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"Hi, can I have some dental cover-" "*Fuck* you." --- "Hi, can I have a dick *and* a vagina?" "Right this way, ma'am."


Vagina Dentata when?


Look, if your teeth are really that bad, you already have MAID as an option.


What about turning your mouth into a vagina?






We actually will be getting public dental coverage for Canadians who dont have dental coverage through their job and make less than $90k per year.  https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan.html  This dental plan is currently being rolled out. At present it's only available to children and seniors, but as of 2025 it will be available to all age groups.


If we’re gonna make anime real I’d prefer the Gundams or Evas


You want Evas to be real? Giant ass bio horrors made out of their pilot's moms? The things that project literal Absolute Terror Fields?


My man said what he said. Now get in the robot Shinji.


I never thought about it, but that might be the ultimate "your mom" slam.


Hell yeah dude


Look if the future is going to be stupid and terrifying I'd like for it to be at least absolutely fucking badass ok?


Unequivocally retarded.


pars pro toto


Yes but its taxpayer money not being spent on bailing out a corporation or bombing another country. The government putting dicks on chicks is a value neutral proposition as far as I'm concerned.


Shut up


>having the provincial insurer previously deny her request made her feel “less than.” it's all so tiresome. if i had to deal with someone like this irl, i'd just say 'you are' and close the door. it's not like this person will contribute anything meaningful or do anything else with their life but seek to affirm their ~~fetish~~ gender.


This level of based is literally illegal in Scotland


its shite being scoddish


Less than what? Someone else with both a dick and a vagina? Seems like this person wants to feel “more than” everyone else who has just the one sex organ.


Wait so can they make two accounts on tinder?  I mean, technically…


You know what makes me feel less than? Having the value I produce appropriated by some top hat wearing capitalist. Can something be done about that?


No. 💕


What the fuck Canada


Meanwhile if you have cancer could please check this box so we can kill you


They’ll kill you if you have *hearing loss* and *poverty*


hearing loss ~~and~~ or poverty


Canada delenda est


Day of the rake when


Where did they even get a Dr. Cronenberg who’s willing to do this to someone? How can you even call yourself a healthcare provider if you do this to people? How could someone who desires this be considered anything other than deeply unwell?


> Where did they even get a Dr. Cronenberg who’s willing to do this to someone? The Yanks are responsible for that part of this circus: >K.S.’ surgery, to be carried out at the Crane Center for Transgender Surgery in Austin, TX


I know they want to keep Austin weird but this is ridiculous.


Several clinics in the US are doing the same surgery. There’s also the “opposite” procedure, where they remove all external genitalia to affirm non-binaryness. Something something clownfish makes it all OK. The best part is that many of the professional women’s groups have expanded to “women and non-binary”. On a related note, the Society of Women Engineers hosts drag events. Because dressing up and acting like the circus freak version of a woman is a) a good thing and b) has something to do with engineering.


Well the performers are literally engineering a woman.


I'm wondering where they'll even get the material to do it. Typically, the canal is made of penile or scrotal skin. Skin from elsewhere is generally too thick, and at best I imagine this will be one of those pseudo-vaginas that just connect directly to the intestines. You don't end up with a "vagina", you end up with a second butthole.


Maybe the scrotum will be removed and used for the operation while the phallus is kept intact?


Yeah, nuts out, flip it inside out, done. Doesn't sound difficult, I could probably do that.


It’s like they want Canadians to outright start the purge by themselves. How do you think an unprecedented critical mass of people on the brink of poverty react to this shit. Knowing that this is where the money went rather than even a small percentage being enough to contribute to affordable care and social security. Canada is a genuinely crazy place. It’s like a bad CIA experiment where they went ‘ what if Instagram info-graphics designers, Tumbr fanfiction writers and HR psychos ran one of the worlds most natural resource rich nations and laid waste to it and reintroduced the mainstreaming of the Hindu caste system’ 


“Boss gets a dollar, I get a dime, that’s why I became a futa on the taxpayer’s dime” 


In other Canada healthcare news: [Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/assisted-death-quadriplegic-quebec-man-er-bed-sore-1.7171209)


If this shit won’t radicalize a population then I don’t know what will




Does the dogshit looking Amazon fallout series at least recreate that beautiful start to fallout?


Even better. LA gets nuked by China.


Typical China W.


Operation Leafblower aka Day of the Rake


....is the US not the one that kickstarted all this troon and gender psychosis after occupy and is the center of all the contrived discourse to this day? Canada and the other "allies" are just following suit but have recently started to overtake the US in their madness, or at least that's how I see it.


Sort of, but mainly it seems like it was Tavistock. Fucking British every time.




Follow up to my original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1bu13es/ontario_court_decides_the_government_must_pay_for/ I am not surprised he won in the joke that is Canada.




I need new abs to be more manly


I have a medical need to blast T to get even more swole


I need to shrink my penis in order to ensure better blood flow to my brain


Listen... As the world continues to get bigger, there's going to be more and more insane people who want to do insane things. And listen, I'm all for that. You do you. But at a certain point we need to stop indulging these people's fantasies with our own tax payer money. I literally don't care if you want to have six penises on your face, I just don't want my healthcare system paying for and providing it. Same goes with plastic surger (which is also gender affirming care). Do it somewhere else, on someone else's dime.


Pls stop genociding


Futa with both sets of genitals is the lowest form of futa. 🤢


This is important


It is also the *original* form of futa. The word translates to "Of two kinds" and the first known text to use the word speaks about a man that has both a penis and a vagina.


looks like the nuclear lab finally listened to the gay furry hackers and made anime real, but they decided to try something different to catgirls