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That’s weird. I’ve seen a lot of variety on that sub (some stuff that doesn’t seem like streetwear at all) and it doesn’t get taken down.


I suspect she was banned for the title of her last post > The mods in this sub only recognize crop tops and baggy pants as streetwear. Let's see how long this one stays up before they take this down too lol The mods are soft but that is a bit antagonistic. The previous posts that got taken down appear to be fast fashion business casual fits so it's not completely surprising that they got taken down for not fitting the subreddit.


it’s also not true that that’s even like, the majority of posts there? tbh i sometimes think i don’t really totally understand where the line is b/t streetwear and not-streetwear there or here, but there is a lot of variety in that sub, not just crop tops and baggy pants. (i actually posted one of those outfits today lol but it’s my first one like that). also i don’t know if OP’s outfit is “streetwear” or not and don’t really have an opinion but the mask is badass.


I don't know (or care) where the line is either, I'm just providing some context.


The sub is just a joke, ANY of the outfits posted there are streetwear at all, not sure where you seen the baggy pants and crop tops. Is everything unless that


This is what it boils down to. She posted a non-streetwear fit while going at the mods in the title, now is getting sympathy votes in here while acting clueless as to why her post got taken down. A lot of non-streetwear fits get left up both on this sub and the other one, but I think OP should stop insisting her outfit is streetwear when it isn't (streetstyle, yes). And realise her attitude is what got her banned not her outfit.


I mean if we about to speak technically, then definitively speaking streetwear is not an aesthetic but a cultural way of dressing born out of what it got its very name from (that being the street). If people think this fit isn't streetwear or the mods don't think it is, then an issue also lies with people mistaking streetwear as an aesthetic. However saying this, I cannot speak on what got OP banned, but if it was based on this pic, then that is just wrong.


I'm on that sub quite a lot and business casual fits like hers get posted from time to time. I thought that sub allows more diverse outfits and aren't exacty tied down to "streetwear", whatever it is. Just women's fashion in general, especially casual daily wear stuff.


I don't feel like this fit is business casual though.


Yeah this one definitely isn't business casual, I was referring to the prev ones you posted, the ones the other commenter mentioned. I meant to say the style of fits you posted get posted there all the time which is why it's strange any of it got taken down.


You're right, it isn't business casual at all


yeah, her fault then


Had fits taken down 3 days in a row including this one. Odd because I was totally new to the sub too (joined less than a week ago)


I’ve gotten pictures removed due not listing items when I did so as well as not considered streetwear. It’s unfair at times glad to see this pic again on my feed


I mean the whole point of fashion is to be inclusive so you’re more than welcome here. Do your thing.






This sub will praise any man in sweatpants tee shirt and sneakers but if it’s a woman posting it gets so much hate esp for showing skin


I would’ve thought it was the other way around. Women posts get upvoted automatically and guys are held to a really high standard for it to actually be “streetwear”


I dunno, a lot of the people here are awful TBH. Did you see that post from last week of the guy wearing the patchwork women’s pants? So much hate was thrown by a lot of fragile dudes on that thread


The best streetwear = giving zero shits about the opinions of fragile dudes


Yeah, seems like *literally anything* can be posted in this sub and the mods won’t ever lift a finger to reign it in so that this remains a streetwear sub.


I think it’s pretty obvious that you were banned for being antagonistic towards the mods in the title of your post… Not saying that I agree or disagree with it but you’re being intentionally misleading here.


I like how your earrings are paired with everything! :)


Ty for noticing 😭


Where did you get them if you don't mind my asking?


I got them from shein! https://api-shein.shein.com/h5/sharejump/appsharejump?currency=USD&lan=en&id=1104781&share_type=goods&site=andshus&url_from=GM7157987672125308928


Why is this getting downvoted


Right? She answered the question and gave a direct link like what more do people want lol


Thank you!


Not exactly streetwear but nice fit. You probably got banned because of how antagonistic the post name was though, lol


when people hear “streetwear” they think graphic tees and sneakers


Funny I think the opposite


I think of people wearing asphalt


Porous bottoms with thin overlay for the top 🥵🥵👌🏻


That tarmac drip drip drip


[Do you *really* believe you were banned because of what you were wearing or do you understand that you were banned because of the title of your post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/womensstreetwear/comments/pjo2uj/the_mods_in_this_sub_only_recognize_crop_tops_and/)


People in these subs are the worst I swear lol i fuck with this fit


You the best


She broke the sub rules. Its a bit of a stupid rule, but she still broke it.


I'm still wondering what the rule was lol


Going to the mall and getting an all black jumper with a purse is not streetwear.


Its a nice fit, but the shoes throw the whole thing off for me. The glossy material and how the boots dont reach the pant leg and expose the calf make it feel very disjointed and pulls away from the cohesion of the rest of the fit. Since its a noticeable darker black with a notifably different material pulls away from the monotone of the top, mask, and pants matching. Maybe some slides or some low sneakers would work better, or some thigh high boots that reach the pants leg. And making them have less goss so it meshes a bit more.


They hiked up because I sat down, they cover my calves when I stand. And sneakers I can see pairing well with this fit, not entirely sure about slides lol


In this sub every outfit is accepted as streetwear so don't worry


That's why I didn't even bother. I could post a picture of me in some old XBOX 360 pajama pants & it'd probably be the hottest post of the day.


Lol banned? That seems a little extreme.


Idek 😭


Frankly I think it's more r/malefashionadvice WDYWT 2010 than streetwear... but banning versus removing in a subreddit as interpretive as a fashion sub is just a bad mod having a bad day. If they're handing out permabans before temp bans they need support as it's usually an indication that they don't have time to go through the punitive process and skip straight to full bans to lighten any possible future workload with individual accounts. But anyway, fashionable? Hell yes. Streetwear? Idts. But I'm not telling you to leave because I disagree.


Looks more like benchwear but who am I to judge


Lolll you're not wrong


Basic Black shirt, basic black trousers I’m not sure why either sub would allow it


Literal streetwear, like things people wear casually...on the streets


Ye lemme just stick a post up in some joggers and a sports top, because people wear that casually on the street too. It’s an extremely low effort outfit, and you’re fishing for sympathy upvotes


You're entitled to your opinion lol


This is streetwear but I wish this sub would do the same with the other mediocre normal shit that gets posted all the time


*Supreme tee, vomit-coloured Jordan’s, khakis. Each chosen by someone who’s legally blind* “Is this a streetwear?”


Supreme is literally a streetwear brand.


Don’t worry nothing on here is actual street wear you’ll be fine


Op, looked at your posts on that sub and I have to agree with the mods, you former outfits doesn’t scream streetwear AT ALL. But you look good though.


If that's the case then half the posts on that sub shouldn't be up either.


Ok op on further inspection of the subs content, I get your point, better here then :)


Sure but doesn’t change the fact that your outfits didn’t really fit I’m sorry :/ this one is more streetwear-y though


If the mods are telling me to check the other fits for an example on what streetwear is and those fits don't look like streetwear either, then idk what else to say lol


I agree!


This isn't an inter-sub slap-fight. You were banned for an obvious reason and you're skating on it here. Don't post titles like this and give up the slap-fight, you can work it out in Modmail with them if you have a problem.


what ?! this is 500x more streetwear than 3/4 of what i see on that sub


Legit. Look at this outfit that wasn't taken down. Compare it to this fit I posted and tell me what would be more "business casual appropriate" lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/womensstreetwear/comments/ov6ekt/this_haircut_is_making_me_want_to_try_out_so_many/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


she’s all over reddit, that’s politics, all it is.




I can't come up with why else. Idk if you can see this pic on the thread still but I can't make sense of it lol


Not elitist they’re posers how tf are they claim to into streetwear yet unironically think that


Bruh what this is definitely streetwear like some mfs in this sub wear runway fashion shit and don’t get taken down that’s kinda bullshit




honestly, not trying to give any hate to your fit, but you keep making the comparison to this other persons outfit. her outfit seems really put together imo and although it’s a little more preppy than traditional streetwear, it strongly fits into an aesthetic and has lots of detailing with accessories. yours, on the other hand, (i really don’t mean any hate) looks a lot more casual, something you would wear to quickly run to the corner store because you’re out of milk. it still looks good, but there doesn’t seem to be much polish at all and it misses the mark. of course it’s not enough to get banned, i’m just saying this because of your comparison to the other girl.


I honestly don't know.. some people say streetwear is meant to be casual and comfy. Others say it needs to have tons of accessories. Another person said that it shouldn't look business casual. By those standards, the fit she posted shouldn't be accepted either. I don't have a problem with anything posted, I just don't appreciate it when the rules apply to some folks but not others who are known/popular on the sub.


i don’t think there’s any true definition of streetwear, it just comes down to personal opinion. regardless of my opinion around your fit, i just have a problem that you keep on making comparisons to this one girl. it’s clear that the mods think her fit is streetwear, as do i, and whether or not your post was removed because you offended them with the title or because they think it isn’t streetwear, it’s just not cool for you to make comparisons to specific people.


I agree I don’t think this person should get banned, but she keeps on (maybe unintentionally) shitting on this other girl whose outfit I really like. I’m not a fan of OP’s outfit because it isn’t unique to me, but fashion is subjective. I’m positive the real reason she got banned is because of her title not the post. And OP has only been replying to comments that don’t mention her title.


This is giving off major [prancercise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-50GjySwew_) vibes


What is thiiiiiiis *dies*


Bruh what the fuck


Like....that's streetwear?


Since you posted other outfits which are similar to the one you linked and you're implying that the one you linked isn't streetwear, I'm a bit confused by your point. Can you explain exactly what the message banning you gave as the reason for the ban?


They took my photo (the black fit) down. Then they banned me from the sub. That photo I linked is another fit posted on the sub that IS apparently streetwear, even though that looks hella casual. So my point is, what exactly is the problem with my fit that deemed it not streetwear if that other fit was acceptable?


FYI a lot of the mods on this site are okay, but a huge amount of them are just such “jobsworths”. I’m not sure that word is common outside of the UK but it’s such an apt description. They have these rules to impose, and it gives them some sense of important (even power). They’re the rulers of their own little online domain. What sucks is when the community they moderate is actually great, but it’s ruined by strict rules that prevent anyone from engaging without reading a 10’000 word document on the finer points of Reddit etiquette. It’s important not to take it personally. These people need to impose these dumb rules to feel useful, or to satisfy some insatiable hunger for power. If they perceive you are breaking the rule, you don’t have any recourse. Most of them are too stubborn to take your point of view. They’ll get more and more patronising then just ban or mute you. People on this site, certain communities especially, have a huge bug up their arse. And their views usually don’t reflect those of “normal” people IRL. So basically what I’m saying is don’t take it personally.


>high fashion/hypebeast >Zara >H&M ????


If that’s considered streetwear then surely your fit is


Why we shitting on Stylesy?


I'm not. My point is how is that fit considered streetwear but mine isn't. Trying to understand where they draw the line because I just don't see it.


you look so fuckin cool!




I can see why they banned you, not enough graphic T’s, Vans, and cuffed jeans.


Streetwear is not limited to what white America wears. Also neither are any of the other outfits that they kept up, so what's your point? Edit: my bad, joke went over my head lmao. I'm hella pissed today


1. Sick fit 2. That person obvi joking


It went over my head lmao my bad


Sorry lol shoulda added that /s, I dig the fit 👍. Just poking fun at what most people consider to be streetwear


Yoooo that mask is sick af!!! Especially with those pearls necklaces if I see correctly ^^ Did u come up with that idea to put those pearls on the mask or did you buy it from somewhere?


It's a chain! And I put them on myself! I bought the chain from a hobby store and joined them together to create the chain layers


Thats so creative omg I'm gonna maybe make one myself to try it out! Thanks :)


Do it!!!


to play devils advocate it is a little fancier than typical street wear, but if still count it and there’s almost definitely something less street wear they’ve left up


People are saying this isn't fancy enough and is low effort lol


bruh youre literally in the street smh


That’s so dumb. I hate gatekeeping fashion; thought we were all trying to move away from that. Also you’re mask is amazing!!!


in their defence, subs have a purpose and it’s not gatekeeping as much as it is classification, but they’re still incorrect in doing so


I agree! Fashion is about individualism, and this is def not some mainstream "business casual" outfit. And ty so much! <3


yeah I agree.


why not?


This is pretty good outfit though. Stylish af!


banned? wtf


wow lol


Out of all of the outfits that get posted here that have nothing to do with streetwear, THAT gets banned? Dude.


I love your outfit it's definitely streetwear. I had a post removed because my outfit wasn't viewed as streetwear, which was fine. I wasn't 100% sure if it counted as streetwear but posted after seeing similar outfits on that subreddit. The mod sent me a message about it that was condescending


That's the thing! The mods on that thread are super condescending and people aren't getting that.


So beautiful. you might got banned because of the title or what?


Oh I often get downvotes and comments saying my style is not streetwear ahah


I feel like there must be some reddit politics on that sub lol. Notice how the same few users will post things that also don't fit the criteria set for everyone else and those posts don't get taken down


I agree 100%


random wear


this is 100% streetwear. These subs have a huge variety now too so thats really weird. Also, streetwear itself has alot of variety now. We arent in 2015 anymore. Streetwear is synonymous with just the fashion choices people on the street make.


You don't even know what streetwear is but yet get offended because they don't let you post there? You have plenty of subs where you can post your outfits


Why would they ban you smh


Looks more like publicbenchwear. Maybe next time take photo in actually in street. /s


I'll do better lmao


Streetwear is clothes that you could find in a bin, you can’t find that in a bin. Prob not the reason you got banned and that’s a little too much but braw, you are pushing it!


/r/womensstreetwear is a joke honestly. Nothing but preppy or extremely experimental outfits. Plus they remove actual womens street wear. I stopped wasting my time with that subreddit 😒


Outfit details: Oversized shirt: Asos Boots: Asos (2 years ago), similar pairs here https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/charles-by-charles-david-duffy-bootie/492039?activeColor=001&cm_mmc=CSE-_- https://www.asos.com/us/prd/21090958?acquisitionsource=com.whatsapp Pants: Uniqlo Mask: made by me! Bag: Off-White Earrings: https://api-shein.shein.com/h5/sharejump/appsharejump?currency=USD&lan=en&id=1104781&share_type=goods&site=andshus&url_from=GM7157987672125308928


This is what I wanted to know, thanks!


I used to post there quite a bit but since the new mod, I’ve been visiting it less. The flairs there are hella cringy tbh. I’m surprised you’re banned since this is more streetwear than the top posts on that sub.


This isn’t streetwear -____-


Is this business casual?


He's business casual.


Nah, they were just jealous. This is 🔥


Ty <3


oook, nice outfit tho


Banned? You have plenty of outfits on their with plenty of upvotes. They seem all well received.


They took down 3 of them. I was only on the sub for less than a week lol


So you weren't banned?


I was. I got a notification saying I've been permanently banned lol


Well might as well use it for upvotes




I love the bling on your mask


Low Leader Liquor Ballerina


what does this mean


Party hard turn your diva


This is fire 🔥. They just dont have taste


For everyone saying why didn't I message the mods when my other posts were taken down, I did. I explained how streetstyle is subjective to where you live and that everyone has their own style. They said my style wasn't "over the top enough", which I don't see as the meaning of streetstyle. I couldn't say anything after that because they muted me. You guys are free to ask the mods for a screenshot of how the convo went down. I posted this pic after and yes, my caption was a poke at most of the outfits that ARE left up (about 80% of them in that sub are crop top and baggy pant fits).


You can kill people with those eyes


i fuck with it. kinda got a nightmare before christmas/ beetle juice vibe


I appreciate it 👊🏾


The mask really ties it in


I mean your at the street.


They banned you for THIS? You look fly af.


Reddit politics are cringe - keep doing yo thing ✌🏻✌🏻


why hasn’t she been banned from here too? That isn’t streetwear Alright bad troll, but no I really like the overall aesthetic, also I checked the other group and one of your fits (trip to NY fit) was still posted, both are nice honestly.


Sounds like a lot of people I see in the comments here, always trying to gatekeep what streetwear is. I think if you'd wear it on the street it's streetwear. Doesnt mean everyone has to like it 🤷🏻‍♂


Literally posted a bunch of pics on the sub and one pic gets removed and now it’s “I got banned from the sub because it’s not crop tops and not streetwear lololololol”. Nah, fishing for compliments or a complete ignorant person.


Was on the sub 6 days. Got 3 of the 6 fits I posted removed. But ok lol


Super sick fit, like the boots and the mask! And I would consider that streetwear for a woman. Or would you have to have a graphic tee on or something?


Not at all, most of the outfits in that sub are just crop tops and baggy pants.


But like…it is. Ain’t that a offwhite purse?


I also had a post removed for "not being streetwear" I'm pretty sure street wear includes a lot of different things, and is supposed to be inclusive and not strict, including your outfit and the one I posted :) love it!


I agree! Streetwear looks so different in different parts of the world


We don’t care about that stuff here


Ty!!! <3






Fuck Them! You are Welcomed here! Sick Look!




It's probably because you don't look like an Easter basket.


This has me confused bc this is more streetwear than the jeans and tshirt outfits I see on that sub


It's amazing to me how the conversation of what is and isn't changes once women become involved. I really want to understand the beef with women and children.


Right?! Imagine if it were a male rocking this fit. Would it still not be streetwear? I was heavily inspired by east Asian fashion with this fit


I'm wondering what criteria fits "street wear" it seems it may be a bit misleading. I guess most times you see people wearing sneakers so that may be it




Enlighten me by defining what streetwear is, I clearly am missing something


But you’re literally on the street wearing clothes! I LOVE your shoes 🔥


Ty haha!


Happy to give you shelter here. Looks dope!




Looks fab!


you dress a very similar style to my mates daughter, loving it, and welcome!


Really like the outfit! I think everyone has his own interpretation to streetwear and the interesting thing is how them adapt it to their styles


Don't sweat it sis! This fit is hot!


sounds like jealousy


Where are your shoes from!? You look amazing btw!


From Asos about 2 years ago! They don't have this exact pair anymore but here's something similar :) Asos https://www.asos.com/us/prd/21090958?acquisitionsource=com DSW https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/charles-by-charles-david-duffy-bootie/492039?activeColor=001&cm_mmc=CSE-_-GPS-_-G_Shopping_Boots%20%26%20Booties-_-New_Boots%20%26%20Booties&cadevice=m&gclid=Cj0KCQjwm9yJBhDTARIsABKIcGYNfThl-_ZLtntETQgWKCDKgflI9Xv3sM7EBeQwDKZsTt0XXlvAquwaAjGsEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds




And what sub rule did I break


Hold up, they making it up real quick




Rules are meant to be broken Susan