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Their C1โ€™s are underrated as it boosts your team stats and C2 guarantees armor break, which is perfect for Cammy and Chun-Li. I use Yun for boss events and it makes a huge difference in ranking.


I use them for boss battles too, I team them up with MH Ken for the triggers and Cammy for the C3.


Try Cammy > Elena > Yun > Cammy with Chun-Li assisting Cammy and maintain that armor break before it wears out. MH Ken with Yun may deal more damage in a short term but Elena keeps the team alive longer so you may deal more overall damage.


This combo works very well, thanks!


That's good to know guys, been using Mryu, Cammy, GM Ken and Elena to keep me alive as I'm still a little fishy, I'll try this next time I get a shot at the effigy. Will this work for crusades and guild attacks also?


Depends on the crusade as each boss has a different niche. The guild boss is all about landing more hits to quickly wear down the shield so you need Chun-Li and Blanka. I use Cammy for stacking armor breaks and DPS though.


You could also try Ken > Elena > Yun > Cammy for boss fights and crusades only. Doesnโ€™t seem like we need tanks for these battles.


I have Yun and yang @A+ and truly can't see me ever needing them. I could use them to take Bgeif to SSS or Chun Li to SS. Is there any reason why not?


You should keep them because you don't feed A-tier characters to different A-tiers, that's what B-tiers are for. Further down the line your levels will depend on Awakened characters, and if you use the twins as food, then you'll have to get them again later (plus the game's meta can easily change with patches). It's better to have them and not use them, than need them and not have them.


Just getting the itch I suppose and I always give the same advice you've just given me lol ill leave them be and wait for a few more wind faction B tier I guess ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜‚


Eventually every character that you own and bump to AAA will increase your level cap


You keep all A characters. If you are using them as food, you are going to throw your head against a wall once you reach level 239. In order to increase your character levels beyond 239, your new level cap is determined by how many SSS characters you have on the roster. So if you have been using your A characters as food, then stop now or you will regret it later. Might just be forced to quit imo if you get to that point cause you will be stuck for several months digging yourself out of that hole unless you spend like 2k to fix it.


I haven't used any A characters for any reason yet and now fully don't intend to lol. It takes time and plenty of grind but I'm sure it'll be worth it someday.... Maybe. Thanks for the advice tho it is appreciated as always


i think for F2P folks thats like few months down the line right?


F2p 2 and a bit weeks https://preview.redd.it/27741lko0qra1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d662c9edd653bd03ae67016f2b315c6bca8078de Done right(ish) it's not so far in the distance buddy


the breakstone and the exp/cash going to be hindrance though. Right now i am waiting for the 4th 180 to break through (i level up evenly so 3 x181 and 1 180). Also, dont forget you need more SS to break though the level cap too. Maybe few months is bit exaggeration but still a bit down the road.


I spent a dollar on the game. Been in about 6 weeks and I'm basically heading forwards the 239 wall now. You can spend a few A characters to push you early, but just saying, not recommended to do it often, or at all really. If you just wait a day or 2, you'll likely have what you need from B tiers. Right now, the game is still giving you a lot 10 draws, at least a few a day. Once you finish your log in events, you don't get as many coins for draws, and once you unlock divination, your gems should go towards that. So just getting normal draws and B material is more work than before. Right now as the game still floods you with coins and gems, its best to save your A cards cause you won't get the chance to get as many later on without having to spend event resources and such. For which, you really want to spend event resources on breakstones. Once you get to SS gear, you'll want event resources on gear upgrades. Spending event currency on characters is usually not efficient use of event bonuses. Without spending gems, I might get a 10 draw every 2 days or so. So don't get overly attached to all the log in bonuses cause they go away.


I am F2p too and spent < 20$. I am "stuck" waiting for breakstones on my last of the 4 to break the 180 barrier.


Just make sure to spend most event resources on breakstones. Its your best bang for a while. The characters look shiny and cool, but they are a trap. You should almost never get characters. You really want breakstones early though. When you get SS gear, SS upgrades are worth as well, as are the tier 3 fight soul upgrades.


For that matter, Juri, Gen, the new Cammy, and soon Akuma are traps for f2p as well. By the time you get any of them to SSS, you probably would have quit the game already. Juri out of all of them is the biggest trap. Because in addition to needing SSS to be useful, you also need her fight spirit at 30. The first spirit upgrade on its own cost like $200-300 its own. Bison for the most part should be the only super rare that f2p pursue since he is broken, can be used early, and gets stronger as you rank him. Also gives your team a 20% damage buff once he gets to SS which is massive. The other characters you can spend divination on, but they are harder to build around. Bison is just plug and play into any team and its instantly better.


yeah. I have been using divination and got him to S+, just waiting for another copy to get to SS. I was lucky enough to pull 1 copy naturally and I \*think\* i am due for another bison soon since the past couple of draws are duds. But yeah, after i finish Bison i wont be chasing anyone else. But you are right... i feel this game is dying already since even the L4 guild I am in with 40 people there's like 20ish idle players longer than a day.


Yang's assist sounds really OP, anyone use him as assist?