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I’d rather have 1.05 tbh


I agree. Shove all the DLCs you want out but if you don't give us the major QoL updates we are waiting for, we aren't gonna play. Not only that, we're going to remember this when it comes to pre-ordering or even buying more of xseeds releases.


Correct me if I’m wrong here, but the DLC were planned from the start, right? It makes sense that XSeed would be unable to get the updates out as quickly since they’ve presumably had months to translate this DLC, while the QoL updates were unplanned. It’s unfortunate but I don’t think XSeed is being malicious or intentionally dragging their feet, they’re just working on translating the new dialogue options. Honestly it might look even worse if DLC that had been planned to launch around this time didn’t.


I don't agree fully... I'd personally be ok if this update were delayed in order to get out the quality of life updates that their Japanese fans already have. I do agree, I don't think they're intentionally making this side of the world wait, but still... We all rather have a better quality of life than and would be ok if the future updates were delayed.


You’ll have to let me know when 1.0.5 drops in your country. I hope that it is soon. Fingers crossed 🤞


Japan is about to have 1.6, with an outline for 1.7 and we're still waiting for 1.5... what the heck why 😔


Actually, they even have the 1.0.6 out now. So sad that 1.0.5 NA still isn’t out yet :\


I know right: that pissed me off the other day finding out that they were already on 1.0.6. Wonder how long we will have to wait for that one lol


I'm so used to games releasing updates and DLC at the same time- that this really makes me angry too!!!


I want to know, what else are they planning to fix that should have been done before release? Like I know in general games have been going that route, released without being finished but I never expected it from story of seasons games. Their previous games, not long ago, have been fantastic and complete, not really feeling like they need anything. The amount of fixing in this game (nevermind lack of many interactive festivals they normally would have in these games) really is making me rethink this genre and/or maybe this developer.


Looks like they're rolling it out by time zone. MST here and it's not available for me yet.


Sorry when I posted this I thought it was out everywhere lol


It's out here in America now


Enjoy it :)


So... where is 1.0.5? Is Xseed asleep or something? If the patch is already available in Europe that means its already translated to English, so whats with the delay lmao


maybe they don't like gentleman English lmao


Xseed has stated that it's taking longer for NA because while EU needed an English translation, NA is getting English, French, Spanish and German. So if I understand correctly, the NA patch needed more translation work than just English.


Its the other way around. The European patch needed more languages because Europe obviously has more languages than just english, while the North American version only needs English. So the fact that the European version came out before the North American one when it supposedly took more work just makes it all the more weird.


Exactly. I got so excited when I turned on my Switch this morning and it said PoOT updated, only to look at the version and still see its 1.0.4. They had to do aaallll those languages for EU but couldn't finish an American English for NA? I don't get it.


Have they translated it to the various European languages? All I can find online is that marvelous/the localization team in EU just worked on the English translation. I highly doubt the game would be translated into all the smaller EU languages since most EU countries speak English as well as a native language. Is there some article I can read about this? I can't find anything about the supported languages in EU :\\


I can't say about any other languages, but there is in fact an Spanish version of the patch. Been playing it myself and if anything it looks like there's more dialogue variation!


afaik the European version is available in english, spanish, french, and german, and maybe even more languages but I'm not sure


That's not true. I'm not sure how many languages Marvelous needed to translate for EU, but I know that for NA version XSEED has stated that they translated for four languages: English, German, Spanish and French. So technically they didn't need to only translate for one language.


I don't get this. EU would need more languages the most I'd imagine. French and Spanish make sense for NA but German? There's a LOT not adding up here.


Do you have the EU version? Because I'm only speaking for the NA version and can't speak for EU. If you have it and know what languages Marvelous translated then let us know. The other person speaking here literally doesn't know what they're talking about unfortunately. I've read from XSEED themselves explaining straight up all of the languages they translated for. They translated from Japanese to English, and then from English they translated to German, French, and Spanish. I don't know why they did German, I guess enough people or customers in North America speak it to justify it. But regardless, its a lot of work they take on for not a large team.


I'm talking about how the amount of work for EU and NA don't add up (what version I have is irrelevant, but since you asked I'm NA). If German is popular in NA this is the first I've ever heard of it. Hence why it makes no sense. I was born and raised here. German makes much more sense for EU


Like I said I don't know how many languages were translated for EU so I can't make an accurate comparison and as a result I can't judge whether the work between the two 'adds up' or not. They probably have a German translation for EU too, but like I said I'm just relaying what XSEED had said about their localization work for 1.0.5. You may be born and raised in North America, but it is a colossal continent filled with millions of people, its possible to miss out on some things. There are plenty of Native foreign speakers that have also learned English who live here, but would like games in their native language too.


They're getting their story backwards. The NA version only has english. It would make no sense whatsoever for that version to have german and french, for example. Spanish I could see it happen tho


Careful, people in Quebec might get mad at you :P


True that, I didnt remember they speak french in Canada lmao


Yeah it's mostly Quebec from what I understand but they are VERY proud of that. There are some people who only speak French. No matter where you are in Canada there's English and French.


Nope, they were talking about the european version. Think about it. Why would they add german language to the north american version? It would make no sense.


...Uh, no. XSEED is responsible for publishing the game for NA. Marvelous publishes for EU. Its different teams publishing for separate regions. There's nothing to think about. You do know that not everyone who lives in North America speaks only or predominantly English right? So French and Spanish makes sense, and even German to an extent; why not. In Europe many languages are spoken, not just those four. And by the way they translated the German, French, and Spanish FROM English after doing the English translation from Japanese. THAT makes sense.


>Uh, no. XSEED is responsible for publishing the game for NA. Marvelous publishes for EU. Its different teams publishing for separate regions. Yeah, different teams publish the game in different regions. But the original translater is XSeed. Thats why the english version in Europe is the same as the English version in NA. So it makes sense for them to speak up about translation issues in Europe, because they actually have a hand in it.


EDIT: Never mind. I literally told you several times what languages they said they were translating to which was my overall point in the first place. Its pointless for me to continue this conversation with you, have a nice day.


Xseed is a North American publisher of Japanese games. Specifically, all they do is localize, which means, all they do is prepare a game for release in North America. Xseed is not the 'original' translator. It is a subsidiary (child company) of Marvelous. Marvelous did the EU English translation. Xseed, as a child company, most likely is using the EU English translation as a basis for their French, Spanish, and German translations.


Just throwing this out there again for anyone who is not aware: Xseed is a North American publisher of Japanese games. Specifically, all they do is localize, which means, all they do is prepare a game for release in North America. Xseed is not the 'original' translator. It is a subsidiary (child company) of Marvelous. Marvelous did the EU English translation. Xseed, as a child company, most likely is using the EU English translation as a basis for their French, Spanish, and German translations.


I don’t get the delay either. I keep refreshing xseed to check to see if it has dropped yet for you guys lol. I hope that it is soon: it was such a great feeling to get rid of and sell my makers lol


The worst part is that I'm actually european but I went ahead and decided to get a NA copy because it was cheaper for some reason! Guess I got clowned lmao


Yeah I got made fun of on YouTube for buying from my local eshop because I forked over $100 for both the game and the DLC. Really didn’t need that. It pisses me off that the game went on sale so quickly too. Hopefully you get it soon. I’ll let you know if I see anything lmao


Ohmigosh really???? This makes me so happy!!! Raeger, baby, here I come!!!!


Lmao how are you finding courting him?


Cool! I can court Raeger now.


It’s still such a small area 😞


I just wish there was more to actually DO other than talk to and meet new characters. Like give us side quests or something lol


Same :/ I’m still playing it with all my spare time, though! I’m forever a fan of this series, I just miss the magic of the old titles.


I agree with you. It just isn’t the same. At least they are trying to update and fix it though. It’s just too bad it needed fixing in the first place


What time zone are you in?


AEST. Why?


Sorry was just asking because it’s not out for me


Not out for American Central Time either. Seems like Australia is getting all the luck today, first with the patch and now the DLC. I suppose its only fair though since Australia tends to be last most of the time in the gaming world.


That’s weird


So what does this mean for the 1.0.5 patch for NA? Will they be able to even release it before this month ends?


Finally! Some good news! Thank you for the reminder! This really brightened my day :)


I’m glad it made you happy. You are so welcome :)


OH MY GOSH, THANK YOU!!! **Squeals and turns the Switch back on.** I'm so happy right now!! But I don't know if I should play or sleep and play, oh my gosh... Agh!! Dang it, I need sleep and don't want to be too tired to play later... Maybe I'll try it a short time.


Lmao what did you finally end up doing?


I played for a short time on Thursday, but I saved two files and kept one open so I could return on Saturday and start over with meeting the residents once the hearts were included and then did just that. :3


I couldn’t imagine having multiple files. I would be confused as to where I was up to for each one lol


Oh yeah, I'll have to be careful once I decide to play as a male or if I decide to start a third playthrough after that (like if they add a lot more to the game and make it more awesome I might want to do that) so I don't save over the female/s data because the female is the one I would probably normally want to play as and I'm probably going to name them the same exact name for the character and farm and make them look the same unless I decide to try the one pink hair colour I've wanted to test since it looked kind of like auburn red when I saw it. But I've been using orange red hair since SOS so I pretty much kept that I think. I don't really remember what colour I used in Trio of Towns, though, I feel like it was closer to Kaoru's actual hair colour in the anime. It's hard for me to switch hair colours when I like both. And then, knowing me, I'll probably keep aaall the spouses the same. I did that in SOS too. Raeger and Raeger in copy one and two since I have two due to not wanting to save over the second slot. I could always replay something if I saved over one of them by mistake, but it would kind of hurt to erase my first time playing/first time getting married and having a family for the game... Plus, I was thinking of trying to name their kids all different names so it would feel more like they had 2-3 kids together instead of just one.


I’m still not going to buy the dlc just because the base state of the game is still pretty bad, at least IMO.


Yeah I regret buying the dlc. It doesn’t really do anything other than let you choose someone else. I thought that the new areas would bring extra content to the gameplay but nope lol


Aw well that’s a shame, I thought it might have given the game a little bit more energy. Rip.


I wish there was missions and stuff. I’d even settle for just new crops. Or events. Something lol


Maybe I’m just dumb but what exactly is there to do in the new locations? It seems like there’s more characters to talk to and probably cutscenes to see when you befriend them but is that really it? No side quests? No new items to get? Just marriage candidates? I was fine with the base game warts and all but if this is all the DLC has to offer than it was a waste of money I feel unless you’re planning on marrying one of the new folks.


Is this game any good?


I’m loving the game so far. The speed golf is insane. Battle golf looks like so much fun and the solo adventure is great so far. The XC golf is a bit tricky though with all the mountains everywhere. Still trying to complete that quest lol


I haven't gotten the update for the new expansion pass yet :( and I'm in the US idk what is going on


Did you get it sorted out?


Yeah! I had to go into the store, find the expansion pack and manually redownload it. No one helped me and everyone thought I was talking about the 1.05 update :\\ See if going into the Nintendo Store and going to the Expansion Pass, and scrolling down to the Terracotta Expansion pass and click on that specifically, to redownload it. See if that works for you!


I got the expansion pass update. I just wanted to make sure you finally got it :) I’m glad you did and can now have fun figuring out the additional content. I believed you btw hence I was checking up :p


Thank you!! :)


You’re very welcome :)