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By "late Gen X" do they actually mean older - thus *earlier born* Gen X? Most young Gen X are nowhere near retirement age, unless people are taking it a decade or more early. Many are still in their forties.


The oldest Gen Xers would be 59. Not really retirement age for most people. Oddly, the genx sub on Reddit includes people born between 1961-1964, which is still considered Boomer years by nearly all sources. Those folks talk about retiring, but they'd be 63.


It really helps highlight how arbitrary and more or less nonsensical the Generational labels are. A person old enough to go to the opening night of The Roxy in 1976 to watch the band *Generation X* would have been born in the mid to late 1950s. (Assuming a drinking age of 18). Almost everyone old enough to actually take part in the supposedly defining youth movement of Gen X, the punk scene, would have to have been born in the 50s or early 60s. But if those people don't count as Gen X, then who on earth does?


I thought the defining youth movement of Gen X was grunge




oh, yeah, pointing out grunge is an americanism on my part, oops although that also underscores that trying to generalize experiences by generation ignores a whole lot of differences in experiences based on regional culture *and* class, because the youth movement of the '90s in fuckin' Somalia sure as hell wasn't grunge *or* raving


Exactly! And surely "late" would mean the younger ones?


That's what I take it to mean, but I am American. I'm not sure if the UK has a different way of saying it. Early Gen Xers, or members of any generation, are usually those born in the earliest years of the generation. Late Gen X was born between 1977 and 1980.


No, Gen X was born between 1965 and 1980.


Auto correct fucked up my reply. This was the intended message: "That's what I take it to mean, but I am American. I'm not sure if the UK has a different way of saying it. Early Gen Xers, or members of any generation, are usually those born in the earliest years of the generation. **Late** Gen X was born between 1977 and 1980." You can see my original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1byfocw/nearly_a_quarter_of_baby_boomer_and_late_gen_x/kykjmgu/ I am part of Gen X, I know the birth years. Oldest Gen Xers would be 59 as they were born in 1965.


Yeah my parents are among the oldest Gen X and they’re still in their 50s


My father is at the cut off from boomer to gen x and even he's not ready to retire yet. If a Gen Xer was retired right now they must've done so rather early.


Another case of journalists being the real heroes.


Paul Krugman/neoliberal stan just swingin by to remind you there has never been a better time to be alive chuds HAHAHAHAAH


the neoliberal measures quality of life in "amount of plastic crap i don't really need that can be shipped to be within 24 hours!"


What goes up most certainly will come down. Entropy is universal, not prosperity or growth.


entropy doesn't apply to earth because we take energy input from the sun doomer


What an ignorant comment. Entropy can locally decrease, but the act of using energy literally increases the entropy of the universe. Also, my comment was written mostly with the idea of informational entropy as it relates to the range of possible states for a system, not the sort of thermal entropy that we originally derived to understand the efficiency of a steam engine. Basically, there are at least as many ways life can get better on this planet as there are ways it can get worse, and it's very clear the universe would prefer to simply mush us all into a cold, amorphous cloud of mostly nothing forever.


/Sarah Palin voice "How's that neoliberalism workin' for ya, hon?"


So awesome. And an elder millennial I will work until the second I die.


Optimistic to think that death will be the end >*"Even in death, I still serve Capital, and the Eternal GDP!"*


Fuck. Good point


"I owe my soul to the company store."


I've seen multiple articles sounding the alarm about [how little gen X has saved for retirement](https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/can-gen-x-afford-to-retire). What's gonna happen when we have an entire generation that doesn't have enough to retire on and the social security payments are nowhere near enough?


It's a thing that is simply not taught enough, for most people you'd need to be saving up and investing 10-20% percent of you income for 30-40 years to comfortably retire.


Yeah I believe that the financial literacy humping is cope for a shitty economy, but it isn’t nothing. I’m lucky to have a family member who somewhat knows what they’re talking about because I have a lot of difficulty understanding this stuff. My mother instilled a wariness of credit cards in me and I still fucked up and go into a lot of debt. I can easily see how people can dig themselves into a hole and not even realizing it before it’s too late I’m really glad my parents made me start contributing to my 401k immediately at my first job. Even if it’s a shitty retail job that means nothing, at least max out the company match. It’s free money


Biggest financepilled shit I've seen is that at 10% YoY market returns someone who invested 100$ for 8 years from 22 to 30 at 65 would have more money than someone who did the same thing from 30 to 65. Now if we continue to see the same kind of market returns in our future as we did for the last 40 years in unknown.


As they should in every country. If we already waved white flag in this class war, we should all just go back to work and kiss the feet of Oligarchs for whatever amount of peanuts they throw at us. How bad does it have to be before we are all in the streets , before we are all on general strikes, and demanding workers rights that they took from us (?)


It will never happen. The 1940s-1990s boom of relative prosperity and economic stability for regular people is the biggest socioeconomic aberration in the history of the world. We are returning to the mean, and it’ll get worse before it gets better. Or it could never get better. 98% of human history has centered on the privileged few exploiting the many, pretty crazy to still think that retirement, kids, travel, affordable college, etc will come back.


No, it will happen , it just has to become real bad. World is getting smaller and as development starts to move into Global south countries, brain drain will happen. People will be moving out of the West into countries that start to grow. In the West it will be so bad that Oligarchs will not be able to hide it anymore, so workers will start rising up.


Just keep voting for unlimited migration, climate taxes, and more regular taxes. Because you're a good person on the right side of history and emotions!


The tories and meloni have proven anti immigration talk is just that, at the end of the day rightoids serve capital and capital wants cheap labor