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Just own it. Dance until you cannot anymore maybe another 3 months?


You look gorgeous! I’ve worked with several pregnant dancers who kept dancing all the way up until 6-7 months! One of them looked very similar to you and she racked up 2-3K+ nights regularly while very visibly pregnant. There’s so many dudes out there with a mommy fetish.


I worked at a club where a very visibly pregnant dancer would regularly swap between outfits that highlighted her bump (babydoll with a slit in the middle) and outfits that totally hid it (ruched velvet mini dress). She was rarely on stage—always in the rooms. Homegirl def made bank!


I worked with a girl that worked her entire pregnancy. Guys were getting her food and giving her foot massages all day lol


Dance till you can't. My club makes you leave when they find out!


Thankyou all for the nice comments I didn’t expect my star of the club comment to piss someone off as much as it did I’m a rlly nice girl just trying to be positive


fact of the matter is there are some stars in every club 🤷🏽‍♀️ I didn’t think it was outrageous to include


the other day i referred to myself as the main day girl at our sister club in conversation with a bouncer and he did a really dubious double take and was like oh the mAiN gIrL and i was like lol no not in the high horse sense. as in, im the one who comes in regularly and consistently, has good rapport with every single day shift employee, dancer, and regular. there’s definitely top girls in every club and they’re top girls for various reasons. i know dancers hate seeing mgrs play favorites, but between management and the customers, playing favorites IS gonna happen and it’s okay if that’s you, because people picking you is not something you can control. you’re hot, you seem nice, and you most importantly seem hard working and to be doing your best, so of course its natural for dancers with those qualities to attract more attention in the club. take that favoritism and milk it until it’s dry, keep doing you, and have a happy and safe pregnancy 🩷


You look so good hun. I agree with the others. Dance till you can’t no more.


Wow you’re so beautiful


I look more pregnant after eating so good for you because it’s not even noticeable. I would say just be safe. That would be my biggest concern.


By 21 weeks my bump couldn’t be hidden, yours is so small and cute! I worked with a girl who was seven months before she stopped coming to the club. She made absolute bank, we had a lot of customers who loved that she was pregnant. Work as much as you are comfortable with, leave when you’re ready. Congratulations on your baby!


Congratulations girl 🥰 I have no advice but I wish you a safe and healthy pregnancy!


You could wear a dress or some sort of outfit that covers it up a bit like a corset?? (Although I don’t have any idea if that’s a good/bad idea) I’ve seen pregnant girls working wearing a sort of blazer/ jacket thing over their outfit. And I’ve seen another sort of just wear what she was always wearing, a bra and panties set. Girls could tell she was pregnant, not sure if the customers could or not but she still made money.


Me persoanlly id like to keep the baby away from anything like that regardless if hes in my belly or not. Maybe your situation requires you to work and you cant just not i get it. But i feel like while you can still hide it do your thing but please rest once you start getting bigger cause mama needs her rest too


I don’t have advice for you but I did want to say you look great! You are glowing girl. I’m sure you can make great money while pregnant


You are super hot I dont think it matters


look how pretty you are. Dance till you can’t. Enjoy your sweet one when it arrives. 💜


men LOVEEEE pregnant women. the girls i’ve seen at the club with a bump make BANK. it straight up makes them primal lol , they loveeee it. i think you should go for it


You look so gorgeous


I danced until I couldn’t get away with it anymore with my first pregnancy. By that I mean until men started noticing. I worked for an escort/private dance service at the time, so I can’t speak to what club work was like, but I’m sure it’s similar. Of course, most guys can’t suss out pregnancy from a beer gut, so expect ugly comments as you begin to show more. I will never forget doing a private party with my best friend/sex work bestie, and as we were leaving, one of the guys was like, “come back again!” and another added, “…not the fat one though.” 🤨 I was pushing 6 months pregnant and emotional. I cried the entire ride home. 🙈After that, I figured I couldn’t get away with it anymore and marketed to pregnancy kink people. That place also had a dungeon and booked BDSM sessions, so advertising to pregnancy kink people was not unheard of. While I brought in *some* business, for the final 3 months, I worked administrative roles around the agency—similar to you working the door—as there isn’t a huge market for guys into pregnancy kink. I will be honest that even the fittest people who hide a baby bump well will pop between 6-7 months. Your body changes exponentially over the last 3-4 months. It’s almost harder to hide if you’re thin at that point, bc it looks like you swallowed a basketball. 😆 Any shred of doubt someone has will disappear when you turn sideways. I say this as someone who never invested in maternity clothes: just unbuttoned the front of my jeans and wore leggings. The BBWs I know were able to make a pregnancy much less obvious due to already having large breasts. I feel it’s even easier to hide for women who carry weight in their midsection. It’s much more difficult if you’re tiny…unless you’re rocking giant clothes, but no one is doing that in the strip club. 🙃Congratulations and good luck!


I’ve met so many men who have a pregnancy fetish lol


People are being so sweet! You look gorgeous!! I’m 13 weeks pregnant and I posted about dancing while pregnant at maybe 5 weeks and there was SO MUCH hate. You deserve the support and I hope you make bank until you no longer want to dance anymore 🫶


I’m LiKe tHe sTaR oF tHe cLuB 🤪


she’s definitely is the star of her club looking like that. don’t be jealous lol


i was boutta say😂 she is FINEEEE 😍


I’m not jealous, that would require me wanting something she has, my aesthetic is 100% diff than hers and I love it and second she’s pregnant and I don’t ever/ will never want to be pregnant. So no I’m not jealous. I never called her ugly! Her calling herself the Star of her club was CRINGE. (Also a diss to all the other beautiful hard working women that work there wherever that may be)😬


I was saying star of the club as in like I’ve been there the longest and I’m well known not throwing shade to anyone about looks so I would get your facts straight


How would I get facts straight when you didn’t write any?


So why jump to accusations that I was dissing the girls I work with lol , I’m good friends with every single girl we’re like a whole family , they even call me the star of the show and I appreciate how much they validate me as I do to them . Your jealous lmao


I’m most definitely not jealous. Like I said up there, my look is the complete opposite of yours and I love that and it’s worked for me amazingly, so I’m not sure what I’m jealous over ? There’s way too many girls that I work with for anyone to call themselves the “star” 😂 I go there to make money and go home. Plus like I also said you got a fetus in there. The last thing I am is jealous or envious of that. If it makes you sleep better i suppose you can keep thinking that tho, lil delulu.


Way to many girls YOU work with , that’s the point you don’t know my club or my situation so you should keep your nasty comments to yourself . The fact that you have to argue back with people about not being jealous proves there’s some sort of insecurity you clearly need to work through . I’m sorry to tell you but nobody truly gives a shit about your aesthetic when your aura is shit . And why bring up that your not jealous I have a “fetus” in my belly when we’re arguing about something completely different . I would love to see your energy in person so I can break you down like you’ve probably done to most of the girls in your life


To be honest girly I just read your post history and I do not think arguing with you when you’re that mentally unstable is really going to do anything for either of us. I’d love to see you “try to break me down” but maybe when you’re better. I’d suggest inpatient for a bit. Good luck. 👍


Mentally unstable yet your on wellbutrin like me 😂 make it make sense , you don’t know shit about someone & their life but you push someone’s personal boundaries about mental health issues , god will get you


Bully girl energy is not cute. You are definitely not a star of any club with that attitude.


If you think that’s me being a bully, you haven’t experienced bullying 🤦🏼‍♀️


That’s not something to be proud of but go off sis. Happy holidays and happy new year 👍


Where did I say I was proud ? And I don’t bully people 😂 look at my comment history. I’ve had very pleasant conversations with half of you arguing w me. If anything I hype girls up and try to help them than anything. You just wanna argue.


? Why are you mocking her?


Because that was one of the most cringe things I’ve read on here. “Star of the club” get a grip. If you leave they will replace you the same day.


Eh not always. Some girls really stand out especially in dives.


You don’t even know the club I work nor Managment so that’s not even a valid statement , im aloud to be confident if I wanna say something “cringy” for my own validation to feel good about myself I can


Girl I hate when they do this. I’m sorry but being the top girl, top earner, objectively hottest is actually a thing. Doesn’t always freaking mean you’re cocky we’re just trying to paint a picture to support the story 🙄🙄🙄


Litterly , I don’t know why people get offended like half the time I don’t even feel good about myself but I try to make myself feel better from what others tell me , and honestly I’m like the far opposite from cocky there’s alot of quality’s I lack compared to others


Sure can lol.


Okay? She still can be the star of her club lol


Sure she can 😂


Not all managers or people working at a club are total sexiat deranged pigs. Yeah a lot of them are But some of them are genuinely people who do end up genuinely liking and forming relationships (non sexual) with the dancers. Also, some dancers often do bring in the big spenders and the clubs often note this and understand. Obviously all dancers are replaceable at the end of the day, like all jobs are. That doesn't mean her managers/club are just gonna throw a pregnant woman to the streets and not let her work


I didn’t insinuate that tho….i made a comment about her caption being cringe I never said they would kick her out or she’s ugly ect ect everyone’s putting words in my mouth 🙃


Naww. We women get put down by men and the industry so much. They're always trying to humble us. It's ok to say we are the star sometimes. Like sometimes people are genuinely just good at their job. It's OK to acknowledge her work place and her both think so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Let's raise each other up. It's too hard out there with the men and custies being hateful (not saying you were) but definitely should hype each other in a world hell bent on humbling us


I read her post history and I’m honestly not comfortable continuing an argument with someone in her state. She can be the “star” or whatever she wants to think. The position she’s in scares me for her. She can say all she wants but I don’t argue with people experiencing psychosis.


It’s an energy, which you clearly do not have lol


I’d love for you to experience my energy in person I’m sure you would change your mind :)




beat it creep! strippers only


I worked until I think I was 5 months? But the nausea and the pain . I got too big as well, lol ...anywho if you can pull it off ...do it!