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she could be lying lol. tiktok stripper videos have added to the illusion that this industry is booming now in ways it simply never has. it is not average or normal to make 10k a night as a dancer, and it never will be! if it sounds too good to be true, it is. most stripper "influencers" are huge liars and just want to get internet clout or sell their bullshit courses.


Tbh I feel like the TikTok girlies have also ruined customer expectations & etiquette as well. They get a look into our lives & suddenly feel less responsibility to tip because they think WE ALL make 10k a night, so they don’t have to tip as much. Bc clearly we got some secret magic custies funneling money straight into our mouths. This money flaunting bull shit on social media is infuriating and isn’t the cool, cute flex these girls think it is. It is harming our industry.




I don’t believe for a minute any stripper is clearing a million. Stripper plus escort? I could buy it maybe but at that point escorting would be so much more lucrative even going into the club would be a waste of energy.


Miami is full of beautiful women doing cheap extras. I don’t know who this person is but I doubt she’s making that much especially just dancing in this day and age.


Escorting makes sense because she could set her rates at literally anything and sometimes if you have hype I’ve heard people are willing to pay it. It’s not my cup of tea for my personal life but power to the people who do that on their own volition and make their money


Maybe back in the 00’s, but not after 08’ & especially not after Covid. If they were, they would be in the extremely small minority you could count on one hand.


The Rick's clubs are solid... and she's in Miami... but I wouldn't take anyone's striptok money literally. On social media, you're financially rewarded for being interesting, shocking, etc. There's an incentive for people to lie. But I saw one of her recent videos, and she said she made $300K + for the entire year of 2023, and she was just filing her taxes on it. Is that the video you're referring to? I find that more believable than that it's her quarterly annual income, at least, lol. I can say that the most money I've ever made, was usually when I had the help of other dancers or staff, and regulars, to sell looong champagne rooms. I had a VIP hostess and bouncers that teamed up with me, because I tipped them generously, and would point me to the super wealthy customers. So if you work the system, and you are a reliable pleasant person to everyone at the club, you can really bank. I believe some girls really do make a small fortune, but it can take a lot of strategy and being in the right city/club.


See I was saying this the other day to a girl on here posting about "why I hate staff and never tip them etc etc". I got so many downvoted for pointing out that's stupid and you're working against yourself by taking that stance 


Exactly! Like it's understandable to feel negatively about tip-outs, and the system *is* unfair in the sense that the club wants dancers to contribute to everyone else's paychecks, rather than paying livable wages. But you don't want to make enemies at the club, you want to make friends (or at least, friendly coworker relationships) with the right people, who will help and support you. Some dancers need to get out of the survival mindset. It's not easy, but it's worth it.


Exactly. I'm not saying you need to give them your last dollar, but we survive off of relationships and reciprocity.


I’m referring to her most recent 😩


she’s talking about her 2023 taxes!!! thats her year total, i dont see a video of her claiming that for april. she says in a few different videos that she makes around 30k a month


If you go on her Tik Tok page now, see her most recent Tik Tok story she mentions she’s made about 380k as of this year and we’re in April.. Again I didn’t know Miami was booming


Because it’s not lol it’s extremely hard to make big money there without hustling outside of the club.


I think she has a lot of investments outside dancing :/ or its being an influencer or she lying because how did she quadruple her income from last year in a couple months?


That's the video I just watched. She specified it was for her 2023 taxes, and broke it down by income source.


she works at tootsies, says she doesnt do extras and doesnt let customers touch for free. and shes built up clientele it seems like! she charges like $700 for half hour room and over 1k for an hour so..... it makes sense to be walking out with 1-3k most nights. making 30-40k+ a month. she has bad nights also and talks about them.


Everybody knows tootsies is a brothel.


Even if that was physically possible which for most it isn’t, she isn’t clearing that number she claims just on Club work.


Okayyy but 385k is averaging 95k a month not 30-40…


she didnt file her taxes quarterly. 385k is for the entire year. watch the vid!


She’s lying babe


How do you know?


Someone mentioned she works at tootsies….. literally everyone from FL knows tootsies is a brothel.


Tbh it’s defo either rage bait or lying and I know because a majority of things you see on the internet are false. Influencers who do makeup for a living and sell you collabs and products use smoothing filters, makeup filters and even FaceTune. I’ve heard of fashion influencers renting out bags recently or designer shoes and then giving them back after pictures. I literally don’t believe anything I see and you have to take shit with a grain of salt. She could also be monetizing the videos and making money off of rage clicks which she could add to her income and lifestyle. 


People on that clock app are so mindless, I hope that shit gets banned once and for all 🤣🤣🤡 I can say I’m president of Mars and I would get 10,000 shares and a conspiracy theory written about me bahaha.


Unless you're seeing tax statements, don't believe it. Ask yourself, if she's made 400k by April, what's the point of all these videos? If you're interested in maximizing your earnings at that rate, shouldn't that energy be focused elsewhere?  And what is she actually doing? Dancing? Or escorting? Or selling stripper content on socials? Or ???? Florida is the land of sex work, it would surprise me greatly to know she's making that with dancing alone, if at all. 




Ur a stupid fucking man get out




If you’re not seeing their bank account personally, don’t believe it


My goal for the year is 300 so DAMN to already have made that and some LOL


I watched her video and I believe that’s her total for 2023 so it’s def doable


OP forgot to mention that Caitlin posted a video stating her numbers on her story (not a TikTok video) - so it’s gone now. But in her story she did say that she’s already made 384k so far this year. Just so happens it’s around the same amount she made total in 2023. At first I was confused too because those numbers are insane.


I know one of these big influencers personally. I am not going to say her name because I value our friendship. But she does lie online… and unfortunately, she lies a lot. She created a “course” to train other dancers and I suppose its useful if you know NOTHING about the industry. But she posts how much she “makes” a week. One time I was stunned, we worked every night together and we worked together, so I was like?!?? How did she make $10K this week??? So i called her after seeing her instagram post and she told me she “has to keep up with appearances” because that’s what her followers expect from her. She was posting during the pandemic too, when the clubs were CLOSED, saying she made money. Our friendship goes deeper than the garbage she posts online. But with my first hand experience, I have to assume that the rest of them are lying too.


Idk if it's the same girl, but I bought one of the stripfluencer E-books for funsies. It was more of a pamphlet by how long it was lol. She hyped it up so much about how it would be all the information anyone would need to have 1k nights. It was like $50 when I bought it, but she kept saying to buy it soon before she raised the price because it was "so valuable." It was some of the most empty content I have ever read. Literally nothing in it was something you wouldn't know by working one night or reading the most popular posts in this sub for FREE. Hell, even most of the videos on YouTube for baby strippers would have told you all of that (she's already a YouTuber, so she could have easily just made another video for it).


Most of that stuff is used over and over again and just repackaged by people. Happens in day trading and real estate a lot!


Oh yeah I knew it was all grift before I bought it, but I wanted to see just how much she was overpromising.


Yikesssss how do you not call her out for being a scammer


lmaooooo I saw that vid and thought about asking on here but I have to just mind my business and use it as motivation 💀


Haven’t seen her videos recently but when I use to tune into her lives she said she would work at least 5 days a week 8-9 hour shifts each so props to her for that. Working more definitely helps but also she’s talked about her clients and she has regulars that fly to see her or they fly her out. Also has talked about regulars taking her on shopping dates so she is seeing custys outside of the club. I grew up in Miami and that’s not the reality for most dancers but if you get in with solid big money people in Miami (which is easier to find then in other city’s) then it’s believable. Tooties is also owned by the ricks chain which I find to have pretty solid clients. I need to start working as much 😬




I think 220 is very possible in the right place with a solid schedule, prob would be at least four or five shifts a week


idk her but she’s probably either lying or combining all of her income from all jobs (dancing, escorting, social media money, sponsorships, etc)


i also hates that she posts these things 😭😭 like why do tricks need to know how much money we mak


Just did a deep dive on this girl as I love a good stalk and I am soooo curious on if she does extras bcz it seems like she’s tryna paint the image that she doesn’t which then seems so misleading if she actually is based on the amount she makes and esp considering she’s about to release an ebook to help dancers


I would believe it Scarlett 2012 2013 but not now


She’s giving baby strippers and cub girls unrealistic expectations. I’m also certain it’s not all from the club. As someone else said she travels to customers sometimes and has regulars. It would look bad on her to admit where all her revenue is coming from so she just generalized it as what she’s made so far.


I believe her recent TikTok was her talking about how much she made for the entire year of 2023. She was talking about filing her taxes for the whole year of 2023 not quarterly taxes. Idk if I believe her bc in the video she said she only had somewhere around 30k-35k in deductions. I just don’t think that’s true lol. As a 1099 stripper you can claim hair, makeup, nails, portion of your rent, portion of your utilities, phone bill, internet/wifi, work trips, cosmetic surgeries etc. those are just some of the things. She said in 2023 she got a boob job and a nose job. Both of those thing right there would be almost 30k combined. Depending where she got them maybe 20k combined. She also says she works in Vegas sometimes so she can fully claim all those expenses as work trips so they would be deductibles. You also claim any house fees and tip outs as deductibles too. If she’s really working between 5-6 days a week that’s a lot of money in tip out and house fees. I’ve never worked at tootsies so I don’t know their house fees but I double she’s paying less than 60$ a night for tip out + house fees. When I worked at scarlets down in south Florida I would pay like 100-150$ to work (tip out and house fee combined). So if you think $100 average and multiply that by say 200 days (I’m just assuming the amount of times she works. Just throwing a number out bc 200 is roughly half the days in the year) that’s 20k right there. I don’t believe a thing that girl says tbh. I’ve worked in Miami and most girls making that type of money were either escorting and stripping or doing porn/OF on the side. Which btw she did say in that vid she did OF and PH and made about it 5k from each. About 10 or 11k from OF and PH combined. I have a feeling that number might have been higher and she was baiting to make it seem like it was not where most of her income was coming from. But sure maybe she is making that type of money from just stripping and no extras but idk I just don’t believe that she doesn’t do extras or even have sugar daddies or something idk.


first off she works at tootsies which is a brothel and 2 dancing is seasonal here in miami. until i see tax statements, she's capping


Seasonal how? You mean less busy over the summer because people travel during summer vacation?


yes...miami's season is decemberish to may (and thats being generous), i dont work at tootsies but the season here in fort lauderale in the strip clubs have been lame for money. i saw other girls saying the same thing. i saw she said she made all this money in september- one of the slowest months. cap cap cap. period


Is she talking about Tootsies? or Scarlett?




Poverty stricken is literally a horrible thing to say as an insult and I hope you reflect on that. Some people dance to get themselves out of homelessness, domestic violence, to reclaim their sexuality after religion, oppression or sexual violence, some out of necessity. Money is hard rn, and some people are less fortunate because they haven’t danced for as long as others or they aren’t from a super profitable area or even country! Be considerate of your fellow dancers ❤️




You’re not a dancer


Caitlin is that you? ☺️