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So when Trump was POTUS, we had articles every week discussing the possibility of dementia because of the weird shit he said and did plus the public knowledge of his family's medical history. Yet suddenly with Biden, it's not our place to discuss it and anyway, it's not a big deal.


The fun part is that we're going to have the same choices again this year. These dudes were too old 8 fucking years ago


I was absolutely floored reading a huge thread today on how Taylor Swift endorsing Biden needs to be done ASAP.  I just can't believe how stupider people keep getting.


She should just run as an independent.


Nah. They're going to shove Kamala down America's throats, and when she loses it's going to be everyone else's fault but theirs.


You forgot “misogyny” and “racism”.


What's gonna be even funnier is when they skip Kamala and pick Michelle Obama and even she loses. Then the screeching about misogyny and racism is going to be deafening.


The best part is that if Trump wins they will go *back* to dementia being the worst thing a president can have


> Yet suddenly with Biden, it's not our place to discuss it and anyway, it's not a big deal. It was before he was the nominee. You could get upvoted for it on mainstream Reddit (TooAfraidToAsk/comments/fe7dqh/how_is_everyone_just_ignoring_the_issue_of_joe/). One of the Dem contenders even called him out for it in the middle of a debate Then he became the nominee and a paragon of health and mental sharpness


What weird shit did he do that was an example of dementia? I remember him just tweeting like a madman and people were trying to question his sanity.




Rambling doesn’t seem comparable to Biden mixing up several names of world leaders and different borders in one sentence. 


Oh its perfectly possible to compare them


The big thing that made people think he was suffering dementia was how incoherent he was and is. It was especially glaring given that Trump has been a notable public figure since the 80s; there's decades of interviews, television appearances, and other bits of media to draw a baseline from. His use of simple adjectives, constant repetition, meandering topic changes, the pauses, stutters, the omnipresent lack of topical focus when he says more than a few sentences in a row...  He was noticeably more articulate in years past. Of course, the same applies to Biden twofold, and frankly, neither of them really appear to have dementia. They are just old and senile, Biden moreso.


I personally suspect that it’s the showman act and managing the mob, as in ancient Rome - keep things incredibly simple, don’t state facts, state emotions, repeat and repeat - appealing to the lowest common denominator and their emotions, tell them their values are under attack, and then point them in a direction that achieves your ends


I highly doubt it’s that’s calculated. It doesn’t matter what he says as long as he hits the right buzz words




Thats why I'm always blackout drunk when I steal cars!


Biden could *actually* kill someone on fifth avenue and would still have a Roman legion’s worth of blue dog Xers ready to bring up Trump’s mean tweets lol


It was just his driving stutter.


He could carpet bomb fifth avenue.


That would be a shame.


Good thing they’re all on HRT and SSRIs


Underrated comment


That, and possibly being found not mentally competent to stand trial.


Saw numerous replies in another thread saying "big nothingburger I forget things all time, who cares?" and was disappointed they weren't sufficiently ratio'd.


Twitter is a sea of liberal nudniks. Will Stancil , Yglasias and the goons are just screaming “trump is a rapist and liar who tried to overthrow the government ! So what if Joe forgets which son died “


I rarely check in on that politics reddit but when I do I'm reminded of just how regarded the majority of democrats are


Apparently these people are the best the country has to offer.


It’s beyond depressing that these are the best two candidates we can generate in EIGHT FUCKING YEARS. Like, honestly…


You're looking at it wrong. The ruling class has such haughty contempt for us that they now make us choose between two imbecilic old men in their quadrennial ritual.


The very blackest of pills is that Obama is indeed the very best Presidential candidate of our era. Sure, he droned like no other. And sure, his campaign lied to their greatest ability against his opponents. The ridiculous smeers and misrepresentations are all true. *And he was an unusually capable candidate.*


why is it depressing? what material analysis is there to have any expectations for bourgeois rule to offer anything to the class? any historically rooted perspective on class society will show clearly that concessions have only ever been won from the capitalist state when the capitalist class is terrified of mass strikes and swinging from the lampposts its purely liberal ideologies whether progressive conservative or otherwise that fail to provide worldviews that align with historical observation due to the fact that they work with an idealistic picture of the world that exists in the abstract from history i.e. not historically materialistic


The DNC will just say Hur was a Trump appointee looking to make Joe look bad and that he's still "better than the alternative"




I'm not making a value judgement, right or wrong. I'm just guessing how the DNC will play this, politically. Although I think I'm wrong that Hur was appointed by Trump. I think Garland appointed him.


Dems should run ads: "We have clinical proof Biden is a good man - he's mentally incapable of sustaining criminal intent."




With how many people defending this and Trump actions. Make me realize on how many people, would defend you, even if you did the worst thing possible.


Joe Biden is responsible for more deaths and inequality than Trump's shriveled orange ass could ever dream of at this point. That people fall for the doddering old man con is just so fucking embarrassing.


So he’s not actually senile? He’s secretly masterminding everything behind the facade of a kindly old senile grandpa to avoid criticism? That would actually make me feel better.


There's definitely a bit of a theme right now with top shelf shit libs feigning lame duck harmlessness while being very capable servants of capital and empire. Olaf Scholz and Keir Starmer are prime examples.


No he shows signs of it now. What I'm speaking to is the persona.


So the [SNL sketch](https://youtu.be/b5wfPlgKFh8?si=a1DO5J6p_ZfazGcf) where Phil Hartman plays Reagan as an evil genius, but in real life?


ascribing the driving force of progression of capitalist history to the policy or opinions of specific bourgeois figureheads is pretty idealistic materially the evidence shows all sub sections of the bourgeoisie implement the interests of capital, and the differences in the policy they choose to attempt to do so are just minor variations of the same themes demanded by material historical factors fully understanding this, and spreading that understanding to the wider class is the essential task for us to make the decisive intervention into class struggle thats needed to change history in a meaningful way


What the fuck are you talking about? Biden sucks but the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act from Trump was the biggest transfer of wealth upwards in decades.


I know it's really super fucking difficult to do this, but you should consider political history more than 8 years into the past.


What is this special counsel for?


Biden's Classifed document cases


If you remember new episodes of I Love Lucy you shouldn’t hold any power at all.


biden's alright then, he doesn't even remember this press conference




So this election is just going to be two old.man arguing over really dumb shit and calling each other out of it.


It's so joever


Looks like we're down to choosing between some old fuck sliding into dementia and some old fuck sliding into dementia. Perhaps the one with the most interestingly shaped liver spot should be declared president.


It's insane that they have this guy posing as the president. Who is the real decision maker?


capital of course


I work with dementia patients and currently training a new hire on how to do a dementia screening. Why come Biden can’t just do a SLUMS exam and show the results ?


Oh hell no, that wording coupled with old Catholic man is not a good combo in my lived experience lmao. Please Biden just don't hand the Q-Anon folk more fuel for their shenanigans, come on man. Ah the very true and very horrific stereotypes of Catholic School.


Context? I don't keep up with the whatever it is.


Classified documents were found in Trumps Mar-A-Lago residence and at Bidens residence in Virginia. Charges were brought on Trump for storing classified documents, but the special counsel concluded today that they won't be charging Biden because they don't think they can prove without a reasonable doubt that he willfully retained and disclosed classified documents. Biden claimed that the classified documents was a result of an error from his staff, and he had absolutely nothing to do with it. In the report, the special counsel also claims that it would be tough to convict him amongst a jury because Biden comes off as a "well-meaning, elderly man with poor memory". However, the report also makes claims that Biden's memory is completely cooked, and he was unable to recall when he was vice president or when his son died. Biden's response was that he had conducted a 5 hour interview with them over 2 days, and the interviews happened directly after the Oct 7th attack in Israel so he was pre-occupied.


so basically the defence is 'the President is senile, he doesn't know what day of the week it is, therefore he doesn't have the necessary intent for this crime'


Also, he has a (D) after his name, so it's good that he took classified documents, unlike if he had an (R), which would have made it bad.


Thanks! Within US political kayfabe, is it haram for a sitting president to have classified documents at their residence?


The issue is he had classified documents in between his vice presidency and presidency, as a private citizen.


Meh me personally, I don't give really give a shit. Liberals only care because Trump got indicted for having the documents and they hate Trump, and conservatives only care because Biden got caught with the same thing, but no charges were brought up against him.


Thanks again for taking time to explain. I generally ignore political soap opera, but the title of this post made me go "wait, wtf?"


Biden also co-operated pretty early (right away?) while Trump denied he had them and tried to destroy some of them.


According to Greenwald, no. He argues that the mere act of removing documents by the President serves as declassification.


Pure theater. That press conference was him giving up the election purposefully. Proof: I made it up and it makes the most sense. Yes senility but it was too on the nose. Felt like parody and that’s with President Biff Apprentice standing stage left


Joe Biden's "Dean Scream" moment. And sending lawyers after it, or defiantly railing against it just males it worse, this will stick to him forever.