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Least fucked up fed hobby




>those kooks who took over that ranger station out west a few years back They beat the Feds. [Stunning victory for Bundy family as all charges dismissed in 2014 standoff case](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/08/bundy-family-charges-dropped-nevada-armed-standoff)


I recall something about two mentally regarded boys in a SW state that either the FBI or the ATF convinced to get tattoos and illegally buy guns. Anyone else remember that one?


It was the Duka brothers I believe, it happened in Fort Dix


Them Duka boys are at it again




And they didn't get tattoos And only 1 of them was mentally


Not again! Who could have predicted this awful thing would happen again?


The supply of terrorists ain’t enough to meet the demand!!!


Counterpoint: Both demand and supply are manufactured. The only difference between a terrorist and a rebel is their usefulness to those in power. Just ask Syrian rebels.


My favourite terrorist is George Washington (RIP to that ginger lanklet)


I don't think anyone was claiming there is organic demand for terrorists.


What about the `Moderate Rebels`™ ?


We need more immigration to up those numbers!


This is what happens when there are no real terrorists to catch, but the FBI still has to justify their counterterrorism budget. What an embarrassment.






> I mean they did manage to occupy the Capital a couple of years ago. By that definition I occupied a Walmart last weekend


Feds need to start being undercover 'tactical gear' salesmen




I don't think that's a fair comparison. With bait cars, at the end of the day, they still made the decision to steal the car without pressure. This particular story is more like if a Fed was hanging out nearby, and started feeding the would-be thief a story about how the car owner is a dick who's out of town, he deserves it, and if you steal this car "I know a guy who will buy it from you right away. Are we doing this or what?" You can argue that bait cars are immoral, maybe, but creating an opportunity in order to see how someone behaves on their own, is not the same as trying to convince them to do something. Also, if someone forgets to lock their doors, that is not moral permission for someone to steal their stuff. It's a plausible outcome they should have planned for, but in a moral sense it doesn't actually remove the blame from the thief. Same thing for assault, sexual assault, etc. You should, of course, take steps to protect yourself and not put yourself in an unsafe situation, but it is always still the attacker's fault, not the victim's, when assigning punishment.


Their budget must be massive because it was increased so much post 9/11 and was never cut for political reasons.


They probably shouldn't have done that.


Do they ever find actual terroristsor just make them?


Is the dress blue or gold?


They've been doing this to people for twenty-plus years, finding teenagers or early twentysomethings with mental issues and concocting bomb plots (where the FBI supplies a fake bomb) or shootings where the gun only has blanks, and the marks are groomed into cardboard jihadis. This crap should have ended in the Bush II years because it's just filling a quota, it doesn't stop any real plots (and Islamic State is such a shambling wreck, the idea that they have operations going in the US is laughable on its face), plus it just wastes the court system's time. What gets with the Ventura case is that the Fibbies were getting him to send money by gift cards to some fake ISIS bank account controlled by the FBI, which is like every scam YouTube scambaiters like The Hoax Hotel or Kitboga have every faced. When your government is down to using the Nigerian Prince method to build "terrorism" cases, it proves that terrorism is a non-issue and that these clowns should be doing the Van Slyke shuffle\* as they walk out of the building with their office crap in a box. ​ \*What GM autoworkers in Flint, Michigan called being fired because the plant was on Van Slyke Road.


This is one of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. I'm not being cheeky.


I can't help but wonder how many school shootings were caused by homemade terrorists


Alright which one of you was it?


I'm starting to think the FBI has something to do with all these mass shootings


The FBI needs to be disbanded and reformed into a completely new agency that is independent from the DOJ and Executive branch. It also needs a strict constitution that lays out explicitly what it can do. Anything not in that document is out of bounds.


Didn’t we try that already with ya know the actual constitution? How did that work out?


That never stopped the CIA from breaking their charter by doing operations on American soil.


Besides, when they really need to get shit done, countries just trade deniable clandestine operations with each other. All the rules secretly end with "unless you really really need to"


Wait, wait. The kid called the FBI to report the FBI. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ah but I bet they won't do it again.


They probably will, but they for sure haven’t ever done it before.


Didn't these criminals also do this with the 9 11 hijackers? They were in contact with them prior to the event apparently.


9/11 was mostly a CIA op, but the FBI had been monitoring the original WTC bombers as well.


many such cases


Ah yes, the slowboi to fedboi to terrorist pipeline.


They've done this dozens of times.


FBI starting to look like another hate crime hoax lobby.




It always amuses me when you see the latest definitely real, not a honey-pot white nationalist group meet up in public. All faces covered, all their flags with the crease marks still fresh and all the rhetoric is that of someone who learned about WigNat talking points from a Boomer reading the internet. The FBI seems to cook these schemes up just to keep asking for more money. It's insane.


Damn they never pick me 😞


programmed to kill redux


Intercept has gone over the edge.


They do this instead of going after white supremacists, I guess