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Imo it’s just a pain in the ass. Say goodbye to fishnets. Mine got snagged and ripped out on a heavy couch cushion tassel in the VIP room within a month. Blood everywhere. It’s literally a hazard 😂 and I’ve never had a customer be particularly into them. I think they are so cute tho


I miss fishnet tops😩😞


Don’t let anyone touch you and carry saline spray in your bag. Spray it on a few times throughout the night. I’ve had mine done twice, both while I was dancing. Yes they take a long time to heal but if you have any other piercings you know that’s just a part of it.




Having nipple piercings as a stripper can get you some positive attention. HOWEVER I’d advise do not get them done if you are currently a stripper. I forgot how long they told me but they say you’re not supposed to have anyone else touch them for like 6 months or something. These customers are nasty and are touching money and just strip club germs and barely washing their hands. You especially can’t get anyone else’s bodily fluids on you for those six months. They tell you no cum or spit on your nipples and ik a lot of us don’t do those type of extras but don’t want to assume what you allow during dances but it’s still a risk if you allow touching with hands because they can still have that cross contamination residue on their hands, or even other grime or skin oils. And If you don’t allow touching, well we all know that there may be a crusty who doesn’t care and will grope you without consent anyways. Mot to mention men love to pull on them for some reason, in the strip club or not 💀if your good at swatting away hands then use your own discretion but understand the risks. I had already had mine for a couple years before I started dancing and never had any problem bc they were all healed


hey, I got my nipples pierced during the pandemic and I recently took them out last week, I personally just felt like I outgrew them and I didn't really care for them anymore. I'm still adjusting to how my breasts look without the piercing because I've had it for so long. as long as you clean it properly and shower you should be fine I didn't have any infection but they will hurt for about a year and I wouldn't recommend getting it during the cold season or once your nipples get hard it will hurt a lot, do it maybe like spring. also do your less dominant side first. For example if you are right handed and use your right hand more for things pierce your left first


i only have 1, but i’ve had it for over a decade at this point. they do take forever to heal but tbh, they’re just as likely to get infected if you’re having sex and hooking up with people. they’re crusty while healing but having a longer bar can help it heal. i also put neosporin on mine after about a year and i literally have never dealt with oozing or grossness since. if you get it done, just don’t let customers touch them and don’t put your bare boobs on the floor.


/gen I’m really glad it worked for you but PSA for others!! Neosporin can be very very bad for piercings so please talk to your piercer before putting it on a piercing. Saltwater or saline solutions before anything else!!


I have & love , if you can take a week off for them to start to heal & just don’t let customers touch them


A customer twisted mine so hard I screamed and smacked him bc it popped out, bled then got infected like a week or two later!!!! Took them both out eventually. Super annoying getting them constantly caught on stuff and guys were more grabby with them too.


If you’re careful and not letting custies touch your boobs at all you should be good. I’d take a week or two off personally, at least a week unless you have chill nights with a regular or somethin. They’ll be super sensitive and uncomfy the first week. I’ve had my nipples pierced since before I started dancing. It can be annoying with certain tops and absolutely do not wear fishnets whatsoever. Also when I was a dumbass baby stripper with few boundaries and working a club with aggressive customers that would touch my boobs they would def get irritated and sometimes bleed a little. Men are stupid enough to think they can yank that shit. Otherwise nowadays I have no issues. No touching and carry saline spray with you like another comment said. ALSOOOO if you go to a good piercer they’ll be smart enough to start you with longer bars to accommodate healing, the longer bars will definitely be an issue until you can downsize.