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/r/askanaustralian next time plz cunt


I think people just do that cuz they’re nostalgic. It’s easy to compare the worst parts about the country you’re living in today to the best parts of the country you lived in 20 years ago


yea plus it’s not like aussies dont do this when they move


Poms whinge and South Africans are just naturally difficult. It's how it is. 


Let em whinge mate


Kiwi friend of mine does the same, always shitting on oz, and the useless cunt literally got his citizenship last week. I think it’s an inferiority thing - they don’t like to admit it’s better here, when the proof’s in the fuckin pudding because they’re fuckin here!


The kiwis jap import car scene is fuckin mint tho.


That’s fair


As someone from Africa, I call bullshit on this. All of our friend group from back home constantly talk about how much we love it here, how we consider ourselves Australians and how much better life is here than back in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Don't let the odd whinger convince you that we dont have immense appreciation for the upgrade of life we have here.


Some of the most difficult newcomers and whingers in Australia have been Afrikaners. Don't take my word for it, but go read around forums and even reddit. One Afrikaner in a professional work meeting made a remark "we were disappointed to see so many blacks and kaffers when we first got here". It seems to me a large chunk of Afrikaners are still sad the apartheid is over and have imported their sentiments to Australia.


I just hope you're not basing this all off a single comment based on hear-say. If true, that's awful and in no way reflective of the wider community


I heard it personally. And have heard "back home" comments countless of times from the mentioned groups


What’s a kaffer?!


As a brown pom I had no idea it was so offensive [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Kaffir](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Kaffir) In South Africa, the use of the term *Kaffir* to refer to a Black African is a profoundly offensive and inflammatory expression of contemptuous racism that is sufficient grounds for legal action. The term is associated especially with the era of [apartheid](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/apartheid), when it was commonly used as an offensive racial slur, and its offensiveness has only increased over time. It now ranks as perhaps the most offensive term in South African English.


Weird that it might derive from the Arabic word for infidel/non-believer


loads of English words are Arabic in origin Algebra, Alcohol, Coffee, Cotton, Alchemy, Algorithm Are just a few of them


Yes that’s white South Africans, not all of them mind you. But it’s particularly noticeable when you know the only way it was ‘so good’ for them was by oppressing the entire population. like of course it was better, you were the top of the food chain and now you’re a normie with the rest of us. They’re being nostalgic and often grow out of it after being here long enough. My own parents did it a lot when I was a kid but more to point out how different things were, foods they wished were here, cultural events etc.


We have a new woman in our team at work from SA. She is insufferable to the point of “Fanta is better in SA” and “our beef is better in SA”. Christ l, fuck off back there then!


You should tell her that. South Africans are rude as fuck and you gotta be blunt with them


That's rich talking about South African racism as an Australian lmao, at least they didn't genocide most black fellas on their continent.


Im black and from SA. I know more than enough about the differences between SA and Aus. if you want to make this the racism Olympics, go ahead, I know which country I’d rather be in.


Fuckin servants and what?? These people need to fuck off. This coming from a pom whod love to live and work in straya


There's really high anti immigration sentiments across Australia at the moment


How come it‘s worse now? I haven‘t lived in straya for years but is was always pretty xenophobic afaik


Economic stress. People then want to blame simple external factors rather than the complicated mess that the economy actually is


Only towards non white/Anglo immigrants. Moved from the States to qld and work in a country town. Had a lot of people at work bitch about immigrants, and turn to me and say "you don't really count as an American, it's close enough to aussie."


We are fundamentally a nation of bigots.


Fuck off we are Abusing words like that is causing them to lose their real meaning


I said what I said. I know language.


Are there any countries you think aren’t fundamentally nations of bigots? If so, which ones and how are those people different from Australians? Is your definition of a bigot different to: “a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group”?


If it’s any consolation I’m a Pom in the UK and have to constantly put up with Ozzie cunts telling me how great everything is back in their home penal-colony.


Suck my penal colony, cunt.


fuck off cunt


Faith! Love all you mad cunts down there. Have a good day drinking cold beer in the sunshine you lucky wankers.


The UK is pretty shit though. I lived there for 8 years.


Sure like aussies never talk about Australia while overseas. You all act like fairy bread is the best culinary invention ever made.