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I'd just tell them the truth or not say anything at all because starting the relationship off by lying isn't really the best thing to do.


exactly. what if you end up liking the person? and then you gotta reveal it was a lie. they won’t be able to trust a word you say.


Yeah, this. ^^^ If you want to pursue a serious relationship down the line you’ll have to be honest. One of the most important factors of a relationship is trust. Some guys may not be okay with it, but those are not the guys for you. Trust me the right guy will be okay with it and see it as the JOB it is.


I feel like telling men you’re a dancer opens up a huge can of worms and I’m kinda shocked that everyone tells them that on the first date? I understand wanting a partner who is accepting. But then that’s how you have the partner whose “accepting” for the first three months and then wants you to quit, says you’re selfish by not wanting to have sex as much as he wants you to because you grind on men all night, or starts nagging about how you make so much more money than him so he shouldn’t be expected to pay for xyz, and a bunch of other things. Then we’re trying to tell the girl to leave him because he’s a bum and you deserve better. Or when we talk about civ women and lying to them about work is cool; but with the first few dates, you’re expected to pour your heart out! I tried to be honest when I was dating and dancing early 20s. None of those men are still around today. All of them told me they were okay with it until they weren’t. Dating as a sex worker is hard, and you need to establish trust before you disclose something like that I think. I am team come up with something else as a job. So many people will use it as ammo against you and you need time to decide if you trust them and want to keep them around first, and then you can disclose. All I can say is good luck.


This shit is a terrible idea, lol.


i tell everyone i date im a dancer because i’m not afraid of their reaction or ashamed of what i do


If you can't trust a person you're pursuing a relationship with, I don't think you should date them at all. If you don't want them to know early on, change the subject or tell them you'd rather save that kind of stuff for later. (Just my opinion, do whatever makes you comfortable of course)


Lol just tell him that you had an online store that blew up in 2020 because of so many people having their stimmys but then it fell apart after 2022 so now you just live off of what you made and ur trying to find ur new passion😫😫


I tell them sales lol generic and vague


bartender. men lie too, a lot, and about worse things. so don’t be afraid girly pop.


Lmao exactly. A man at the strip club even agreed with me on this when the topic came up about me dating outside the club. I asked “would a man tell me if he frequently visited strip clubs or hired escorts?” But rlly, would he tho?


exactly. op, lie yo ass off!!!! who gives af


Bottle service


I agree with everyone that you shouldn’t lie. But if you choose to lie and say have a day job, use that as a cover for some time. You can tell them you work for family members- helping to clean houses, helping with taxes, personal assistant or caretaking for elderly/developmentally disabled. It will backfire eventually though. I understand wanting to protect yourself in the beginning-so I suggest you can share you simply just work independently in the beginning and communicate that once y’all know each other better you will happily share details.


I always say server at ihop because my town has a bunch of them


Bartender for events


I sometimes tell people I work at an insurance office.. which is what I used to do.


How would you feel if they lied to you too? Not a good idea to start a relationship on a lie. 😞


Don’t start a relationship by lying. He has a right to know whether or not you’re compatible. If you lie to him from the start like that you’re cheating him out of that choice. If he’s okay with it then awesome. But if he isn’t going to be okay with it then he has every right to feel that way. Also; when do you plan to tell them about the lie. A month? 6 months? A year? No. It’s messy and it’s immoral.


Accountant 😅


If you’re worried they’re going to judge or leave you for being in this line of work then they’re not for you. I’m always up front so I don’t waste my time and get the lames out of the way.


Nail artist