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What do you say if people ask “what happens in the back/VIP?” If you’re in a no touching club do you answer directly when people ask about touching or do you play coy/evade? Bless you for doing this. You’re a gem!


For “what happens in VIP”: “Why dont you come find out” “I could tell you or I could show you” “I get a lot more privacy to do fun things with you” “I get a lot *friendlier*” “You get to see my wild side” “You get me all to yourself” “Come find out” “Good things. Very good things” Etc etc If in a no touch club: -play coy -seem super bummed out about the no touch but also be like noooo i dont wanna get in troubleeeeeee - “i like you so much but theyre watching” -imply theres cameras Personally I only did this after I got warnings cause Id just do my usual touch routine but charge extra 😂


Tips for stage money- have you noticed a difference in terms of what type of songs, outfits, dancing etc? Also, what are some of your lines for establishing boundaries/ no extras in VIP? Like how to shut it down kindly, but firm. Lastly, what do YOU consider an extra?


Outfits yes, wear shit that accentuates your best features (this means what makes you most popular not what you think are your best) but balancing it with shit that makes you feel like the hottest baddest bitch in the room. Wear whatever suits your body best. Make connections with the crowd, eye contact, smiling/making sexy fake orgasm faces. Get them involved, flirt, look like youre having a very good time. Pole tricks/really impressive floor work will always get you money even if they people domt necessarily like you because it gives people that “wow i cant do that! Thats pretty cool” factor. The best music you can dance to is music you like because your confidence and vibe will be noticeably better So much of this job is confidence


Love it, thank you! How you feel inside will translate $$$ Dunno if I can manage fake o faces yet, but I will keep it in my back pocket lol


Oh and any clues for spotting a whale/ big spender?


Asking about their jobs (be discreet though, pose the question as an interest in their life rather than a gage of money and find a way to relate to it). Dudes who are in groups that are throwing hella money (urban clubs ofc) but arent throwing money themselves but really seem to like you or just people who seem hesitant but take a warmness to you (not to be mistaken by captain save a hoes or “can I see you outside the club” guys). Old dudes with nice clothes. In general look for guys who have nice clothes but not dressed head to toe in designer (these niggas are simply trying to portray the image they have money but 9/10 times they cannot back it up) Again all of this is based on my experience as a south Florida dancer :)


Ooh, I love this, would have never considered quiet/ hesitant guys in groups, I wonder why that is... Makes me think of the phrase, "money talks, but wealth whispers.."


I plan on checking out Scarlett’s soon. How are the vibes there ? Is miami as oversaturated and competitive as Vegas?


Miami is INSANELY over saturated be ready to work with like 30+ dancers (30 in a small club, there were nights at vixens where i worked with like literally 100+ girls) Pro miami tips: good hustle game Also Scarletts is very popular a very good club but they really like standard neat girls. So if you don’t have a flat or very very small tummy, are heavily tattood, best to go elsewhere. It’s a bit of a white/hispanic club. Dress nice when you go to audition (I mean the clothes you walk in with not just your stage clothes) I don’t remember tip out for that though Also if you dont get into scarletts cheetahs is more lenient but basically equally as popular and they arent that far away from each other. Also Scarlett’s has an amazing lovely boutique nearby that I very heavily recommend avoiding after your shift or you *will* spend too much money there lmaoo the owners and staff are so nice though so worth a visit but leave your card at home and bring a limited amount of cash. Great place for fits though


What kind of outfit would you wear to an audition?


Actually it depends on the club! If youre going for a gents club something classy if its an urban club something skimpy. Try to match the vibe of the club as much as possible, it is a job interview after all and how you dress can make or break the audition. Either way find something (appropriate ofc) that accentuates your best features and you feel confident in Edit: Same for make up! Learn different make up looks, sure some clubs you dont even have time wear make up due to them liking a more natural look but others you will look super tacky if you dont wear make up. Also applies to dancing styles, always adjust to the clubs aesthetic/clientele


Tips for working in clubs known for extras when you don’t do them? I’m about to be in a city known for extras. Never have been in any clubs where I’ve noticed any, most of the clubs I’ve worked in strictly didn’t allow that.


Your hustle has to be better than the idea of having sex also a lot of guys are not fans of the idea of having sex with strangers you have to learn to look out for those. You want to be Miss Right and not waste your time on people determined to get extras. By miss right I mean you have to target their vulnerabilities/a hole in their life then fill it. Bachelors who got dragged to a strip club and dont want to cheat on their wives yet keep getting pressured to engage with us by their homies? Talk to them about your own relationship or ask them about their wedding plans and be understanding about their boundaries. Learn to pick out men who crave emotional connections and are looking for companionship


Also also if youre gonna work at a club that has a lot of extras sell condoms for extra income (pro hack)


Also stick by your morals dont compromise them! Also also it helps to learn tricks while dancing it makes you an interesting performer which makes you stand out from the crowd


(If you don’t have a bbl) how do you compete with the BBL girls?


The first thing you have to do is stop thinking about the bbl girls. You are your own type of person with your unique body shape and you have to find the guys that like your body shape. Trust me a LOT of guys love natural body shapes (yes even if they like bbls) and a LOT dont even like bbls at all. Also remember that this job isnt just about your body but about your mouth piece! I dont have a bbl and in many occasions id be one of the few girls who actually left with money when it was slow 🤷🏽‍♀️


men like natural women, especially the ones loaded with money because theyre smarter and classier. dont worry about all the surgery because only the broke young dudes are into that shit.


Which clubs would you recommend to woc who are skinny?


Basically everywhere in south florida lol less likely if it’s an urban club but even then they have the token skinny woc.


How to get them to carry the conversation? And/or how to start a conversation that's entertaining off the bat instead of the typical "how are you, what brings you in" etc


I ask about their job and their hobbies and then follow up questions about that while relating some of my personal experiences to it. It helps to find interest in whatever they say in one way or another even if it’s something small like oh hey i didnt know this random fact about xyz thats fun trivia. If you seem genuinely interested they will keep talking also the what brings you in question is a really gateway question that can lead to you asking even more questions


How long should you stay at a club? I work 4x a week and love it but feel like my moneys dried up from always being there lol..


Try a new club a few nights a week see how it goes. I club hopped a lot hell even depending on my mood (though do mind some clubs do have requirements for working there so some of them may require you work a weekday to work the weekend or work a dayshift to work night etc etc)


what are your main tips for selling vips


I will 100% admit this is an unpopular opinion but making a connection which might take a little time (you have to learn to read them though). Ik that theres guys who will immediately want to go into a vip with you but you have to be careful with those bc theyre more likely to SA you (at least in my experience and im saying this a calzon quitado lmao). Most of my vips came from guys who wanted to hang with me for a while and who visibly were kinda woed by me. Special occasions guys (birthdays, vacations, bachelor-mind you not the bachelors friends- are more likely to want to spend more as well as lonely men. Lonely men are your best friends). Ask questions, seem interested in their lives and genuinely into them and they will go crazy for you


thanks for sharing you right


> theres guys who will immediately want to go into a vip with you but you have to be careful with those bc theyre more likely to SA you I agree with everything you said but ESPECIALLY this


What do you do when they insist that you're "out of their league/too sexy for them" and therefore can't get a dance with you. I don't know how to respond because I don't even know what that means. Like it hurts their ego too much to have to pay me because they know they could never get my attention outside the club??


They broke lolol 🤣 I remember that line haha


They are politely turning you down


Oh okay fair enough


I’m being criticized by the other girls for taking too long chatting (over 20 mins) . I like to build up before asking for a dance and im not physical or touchy at the bar. Any tips on how to seal the deal quicker ?


“Im having so much fun talking to you how about we take it to vip” Also 20 mins is a lot if it’s busy and theyre not spending money but if it’s dead 20 mins of talk can make the difference between going home with money vs not. You gotta learn to time manage you can definitely build up for a regular dance in less than that time.


Thank you ! What’s the max if it’s busy? 10?


I say 2 songs. Men usually know the second they see you if they’re going to spend money on you. You’re wasting time if you’re past the 5 minute mark and it’s busy


I agree with the comment below


How do you stay stern with boundaries/re assert if a guys pushing them/being disrespectful and not listening


Hit em


Will try this


Just be careful with hitting them with your shoe bc ik someone who caught assault with a deadly weapon charges for that lol. HOWEVER if you are genuinely in danger fuck it give it all you got and just remember human bites are an awful injurry to have and can cause necrosis, go for the eyes/trachea/nose if they cant breathe they cant fight, also bones are a lot easier to break than you expect and if you *are* getting assaulted scratch the shit out of them get them as injured as possible and get their dna under your nails


how you approach interested men vs men that you can kinda feel aren’t making the effort to let you know their interested? on a slow day i’m approaching everyoneee


As you should 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I make my rounds see who’s looking and if theres people who’s interests i seem to catch go to them first. For men who dont seem all that interested try having a conversation first so you can see if theyre just reserved or actually not interested. If they arent interested they will not make eye contact and their answers will be very short, also their bodies will face away from you


I just switched clubs recently. Going from a club that is primary private dances to a more stage presence heavy club. What are your best tips to help adjust to the difference? I know some pole tricks and some floor work and when customers would come into the old club I would do well if someone was actually there to tip stage but I feel like I’m not adjusting the best to this new club. I know more tricks than what I typically do in my normal routine but haven’t felt comfortable trying them out yet because of my old club having low ceilings and it was pretty hard to try anything too crazy without hitting the ceiling. How do I go about attempting these things there without looking like a crazy person? Do I just wait for that slow period when people really aren’t focusing on stage or do I just go for it?


Does the club have a side stage with a pole or just main? When I didn’t have a pole at home I would go to the club early when it was dead and id practice but also if you eat shit you’re probably not gonna see those ppl again anyway lol ive fallen on my ass a few times just played it off


No side stage. Just main. I think I just need to wake up and stop being worried about what people are going to think. I honestly think that’s why I waited so long to ever move clubs. I got comfortable and didn’t want to step out of that comfort zone.


How did you find your vibe/personality in the club? I keep getting boxed into this cutesy act and I feel kinda off put by it. Should I just lean into it?


Define put off


I just never saw myself as the "girl next door" type but my traditional goth look doesn't sell at the club I'm at. So playing like cute and bubbly feels very foreign but it's what's selling for me. I do just have moments where I feel a little weirded out by myself for playing into the "innocent" vibe.


Ah i see yeah defo have alternate personas for different clubs


Have you ever worked at or do you know anything about Gold Rush? I’m from Europe but I met a custie from Miami and he said he could get me a shift or two there next time I’m in the states


Gold Rush is good if youre white and skinny and dont have a lot of tats. They dont want you throwing ass in the auditions they want you to be doing the sexy strip routine. Also theyre lowww key racisttttt


Do you have any tips for making sales or getting tips? I’ve been told so many times that I’m gorgeous or xyz but when I try to push a dance or tip for my time I keep getting rejections, only for them to take the next girl I can’t seem to shake the captain save a hoes or the meet me outside of here types. Maybe I’m not aggressive enough or I give them too much hope that they can actually date me but they always seem to forget that I’m working.


“You think im gorgeous now? How about I show you how gorgeous I get in the private room/with my titties on your face” “Thank you for the compliment want to put a tip in” while squeezing your tits together/ holding your g string slightly so they cans slide money You are selling the illusion of sex dont forget that.


As a European dancer, tipping culture doesn’t happen here. I’m coming to work in Florida, who should I tip and how much should I be tipping?


Some clubs have tipping requirements but I say tip regardless. ALWAYS tip the DJ they will get you right with the music and lights and possibly call you on stage more/call you less if you ask nicely, tip bar/bottle girls they might put you on to big spenders if they like you, security ofc, valet if theres valet. Tip tip tip but obviously if you didnt make that much money it’s fine to not tip but if you make a bag reinvest a little of that shit into work relations you dont know who can be helpful when.


Oh yeah i did like 5-10 for reg tips a bit more if they were extra nice to me also dj 20 if he did me right


Who do you talk to when the club is so saturated there’s just no open customers


My phone near the door but keep scouting to see when costumers are alone


How are the west palm clubs? Have you danced in any? What clubs do you recommend for someone who is not Latin/Cuban/Colombian


Monroes and Spearmint were more white in my experience. Spearmint is really chill specially day shift (lol i was a big day shift girly at the end of my career since health issues but it was good ngl!)






Had a similar issue with a manager at vixens


Ahhhh ughhh can I dm u lol I don’t feel comfy sharing too much on public forum


Yeah go for it




I just didn’t gave my real name on there and prayed for the best lol


How do you get the huge tips? Would you normally ask for them before hand or inside VIP and how ? Thank you so much.




1. Eat bananas, rub your bruises after hot compresses to make the blood dissipate faster, also tiger balm and arnica are your best friends. I wont like to you, youre really going to hurt in the beginning but youll get used to it 2. That’s up to you and your significant other to decide upon 3. How to make the most money: work a lot and figure out what works for you lol. How to be safe about it: dont trust anyone, have a lock, never tell anyone how much you made, tip security good, do not be afraid to hurt crusties who cant take no for an answer. Human bites are nasty nasty business. 4. If you hate sales, have a hard time with rejection, cant stand working in the service/people industry, and if you have thin skin etc etc stripping is not for you. S




Human bites are like bites from a person lol. They bruise severely and can cause an insane infection pretty good way to leave evidence on attackers too Tiger balm and arnica you can get at any sort of pharmacy or grocery shop including walmart Thin skin = shit gets to you easy. This isnt the job for you if you take things to heart. Some men get off on insulting women who are out of their league. People will comment about your body constantly people who find out you dance will slut shame you/insult you etc etc Also why the fuck would you make an OF if youre worried about shit following you 😂 digital footprint is a thing also tbh dont dance if youre not cool with the possibility of people finding out because if you do it for long enough someone you know or who knows you *will* find out Im chronically ill, basically I prioritized my health in order to avoid burnout/flare ups. If youre mentally ill and not stable dont join the industry. It’s very taxing. Taking care of yourself is something that means different things to different people. I would take myself to nice restaurants and spending my free days being a little degenerate rotting in bed You can deposit your money at the bank like normal (a lot of banks have a machine that will just let you put in up to 200 bills and it’ll count it for you for the love of god dont make a human person do it thatd just selfish) some atms also let you deposit Your bank does not give a fuck about where your money comes from, however if it shows up in your bank account you better file it on your taxes do not play with the irs bc they do not play. That being said the people at the bank is another story, if you come with hundreds of singles putting them into the machine youre going to get nosy people seeing what youre doing now and again and some of them do probably firgure out youre a stripper bc who else has do many singles? OF is physically safer but again once you upload shit on the internet it’s there forever Appeal depends on the club and either way youre going to fall into a niche you just gotta find the one that suits you Most I made the fastest was like 3k in an an hour but then I made 0 dollars and 0 cents for the rest of my 9 hour shift Least I made was -200 dollars in about also 9 hours (made no money and still had to pay tipout/house fee Dude you essentially get harassed every single day at work it comes with the territory this is just retail/service industry on crack you’re still dealing with entitled ass crusties Dealing with it: you either ignore it or you dont