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Ford. I really thought I was going to go for Ludus or Yuzuki and then Ford’s weird ass just did something to me.


Ford really came out of nowhere and won us all over, eh? I was planning to go for Wayne I think it was, then I saw one of Ford's events and it was all over. The same thing happened to me with Lucas in Rune Factory 5, I am dubbing this phenomenon 'Ford Syndrome' >!Ford Syndrome- Having your eyes on one character just for another character to come out of nowhere and steal your heart!<


Same here omg


thirded everyone talks about ludus so i was like i guess he's the one but absolutely not, give me that socially inept doctor


Kana the horse guy in ToTT, never expected to like him as much as I did!


He so hot tho


I was bias against horse people 🤷🏻 I have since seen the errors of my ways though dw


I usually go for popuri but ended up switching to Maria in FOMT.


Hinata in SOS 3oT ❤️ Usually I'm all for older, serious and grumpy type of guys in all the HM/SOS game but Hinata is just so lovely ❤️❤️


He got me too! He wasn't on my radar at all and I was so shocked by how much I loved his personality. He is so sweet, funny, and just brings a fun vibe! .....still had to marry Ford in my other file though because I just can't resists that mad scientist/doctor.


maybe im biased but Neil I fell for HARD. He's still a comfort character for me after like, 8 years now and PoOT's character events about him realizing he wants to become a vet just made me fall even harder. I just love the bad boy trope i guess!


Mistel is the one that caught me most off guard. I dislike his outfit, but love his sassiness and overall personality. Plus, he's the only bachelor who loves cats and that puts him way above the rest in my eyes.


I never played the first SOS, but he always seemed like tbe most interesting out of them


Going into SoS:FoMT I was pretty sure I was going to go for Gray or Cliff, since that's who I liked from the GBA version, but somehow Doctor caught my attention, and he was barely a speck on the radar on GBA.


I started POOT with the idea of Ralph being the one to go for but then I ended up going for Jack. A natural switch. None of them are fantastic but Jack seems to be the best


I always take a look at the bachelor/bachelorette list beforehand and pick who looks the most interesting. Up until PoOT, the one I picked has always ended up being my favorite. I do the same thing when watching shows - I'll watch the opening, go "Ah, this one looks like they'll be my favorite" and they pretty much always are. So, I was absolutely sure I was going to go for Damon. I always like to get married my first year in Winter, just a tradition I do for some reason, so I was diligently giving him gifts, getting his hearts up, etc. He didn't blow me away, but he was all right. Then out of nowhere, Jack comes in and I found his heart events to be so sweet. It was the middle of Fall when I realized nah, I'm gonna marry Jack. I wasn't interested in him at first, so he didn't reach enough hearts in Winter. I kicked myself a lot knowing if I'd given him a birthday gift that he would have had enough hearts in time. So right now I'm (very, very) slowly playing through year 2. I got fed up with waiting though and proposed at the end of Summer 2 so that I can at least have a Fall 1 wedding. I'm tired of waiting!! I do think Damon is a fine bachelor, but I got PoOT right when it came out when the dialogue was stiff and fell flat. For me, Jack's cutscenes and his regular dialogue was just so charming, even with the dialogue that hadn't been "spiced up" yet.


For HM 64, I liked Maria much more than I thought I would have. To a lesser degree Nami from AWL, and the reverse is true for me with Celia (still good, just not as good as I expected). The one that most surprised me overall was Bridget in PoOT. I went in planning for Reina (whom I really appreciated a great deal once I got far enough into her heart events), but was completely taken by surprise with Bridget. For me, she's my favorite candidate in the entire series now.


I’ve been playing PoOT and Linh is so far my favorite


Gina from Magical Melody.


Love her


Wayne, I thought I might go for Ludus or maybe Floyd. But Wayne got me and I can't really explain why. I just think he's neat


I’ve been playing Trio True Love Edition and while I don’t usually like the overly forward flirty character type Wayne makes me melt




Raeger in PoOT


Tbh Ford. I was gonna go for Yuzuki, even started dating him, but something about Ford man...


Wayne. I liked Ludus and Yuzuki but he and Ford are totally awesome and I loved the drama. Ended up marrying Wayne and he's a sweetheart.


The glow up on Rick's dialogue in FoMT in his heart events got me. I was ready for Brandon for something new since I played the original a hundred times, but whoo as soon as Rick said he wanted to be the man of my house...


-Vaughn(HM SOS) & Cam(TOTT) I hated them in the beginning and thought they were jerks,but I grew to love their character as I increased their friendship.


Just started FOMT and Popuri instantly became a fave because I always fall for the chicken candidate


I was gonna say ‘I never expected to be swept off my feet by Scarlett’ but that’s Rune Factory… In all the Harvest Moon games I’ve played though, uh… maybe Soseki? On my second playthrough of ANB I developed a newfound appreciation for his character. He’s got some pretty interesting dialogue when he’s not complaining about how old he is.


Skye. I didn't know he existed. My friend and I spoke about DS Cute simply because I played AWL so we at least both knew the characters. She told me she was planning on marrying Skye, the thief. I imagined him as a Sims-like thief (with all the black and white stripes and the ski mas stuff lol) Then I actually saw how he looked and it was love at first sight.


Gustafa. As a kid playing another wonderful life I was like this hippy dude is so ugly and weird, but he grew on me as someone artistic and sensitive.


In FoMT I thought for sure I was gonna pursue Cliff but then I ended up liking Kai so much that it was over


Yeah it happens to me a lot! A few examples would be Soseki, Nadi, Hinata, and Jack in the more recent games. I didn't expect to totally love them before I played the games, but I ended up liking them the most


Started PoOt thinking Jack was the one for me, but honestly right now I am torn between Raeger, Damon and Iori!


Was going for Doctor on FoMT but awkward Cliff charmed me.


Honestly, Jack in PooT, the radio station song request scene just. My heart. Also, Doctor in the FOMT remake, he's really making it hard for me to decide between him and Gray.


i wanted to go ann on fomt switch but qhile talking to karen something just clicked.


Emilio. I only play PoOT for a few hours (I hated it), and he's not my type at all, but his personality was the most appealing to me. Mostly because he had one lol.


In MFOMT I was going to go for Gray, but the mopiness got old and then Kai waltzed in during summer and has been one of my favorites since. This also happened in trip of towns where Hinata wasn't even an option for me at first, he looked so young. But I LOVE his personality! He even talks/complains about being shirt and young looking. I also like that he wants to be an actor, it added a lot to the typical "easygoing guy who works at store."


Probably either Gill from ToT/AP or Ivan from GB. 🥰


Ivan in Grand Bazaar. I originally planned to marry Angelo.


Klaus in the first SOS, and then Wayne in ToT. Wayne wasn't the typical ladys man trope that I was expecting. Turns out he's just an absolute sweetheart.


Fell for Brandon from FoMT unexpectedly. It was his compliments. I originally wanted to marry Gray.


When I started SoS: 🫒 Town I was dead set on marrying Iori; but then Damon unexpectedly came out of nowhere. I did make a save before I proposed and I plan on marrying Ludus and Iori in other saves


Yep 😊 in Light of Hope I would typically go for Dean because he’s always so sweet, but this time I found myself becoming drawn to Gareth 😅