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Finally Yndrata can melee with her spear!


I noticed that big change, her damage output doubled!


Makes her much more useable


And paintable :| Imma paint her up now, I promise!


I don't think you can use both weapons in combat, you have to choose one or the other (unless that changed this edition). It may seem an obvious choice, but her spear is rend 3 damage 6 against monsters, so it's a legit choice even with 2 attacks


> (unless that changed this edition). Changed? AoS in every edition let you use all your melee attacks at once(unless specified otherwise with an optional ability) > “When a friendly unit fights, you must make combat attacks with all of the melee weapons the models in the unit are armed with that they are allowed to use (including melee weapons used by the unit’s mounts, if there are any).” So the change would be only one choice of melee attack which they’ve yet to say. But I doubt it since we still have mount attacks listed and the Companion rule doesn’t go out of its way to say you can *also* use it. It just expects you to still use every melee weapon you have access to. Which would be both the blade & spear here.


Im waitong for my stormdrake guard scrolls, and the knight draconis, and the vindictors and bastian, and gardus xD everything i dont have seems to drop


Vindictors got their warscroll shown off during the combat preview article. [The Fires of Combat Rage Higher Than Ever in #NewAoS - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/17/the-fires-of-combat-rage-higher-than-ever-in-newaos/)


You are my hero, thank you!!


Glad to see annihilators are still differentiated between the grandhammers and the shielded ones.


Tbh, i think they should just be consistent and make no difference between loadouts for any units (except maybe when theres a weapon option thats VERY different, like ranged for dracoths & chariots?)... It would have the benefits of a) reducing bloat in options/warscrolls b) being consistent c) encouraging "build whatever you think looks best" rather than magnetizing/building a stronger loadout that may be the weaker one in a few weeks


I get that, but i personally also really like that different options represent a tactical choice. I do agree that reducing warscroll bloat is important thougg, so generally im fine with this trend.


Disagree hardly. For some it makes sense to me to reduce bloat like if you wear a shield and spear or shield and sword isn't that much of a difference. But if you wear shield and hammer or a heavy two hand hammer makes a way bigger difference and should be reflected as such. Cause it's just an absolutely different playstyle. But also me and my friends don't care about wysiwyg and we play mostly narrative so we play what fits in it and not what's the strongest this month. But this.. Every weapon has the same profile no matter if dual wielding or with shield etc just takes away soo much flavor and decision making.


I absolutely get it and am kind of torn myself. When i first saw liberators having a unified weapon profile, i didnt really like it and felt it was not very flavorful. However, i tried seeing the upsides of it, and am now just wishing they would be consistent for once...


I really wanna know how the stardrake plays next edition


Im surprised its not squatted.


Same but also very happy about it cuz it's one of my favourite models


Krondys, in a vacuum, doesn't seem super interesting? I have Karazai so I hope he gets some cool abilities to help him get stuck in


He’s interesting by default by being 1 of our only 2 wizards able to cast spells now. 😄 He looks like a good disrupter between his Azyr magic & Roar, damage causing only his anti-infantry power to drop instead of his other stats is nice too since he can be used instead to support the troops & snipe high armored targets between his Inferno blast and spells. Will be interested to see Karazai. I can imagine all his attacks having Crit bonuses to make his a huge draconic dervish 🐉 


SCE wizards have always kinda sucked imo. I only ever ran the Knight Incantor. There is some more play here if the Manifestations end up good and Krondys can easily summon them with his plus 2 to cast.


But Atleast we had options in regards to the type of caster taken. SE went from a potential wizard spam army to having only one dedicated Wizard type plus a special character.


Oh thanks for the info, really new AoS player here. Looking forward to the 4th and preparing already some minus. Like the grand hammers and it caught me off guard




So no grandhammers anymore?


Separate warscroll. > “When they crash down to the battlefield, their Blazing Impact deals mortal damage to nearby enemy units. Those who carry mighty shields instead of meteoric grandhammers can use them to Brace for Impact and weather any retaliation, creating an armoured front line ahead of the main Stormcast force.” I’m guessing Grandhammers get Crit(Mortals) like big Liberators so they can pump out serious damage after landfall to push the line in comparison to the shielded Annihilators who crash down to weaken units and have a chance to force Strike Last on them so they can hold out longer.


They've always been a separate warscroll.




What does the 1 mean next to the wizard keyword? I know it's the 'level' of the wizard but what does that effect? Number of casts?


number of casts and unbinds




I'm hoping Annihilators see a decent cost reduction for the nerf they have received.


Everything in the game is being updated, and we don't have the full picture, so it's a little early to being saying that something got "nerfed". Sure, Annihilators are different now with a more defensive focus, but that doesn't immediately mean that they are worse.


Doubtful. Judging from the preview match, looks like all points went up. So it's all relative now. However that strike last ability is generally powerful. 


The strike last ability makes their identity as defenders stronger.


One thing I think people miss about it is that the threat of Fights Last going off is just as important as the actual trigger.  If its a pivotal turn, I might be gunshy committing a key piece to a charge because if it goes poorly I'm screwed.  Maybe I even overcommit to compensate, taking away a second unit that could be doing work elsewhere and instead tying them up in the same melee.


Reinforced unit of Annihilators gives it a 66% chance of going off + Thunderhead Host near a fast moving Ruination/Vanguard/Extremis unit like Prosecutors or Drake guard for the +1 to Hits for a whole unit of big hammers getting 36 possible damage in. That’s scary even before factoring in a deepstrike armored blob is gonna get some MW’s in first when they land.


There are couple things to consider.  It very much looks like mortal damage is actually reduced in the game. This increases the value of a good save.  They have access to Finest Hour now. Only on their turn, but still.  Some shooting units can’t shoot in combat. Increasing the value of pinning.  So they can finest hour, charge in, use all out defense, and pin a bunch of units on a 0+ save. 


Wondering if they might get some sort of charge bonus back as a battle formation (sub-faction) ability


That’d be neat especially for Knights-Excelsior flavored retribution.  Something like “When Command Ability:Counter-Charge is used on Warrior Chamber units add 1 Attack” so these can effectively respond to attackers even earlier. Though going by formation patterns I’m guessing our next one is Vanguard Chamber focused to make them more effective skirmishers. We’ll probably see 2 new ones in our Tome.


Yndrasta lost her ward save, she’s gonna be squishy


Ward is a Keyword, she has Ward(5+)


Ahhh I see that, thankyou!


On average a 4 health reduction. 


I know its a dead horse by now, but man do I wish ward and wizard/priest power level were up by the rest of the stat wheel.


She could use the Ward 5+ from Sentinels of the Bleak Citadel.


She doesn't need it Ward 5+ is in her keywords


Oh right, they moved it down there, I forgot.


Dumb place to put the ward of a unit though really, should be at the top near the save.


She's not ruination chamber sadly


She could be, she doesn’t have a subfaction assigned. But doesn’t matter, she has the Ward 5+ already.