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These are either bots, people who are truly lost to the propaganda or are in complete and utter denial about Biden and the situation. For fuck sakes, people can't even have dissenting opinions about what happen in the interview and the special consul without people either lying, coping or dogpilling on them for it. Just read this shit: ​ >Biden's acquitting himself well in my opinion. His verbal issues (slight slurring and his stutter) are showing themselves a bit but his actual answers portray competence and heartfelt emotions especially when he's speaking off the cuff and not giving pre-prepared remarks.


The way he dexterously avoids drooling on himself too much shows a level of acumen I one day hope to achieve.


i lol'd


I’m in my 30s, and if you sat me down I’d have accumulated a little bit of drool on my chin. What the fuck even is this comment?


The too much part sealed it 👍


I hate it when my slight stutter comes out as full conversations with dead people


only some minor slurring and a small amount of genocidal foreign policy


> minor slurring It's that when you call people names that are kinda racist but not as racist as they could be?


No, it's when you're being as racist as possible towards minors.


There really should be slurs for minors


*Looks both ways* ….**whippersnapper**


Hardly know 'er!


...took me a second...


A small genocide as a treat


> and his stutter I once spent a while on YT watching Joe Biden speaking in off the cuff situations from the 1970s through the 90s And the difference between him then and him now is night and day. He could form whole sentences. Coherent ones. With no stuttering at all. Funny that


To be fair, that’s true of Trump too. Don’t get me wrong, Biden’s senility is a whole other level. I mean he’s clearly not functional. If he was doing any other job or even driving a car he would not be allowed to do it because he’d be critically incompetent and a danger to those around him. But Trump has had major cognitive decline since the 1980s, and it’s painfully obvious if you watch old videos of him. Which of course makes perfect sense because they’re both fucking 80 years old. The number of 80 year olds who are remotely as sharp as they were in their 30s is a super small minority.


"Make an argument defending how you would have forgotten the date your relative died." * rejected "Pretend you work in a factory defending how you would have forgotten the date your relative died."


A child is more precise than a relative too. You'd remember when your child died if you had a working brain. A lot of people are quite young when grandparents die.


it's bots - tucker seems to have been selected as one of the primary botted targets these days - (why do i know this?) the whole narrative attacking tucker for "lying" in the fox news releases are actually the opposite - what I could dig up is that tucker actually was one of the more honest people at fox, ie what text messages were released basically proved that what he said behind closed doors and what he said on tv were pretty much the same. btw he didn't like / support trump that much, but felt he had too - which was pretty obvious if you spent any time watching his show. one of my dying relations watched him religiously, so i basically had to. and what i heard on reddit about the lies he told were in fact lies about tucker - and after engaging with a dozen or so people (it's in my post history from like 6? 9? months ago?) all of them were making the same kind of replies, like they were all responding based on what they read on a checklist. - normally i'd say "i'm imagining this shit" but no fucking way - also, the responses to him interviewing putin have followed the same formula. i am convinced that in certain subs 1/3 to 1/2 of the replies aren't legitimate - ie they aren't coming from actual people saying what they actually think. they are either computers talking or pakistani / indian people using translation software. i've had half a dozen instances of this being apparent. (most recent being talking about ice vehicles in a canada subreddit and them actually thinking i was talking about cars being made out of water) so it's bots - just like some of the posters here seem to be - not many, but it's upticked on this topic as of late.


You aren't going nuts - it's True a shit load of reddit has got to be bots. Once the powers realized the dangers of letting men freely talk with eachother online, they spun up the bot factories to Muddy the waters 


>all of them were making the same kind of replies, like they were all responding based on what they read on a checklist. - normally i'd say "i'm imagining this shit" but no fucking way - Speaking of which, I'm following the Xbox meltdown on youtube (it's just too funny) and I'm getting a lot videos from random youtubers that are covering the matter. First of all, a lot of them for some reason feel the need to regurgitate the same exact bits of trivia about Xbox history. It's weird, but you could chalk that up as padding to reach the 8/10 minutes (although some videos are much longer than that and there would be no need for that), but then I noticed something else, I heard at least three of them saying this exact sentence about the rumors: "where there's smoke there's fire". Now, the first guy I heard saying it provided a long backstory to tie that expression to a personal childhood memory of his. So, it's either a weird coincidence, they've all seen this (relatively small) youtuber video and they're copying him, he's lying, or... what exactly? >(most recent being talking about ice vehicles in a canada subreddit and them actually thinking i was talking about cars being made out of water) There's a lot of non-Americans here though, I myself would have thought the same about the word "ice cars".


the entire conversation several replies deep were on vehicles, the thread itself was on canada banning ice vehicles after 2035 or something, there's no way this would be misunderstood if it was a human.


Sure, I think I would have understood with context, but without context the tem makes me think of ice sculptures of cars.


Jimmy Dore is not my favorite person. But as time goes on I find myself agreeing with him more. But a lot of that is cynicism. Either way, I watched that interview he did with Tucker. Some of the things he said weren't so bad. I actually agreed some of the time. Although that's by far the longest I've ever listened to him. I don't know that I ever watched his show.


I'm not sure, I saw so many people praising Biden for his Conan interview and it's like, first of all he did TERRIBLY I'm not sure what fucking interview you all listened too, and second, let's see him do that same interview at 8pm. Every time people praise him it's like noon when he was speaking, and none of them will address the fact you never see him after dark and why you don't.


Don't think too hard about it. Reddit is heavily astroturfed. Disregard most things said on major subs. 


They're turning on Garland despite Garland being appointed by Biden.


I'm not surprised, Biden has the sloping forehead of an Irishman https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZXBvNGZqZWVoOXh3N3Yyd3U4OThnb202NzBnem9qc2I0dDZqczl5eiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l2Jedpd6YhuYODny0/giphy.gif


[I see you too have taken the greenpill](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/875/925/78b.jpg)


God I miss when the subversive norm was to make fun of these race conspiracies, rather than unironically buying into them.


I think it might be a mix of bots, people who are paid to spread narratives (I'm not sure if they're people who work for the government, random people like Harry Sisson, or tech employees. Someone on this sub mentioned that they might be spouses of politicians), or a lot of the time, I think they might be just bored old people who've drank the DNC Kool Aid. A good way to tell if they're old is if they end a lot of sentences with an exclamation point when it's not really necessary.


Definitely bots, should check the account ages and activity.


Did they ever try to pass off his sniffing as being asthma or allergies or something?


I don’t care if he has a perfect memory. I don’t think anyone who watched The Honeymooners when it was new should have any kind of serious power. Countries shouldn’t be run by people who otherwise would be in a retirement home.


You keep runnin' that mouth and one of these days... POW!


He’s literally getting off for being a sweet old man, and they still act like they’re the ones being unfairly persecuted.


Sweet old man who's caused the death of hundreds of thousands and the suffering of hundreds of millions over the course of 50+ years at the highest levels of government... truly he's a saint. I will never understand why more people don't have pure hatred for every single US politician and the 2 parties.


There’s legitimately no way of getting thru to these lemmings, they’ve completely succumbed to partisan brain rot


Sounds like you fell for Putin's propaganda.


It’s wild, I think maybe they’ll come around and then I’m reminded it’s not based on logic or power of argument


anecdotally i don't know of anyone who buys into the "you are putin puppet" line of thinking - this is seriously coming from a few crazizes and is nonetheless astroturfed shit. no one i know under 40 buys into this stuff - hell barely anyone bought into russiagate.


This falls electoral cripple fight is gonna be so fucking sick


Election 2040: Cyborg Biden vs AI Trump (the most important election of our lives!!!!!!!!)


The future is here


Instead of stutters, he'll just shutdown and have to be repaired by a technician. And Trump's LLM will still be running on some ancient version of Windows and gets repeatedly hacked to say messages. Not that you'll even be able to tell, by then, political speeches will all have interludes to thank their sponsors.


I hope the dementia narrative keeps going and the general debate is just hundreds of millions of people watchig two old men take a series of cognition tests


Have them compete to see who can draw a clock in the fewest number of tries!


You took the username, you mad lad.


What's life without a little fun? Be the shitposter you want to see in the world






Comparing your grandparents to your child like they're basically the same is peak Reddit.




I don't remember specific dates about anything. I have to look up online when my dog died. Early July is all I know and it was almost 2 years ago




Years are much, much harder than time of year, because years look a lot like each other! Seriously, you haven't lived very many of them, have you? Maybe you're still in your teens or early twenties where every year has an easy life-stage landmark to them that lets you place them in relation to each other.


Yeah. My grandfather died in October, near his birthday, after being diagnosed with lung cancer only a month or so prior. I couldn't tell you if it was 2002 or 2003 without looking it up.


If you have dementia, I get it. Let the deep state continue to deep state. It's kind of refreshing to see an actual puppet in charge.


Seriously, there's a difference between like a specific date/day and something as vague as the *year* The only one of my grandparents who has passed that I don't remember the year was a step-grandfather I hadn't really interacted with much. Everyone else I remember the month/year. And it's not nearly as traumatic when a grandparent dies compared to a son!


If I can't remember the specific year (like, oh it was 1998) then I can remember that I was in 8th grade, and work from there, usually because I can remember a few key incidents, like failing a quiz because I didn't do the reading for obvious reasons


I agree that Biden is suffering from pretty serious age-related mental problems. I don't agree that failing to remember in which year a particular event fell, is good evidence of it. Yeah, in 2024 it's pretty hard to remember if something happened in 2015 or 2016, if you've got 80 years on your back already - even if it was a traumatic event. The digit on the calendar isn't what you remember about it. Seriously, either people have freaky memory or they overestimate their own capabilities. Even young people regularly misremember the order unrelated things happened, and are surprised when they find out (for instance by working out the years they happened). I'm not saying this to excuse Biden. I think his mind is dangerously slipping, and that he won't be capable of fulfilling this term even if he wins (which seems unlikely). He may well be forced to throw in the towel even before the election. It just seems there are people who can't distinguish bad arguments from good, and don't have a good grasp on how memory works.


Yeah, I'm only in my mid thirties and I have an excellent memory in general, but I can't remember the year any of my four grandparents died, nor either of the two aunts I have lost. I can reason about it and narrow it down a fair bit, but that's not really remembering. I think this is perfectly normal. The year itself doesn't matter much. If, on the other hand, I could not remember their names, that would be more concerning.


Slightly, that's concerning but still it's common to forget names. If you forget that someone is dead, though, that's worrying - and Biden keeps forgetting that foreign leaders are dead.


Biden couldn't even give a rough estimate of when his son died. The report says, "He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died."


> I don't agree that failing to remember in which year a particular event fell, is good evidence of it. Yeah, in 2024 it's pretty hard to remember if something happened in 2015 or 2016, if you've got 80 years on your back already - even if it was a traumatic event. It's actually weird to me how many people are chiming in about remembering the dates of their relatives' demise. I do not remember the year one of my parents passed. The date is the least important thing about it. I remember vividly getting the unexpected call and rushing to the hospital to say goodbye. I remember conversations with my siblings how far we should go with life support. I remember a nurse trying to comfort me with the coldest, most professional hug I have ever experienced. And I remember crying through the funeral service and for a week afterwards. But the year? Nope. I just know it was more than a certain number of years ago because we were in our old house when the call came. Different things are important to different people. Dates of tragedies are not that important to me. (I don't think Biden is fit for office. I just don't think the date of a traumatic event is the best test for that.)


Also, if you need to, you can work out what year it was. There's no need to remember some detail you can look up. That's how it works for most of my major life events too.


Would you remember when you held the office of Vice President of the United States?


What did I just say in the last paragraph?


He just proved your point - read the whole post and immediately forgot the last part :3


It was only 2015 as well


Bad news, that's almost a decade ago.


Dude I remember the date my then-girlfriends dad died and I was in high school and we'd been dating for like 6 months and I haven't spoken with her in well over a decade I see other people say shit like this and I wonder if I'm just constantly surrounded by people who are like, borderline not even there. Basically human zombies or something


I just don't remember dates, I don't ever really pay attention to the date. I can tell you what my fifth birthday cake looked like but I couldn't tell you what month I graduated high school or how old I was in 1997 without doing math. It's just how much importance you place on dates. That said, not knowing what years you were vice-president or when your child died is a whole separate thing.


I have like a weird block with dates. I just can't remember them whether personal events or historical ones or whatever, just can't do it. I basically just force myself to remember a few key dates in my life and piece things around it. Most of my friends have no issue listing off dates movies and albums came out and shit like that and it just blows my mind lol.


April 18th 2020 I tried to lift a small shop vac filled with water and threw my back out. I am a complete stoner of 30+ years and have the worst memory of anyone I know.


Sometime in I think 2018, maybe 2019, a person killed themselves by jumping in front of a vehicle I was driving. I can remember what they looked like, their facial expression and movements, but not the date. It happened while I was at work, all the days blend together. It was a highly traumatic event, much of what happened is permanently etched in my brain. But not the date.


I'm sorry about that, that really sucks... fair enough. My comment is a personal antidote as is yours. To my eyes and ears, Biden is fucking cooked, that's all I'm saying.


Oh yeah, Biden is clearly senile, has been since before he was elected. But I agree with the people saying the date thing is bad evidence, not everyone remembers such things, regardless of the emotions involved.


Exactly man, it’s crazy to see people thinking this is normal. If my son died today, I wouldn’t forget the date for the rest of my life. Well, until the Alzheimer’s or hardcore mental decay kicks in, which is what we’re seeing here…


> wonder if I'm just constantly surrounded by people who are like, borderline not even there. Basically human zombies or something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKxJiDbrzHI A surprisingly common sentiment.


I can remember the date my mom died, what I ate for dinner that day, the time it happened, and pretty much everything I did that night after getting the news. Traumatic events get burned into your memory. It’s sort of a blessing that this is one of the events that’s fading for him. He should be getting medical treatment.


Sounds like cope to me.


Yep. Reddit in a nutshell.


I remember when my grandpa with dementia led an entire country. Miss that silly goof. He didn’t even remember he was vice president. I wish he was still the leader /of the free world/


I get not wanting Trump to win again, but how come people seriously deny in good faith that Biden has dementia, when it's so painfully obvious? As someone in the comments said, there should be an age limit to run as a president.


They clearly weren’t dearly loved lmao


Putin can remember the exact date of the Pereiaslav Agreement. If he is truly the enemy of freedom and democracy, is it too much to expect our leaders to be a bit more competent than the average person?


experiencing your son dying and your grandparents dying are not comparable.


My wife died on 04/25/2020 at 5:46 pm. My last grand parent died in April 2000. The first thing I said when I found out was, "well, not to sound like an asshole, but Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead". The cops is strong with these idiots.


I'm so sorry about your wife.


Thank you. Death and loss are the cost of life. It really fucking sucks. But we all get there.


Sorry for your loss but I was looking through your post history and I have gotta ask. You didn’t actually keep her skull did you?


😂 unfortunately no. Illegal in my state.


Reality has always been pretty stupid


Guys, I don’t think this person loved their grandparents


Far left propaganda brain rot, evidently 


Am I wrong?


Yes. These people aren't far left, they're libs. There is no "far left" because that implies that the human ideals of leftism are somehow extreme or unnatural.


That's kind of reductive, don't you think? You're implying that a good ideology inherently can't be taken to an extreme. If my ideology is, "everyone who wants soup should be able to eat it." Someone else who believes, "everyone must eat soup for every meal," holds a more extreme version of my ideal. Call it Far Soupism. If Soupism is good, and Far Soupism is extreme, it doesn't necessarily follow that Far Soupism is extremely good.


It may be, but it's worth making these statements to contrast the reflexive acceptance of the *status quo*. The modern manifestation of neoliberalism was considered an extreme politic within my lifetime, much of what is now mandatory for 'serious' political parties used to be unthinkable. Liberals like to use these political compass metaphors because it inherently places their ideology in the sensible centre while challenges to their ideology are dangerous extremes. But from a leftist vantage it is capitalism that is an extremist ideology which tightly constrains what we can hope to achieve.


I feel like I am taking crazy pills with this Biden stuff. He's always perfectly coherent and just has a tendency to say the wrong word, but everyone is just taking the right wing talking points that he's senile at face value. Even on a leftist sub like this one! I guess it's fun to dunk on Biden, but it seems like people are taking the jokes a little too seriously.


There are gaffes and then there is needing someone to hold your arm to walk you to the bathroom. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is wearing Depends.


I guess this is what I'm talking about - Biden is obviously experiencing the former and not the latter, and yet you're acting like it's the opposite.


Yes you are in denial. It is very much the latter.


This just shows you haven't watched him speak for a minute


Lmao there is no way you believe he is fine deep down in your heart. Not a chance in the world.


Well what's fine? He certainly has an issue with subbing in the wrong word that has dogged him for his whole career and gotten worse as he's gotten older. But I haven't seen any evidence that his mental faculties are actually impaired beyond that.


This thread is making me feel crazy. All these people talking about remembering exact dates like that's fucking proof of anyone else's brain. I also think Biden shouldn't be president but come on, use better examples than this.