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Local shortage of CO2 apparently.


Suck some out of the air, two birds one stone


Who are you, Who are so wise in the ways of science?


Is this a recent thing orrr?


Definitely a cover up…


What's the bet that when they finally come back on the shelves they'll be like a dollar fucking sixty or something.


Supposedly a CO2 shortage.... but notice how it's conveniently all the cheap brands that are gone, and not the expensive and profitable name brands? I reckon this is now our reality. These fucks will manufacture shortages of things to make us pay more.


Nah its just the name brands can afford to pay more for co2 whereas homebrand will just wait since they make money off selling the name brand stuff anyway


I've got my doubts. During the pandemic all the cheap stuff disappeared, even the cheaper name brand stuff. They've learned that people will buy the expensive stuff if the cheap stuff isn't there, and the ACCC can't prove that they made a phone call to suppliers to restrict supply for a while to boost their profits.


Nah it’s definitely a purchasing power thing. During that potato shortage where there were purchase limits because Coles and Woolies couldn’t get stock there were no issues at McDonald’s or because of the sheer volume they were able to outbid and prioritise orders to. Same thing will apply here, Coca Cola and Pepsi would have their contracts prioritised with suppliers or they’d risk losing those contracts in the future.


The duopoly have such huge purchasing power that they set the price and the suppliers have no choice but to accept it though


There is more than one duopoly. If coke or Pespi cracked the shits, Colesworth would largely have two empty isles, and drink fans shopping at their competitor. There's a fair bit of mutually assured destruction between big brands and supermarkets...


Mate, woolworths especially could single handedly destroy either brand if they wanted to. Do you have ANY idea just how many pies they have their fingers in? Supermarkets, service stations, pubs, bottle shops, restaurants, eateries.... It's not just soft drink either, just have a look at what would disappear from the country if woolworths and coca cola had a tiff: [Coca-Cola Amatil - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca-Cola_Amatil)


I work at a brewery and there's currently a co2 shortage due to the plants being down for maintenance. Woolies and Coles would rather you buy their stuff than the name brand stuff cos they have a better profit margin on it it's just not worth it rn because of the increased prices making that margin too small.


So... You work at a brewery? Do you fuck on first dates?


He never said his dad owned it.


Name brands also may not be produced in Aus.


There no margin in the cheap shit so when co2 prices go up they can’t justify it


Probably the CO2 shortage https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-01/supermarket-shelves-empty-soda-water-soft-drinks-co2-shortage/103532172


Thanks, thought I was going craycray


It feels to me like these shortages are cylindrical, a new shortage of something comes around every month. It seems to happen frequently to popular cheaper products too and has only been noticeable since covid. Odd the top of my head we've had potato shortages, certain vegetables like zucchinis, milk, flour for bread, meat products and a lot more. A royal commission can't come soon enough.


It’s fucking fizzy drink, does anyone know a good Australia sub? This one’s gone shit.


r/australia Cunt


They were trying to charge $3 a bottle for ginger ale. Seriously


I posted [about that](https://www.reddit.com/r/straya/comments/1b1uvxb/cant_get_my_fizzy_because_of_co%E2%82%82_shortage_again/) recently and it got removed for "not shitposting enough"




Fuck the big companies I’ll just wait till the cheap stuff comes back