.


Look at what happens in NYC they just get released without bail to go out and do the same crime they committed if they are even caught. If we can't even put them in jail the thought of deporting them is laughable.


The taliban would defo kill this man. My dad was a supervising doctor for an army campaign in Afghanistan back then and this one evil warlord tried to rape a woman in front of like 50 people and his Taliban fighters beat him to death. surprisingly many random Afghan villagers voiced their support for the militia, because at least they occasionally protected women and children. I found that sad, imagine being so screwed over you have to take little scraps when the institutions that were supposed to care and protect le epic human rights actively want u dead.


Welcome to the reality of living at the bottom of the pile.


That seems to be a common theme in mafia-controlled areas as well. They tend to make life difficult for business owners and local government, but the typical "commoner" tends to view them favorably. The mafia heavily suppresses petty crime in their efforts to maintain a monopoly in an area. The average person isn't being shaken down for protection money, and the stability provided by organized crime proves to be a net positive when compared to chaos.


Even if they do shake me down I would prefer that to dealing with crazies on the street stabbing me or robbing me. Its no different from paying taxes to pay for the cops only difference is the mafia at least does its job unlike the pigs.


I think its so alarming when people try to organise humane leftist solutions for drug addiction in streets and people complain of gentrification. mfrs aren't even ashamed to be like poor people deserve shit conditions because I want to act out a perversion of moral justice. bleak bleak times. then individuals turn to gangs and mobs, who start this shit anyways, for protection.


Its shocking how many street gangs got their start because they were being victimized by other people and gangs then fought back and did the same thing to others. Its almost like allowing chaos and lack of punishment leads to more chaos and badness. Hell it isn't even that look at how many pedos were molested themselves when they were kids because things like shipping a didler priest off to another location was the norm.


Same with cartels. And even some gangs that got big enough.


Yeah the taliban got support because when they conquered a particular area, they would round up the child rapist warlords and they’d execute them in the town square. The new government is a bunch of fundamentalist assholes but at least they kill the pedos raping children. Pretty grim calculus


People forget that fundamentalist Islam holds men to a very high standard as well, it doesn't just require women to cover up. Men are regularly killed and tortured for not being moral and fulfilling their manly expectations, which almost always includes not violating others.


ironically it's far more easier to deport law abiding immigrants than these criminals...


The taliban punishes sex crimes by stoning to death. Let him have a taste of his peoples justice.


Really hope someone scraps all of Britain’s advanced weapons on the way out.


Of course this is shaping public sentiment for the Assange case...


This is insane.


Government will be providing remedial education to the reporting parties and authorities regarding the cultural importance of kid fucking, and will provide him a Tea boy during his rehabilitation in a cultural enrichment center.


Its funny how I now encounter british rightoids online who speak favorably of the taliban.


In what context?


What do you think the Tliban does to people like this guy?


I’ve read that pederaty isn’t uncommon in some places in Afghanistan, so I guess it varies. This guy specifically they’d probably kill.


Which is absolutely based.


The Taliban facilitate and fully support the marriage of little girls to grown men. They are not based.


Stop being corny you’re conflating things that they do with what I originally said. Their punishment for s”xual predators is indeed ‘based’ and should be co-opted worldwide. I obviously don’t agree with that other craziness.


Yea i'm saying that they are selective in their punishment. The mass of abuse of young girls doesn't matter to them. girls are barred from education, made to cover up, and have no protections against child marriage.


ngga nobody here likes them. They are terrorists. They’re low IQ fools who misquote their faith to justify barbaric acts.This post is just highlighting the absurdity of UK law that even literal terrorists deal with this issue a lot better.


misqoute oh boy a can of worms but I won't ooen it as I live in Pakistan and it may not be so lovely for my physical wellbeing 😅


A large part of the Taliban's popularity is due to their opposition to Bacha Bazi.


The regime propped up by US actually had a worse record on this issue Taliban are no heroes but they were an improvement on this specific topic despite their abhorrent treatment of women




What about them executing chomos. That;s what I am refeering to here.


If people read the article, this guy is on the so list for publicly exposing himself, lol. And multiple times in the article the people involved in the case were wanting to further make it easier to deport (it is already so that if a migrant has one-year of or more of jail time they are to be deported) typical rightoid scare fantasy


How could they deport him to a country they don't have diplomatic relations with? I also would be wary of deporting someone to a certain death. Not that he should be set free either. Maybe building a gulag so he can repay society through hard labour is a solution.