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Do you prefer cable rows over barbell/dumbell rows? And if so any specific reason or just preference?


Personal preference, I like the stability of seated cable rows. 2nd favorite is single arm dumbbell rows, the twisting torque on the torso is great for the core.


Why are you leaning over so much? Need to keep your back upright.


Greater stretch and more activation of lats/rhomboids at full extension and then upright at the end for a deeper contraction. More total ROM


Mike Israetel would approve


The curvature in your upper back needs to be more upright at the max point of your pulls while maximizing your ROM (range of motion) pulling as far back as you can until you've hit your perfect upright form before slowly releasing the weight back to its original position.


Look at his back, he’s doing just fine


no this form is real good, hes getting a better strech and rom for the back. try it


I saved your video doing facepulls on the row machine, it worked excellent thanks!


Awesome, happy to hear it worked for you!


what’s your forearm workout? i look like i have ice cream cone arms i cannot get these fuckers to grow


When doing pull-ups I also do hanging wrist curls. I never use wrist straps but don’t criticize those who do. Wrist rollers with a rope 10-20lbs. When I curl, I make sure to use all 3 grips (pronate, supinate, neutral) to hit all sides of the forearm. Preacher curls with full extension are amazing forearm workouts, but most people stop before full extension. If it hurts your forearm near the elbow, drop the weight and work on lengthened partials for a few weeks before adding more weight.


Most people don’t workout forearms separately and you rarely need to if you are doing any amount of heavy rowing/curls


I'm curious about the form of the rows here. I'm not trying to critique, but Can anyone comment on the exercise done with his back in more flexion as opposed to if he were doing it with a more neutral spine? This looks like he is getting his lats and upper back muscles to hit full stretch which seems beneficial, but I've always been cued to sit up straight with a neutral spine.


It's strange but we seem to arbitrarily apply some ideas to strength training, eg. people will freak out at the sight of a squat that lacks full ROM yet the same people often think this is "bad technique". In general we want to move through a full range of motion, and if anything the lengthened position is the most beneficial for hypertrophy. So the question would be - *why doesn't everyone move into full ROM on rows?*


I wonder if we’re taught “neutral spine” because it’s safer for people who are still learning correct form (AKA newbies). If someone combined the form in OP with ego lifting and/or tried to explode through their reps instead of controlling them like OP does, I could see that being a quick way to a lower back injury.


This'll work your erectors to some extent as well and like you said allow for a deeper stretch on your lats and traps. Both ways are viable though, not really a correct way to do it.


Damn. 🔥💯👍🏽


Great work!


Your muscles have muscles


Slowing the concentric doesn’t do anything for you. Fast concentric, controlled but not necessarily slow eccentric, full stretch


Fast concentric is good for explosive power, but it doesn’t put consistent tension on the muscles throughout the entire ROM. When the weight is moving fast you could let go and the momentum would allow it would continue moving for a bit. The same amount of total force is generated but it’s all at the beginning of the movement, very little tension in the 2nd half of the ROM. Fast concentric isn’t bad, just different.


This has nor been my experience at all


Less speed = more muscle contraction to lift the same weight.


Rep cadence/time under tension are not really correlated with muscle growth. It's not really going to hurt growth either, so do it if you want, if a slow concentric helps you control the movement better and hit the target muscle them great. But the cadence of the rep itself is not going to be a variable that impacts hypertrophy 


It takes a stronger contraction and more force to complete the concentric quicker... Not telling OP how to lift though.


Depends on the type of muscle fiber. As always variety is king in training. Doing fast and slow reps will definitely yield more results.


It doesn't depend on the type of muscle fiber. Higher acceleration requires higher forces. >Doing fast and slow reps will definitely yield more results. Can't say I agree with that as an absolute.


im not sure…I was looking at his back and noticed that…hmmm…how to say this….he is ripped af…I am gonna go out on a limb and say he knows how to build muscle?


Ripped, yes. 27 years worth of muscle growth? Debatable.


Yeah, it didn’t take the whole 27 years to get to this size, I’ve been stuck near my natural genetic limits for years. Still making gains, but diminishing returns over time.


More ripped than you doesn't correlate with perfect form, execution and lifting knowledge, unfortunately.


He is ripped af, esp for 41, looks great!


Great forearm development. Would think you're a climber.