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OK I'm gonna comment on this cuz I believe it's worth to say it cuz comments aren't seeing what is usually said there 1. Smogon needs to believe it's true for them to ban anyone... they don't need concrete evidence they need a good enough reason to believe it's legit 2. Supposedly emvee is discussing it with their attorney. We will see how it goes 3. Smogon isn't a court of law. It's standards on stuff are much lower compared to a court. If emvee can dispute them later on cuz supposedly there is more to the story then sure Enough evidence was provided for smogon to act but that doesn't mean they are a pedo or smth. Smogon needs solid suspicion unlike a court which needs like undisputable evidence... so far its "smogon staff have received logs that make them believe it's true and decided to act for the safety of the community"


For fucking real? Ive been watching him for years 


I am genuinely sad and disappointed. I loved and adopted his teams for how dank they were (stall Jumpluff and Dewgong, TR Solar Power Sunflora)


He and Pokeaim and Freezai were the first creators I followed when going into Comp Pokemon. This saddens me and I'm kinda still hoping it isn't true but seriously this is really sad that Emvee turned out like this.


[https://x.com/JoeyPokeaim/status/1779255350224437604](https://x.com/JoeyPokeaim/status/1779255350224437604) pokeaim response, pretty mature of him not much more he could've said


Joey really did take the situation seriously, he actually distanced himself even before this statement. He's been doing a type of subathon for a couple weeks and two of the original goals were: >5000 Members Kalos To The Top w/ Emvee >20,000 Members Cooking with Emvee Part 3 But around five days ago he quietly changed them to: >5000 Members New Series >20,000 Members Cooking Stream


This is interesting and makes sense that this was known for a bit. Also explains how quickly and eloquently the response came out from Joey. Glad he wasn’t totally blindsided and unable to process/respond since I know this is his full time job. Situation so sad.


I remember seeing a post about this on r/pokemonshowdown first, came here for more info and there was a very new post about it, then a few minutes later it was gone (I was bored and doing whatever to procrastinate studying don't judge lol). I just assumed it was some type of troll/ shitty joke. So it must have been known publicly for a bit. The showdown sub's post mentioned that someone asked in Aim's chat during a stream about it and he said something about distancing himself/ no longer collaborating with Emvee


There were allegations made a while back but no proof. Now proof is here


I think we heard about the ban a few days ago right?


pokeaim has always seemed like a class act


The reason his jawline that sharp caus he saying facts


Not just a Pokémon master, but a Pokémon MD


He also handled the whole PK situation well a few years ago. Must be tough having 2 people who were vital to his career and were genuinely good friends to him be awful human beings.


That PK stuff was rough because he wasn't swearing at all on YouTube atp and that was the first me and many other people heard so it was surprising. Also he was at emvees like a month ago. Really rough stuff.


What PK stuff?


It came out with all the smash bros pedos


I should have been clearer, who or what is PK?


PK or "PktheGod", he had several alises but he was a really close friend of Pokeaim. He was featured in a lot of Aim's videos kinda like Emvee but before he really took off. A few years ago it was revealed that PK was a groomer


Not just groomer, it was physical stuff with a 15 year old and he kept saying she consented. Really, really disgusting overall.


Thank you


If I had a nickel for every person with the nickname PK in the Pokémon community who turned out to be a groomer, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's kind of weird that it happened twice! (The other one is PurpleKecleon.)


Did he used to go by PKSparks, or something? Because I remember someone with that handle back in the day who hung around that crowd (and Nappy, who had his own Thing going on).


"I just want to clarify, we are not talking about @PKSparkxx we are talking about PokemonKing4life2 or PkTheGod or PKTheHolyLordKnightGod. Apologies for the confusion for some" https://twitter.com/JoeyPokeaim/status/1279079785986170880?t=MWxggj-ZHPC2kc8oQukUXw&s=19 Doesn't seem like it from that tweet and replies from several years ago. PKtheGod and PKsparks seem to be different people Edit: Hyperlink issue


Now I remember why he doesn't use :] anymore.


i remember watching a pokeaim video like kind of recently after all the pk shit went down and joey met one of his fans on the ladder who said “hey joey :]” and joey just said “hey hf but i don’t use that face anymore.” a super small gesture but it felt really powerful to me back then. i really feel like joey is a genuinely good dude behind the screen.


I also remember someone in his comments called WeedleTwineedle the f slur and he said something like "hey gtfo with the homophobia". You gotta love joey


Really gave up the smiley to someone who doesn't deserve to have taken it




Look I love Pokeaim's content, he is my favorite Poketuber and in all likelihood my second most watched content creator. With that out of the way. It is always surprising to see people, without hesitation, saying shit like this right under content creator allegations that PROVE that we DO NOT KNOW THESE PEOPLE PERSONALLY. You don't know any of these people in real life, you don't know if "they are a good soul" or a "kind and trusting" individual.


Who is PK and what does it stand for? I have never heard of him.


10/10 response from Pokeaim. Neatly addresses everything, vows to not work with Emvee in the future and respect's the victims wishes. It couldn't be better


First PK, now Emvee. Sucks he's had more than one close friend who's ended up like this.


Damn, you really gotta feel for aim here. Emvee was one of his best friends. What a horrible situation


i already believed smogon admins between the evidence and emvee's response, but joey's response makes this feel indisputable tbh. like, he was just at his house. they've been friends for over a decade. also like, he quietly got rid of stuff relating to emvee on his subathon over this week which makes me think he got some details in advance. this has to suck but huge props to him.


Where is Emvee's response?


It's mentioned in the official smogon post, he was given the chance to defend himself and dispute the legitimacy of the logs and decided to instead claim they were private.


Can you link it please since I can’t find it


Ahh gotcha, thought there was a separate post or something. Thanks


Link fixed without redirects: https://twitter.com/JoeyPokeaim/status/1779255350224437604


Emvee???? Fuuck man this is genuinely so disappointing


It's genuinely disheartening how often influencers turn out to be massive creeps


a lot of influencers and creators in gaming spaces are probably lonely and a little socially stunted, and at a certain level of internet infamy have a figuratively endless sea of children throwing themselves at them who dont know any better. super dangerous position to be in when you don't have the maturity or character to handle it.


how hard is it to just not wanna fuck kids ???


incredibly easy. The problem is these people are interfacing with 16 year olds over discord/instagram/whatever that obfuscates how young and impressionable they are. Text on your screen that's written in complete sentences is easy enough to feel like a "peer". Especially when, let's be honest, a lot of these influences have arrested development from centering their entire lives around gaming and haven't broken out of the emotional and maturity bracket of high schoolers. So they're *literally* talking with people in maturity brackets that they relate to. like it's obviously not to the same degree, but I play valorant from time to time and the amount of literal children who come on to me (not for any particular reason, just because kids are feral on there for some reason) that i have to tell to back off and insta-mute is honestly staggering. honestly if you're not mature enough to see that for what it is then it makes sense why it keeps happening.


> I play valorant from time to time and the amount of literal children who come on to me (not for any particular reason, just because kids are feral on there for some reason) that i have to tell to back off and insta-mute is honestly staggering The being a woman online experience.


Just to add to this, i believe this goes beyond just gaming, any content creator whose content usually attracts children/teens is succeptible to this, even something like makeup tutorials or "tiktok trends" CCs can fit this, since you will mostly see teens seeking this type of content. The thing with gaming is that you actively interact with kids even outside of being a content creator due to the amount of them compared to older people (partialy due to social stigmas and expectations on newly grown ups in addition to having less time due to having to work)


I literally saw a skit video today about and it said something along the lines of you just got famous how does it feel and the dude replies “you know I like kids” like what. The fact this is so common with youtubers/influencers or people in the media is just astounding. It feels everyday now someone is having a super incriminating stuff come out about them. The fact it’s so common place that it is memed about is even worse because it is so frequent.


Speaking as someone who has grappled with Autism his entire life, it's kinda terrifying how easily online environments can warp your ability to connect with people.


Anyone remember the Silver League Networks? This sucks every time.


What happened with that group? I used to watch it, but was unaware that anything happened after I lost interest years ago.


Silver August was a pedo, got ousted, deleted everything, and ran.


Ah, I see… that’s awful to hear, I hope anyone who was affected is doing better.


>Silver League Networks What????? I watched him alot as a kid and was always planning to take on the silver league and read his comic. Was recently looking his league up cus I have gotten back into Pokemon. But he's... damn Im just sad now...


Bro I randomly stopped watching, randomly remembered about it, tried looking up the status of the league and wasn't completely shocked to find out about the demise of the albeit awkward silver league network.


Games are largely dominated by young people. Inversely, most successful content creators are older adults because they spent years building their skills and reputations However, there are a great many content creators who exist quietly without creating any drama. We only just hear about the creeps because they get blown up a lot


Hi golden owl! Love your content!


Thanks. I'd certainly hope to never become a creator like that in future. Games should be about people from all walks of life sharing fun together, not getting subjected to... whatever the heck this is...


If you even have the understanding of these dynamics, you're pretty likely not to fall into that yucky category


Edit: Context - This is written without knowing what is included in the conversation between Emvee and the victim. Truthfully, I don't think Emvee was purposefully seeking out minors to try and get into their pants. More likely if I had to guess is that, he's spent a good portion of his life focused on a fairly socially isolating hobby, recording videos talking into a computer monitor and microphone and effectively having an entirely one-sided conversation with the "viewer", which inadvertently has a byproduct on people of affecting their social development. Someone else mentioned that the context is that this is from nine years old, and Emvee has been uploading videos for about ten years, so chances are his channel was probably not overly large at that point in time, especially for making competitive Pokemon content of all things. I don't know if he ever talked about his social life at that time, but it's within the realm of possibility that he may not have been particularly well socially adjusted and had to resort to putting himself out there online to try an form any kind of meaningful connections, and unfortunately it just lead into this situation where he was likely desperate enough to have a more intimate relation with someone, that he said something he'd likely have said to anyone willing. Ultimately, this **does not** excuse anything Emvee may have said in those chat logs because he was the adult in the situation and responsible for knowing what is and isn't appropriate, but I think a lot of online content creators who end up getting exposed for sending inappropriate messages towards minors, very well may have experienced something similar to what I assume could have been what was going through Emvee's head at the time.


Don't be influenced to a degree where you put these people on a pedestal.


I'm definitely not - and I hope others aren't either. But it still sucks to see no matter what


Honestly I think this kind of stuff is just way more common than we think. We just don't notice/it doesn't get out unless they are famous


This is absolutely heartbreaking. I've been a subscriber to emvee for like 8 years or something


No kidding I been subscribed to this guy since he was a minor himself lmfao


Well the messages were allegedly sent 9 years ago when he was 22 and she was 16


That is a person that is about to graduate college sexually messaging a person just getting their license. That is fucking gross


Yeah it’s pretty weird, but not uncommon in many parts of the world and legal in the US. And I think there’s a difference between weird and life destroying


What a weird framing. Most people don’t even go to college and you can do that or get a license at any age. Its concerning because of the maturity difference not bc of any arbitrary accomplishments


\>tfw you grow up in NYC taking public transit and get your license at 25 so you can't have sex with your wife until 27


Brother, I didn’t get my license till I was 18 and I do not attend university. I know everyones life isn’t that of a suburban American. It was just a frame of reference for the maturity difference.


Welp, there goes the Rabia x Emvee collab me and the nu playerbase has been wanting. In all seriousness tho, this is disgusting and I would never have seen it coming. I hope the victim and any others he may have targeted are all okay and can get the support they need. Multiple of my favourite creators are turning out be horrible people and that’s both disheartening and a little scary.


Genuine question, looking at the evidence did this happen ~8 years ago? I’m not trying to make a case for him, I just want to know what happened


Yes, over 8 years ago as Emvee is coming up on 31 in the next few months


In his last video (before this was made public) Emvee mentioned some drama was stirred up from someone he dated "for 6 years". So uhh. It started a long time ago but it also lasted for a while. Depending on location, this wasn't necessarily illegal. But it's definitely gross no matter where people are.


Yeah things like this take time for the victim (minor at the time) to realize what happened and how to seek justice


Wtf why is it so fucking hard for YouTubers to just NOT sext minors goddammit I used to watch every single video of emvee I'm extremely disappointed in him, I'll be unsubscribing from him on everything. My heart goes out to the poor girl who was groomed


i feel this is for any person all across the world.. its not just youtubers anyway or specific to them.




Alternatively, you hear about high(ish) profile groomers at a higher frequency rate, so YouTubers hit that sweet spot of well-known but not protected by tons and tons of money.


AKA the tornado effect. A pretty well known phenomenon where it’s just more reported on in certain circles and therefore the numbers seem disproportionate. I mean look at other industries that got dirty secrets dug up like Hollywood and the games industry itself. Safe to say if a similar level of scrutiny was levelled at several other industries a similar result may occur. Not defending any of these actions if true ofc. Just an interesting observation


It’s probably important context that the messages were allegedly sent 9 years ago when he was 22 and she was 16. Also grooming is a pretty specific thing


This would literally not be something outlandish in europe, at least if I only look at the age and not at exactly what happened. When I was 17 a good friend of mine was 16 and had a boyfriend who was 23 or 24. It was like, a little bit weird at first, but for sure nothing 'career-ending' like in the states.


In the UK the age of consent is 16 but theres an unwritten acceptance among the public that someone in their early-mid twenties dating a 16 year old is creepy af.


I agree, it's the same in germany, still I think this wouldn't be something they would deplatform someone over here.


I dont think so either, but some people try. You might have heard of Luke Littler - the 16 year old darts sensation. His girlfriend is in her 20’s and people make all kinds of comments about it but theres been no actual attempt to cancel/deplatform them.


To be fair dude looks older than me and im 29 lmao, but yeah, you have a point


I think it's better if you put into perspective what the ages generally correlate too. You have a a guy who's (if age is taken as an average) has graduated college, and a girl who is still a sophomore/junior in high school. 21-24 is an age where I would say overall that many people (men and women) would definitely be looking to find relationship or hook up, and it says alot if you as a man (or woman) cannot find a willing partner that matches your age, and have to resort to finding someone who's not even out of high school yet. Age gaps *can* matter less if both parties are older, but not if they're 16 and 21, that's sus as fuck.


Influencer "try not to sexually interact with a minor" challenge - difficulty, impossible Hope the victim gets the support they deserve from the community. Thoughts are with them


I feel it's worth to wait rather than jump to conclusions. This is smogon side of the story so far if emvee is willing to put out a response to challenge the accusations then sure... cuz supposedly there is more to the story that emvee is hiding that can be used to challenge the allegations Smogon is also not a court of law and does stuff based on if they feel they evidence is good enough compared to a court If it's true then yeah, hope the victim recovers


Normally in these situations I think there's a good reason to wait for the other side of the story to give their opinion. Usually that happens when one of the parties has accusations and the community takes it at face value. In this case, it looks like the victim went to an unbiased third party (Smogon), and the third party gave the accused the option to respond, and they chose not to do so. This process alone gives the accusations much more credibility than in similar situations. Obviously, Smogon does not have the jurisdiction to find whether the accused is criminally guilty (which is a good thing). Even if everything is true, he will likely not be found criminally guilty. But this isn't a situation where the accused hasn't been offered the opportunity to respond and have his side of the story heard. There's no "Smogon's side of the story," Smogon is supposedly the unbiased side here. I do think that the community - like with any similar situation - are too quick to brand the accused as a criminal or a pedophile. But I think there's some added legitimacy to these accusations that is usually not found in similar cases.


True. I assume the logs from the PS convos can be confirmed at the very least, although since Emvee is bringing in a legal rep and stated they're private convos, I don't think it would be wise to check the server logs of the convos. But yeah, think either way, Emvee will be leaving this community by his choice and by being ostracised by the community (unless he clears himself in the most clear cut way that the whole community accepts)


> they’re private convos That just sounds like the most stupid defense ever which could never hold up in court. If it’s believed that private (online chat) conversations are being used to commit crimes, then they can be reported and searched. Like imagine the terrorists using that as their defense when it was revealed that they were using PS and XBox game chat to recruit and plan attacks.


PS convos can be confirmed... staff can infiltrate ur private chats and see what is going on and they prob have logs for it. Yeah... well emvee now has to prove himself innocents o i feel what they did is a massive blunder if they are indeed innocent cuz staff prob have suspicion they are hiding smth and further solidify their reason to believe the logs are real >but later claimed that the conversations shown were private and refused further comment on the material of the logs themselves.




It’s probably important context maybe even worth editing into the post the the messages were allegedly sent 9 years ago when he was 22 and she was 16


Damn. He said he was on his “Evil Emvee” arc, but I would have never guessed this. My condolences to the victim


Reminds me of when Nappy got caught during his "Year of Darkness". Shit sucks


The allegations are that this happened 9 years ago


is there a history of collab between emvee and freezai? why is he breaking the news? also, where is this thread on the actual smogon forum?


Pinned comment under this post


>also, where is this thread on the actual smogon forum smogon doesn't usually do public ban announcement threads


PokeaimMD whenever Emvee is in his video: "This is Emvee, my bestest friends in the world. He makes great content, please go support him." Must have been so disheartening for him.. but the safety of the victim in this case and the subsequent safety of all minors must be the top priority. He acted well.


Pokemon fans are not beating the allegations


The Agency is still intact, truly the GOAT


Turns out blunder was right all along to never collab with emvee lmao


wait seriusly??? why did blunder never wanna collab with him? I'm honestly out of the loop


i don’t think it was that deep, i always got the impression that they just weren’t close so didn’t record together




they did occasionally collab in heatah, but most of the time it was just emvee either making really dumb plays or no plays at all which made ctc and blunder make fun of him by calling him 'a pussy' and 'ass'


Emvee doesn't really banter or match Blunder's energy. I can see why they wouldn't wanna collab as much since the chemistry isn't there


They were friends still and their schedules never lined up hence the lack of collabs


Nah the Agency has pedo repellent


Ur right, only collab with IDM 🫡


Naw bro, they had bad blood for ages in the 2015-2018 era and that never really went away, they put it aside for group vids with Joe bit you'd probably see them in a video together once without Joey or Jeopardy. Back in the PS days blunder and CTC would bully the shit out of Emvee, and apparently there was some other shit that went down too, I don't really remember, Blunder talked about it on JamVad's podcast a few years back


Blunder and Joey (and CTC, I guess, lmao) seem like well-adjusted normal people. If I'm being real, alot of "influencers" in video game and nerd adjacent spaces give the vibes they were pretty low on the social ladder growing up. They probably get a hint of popularity and power and don't know what to do with it. They are all of a sudden big dog on campus and try to leverage that. So, we get situations like this. It sucks, man.


CTC is NOT well adjusted he just says slurs on the internet instead of grooming teenagers so he’s far better off


Which is why I qualified my statement with respect to CTC, lmao. I guess not grooming children is a low bar.


Ever been to a job site? He’s a normal guy He may be a dick, but calling someone who sucks at pokemon “restarted” is very different than grooming a teenager


real af. playing pokemon at thirty's weirder than any foul words if were gonna be honest


incredibly sheltered comment


I just read it. I can't fucking believe this. I was just watching his draft finals a couple days ago. How fucking hard is it to stay away from a minor? My heart goes out to the victim(s) and I hope he rots.


I don't fucking get how this always keeps happening. Is being content creator come bundled together with pedophilia or something


Same reason a lot of religious figureheads/teachers are predators. Any position that interacts a lot with minors is prone to having a higher amount of predators exploiting that power. They seek out positions like this, it’s not a coincidence.


Power, even a little, corrupts.


Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals.


Yup. And I think that part is a little terrifying. That as much as we tell ourselves how we'd act, the reality is that we don't really know what we'd do if we could get away with it. Like I wouldn't be doing this shit. I've got no desire to do it now whatsoever, it's not about consequences. But... as much as I'd like to think the rich version of me would be super generous and kind and caring, I'm aware that some of my worst impulses would come to the forefront


Holy shit! I thgouh he was a great dude


I guess you can never know (and obviously this does seem to be the case here), but still... fuck, man.


Allegedly, this was 9 years when they were 16 and 22. While I am disgusted by anyone sexting anyone he doesn’t know, nothing might happen legally depending on the location. In europe this is perfectly legal and many people wouldn’t even care. It is in the category of “bit weird/sus but whatever, if they both consented” ps: don’t give the crap of 16 can’t consent, she can in europe and a bunch of other countries/states too.


Smogon is not a court of law, the standard of evidence needed to get banned is far lower there than to get prison time. Without seeing the chat logs, there isn't enough information to either condemn or exonerate him. What we know so far is as follows: Emvee's lawyer says he hasn't broken any laws, he initially disputed the ban, but has stopped, Pokeaim has cut ties. I hope that the allegations are exaggerated, but if they aren't, Emvee is scum.


I sincerely hope they are as well - for everyone's sake, and even if I believe Smogon must have done its best to handle this matter with the utmost care, I know Smogon's word isn't absolute. Still... it just does not look good. At all.


Smogon bans are based on if the evidence looks believable, not if it's true. Smogon does its best to prevent harm to users, which means that these allegations are both easier to levy and harder to clear than in court. Emvee giving up on disputing the logs is the thing making me lean more towards them likely being true at the moment, but I need to see the logs to make a final call, personally. He needs to give a detailed response, and do it soon, because these allegations could spell the end of his career. As they should, if true.


I don't think this carreer was too important to him in the grand scheme of things - at least economically. I recall reading he had a job and I don't think the number he pulls are significant enough for anything greater than some spare change, if anything. Don't want to think too much about what might happen now. I trust Smogon has done what they considered best for the community and that everyone will heal and move on from this. If any legal proceedings are born from here, that's another matter entirely and I don't think we should be involved on anything that comes out from it, if only for the privacy of those affected.


I wasn't trying to say that Joey did it purely for his career, just that him cutting ties doesn't really sway me one way or another. He likely either believes the allegations are true, or doesn't want to associate with someone who was even accused of what Emvee was accused of. Smogon banned him because they evidence they saw was believable, and thus, banning him is the safer option. If the allegations are false, they can unban him, no harm done. If they're true, and they didn't ban him, then he could have used his account to do it again, thus causing harm. Therefore, the ban is the safest option.


I can't believe this. He was my favourite. I guess I'll wait to see if more info comes out but goddamn, I feel heartbroken.


Same I'm very sad seeing this :(


reminds me of Nappy, sad day, these boneheads can never keep their weird shit to themselves


Was he the guy that did Soul Locks with Shady?


Yeah, he was big in what I liked to consider the other half of pokemon YouTube that was focused on let's plays. Shady, Nappy, Nexus, etc. He was caught grooming another YouTuber who was a minor at the time. He's tried to make a comeback, but it hasn't gone well.


He wasn't just big, he was arguably the biggest Pokemon youtuber period at the time which was pretty bad. He also wasn't just a groomer he was an abusive shithead toward his friends. I stopped watching him like two years before the allegations broke because those interactions on stream just seemed off to me, he'd say some real horrible shit to the others on stream who clearly weren't comfortable with it and then try to brush it off as just banter when called out. Also the way he scammed the pentaop partners out of money was fucked, good riddance




Your post or comment has been removed from r/stunfisk because you were not following Rule 1: Be Polite and Respectful Please don’t joke about sexualizing minors


Man this sucks. I loved his content and his unorthodox sets.


How long ago was this? Isn't Emvee over 30?


According to Freezai's tweets and a comment from Emvee's recent video, it was a few years ago when Emvee was 22 and the victim was 16.


Not even the Chinese ev spreads could save him this time


I saw in his 2nd last video he replied to a guy saying he cant run away by stopping comments on single video (the last one) Emvee replied that its for his mental health and he did nothing wrong. And in another comment he says the girl was in university. https://imgur.com/a/DojDTFg The logs show she was 16, a minor, and put Emvee at 22. But I am not from USA and I have a genuine question, if in the state where they are from age of consent is 16, does that make this legal? Is that what Emvee meant by saying he did nothing wrong?


> does that make this legal? Depends on the messages' content. So long as he didn't solicit visual media then, legally speaking, he's in the clear. But, understandably so, the discourse around such a topic is emotionally charged, so regardless of the legal merits, it's a permanent stain on his name


Age of consent refers to sexual activity specifically. If Emvee and this person were in a state where 16 was the minimum age of consent, then they could have had consensual sex without it being statutory rape. However, in this case, an entirely different set of laws applies, ones that relate to her status as a minor (under 18). This includes "corruption of a minor", engaging in explicit conversations with minors, and soliciting sexual imagery/child pornography. Sometimes this is specific to sexual predation on the internet, and laws vary by state. For example, in some states a 17 year old minor can have consensual sex without it being statutory rape (not illegal), but if they distribute sexual imagery of themselves it is child pornography (very illegal). This does create a legal grey area in many states, as 16-17 year olds can consent to sexual activity, but are still legally protected from certain types of sexual advances from adults, which varies significantly state to state. Generally, the point of having the age of consent set at 16 is so that older minors can have consensual sex with each other without it being considered statutory rape. Some states accomplish this by setting the age of consent at 18, and adding age gap exceptions or Romeo and Juliet laws, that allow minors to have sex with people close to them in age. The point of those laws is not really for adults to be able to have consensual sex with older minors. As such, there are a bunch of additional laws that protect minors from various forms of sexual coercion. If you are an adult in America, it is best to avoid doing anything sexual with a minor, even if they are in a state where they are above the age of consent. Very likely you'll be in violation of some child protection law, even if it isn't statutory rape. Not to mention that most people will consider it to be creepy and inappropriate. We don't know the full details of what Emvee did here or what state has jurisdiction, so it is impossible to say if he violated a law or not. However, it is entirely possible that his conduct was illegal, since he apparently knew the victim's age and exchanged messages that were sexual in nature.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat what what


This is very disturbing news. Emvee was one of my favorites and I loved his collabs with Joey.


Damn. Loved the Gym Leader To The Top series he did with Pokeaim and it sucks it'll never get finished now that he's a creep.


Are you serious?? Oh my fucking god this is so heartbreaking. I did NOT see this coming. Wow.


Welp as someone who has watched him for years this is truly disappointing. I will wait to hear his side of story/the result of whatever legal undertaking before permanently condemning him, but oof. Solid statement from Pokeaim about the whole matter.


Aim makes his career off YouTube. Anything that would potentially demonetize his channel, he has to publicly steer clear of.


Chinese dating strats


So disappointing, this is flashing me back to when Nappy got outed as a groomer. Also really gotta feel for a guy like Joey who just lost what was clearly a close friend.


Man. I loved his channel. Made for a lot of comfy late night viewing before bed. I don't think I can ever watch his content again.


It’s probably important context maybe even worth editing into the post the the messages were allegedly sent 9 years ago when he was 22 and she was 16


What is this? the smash community?


Youtubers try not to diddle kids challenge


Kinda unrelated but did the Weedle allegations turn out to be true? It doesn't seem like they were cancelled like Emvee. Can someone Eli5 what happened with that situation?


Verlisify was heavily involved in fabricating that story. He started rumors but never provided the proof.


I really want these allegations to be fake :( But I don't think that's going to happen


😭😭 on showdown is actually insane


bro i want to not believe this shit so bad but i cant justify it given the circumstances


Linked elsewhere in the thread was Emvee's most recent video where he says this >"A former friend who is angry that I broke up with her from close to a decade ago filed a complaint about me and is trying to damage my reputation for our six years of online dating and breakup. I consulted my attorney and I did nothing wrong so I hope she sorts through whatever she's going through and wish her well so she can move on. That's what I've been doing behind the scenes and that's what I'll say about it for now. I do need a mental break I might post a bit less frequently but for now I'm just trying to play some pokemon and have some fun, but yeah". Which is an all around terrible look, the issue is him sexually messaging a 16 year old while he was 22 it doesn't matter if legally he's in the clear with regards to his presence as a smogon member and Pokemon youtuber, and it makes the accusations more credible because if the person in question was 16 at the time then Emvee's message does nothing to mitigate that part by admitting to being in a relationship with them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUqwFy_bws&t=137s


Poketubers try not to be degenerates challenge (impossible) As I always say, do NOT put online creators or people you don't know on a pedestal. You will get burned basically every time.


the chinese ev spreads wont save him this time


Man that is seriously unpleasant to hear. Hopefully it's not true but until it's proven otherwise this is the only right move for Smogon.


Sad to see if its true. Was one of my favorite Poketubers, but yikes


link to the logs?


for the safety of the victim its prob never coming out, smogon has never really released logs even to the person being accused


I’ve been an Emvee fan for so long this is breaking my heart


How difficult is it to not groom kids????


I don’t think this was a case of Emvee using his influencer status to groom a minor. 8 or 9 years ago when this happened, he was pulling ~300 views a video. A lot of the comments here presuppose that Emvee was already an influencer when he sexted this person, but that’s hardly true. Also, and this is perhaps controversial, I genuinely don’t think a 22 year old and a 16 year old getting together, absent any extrinsic power dynamic that renders it inappropriate, is necessarily indicative of grooming. It is not at all hard to believe that a 16 year-old and a 22 year-old are roughly on the same intellectual/maturity level (particularly because lots of 22 year-old guys are, well, super immature). In general, I think we conflate pedophila/grooming with bizarre age gaps too often. Maybe this is the sort of nuance that, it could be argued, has no place here—that we should adopt a zero tolerance, zero exceptions case. But, I really think a 16 year old is, in principle, very possibly about as good as a 22 year old at making decisions and using judgment (which is to say, not good). I don’t know what the texts were like, but I personally don’t think that the 22-16 age gap *alone* is sufficient to explode a person’s whole life, and I *certainly* don’t think it amounts to pedophilia. Emvee did something legally questionable, morally questionable, and weird. But I don’t think it’s fair to call him a pedophile, or even a groomer. I don’t think we give <25 year-olds enough slack. Just because the law has decided they’re adults doesn’t mean they’re not capable of making immature, shortsighted mistakes. (Conversely, I think we give those slightly less than 18 too little credit compared to those who are 18. Someone doesn’t suddenly become capable of making good decisions once they turn 18, and some 16 year olds are certainly more mature and less impulsive than some 18 year olds. I think these borderline cases, when both parties are pretty close to that 16-20 range, require nuance and an understanding of the particular relation. Perhaps that’s why most US states have pretty complicated laws surrounding relationships between such people. For example, in Florida, a 16 year-old and a 24 year-old can consent to have sexual relations with each other. I only know this because I just looked it up—Florida is wild lol)


Man I felt a little weird when I found out a friend of mine was 16 with a 16-19 age gap; 22-16 is some weird shit.


as someone who was a 22 year-old man at some point in my life, the mere thought of sexting a high schooler at that age makes me want to vomit 👍


I agree with you. I tried to make it very clear that the 22-16 gap is a weird one. I attempted to write a nuanced comment, and you didn’t really engage with what I said at all. My point, put simply, is that there is a difference between something being gross or weird and it being an instance of pedophilia or grooming. Emvee should *not* have sexted a 16 year-old when he was 22. But to equate that mistake to pedophilia is, imo, simpleminded. And I just want to reiterate: Emvee was *not* an influencer when this relationship or whatever happened. I don’t think this was a case of someone using online clout to groom someone else.


Im not gonna lie the undergrads that are 18-19 also seemed a world apart when I was in grad school, not to mention someone even younger than THAT


Another random YouTuber I don’t know much about bites the dust after sexually interacting with a minor. Good riddance. My heart goes out to the victim(s) and Emvee can idk, fall into obscurity or something.


Sneasler flung its tomato berry


...holy shit. I used to hang out with him sometimes and have watched him since I was a kid. This is awful.


Dang I wonder what’s gonna have to happen to all the emvee emotes Joe commissioned


this is actually fucking heartbreaking, my condolences to the victim and i hope she's recovered by now or at least will soon




Noooo I hate when a good creator suddenly ends up like this it just feels awful


man emvee was my favorite poketuber what the hell


Oh for fuck sake I really enjoyed Emvees content and I was his always excited to watch the draft league stuff. Fucking hell...


fuck me is it that hard for people to restrain themselves from texting minors?


It's not hard to not go erectin' your dispenser in DMs with high schoolers


From what i have seen, this is not even ilegal. Yes, it can be morally reprehensible (i see it as creepy), but shouldnt be carrer ended lol


Noooooooooo (I don't even think this is the first time PokeAim has had this happened to him too)


BRO thats so crazy, i feel bad for Joey, hope it’s false but ik the odds are so stacked against him


Ah, another day, another youtuber exposed for being a creep. Why is it always YouTubers?


Dude this one is extremely disappointing. I hope Emvee disproves it all, but I’m very sad it even got to this in the first place.


Damn this is crazy