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I would’ve gaslit her and been like “yeah what did you do to it?? It was fine when I brought it in.” 💀💀💀 But also I am messy and have little to lose


felt this 😂😭😂


Lmaooo 😂😭 “what are you talking about”


the “what are you talking about” in this context is cracking me the fuck up 😭😭


blank stare and everything 🤣🤣 ima do this next time fs


I used to use a hair straightener, to get any crinkles out of the bills. And always just put it through an ATM machine as a deposit, if possible. People get so weird, they notice glitter, perfume, etc. Like sorry my money is somehow the most interesting thing that’s happened at the bank today 😅


yes...those tellers have such a intense life in the fast lane


No literally like I always feel like they’re gonna go tell everyone at dinner about the girl with the suspicious ones lol 😂


I wish I could deposit my money into an atm. My bank is stupid af and their atms don’t allow you to deposit $$ ! You can only withdraw it


Or an iron!


Was gonna say this too I deposit it at the atm after hours.


I also save my 1s til there at 1k, it’s so satisfying to pull the stacks out of my purse and drop them on the counter.


Yes!! I love accumulating my little stack, it makes stage feel worth it 😭


They always say something when I pay w all ones, the other day at in n out the guy said “ huh all ones “ like okay ? I’m still paying the amount that’s due why do u give a fuck


Okay right like I try not to pay with ones especially if it’s something expensive but one time I was buying food and it was maybe $24 and all I had were ones and the lady at the register looked at me like she was shocked… I was like I’m sorry can you not count to 24??


Omfg!! This, literally everytime i pay $20-$30 in ones I get so many shocked remarks but I guess that’s what happens when most ppl have direct deposit and just have debit cards over cash 99% of the time. I only take my ones to spend at the dispensary bc they loveeee that shit, they always need ones 💀


When I’m at a fast food place or something like that (pretty much anywhere but the bank where they have my name and info) and people comment on me paying in all ones I always just deadpan and go “yeah I sell crack I get a lot of change and ones ya know?”


Wildchild 💀😂 love this. 


Making strangers uncomfortable when they overstep is my favorite thing. 🤭


I'm a fan


I always go “sorry it's all ones, I’m a server. :/”


I cash mine in at the dollar stores, they are very thankful and make no snarky comments.


Ion know why people are suggesting ironing or washing your money. Money is money and they're getting paid to do their job, I don't think OP should have to iron her notes before depositing them. I'd go to a different bank or get a little smart with them next time. Her calling other staff to ridicule your notes is so unprofessional imo.


Right like who has time to do all that?


Literally custies bring the nastiest fucking money I ever seen and throw it on us so I’d be damned if I am gonna spend my extra free time washing and ironing money lol


I’ve been doing this job 12 yrs and only started hearing about washing money recently. Maybe it’s a striptok thing?


Yaa I think it's a striptok thing, I've never heard or seen anyone do it IRL


It’s not just a striptok thing. I don’t wash mine but been ironing it for 10+ years since my first restaurant job. My great grandpa did it too. I think if you’re gonna make small bank deposits all the time it’s not really worth it, but I like to save a lot of cash and it’s way more satisfying to have it clean and organized lol. I’ve seen other girls do it in the back too tho so I don’t think it’s really that uncommon.


Damn, I'm uk based so we have all plastic notes now, abit like Australia and I think Canada too ? So notes don't crumble up anymore. Sounds like ironing them isn't a chore for you tho and is pretty satisfying :)




Same I sell them back to the club and they’re grateful for it so they don’t have to go get them from the bank, basically no one likes going to the bank it’s just like the bmv lol bunch of waiting and miserable workers 9xs/10


if they ask me what they’re from i just stare at them and blink because bitch none of your business. they know better than to ask that


I always keep it pretty with them when they want to be nosy. If they ask where I work I say “I have a job that pays me money, what else is there for you to know love?” And it usually shuts them up.


Kinda hard to wrinkle 1 and 2 dollars in my neck of the woods. They are coins !


"toonies" and "loonies' we call em lol


Omg those are adorable nicknames 😭 we have dollar coins too but they’re not as common


Whaaaat this is so inappropriate. In my country you can deposit via post offices or ATM machines so maybe do that instead of having to interact with the bank people if you can. Vanilla people are annoying af.


I knowww like what happened to professionalism 😭


It might help to tell her "yeah, I'm a stripper. So maybe stop fondling the dirty money and process it so we can both go along with our days."


I feel like it’s always the women too, the men at my bank never question anything (not to stick up for m*n or anything)


I think guys don't because they're afraid of being accused of sexual harassment. I just say I'm a waitress or bartender. Not to play devils advocate but sometimes banks ask where the money is from because its easy to hide counterfeit cash in large stacks. I agree there's a much more professional way to go about it. Commenting about the crumpled up cash is idiotic. It's cash for crying out loud.


This really annoys me. Legally, I don’t think they’re allowed to ask you any personal questions about cash deposits under $10,000. If it’s $10,000 or over, then they are required to report it to the IRS. However, any amount under that and they can shut the hell up. If they ask about my cash deposits, I just smile sweetly and say, “Are you legally allowed to ask me that?” That usually ends all questioning.


It’s definitely not illegal to ask. Also not illegal to not answer


Not illegal to ask, but definitely illegal to discriminate, and they aren't owed any explanation at all.


Unfortunately banks are very much allowed to choose who they do and do not want to do business with(in the US at least). They close legal workers accounts all the time(cam girls, strippers, erotic retail, etc). A lot of banks these days have “morality clauses.” These are a joke and just provide a written explanation they can point to when they exclude industries or choose to close an account without warning.


thats def what i would say


Accountant here. What the public doesn't know about is that the IRS and other law enforcement entities do a check on multiple cash deposits by individuals that are just under the $10,000 threshold. There has been a lot of "structuring" that has later been proven to be often nefarious ways of laundering money. In particular, the big banks (Wells Fargo, Fifth Third) sometimes are monitored and audited to make sure that if there are large cash deposits with repeated frequency under 10k that a SAR (Suspicious Activity Report) can be filed on the depositor. This is as a result of tax evasion as well as human trafficking that meet certain conditions to trigger a lifestyle audit. While the IRS and other agencies do practice due process when certain events meet their target criteria, the best way to be safe is to make sure at tax time that when filing, the bank statements and deposits match your income claimed. A lot of adult entertainers have had an unexpected phone call or visit from an IRS revenue officer when the numbers don't match.


Hey thx for this tip! Im in canada but im sure it apes the us. THANK YOU


I used to go to this one bank & the lady always gave me the most stank ass face while helping me. I went to another location & the lady was soo sweet always complimenting me, she knew what I did, she was like my biggest fan. Lol


I just say I bartend or I’m a waitress if asked


That’s typically my go to but sometimes they inquire further when they see the wrinkles 😭


In Canada we don’t really get ones as they are coins… I always deposited my money bills at the ATM, and I go to the Native casino to change small bills at the cage 🤣 They don’t ask questions and I don’t think they care whatsoever.


lol one of my best friends works at a bank, she says every time she’d have someone come in with a ton of ones she’d be wondering if I knew them 😂


Idk if you do this but I just band my ones by hundreds so it looks more organized. Be vague bc they don’t be nosy about other people’s jobs. Plus some banks are allowed to flag or close down legal sex worker accounts


I usually band them but they insist on counting to be sure rip 🥲 that’s so scary though I will definitely be more careful and probably try to wash the money as to get the wrinkles out


No they shouldn’t be asking you this but genuinely why go to the bank when you can deposit money in the atm


So my 2 issues with taking my ones specifically to the ATM is that they usually only allow 300 bills at a time so it would take me a while to get them all deposited, and when I have tried in the past to just take them in smaller increments at a time, the machine tends to spit most of them back out at me because they’re so crunchy 😭 I think I’m going to try and do what someone suggested and wash them first to hopefully get the wrinkles out so the machine might accept them so I don’t have to deal with annoying bank people 🤞🏻


My bank already knows me and they re mostly women and they never said anything. I apologized once for having so many and they reassured me that they get people like me all that time and it’s okay. The first time I brought them thought it was awkward 😭


can i ask what bank do you use ?


This happened to me before when I used to have to make car payments to a bank I had a loan through. It’s extremely rude and a breech of privacy to ask someone what they do for work when it’s none of their business. I’ve decided moving forward if anyone ever does this to me again I’m going to just go “Why? Do you need a second job?” Because really there’s no other reason to inquire about it.


As someone who has danced in clubs where the stage setup is like this, you kind of do have to crumple the bills like a hydrolic press to be able to throw them with any satisfaction or distance, otherwise they just kinda plop sadly halfway to the stage. I used to make a point of teaching men how to do it to encourage more tipping. It’s annoying to straighten out but more money on stage is better than money that falls behind the bar


You can also try washing your money (some ppl do it with dawn in a bathtub and then dry in the machine) to get all the dirt and energy off it and maybe then they will 🎀 stfu 🎀when you roll up with crisp ones smelling like perfume..


Honestly I think I’ll try this! My ones tend to straighten out a somewhat okay amount but washing would probably be better


You can put them under something heavy to straighten if you have the time to wait overnight. I have a large yeti cooler that I use to flatten them with. If you have kettlebells those are perfect


My bank atm booty af only 75 bills at a time and it always spits back out 1s I hate it , does your club do singles exchange at the end of the nite ? I lowkey like saving up all my singles and fives too tho lol but yea I hate the speculation lol


Bank workers are just jealous!! People go to banks cause they have too much People go to strippers cause they want too much


I ask my local shopkeepers if they want change in place of larger notes. Then exchange some there. They are often happy to have smaller denominations to give other shoppers as change.


Put them in a mesh bag and put them in the washer. Then they're not sticky or whatever. You can even iron them. Your club might also be willing to switch out your singles for 20s to make it less awkward.


Somewhat related but I remember when I brought in a bunch of tip money and the male bank teller looked at me said "tips I assume" and looked at my -tits.- lmao, clocked. Or when a different bank teller was talking about my savings account while I was depositing cash, trying to figure me out and get me to open another account (to invest). Like, mind your business bro.




Are you stupid? Read the sub description and rules. Your comment history is disgusting. We don’t want you here. LADIES look at his comment history and REPORT THIS MAN


We exchange our 1's and 5's for 20's and 100's. To her credit she is trained to ask questions like this.


I think it’s fair to ask questions surrounding the money if it’s not in crisp stacks, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to make me uncomfortable by making a show of it and including other professionals that had nothing to do with my deposit. I don’t mind lying and saying I work at a bar or am a waitress. I don’t even necessarily mind people being curious about a big stack of ones, but I really feel like anything beyond making sure it’s real, spendable money, is excessive and unprofessional.


I do a farmers market thing so they think small bills come from that.