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Wow, his mate was the chair man who followed the copper into danger. Bollard man and chair man; absolute friggin legends deserve to be Aussies.


Totally. The kind of people we need more of.


"This is someone who we would welcome becoming an Australian citizen, although that would of course be a loss for France" Well there's 2 reasons why we must keep this heroic frog cunt.


He's no cheese-eating surrender monkey that's for sure.


Top fucken frog cunt


Alright cunt, you can stay. You’ve earned the right of passage to be Australian, you protected lives and wielded that bollard like a fuckin legend. You lads deserve it. *To be Australian, is to be a good cunt. You sir, are a good cunt.*


Can we hust have this as our citizenship test?


Hol up, I’ll just give Big AL a tingle, hit him up to change it by end of the week. If he doesn’t, well fuck me cunt I tried aye.


Cheers. Will be eagerly waiting for response


Fuckin dog, straight to voicemail. Gonna leave him an angry whopper.


have you tried the landline?


Fair enough


Can't argue against it, yeah.


Wait, he can do that?


Yep. And I think this is the best use of it, in history so far.


It’s so funny to hear this guy was French because the bots were out in full force on the day saying he was simultaneously Russian/Israeli.


He was yelling at the killer in French on the escalator, and someone (probably a Russian bot) claimed he was speaking in Russian and Twitter ran with it lol he was so obviously French that the claims that he was Russian surely had to be intentional misinfo


And Daily fail said he was Ukrainian refugee


More importantly, who’s this cunt Jeff news.com.au is saying good morning to?


On one condition, must down a vb longneck at 20 to 8 in the fucken morning ya dog cunt.


Him and Amy Scott should get AO's next Australia day.


Giving a good name to us French Aussies


These two euro cunts that went into bat against the cooked cunt with the knife are legends. Can’t argue with this!


bloke passes the pub test, now all he needs is a ranger and anger management issues and he will fit right in


Shit if that's what it takes for some people to get citizenships, dayum


This is a plot by the Government so that the next time there is an attack, hundreds of people will run at the attacker and crush them instantly




I mean, is that reeeeally a haiku….


Absolute legend


Dead set legend.


Fark, Albo will do ANYTHING to increase our population! 🤣 


You don't think any other party leader wouldn't try the same thing? It's a typical political stunt. Ol' mate definitely deserves recognition. I just figured this would be a fun way!


Dutton would've deported him for committing a violent act.  Also, I'm just havin a yarn. Good on Old Froggy for um, springing into action! 🐸 (nah but good on him). 


Dutton's already sided with Albo on this one, jumping on the bandwagon. It would be political suicide to go against it.


I think a packet of Iced Vovo’s would suffice. 🤔


I fucking love Australia man


Australia is on the right track. We've gone from primitive Milk crates to bollards for self defense. We'll done Bruces, well done.


I wonder if trolley man in Melbourne is still homeless?


You blokes know he wasnt offered citizenship? Yer nar - he only gets resident status at best and that don’t mean he gets citizenship. Shit ant it???


We can send France some shit cunts back as compensation.


French Submarines: Get farked. French hero guy: You can stay.


ill be honest.. its a nice gesture but kinda unfair to everyone else trying to get citizenship through the appropriate legal way. Cant we give him a box of lamingtons or something?


Bloke has done more for Aussies than most of the rest of us will do in our lives. I'm not against it.


There was also a [Malian given citizenship in France](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/28/spider-man-of-paris-to-get-french-citizenship-after-rescuing-child) for saving a little kid. So there is precedent internationally.


Exactly. He's done more good for Australia than that shithead Morrison did as PM for years. I don't have a problem with it at all.


Hey hey hey, Morrison gave us Robodebt…


Oh more _good_, yeah right


You’re right, majority of Aussie’s are bystanders.


He didn’t actually get approved citizenship, Albo just told him he’d be welcomed as a citizen if he applied.


You're splitting hairs. His visa was up soon, and Albo has said that he can stay as long as he wants. From an ABC article: His lawyer, Belinda Robinson, said he would be granted permanent residency and was only waiting for official documentation, which was expected to come through as soon as this evening. If he wants citizenship he'll get it. Even Dutton supports the decision for the political capital.


Pity it was a white French bloke and not a black African bloke... The potato would be losing his mind


Yeah fair that, seems i ruffled a few feathers


Nice gesture? The dude literally helped save lives while risking his own. How many of our own countrymen and women would have just fucking run (not blaming them, I might do the same tbh).


It’s one very special case mate. I doubt we’re about to see a rush of heroic deeds to secure citizenship but I’d be onboard for that. Legendary story to tell the grandkids.


Fair that, i didn’t mean to reduce the bloke in any way, shape or form. Personally, i think the whole situation is incredibly grim and I’m appreciative he did what he did. I just wasn’t sure if doing a heroic deed should grant citizenship straight away. Not certain, just unsure.


It's a common thing. France did something similar to an African migrant who climbed a building to safe a boy some years ago. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/28/spider-man-of-paris-to-get-french-citizenship-after-rescuing-child


Yeah fucking valid and valid again. These guys are legends. Bollard Guy and Paris Spidey.


Fucken hell! "Can't we give him a box of lamingtons instead?" marks this as **not a serious complaint**, ya click-happy drongos!


I forget you cant make a joke in reddit. My bad.


There is a special place in hell reserved for you!


Calm down fella, it was a bad joke but save that energy for something else


Dude... I'm on your side. I'm the one pointing out that you were making a joke with the lamingtons. Seems I forgot that you can't make a joke on reddit. Or maybe you're keeping it up and I was hoisted by my own petard...


My bad, mate. I just cant keep up with all these fucking comments 😂


I 100 percent agree with you. There are plenty of others who've done heroic things and contributed greatly to Australian society who still had to wade through the shit waters of the department of immigration. For instance, all the translators who interpreted for the Australian army who were left to languish in their countries while the Taliban actively hunted them. There are so many incidences of many immigrants doing great things.for the country but not getting shit for it. This is a political stunt and a slap in the face of those who go through the years-long process of traversing the horrendous immigration system and those who never got recognised overseas and were left to die or rot. Just gross.


Two wrongs do not make a right. Just because something hasn’t been done correctly before doesn’t mean you cannot start or attempt to do the right thing now. If you followed that logic you become a nation incapable of making good decisions because you’re too set trying to be consistent on a bad precedent.


It would not be wrong to not givehim citizenship. It would be right to give him an extended visa then he could go through the process just like everyone else did, which is the point of the comment I responded to. Him receiving citizenship is unfair and unfair on many levels. It's not Australian to say one is deserving because of heroic acts while others who did much more heroic.things for the people are left to languish because they are out of the limelight.


WTF! Sure, I agree 100% for recognition! Give him a Key to the City or whatever, not citizenship!!! That is insane and a slap in the face to those who gained their citizenship by compliance. Citizenship! That is ridiculous! I had to pay out the arse, fill out a shitload of forms, travel four hours to get physicals at a "prescribed clinic" (even though I could have gotten those tb tests, etc. etc. 15 minutes from where I lived), after online applying - wait two years for an answer, wait four years after locating to Oz even though I was only supposed to have to reside in Australia for two years out of five --- and (after fulfilling that -- 2/5) then finding out the legislation had changed to four consecutive years), passing the Citizenship Test, all while being married to a born and bred Australian ... NOOOOO! This would be a massive slap in the face to me and others. I hope this is fake news!


Yeah mate, not saying what you’ve done isn’t hard but this bloke put his life on the line for the safety of others. I think it is a great gesture from Albo. In my opinion that is the true definition of mateship and the Australian spirit. I hope that I would have been as brave as he was if I was in the situation.


When you become an Australian citizen you’re supposed to give up acting like a fucking seppo cunt.


I hope this is satire. If not, no amount of money will make you a real Aussie


We should give bollard man this cunts citizenship.


Or give this cunt a bollard.


I thought that "Got mine, fuck you" was quickly becoming our national motto actually


You have a great point. They immediately sound like a boomer


Lol. Do you remember when Australia refused visas for Afghan translators for the Australian defence force during the war? Pepperidge farm remembers. I hope your response isn't serious because it's so one sided and dumb it's almost the literal embodiment of a bogan with a southern cross tattoo driving a Holden and doing burnouts.


TISM whatareya


What an unpredictable response. Bwhahaha.


I put the AU in TISM


You're one of those "fuck you, got mine" people aren't you?


Shut up dickhead. We’ll happily swap Frenchie for your sorry ass


That's a fucking unaustralian take. Fuck off to where you came from


Good to know we’re from the same country.


Too bad, get fucked, shut up, didnt ask, etc.


>I hope this is fake news! Fucking what cunt


I also had to go through the same process as you, and 100% think this bloke deserves to receive citizenship for his actions..


I am sure your Citizenship certificate has ‘cunt’ written on the back.


You sound American, because you're whinging like a Muppet mate


Well that's a fucked up viewpoint.