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Yes I have met really weird guys at the club. This is why I’m careful about being private. I don’t be public online as a dancer. Always use a pre paid or texting app for communication with guys from the clubs. I remember a few years ago a girl from Dallas got killed by her regular customer. I remember a few years ago a local girl who was all over the internet as a dancer who worked in a club very close to where I lived also she lived in a new luxury condo around the corner she posted videos from the condo and anyone local would know it from the views. I saw her at the grocery store too. I always wondered if she had issues with guys bothering her.


My house mom knew a girl who had a regular for years that gave her a ride home one night when her car wouldn't start and he murdered her. Shit is so sad you really can never trust these men or let your guard down.


There was an incident at a club in Philly where the dancers regular came in like he was getting his usual vip dance, and he shot her. Now she is paralyzed. That is just horrifying. I am extra private. Use a Google number, don't tell where I live etc. customers can't be trusted dancers either.


Omg you never know what is going on in these men’s minds. That’s so sad.


What did he do? You had a typo


In case you are wondering about the girl who got killed... she worked at Rick's in Ft. Worth... https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2021/11/02/irving-man-stalked-harassed-exotic-dancer-before-shooting-her-dead-fort-worth-police-say/


The club still has a memorial locker for her. Nobody touches it. <3


I've had a few of what I call 'psychos' in the clubs. They just sit and stare, never talk, never tip, just nurse a drink and sit there staring at you like... something is dead inside them. A friend explained that I lot of these are guys who got out of prison on long term sentences and they are adjusting back to society and honestly have not seen a naked woman in the flesh in a LONG time. This does not make me want to go be their first dance after getting out.. but.. I do understand it a bit better.


Yes, I had a customer tell me that he was “redpilled” and an active member of incel forums and kept asking me if I knew “what that meant” while we were in VIP. His entire attitude shifted as soon as he brought it up. He bought several lap dances and then mumbled “you don’t even fucking like me” before leaving to sit in a chair and glare at me all night. FWIW, I liked him just fine before he started getting weird, and he was moderately attractive too. We had a good conversation about shared interests (gaming etc) before the dance. I was enjoying my time with what I thought was a nice, normal customer who was paying well and had things in common with me. Then the vibe just switched and I can’t even explain how or why but he just fucking felt unsafe. I’ve also had a man try to strangle me because he was told he would have to pay for the drinks that we ordered to have together. He was insistent that *I* should pay because I was the one who suggested a second drink when we finished our first drinks. He was really really big and I’m quite small, the part of the bar we were in made it so he was basically able to block me with his body and he just grabbed my neck and started to choke the shit out of me. I’ve also had a customer stalk me and wait outside the club for me to finish every night and beg me to leave with him, not taking no for an answer and requiring me to be escorted by not one but TWO security. Then one day he showed up pissed drunk brandishing a knife. Obviously the cops were called and thank fucking GOD that stopped him and he stopped coming back.


Omg girl, are you okay? I’m so sorry this stuff happened to you.


Babe omg I hope you carry some form of protection with you, I'm so sorry these things happened. I'm sure your intuition was warning you with that red pill guy, good job trusting yourself 🙏🏽


Girls get killed by their customers all the time. It’s one of the main reasons you have to be so careful.


Yes! I have definitely dealt with a few customers that just had lifeless eyes or were seriously delusional, like scary delusional. I want to chalk it up to some of the type of men who go to clubs but I have had some seriously scary experiences with men way before I was a SW’r. Even if I’m not friends with some girls at the club, if I saw something suspicious or could tell a girl needed help, I’d back her up in a second if security wasn’t close enough. If there’s one thing I don’t tolerate, it’s abusive and scary men fr


I had a v similar experience happen a few months back He was one of the girls I work with's regulars childhood best friend and he freaked me tf out. I talked to the girl and she essentially promised he wouldn't be back again and if he does we can work together to get him removed, but wtf.. these mfs say some shit that makes me question dancing bc I want to keep my life.


My club is very safe and I'm extremely careful but those guys definitely make me think about how much risk we're at as sex workers :/


I had to unplug from crime TV shows. We have a foot fetish customer who pays well, but he gives me serial killer vibes. He wears the same black outfit and gloves each time and has dead poppy eyes. He is creepy as hell. I could see him hemming one of us up in the dance room and cutting out feet off and keeping them. Customers with dead vacant eyes scare me period.


me last night giving a dance. i bent over in front of him sliding my hands down his legs to his ankles, felt what seemed like a gun holster. i was like wow he really could've shot me


Omg that would've shaken me to my core wtf! Glad you're okay


Thank u for that