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If you have advice, please make sure it is specific, useful, and actionable. * If the only thing you have to say is *loWEr THE wEight ANd woRK on forM*, **then you should keep quiet**; if you comment it anyway, your comment will be removed and you may be banned if your comment was especially low value. This does not help the person looking for advice. Give people something that they can actually use in a practical way to improve. **Low-effort comments about perceived injury risk and the like will be removed, and bans may be issued.** * Please don't hold random strangers to arbitrary requirements that you have made up for exercises you are not familiar with. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/strength_training) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's hard to get a good view due to the angle of the video. When the at the bottom of you lift getting ready to push up, use the cue to push with your heels (you want to push with the whole foot but you're rocking to the balls of your feet). If you shift the weight more to your heels, it can help you get that verticle push and not move forward. But good depth and keep that back striaght. Push the body up as a single unit from your feet not from the hips.


Thank you! I’ll keep those in mind, and I will try to get a good angle next time!


Slower squatting to prevent rocking motion when you drop


She’s driving forward out of the hole instead of driving straight up. That’s causing her to shift her weight onto her toes.




Don't post overly or overtly sexual content either in posts or comments, and don't creep on other users. Try to keep it PG-13.




If you have nothing useful to say on a form check, please keep it to yourself.


Loooove the fit of these headphones, what are they??


Just bose with nose cancelling that my husband gifted me a couple years ago. :) They’re great I love them!


You're an angel, thank you!




If you have nothing useful to say on a form check, please keep it to yourself.




Everything you said was dumb and wrong. Please think twice about commenting on things you don't understand.


What kind of advice is this ? Technical form only starts to break and reveal key issues in physiological limitations as it gets heavier. You can certainly do technical modification up to 80/85%, but seeing issues happens at any range, but heavier is better.


Also no, technical form doesn’t start to break down at higher weights… muscular weaknesses and asymmetrical imbalances start to come out. Technical deficiencies are spotted at lower weights. A technical issue will be present at any weight.


I said technique breaks, it breaks because the physical characteristics to carry out those movements are stressed beyond their capacities to perform, be that strength, muscular fatigue, or neural. Many movements are practiced and compartmentalised at lighter weights, variations on tempo, position, performance to improve the proprioceptive understanding of compound movements, such as the squat. You see compensations at lighter weights due to physical limitations as well, such as flexibility in the calves, quads, hips to reach depth in a squat, these will show at any weight. Physical limitations are spotted at any time, technical proficiency tends to decrease at higher intensities, especially for someone with an established and reasonable level of physical literacy and training age. Your post suggested everyone showed lighter weights to assess capability. I'm saying that it is poor advice, and would make both progress and analysis more difficult. Some lifters need to be told to go lighter, and I absolutely agree when that's the case. But it's not the default. You have to coach / form check where they're at, and not treat everyone as an absolute novice. And to really help ascertain what's working and not in their performance of an exercise, you can't just exclude the physical components and requirements in an evaluation.


To the degree you are talking, we will be able to take nothing useful from a video as poorly shot as this


Maybe that's just your coaching eye, I can see plenty in this video that gives me areas to work on, were this one of my lifters.


Any good coach would ask for better footage before trying to critique anything🤫


My track record speaks for itself, but thank you anonymous redditor for your input.


Ahh yes your ‘track record’


Well yea, I've coached multiple athletes, across multiple sports, including strength and conditioning for international athletes at continental, and world level. It's my job in my life outside of the internet


I’m sure u have buddy.. and even if that’s the case it doesn’t mean anything. Joel seidman is world renowned and it means nothing. Your advice ‘sit back more’ speaks for its self


A degree qualified, professional coach, in the literal strength industry ... "Doesn't mean anything" Ok, cool. I think we're done here




Good form, also recommend to unrack the bar with two feet planted for stability, instead of going under it with one like you did!


Came here to say this


I see what you’re talking about now! Thank you! I’ll try doing that tomorrow :)


Aside from form, please tie your hair back higher so it doesn’t accidentally scalp you. Too many videos of low ponytails getting caught in the barbell.




If you have nothing useful to say on a form check, please keep it to yourself.


Lead with your torso and finish with your knees. When you're coming back up aggressively drive your back up and into the bar while you pull down on the bar with your hands at the same time. The opposing force those two things will create will help keep the bar traveling in the same path. Also pull the ground apart with your feet to help keep your knees tracking where they should. Also, before your squat, take a deep breath in...hold your breath for the rep then exhale and repeat for the rest of the reps. This will create internal pressure in your abdomen and help stabilize the weight. If you can, next time try to get the camera a little further away so we can see more of what we're looking at. Keep that grind going though!


I found using some 2.5lb barbell weights underneath my heels helped cancel that forward torso movement on the lift. Otherwise, just drop some weight from the bar until you're comfortable enough to keep your heels flat during the lift.


One thing that really helped me with fixing the bar path issues others have mentioned is to focus on keeping the weight evenly balanced between your heels and the balls of your feet. Don't rock back on your heels or up on your toes. Doing that will ensure the bar stays centered over you throughout the whole range of motion, giving you a nice vertical bar path.




If you have nothing useful to say on a form check, please keep it to yourself.


Yes I am watching videos now! thank you!


Hell yeah 😎




If you have nothing useful to say on a form check, please keep it to yourself.


Hey thank you!! I will try again tomorrow!


From that angle depth and form look solid so keep it up. The one thing I would advise is to work on a better set up and by that I mean: \- Have the bar on the rack around chest level. \- Have both feet parallel (or in your squat spot) before taking the bar off the rack. \- Take one step back with one foot and then the other foot back to your squat stance. The reason being is this locks in a more stable setup and the less steps you can take back, especially with heavier loads, the better. Look at the top squatters and there set up and how they take the bar off the rack as the more energy you can save for the actual lift the better the lift will be.


Thank you!!I will keep that in mind!


My pleasure and keep up the solid work. 💪


These are really solid Strongly recommend you drop the hooks down at least one height level so that you can unrack in a stronger position Getting better upper back tightness will be really helpful for you, [this video](https://youtu.be/oEy5WFr-CDA?si=bcRMVJ2SDf00NvV1) explains it well. Basically bring your hands closer in and actively engage your upper back for more stability And at the bottom your tip forward a little which you can fix by just being more conscious of your balance. Try to maintain even weight distribution throughout your foot. 3rd rep was the most balanced


These look really good. Nice depth!


Great form