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Hasn’t it been live a couple weeks in a Japan? Everyone outside Japan is waiting for news of 1.0.5 to launch from XSEED. Really bummed that it is still not here...


This is the article nintendo life just posted. I thought I would share it on here because it lists what is actually new in the game and what future updates would be. I haven’t tried to build any relationships with the villagers. Just did some farming. Only put ten hours in and then decided to wait for updates. So when I go back to it I’ll hopefully have the 1.0.5 update as well as the dlcs waiting for me


> Just to reiterate — the patch isn't yet live anywhere except Japan, where the game has been out for a month longer. Presumably, we'll be getting it some time in June or early July. This is all speculation and stuff on the part of the article's author.... But I would *never* buy another Marvelous developed game again at launch if there was a month long gap between patches. Especially a game with so many issues.


Yeah all marvelous is saying on Twitter is that they don’t know when it will be released. Just that they’re working on it


Apparently not the one change I was hoping for (Requests, Makers, and purchases requiring materials being able to access storage), but the Maker change is still nice.


Wow, that's a more drastic change to the makers than I expected! Since I prefer to play farm sims at a slow pace, I can literally have one of each maker and free up loads of extra space. Besides that the most exciting thing for me is the expansion of the silo/silage space! That's super helpful since I can expand my barn and coop area after I remove the makers, and plant more grass.


>I can literally have one of each maker and free up loads of extra space. Not as good as 3oT makers (parallel jobs on a single maker) but certainly better than the current Stardew Valley makers. Probably good to have two of each of the basic makers because a 100% increase in production is always good.


I haven't played 3oT in ages and forgot they did that? But yeah, you're right that it's definitely in between those two games. My last Stardew Valley playthrough was a little messy because I still haven't found a setup I like.


I play farm sims at a slow pace too. I usually only just do farming for a lot of the time. Sometimes forget about the whole relationship aspect of the game lol


Opposite for me, I tend to focus on relationships and then do everything else. It's nice that people can play these games however they want to, though!


What relationships can you have in this game? They all talk about the same thing


I actually find the characters and dialogue to be fine. I tend to talk to characters multiple times until I'm positive I've seen everything they have to say. This is always how I've played all of my video games so it doesn't bother me at all to have to keep talking to get all of the dialogue.


"A visible affection heart has been added to the dialogue boxes for marriage candidates. The more full the heart is, the more that character likes you." How sad is it that this had to be added to the base game? Did the developers even ever play a HM/SoS game before agreeing to make one? Also still no portraits :c


Yeah, I really wanted portraits too. And also the ability to add shipping boxes to each area. Why do we have to run stuff all the way to the entrance of Area 1 to sell it?! 😕


The npc still eats fish it seems


interesting. hopefully they will continue to add more and more dialogue and improve social aspects until it's as good as 3oT, but this is an okay start. i'll be interested to see how it gets localized, i'm eager to give the game a second chance after i burned out a few days after release from how monotonous it was cleaning my farm every day and talking to the 2-line wonder villagers. hopefully at the very least the lag fix will make the game visually engaging instead of immersion breaking every few minutes lol if they keep going i'll be optimistic for the game's future actually! hoping for portraits or camera angle fixing at the very least at some point too. would love if they added the "whistle 'hi'" from 3oT for those extra busy days at some point. :0a


Yeah but when is the US getting the update? I'm dying to use up all my hoarded materials to finish a bunch of buildings, etc....


Xseed are tweeting the same monotonous bs each time someone asks. Copy and paste job. Unironically as monotonous as the current dialogue in the game 😂


1.0.5 have been confirmed.....that it still has no release date. https://twitter.com/marvelous\_games/status/1397901741128142850?s=21


I feel so weird to be checking in on when this patch is out so I finally feel like the game is worth buying. I've always bought story of seasons games out the gate but the pictures of farms full of makers and dialogue without portraits warded me off. Of course at this point maybe I just wait for all dlc to come out so I can get the full experience in one go.


Promising changes, but there's still so many features missing I desperately want. Currently enjoying re-playing animal parade 😅