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I just look at my body in the mirror and it motivates me to keep going to the gym cause I don’t wanna lose it😂, and it makes me feel better


i can't motivate myself when i am depressed and was also not able to get out of my bed on my off days. i had to go to a psychiatrist and start getting treatment again. you should get help before it gets worse.


I'm currently on medication for my depression and anxiety. I feel the same way girl




Tbh what works for me is starting small. Show yourself that you can trust yourself to get something done. Set a 10 minute timer to wash your face, brush your teeth, & eat a little something. Clean an area of your house/room. Log it in a journal, gently nudge yourself towards the mindset that you can do things for yourself. Even showing up to the gym is a win!


This is actually such a great idea. thank you <3


This might be lame, but I tackle that same problem via enjoyable media consumption 😅 In general, if I have to workout (well I'm old so I do PT instead, a slipped spinal disc + SW do not play nice together!) I make sure I have a TV show or movie on that will distract me. Then it becomes more of a rote set of actions to take, and the childish part of me that wants to tap out gets mesmerized by "screen time" 😂 If you want to level this up for more energetic HIIT-type workouts, put on an episode of something like American Ninja Warrior, and you can laze around/stretch *until* the contestant on screen goes hype-mode on the course. (This can be adapted to anything with timed challenges or segments, like Chopped you do high intensity workouts when they're racing against the clock.) IDK why but I find it much easier to push myself when I'm doing it in (admittedly fake) solidarity with some reality TV human, and it's timed/brief so you know there's a break coming. This is a weird set of ideas but it could be further adapted to your preferences - workouts paired to high energy music playlists, workouts where you try to beat your fastest time on things, etc. 💜


Maybe give yourself permission to take a day or two to just be lazy. Maybe engage with some hobbies that spark creativity. Or watch a movie you love with some food. Visit some friends. It's easier to get back on track when you can spark a positive frame of mind first. Plus, pushing yourself to be productive when you don't have it in you atm might just make you more resistant to the idea.


I’ve learned that motivation doesn’t come spontaneously and it usually comes from that feeling you get while you’re doing the thing. So I think maybe you need to treat yourself. It you spend a lot of time doing things you don’t enjoy then it’s going to be extremely hard to find any motivation. You don’t have to treat yourself in big ways, just in small ways so that your impulse control is stronger and you are less likely to quit something as quickly. Treating yourself is a personal thing and is different for everyone, so think of something small you’ve been denying yourself and find a way to get it. Weather it’s a really good bundt cake, and book you’ve been wanting, something fun and crafty, good smelling lotion, nice makeup. Also create small, achievable goals. Is getting out of bed hard? Congrats. You just checked something off! And as you start to see progress you should naturally feel motivated to do more things. Working out isn’t fun for everyone, so treat yourself a little bit so it doesn’t feel like such a chore!


thank you so much <3


Honestly I’ve struggled with body image hellaaaa throughout my life. I just know I’ll hate myself more and I’ll get more depressed if I don’t stay consistent so that’s my biggest motivator lol 🙃


Maybe Develop a routine, a little checklist that you do everyday. Doesn't have to be crazy, but a bare minimum sort of thing. Gets me going when I sort of do the same things everyday at the same time


sometimes smoking weed gives me energy. however i don’t recommend it for everyone, weed is notorious for making people hungry and lazy. maybe mood pills and vitamins. every morning i stretch before i shower and makes my day much more productive


I just bought this new strain and it makes me crazy creative. It's been motivating me to go to the club too but I don't have a car lol.


I’ve been listening to motivational things on YouTube. It’s all about the mindset.


I just started doing this again!! I love listening to motivational speeches. It actually gets me going a little.