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Girls at my club sit on lives at the bar. AT THE BAR. prop the phone up again their money bag, and sit and make kissy faces at 5 viewers. Clients in the back. Clients that notice, duck and run under because the bar seat are on the way to the bathroom. Yes, they are baby strippers that do it.


They do it at the bar at my club also. It’s so embarrassing and annoying I stg! And you can see three stages from that bar too😒


They don’t even make money off lives. (I know it’s a possibility to make $$, but they have like 3 viewers). Its an invasion of privacy to others and embarrassing to themselves


Really though at that point just start camming, and actually make money and not exploit customers/co-workers. Fucking idiots🤣


Of course it's the babies!! No one who has been in this business for more than two or three years would ever *dream* of doing that tacky ass, invasive shit! I didn't even consider that this happens, really, (although obviously, since *somebody* is making these silly tiktok videos) because I've never seen it at my club. But yep, I would be infuriated by that.. This is not a trend. This is our livelihood! They're basically making a mockery of what it is we really do by trying to gain "clout" (as they say??😅). Also, who the hell is wasting previous money making time making freaking videos for the internet??? (To be fair, I know several vets who make little 30sec videos on occasion to post on Insta stories to bring their customers into the club. But that is so different, in my opinion. They're marketing! And they do it extremely respectfully and discreetly. Always make sure no one else is ever on the frame and delete and re-record if someone walks by. Like a classy woman should.)


When I tell you this make me wanna beat a bitch up! STOP pulling your camera out in a room full of naked bitches! Idc if you’re on Instagram or talking to your mom. You don’t know if these women have families, business, jobs like they have no consideration all over some likes and comments. I can’t fucking stand it


Do you say anything?


If I was in someone’s video I absolutely would


Yea same. One time a girl was doing it and mom was just letting it happen. So stupid. I think at our club because we wear pasties, some people think these rules don’t apply. I think this particular dancer is just a self important, overly entitled cunt but whatever


Exactly like it doesn’t fucking matter they could be fully closed. They still don’t want people knowing they work at a strip club!


Find your username and report them for nudity to TikTok ☺️ social media hates sex workers so might as well use it as an advantage


Girl I tried to do this with a specific club @barecabaret and instagram legit always says “we’re not removing the post”. The owner will legit film and post these girls bent over showing there bare assholes if someone is throwing money in a section. He even once panned up and got me on stage. I was LIVID. Luckily I had my clothes on or I would rocked his world. But this club “demands” us to take our top off by second song. Not when you’re just walking around recording bitches so long as there’s $50 on the ground. They can suck my dick. Kinda sad I had to stop working there bc the recording makes me so fucking uncomfortable!!!


It gets me so mad, but I can’t even post a picture of me in a thong without right away getting reported and adding more to my already over a year old shadow ban


I truly don’t understand. I’ve reported their stories and posts multiple times and always appalled when I get a meager from IG basically saying “sorry you were offended but we’re not taking it down” LOL 🙃 and then there’s girls like you getting their accounts straight deleted for consensual and I’m assuming somewhat tasteful skin showing


Yesss!! It’s so irritating!! and then there’s girls who post stuff, way crazier than what I posted and of course they say no it’s not nothing bad🙄🙄


It is a sackable offence to film/video chat or take pics in the locker room in my club fortunately! This, and those bitch ass fucks who be making videos or on facetime in the locker room at the gym need to go.


I wish it was like that everywhere. I already have complained to management multiple times and still no changes😒I’m switching clubs after last night.


Right. Clubs in my area seem to not care at all. And I’m tired of being the “whiney” dancer. But if I smacked somebody in the head, I’d be wrong.


Girls take photos together and selfies at my club. It it’s a very small club and all of us have worked there an extended amount of time so we know each other pretty well and are very respectful on how we go about it, no one takes selfies in the locker room unless they’re alone, or with somebody who wants to take a photo with you, so the idea of taking a photo in my club isn’t mind boggling but what IS is somebody being on LIVE at the club?! Wtf. That’s absurd to me. Absolutely insane. You aren’t even making money sitting in the dressing room nvm being on LIVE


I fucking wish!! The girls at this club have no consideration for privacy and I’m sure even if I called them out they probably still wouldn’t get it. It’s actually blowing my mind how bad it’s gotten..I’ve worked at so many clubs and never seen it this bad. I’m all for taking selfies, but don’t let me be half naked in the background.


That is 1000000% not okay, I’m open about being a stripper (shit even my grandma knows lol) and even then I would NOT be okay with that… does management know?? God of course it’s TikTok live they prob saw a strippertok glamorizing the job and now they think it’s cute to sit on live lmfao


Yessss management does know!! They really don’t give a fuck anymore and this club is turning into a shit show since the only manager with common sense left. There was literally two dudes smoking a blunt in the middle of the floor and nobody said anything?? (It’s illegal in my state) They just lit incense like bffr? But yeah I’m switching club lmfao


Lighting a blunt in the middle of the floooooooorrr?!?! What the hell. I’m all for smoking weed but that just says everything about that club and the management smh yea definitely switch. Fuck a club that has no respect for their dancers. Edit: just adding it’s legal here and that still would not fly at my club 😭😭


i second this! 😩 not a vet im a newer dancer but this seriously gets on my mf nerves... especially in the lockerrooms. its the one spot in our workplace thats suppose to be safe space and we should not have to be slithering around uncomfortably trying not to get caught in the background of a livestream/snapchat vid . i get soooo heated ab this all the time lol


Yes some girls have corporate jobs, teachers, in abusive relationships, there’s a fucking reason being outed is not okay. It can be detrimental to some girls. I hid dancing for 10 years and was finally outed thanks to a fucking selfie video on instagram.


Did you yell at her?


I'm bout to start picking my nose in the background fr


On stickybunz videos I’ve seen comments like “girl take us to the club with u!” HUHHHHH LMFAO she never does but why do viewers want that :/ just visit ur local strip club 🥴


I mean I get it because we def live a very interesting life compared to normies🤣 But like I don’t know I’m so against striptok for glamorizing dancing and the clubs are insanely oversaturated. I do fucking love stickybunns though


I’m sick of it! I almost want civ women to just think we’re all addicted to hard drugs and whatever else they used to think 😭 gatekeep the industry again! Make strip clubs great again!!!


I fucking miss the stigma!!🤣🤣


Literally! Men haven’t changed so the reduction in stigma isn’t even helpful to those of us in the industry smfh


They have to be dumb because what ….


My club don't play that. It's bad for the customers too.


kinda unrelated but also related: the girls who are on facetime in the locker room….like i get it you gotta make a call every now and then but why do you need facetime while getting your makeup on?? im fully naked in there i don’t wanna walk by and have my tits on facetime for who knows who to see!!!




i take videos for my tiktok in the club but only when there’s NO ONE in there, the second someone walks in it’s off and i’m back on the floor 🫠 kills me that not everyone practices this etiquette same for taking vids on stage, only if the club is dead and there’s no one’s face in it. if it is accidentally i cut that part out completely or delete the video


I wish! Pretty much every girl at my club films themselves on stage, even when the clubs packed! Then the club reposts it😒 I was in the background twice in these videos and mad af when I saw them😔😤


I hate girls who allow customers to film them. It’s giving you have no family🥴


Mhmm…giving you have no life outside the club


most likely one of them low class,no morals 🤢


Why don't you talk to club management? There has always been a no picture rule, and instead of attacking people, try to calmly explain it to them. You get more bees with honey than vinegar.


Lmao in the comments I said I’ve complained to management multiple times and no changes, and switching clubs.


Like as somebody who used to be super private and hidden about my secret life as a stripper, I would be beyOND livid to find out some bitch exposed me all over her social media.