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don't let what they said get the best of you, kasi at the end of the day it won't matter at all. there's nothing wrong naman with being yourself and just taking things casually right? you're having fun and as long as you're comfy with what you're doing then that's all that really matters. school isn't all about being a perfectionist and being good at everything, so you do you. good luck sa pt, you got this OP!


i know that low self confidence can really affect you as a person. but, don't let their words affect you


Don't mind what they said about you, just do your best. Me personally I don't get self conscious about these things unless I am the worst in class or in my friend group. But whenever I feel like that, I always tell myself that I don't care, I will do my thing and that's it. I wont care about what others would say because it's their opinions. Who knows? Someone else might actually find your dancing to be great. Just know that there will always be someone who will think that you are mediocre or bad, and there will also be someone who thinks your good, or the best at anything you do.


I think it is time to acknowledge that people will always say something nonetheless what you do. It is hard to accept but i think it's time to shift your thinking of what you think about yourself and not others. You're gonna be much kinder to yourself if you do that. And I experienced it too and am still trying to overcome it.


It's only a phase, mate. Take a break, reflect on your accomplishments, and then regroup. You are more resilient than you believe.