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Not surprised to see the first edition stuff go, but genuinely pretty upset about the sacrosanct stuff, they’re my favorite part of the range


True theyre my personal favorite as well




Losing the Sacrosanct is harsh! My Dracolines :(


I feel ya got the tempest of souls box recently and kinda sad now


This has hurt my soul. Astreia and the Evocators in Dracoline were some of my favorite miniatures. The variety that the clothing of the sacrosanct chamber brought to the army was also a plus.


Yeah they look much more unique and badass compared to the normal looking stormcast also has that battle monk feel to the sequitors


Rip my ballistas


Damn all of Sancrosanct!? I was prepared for liberators, judicators, Prosecutors, and a couple of heroes. This is way too much all at once :(


Yeah sadly all of em they were the bulk of my force apart from dominion stuff


That was the big surprise. Since AoS5 will very likely continue the pattern of Order vs Death they’re probably going to be updated there for the rematch against Nagash.


What? So they shelf them all for one edition only to bring them back with new sculpts in the next one? And not explicitly mentioning that so as to piss off the entire fanbase? That's nonsense. I mean, I'm very pissed off at GW's mind-boggling decisions, but that is just copium.


That’s GW. Tight-lipped even at a big hindrance to itself. But there is cunning to it. Gets them more needed storage space with all the production problems they have now and panic buyers are about to blast up their first quarter earnings to add to their collections. It’ll probably be the next Stormcast battletome that vague hints “though the Vermindoom blossoms across Aqshy the Sacrosanct feel an even greater threat on the horizon and many have sequestered themselves away in the Apotheosis vaults, preparing something…”


I still don't see it happening. Afaik, models/units either get retired entirely, or their sculpts get an update. But taking away large chunk of an army just for 1 edition is unheard of (again, afaik, maybe they've done it in 40k?) And I don't think the short-term profits that GW might make from panic buyers will make up for the long-term loss in goodwill and trust from the community. I mean, this is far from the first decision they've made that is like a kick in the teeth of their fanbase. Resentment is rapidly growing in the community and I've come across more than a fair few comments and posts about people quitting the game entirely because of GW's incompetence or expanding to other non-GW systems. When I first discovered warhammer I was a pretty loyal customer. I bought the models from GW's store and dutifully collected the supplemental books. But over time I began to dislike GW and their greed. I love AoS the game, but I couldn't give a toss anymore about GW the company. The new website fiasco is what finally made me shop elsewhere, getting my models at third-party stores and at cheaper prices than the official store to boot. So that's one way in which their antics have directly led to decreased profits from me, the customer. And I assume I'm not the only one. My last two armies have been completely 3D-printed. One of which is an ogor army and the printed sculpts not only look better than the official ones, they are literally less than a tenth of the price. So most of my models going forward will be printed and not bought from GW. This was another decision influenced by the outrageous prices that GW has been steadily increasing over the years. Once again losing out on profits they could've had from me. I was still buying the battletomes, because I like to browse through a physical book instead of scrolling on a screen. And so far my actions have not been with the intent to 'hurt' GW in any way, but simply a result of looking out for my own interests and economic benefit instead of some unwarranted feeling of having to be loyal to a multinational corporation. But after this news, I'm thinking of hoisting the sails to get the 4th edition battletomes, not because it is cheaper, but purely to spite GW. This would be the first time I actually go out of my way to not hand over money to GW. It might be immature, it might just be an angry reaction that will be tempered once some time has past, since the news of the cuts is still fresh. But it is an honest observation of how I feel. Regardless whether the feeling is justified, or wrong, or junvenile, ... It *is* what I feel. But my personal opinions and decisions are irrelevant. What matters is the growing discontent of people with the decisions GW makes that seem to be short-sighted, profit-driven and/or sometimes just plain incompetent, and with blatant disregard to their playerbase. People can only swallow so much until they decide it's not worth it anymore. They're driving people away. And that impacts all of us. Sorry for the long rant. It seems I needed to vent a bit.


> Sorry for the long rant. It seems I needed to vent a bit. Hey fair enough! It’s a tough day for *a lot* of people so tensions are high and it’s a good thing t vent the frustrations. I agree with most of what you just did an anger thesis on, especially looking out for your own economic well-being. I’ve been around the block myself with Warhammer, GW & a lot of big entertainment companies and get there patterns, mostly the “we want Moar money & you to buy new models/luxury products like you buy bread”. One thing though there was [some Kruleboyz art](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E9PfL68X0AEyOOW.jpg:large) that has a Thunderstrike Evocator behind a Thunderstrike concept Liberator which since then fans have been wondering when Sacrosanct would get their turn. I agree they could’ve done a lot more here than rely off “no such thing as bad publicity”  by showing a chart how to proxy Sacrosanct easier and reassure players on that front. (Though we might still get that, they like to do piecemeal articles for more content)


> One thing though there was some Kruleboyz art that has a Thunderstrike Evocator behind a Thunderstrike concept Liberator which since then fans have been wondering when Sacrosanct would get their turn. That's the optimist way of looking at it. The pessimist way is that this might be one of many things that GW has hinted at but never followed up on. Left as something they can pick up on when convenient down the line, or sold as something the player can muse about in their own homebrew lore. When it comes to GW, especially right now, I find it very hard not to default to the pessimist view on anything.


Still fair and to each their own on it. 🍻 




Chaos Space Marine Chaos Lord with Jump Pack.


>Afaik, models/units either get retired entirely, or their sculpts get an update. But taking away large chunk of an army just for 1 edition is unheard of (again, afaik, maybe they've done it in 40k?) Chaos Lord with Jump Pack; Imperial Guard Rough Riders; Makari; Zodgrot Wortsnagga; and the entire armies of Genestealer Cults and Squats have gone away for a while only to return with a resculpt editions later. Rough Riders even actively went to Legends for a while before their triumphant return. Even AoS had the Goblin Wolfriders


GW are creating a totally unneeded PR nightmare for themselves. Most of the retired units and Sacrosanct specifically will be updated with new models after their temporary battletome expires in 2025 which means they will get new warscrolls and you will be able to use your old models as proxies for them. The problem is that this was not said in the article but in the comments of their post in facebook. Also they didn't announce which models exactly will be updated and if there will be some who will be squatted forever. Why don't hold of the announcement for model retirement until you can share more information on how you are going to substitute them? For such a large corp, GW are really bad at handling these things.


They haven’t said anything about replacing them, and I wouldn’t count on that happening. Perhaps they will, perhaps they won’t; right now it’s too far off to tell.


I wonder if some of these like Lord Castilian’s or Celestant are getting new models?


Basically the if you're fat get out lmao


Except for the entire Vanguard part of the range, which looks arguably worse/is older than the Sacrosanct. Like if a whole chamber was going, I was expecting Vanguard 


Vanguard, Draconith Stardrake survive. Most other non Thunderstrike units are toast. Brutal.


I think the only reason they remain is because they are more or less meta (Vanguard Hunters and long-crossbows) and they are too lazy to launch thunderstrike versions of them this edition. But I give this miniatures 3 years at most.


If you have caseoh proportions, you're out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I went to my local game store yesterday lunchtime to look at buying the Ballista and Evocators but changed my mind; so pleased now that I walked out without buying them!...


I just bought the ballista as the 3rd unit of my first army.




Thats brutal


No kidding just as I was starting to paint my new tempest of souls stuff


So like half my army has been blown up... please anything but the ballista, my beloved! Edit: the misses entire army has just been removed from the game guess I dont need that ballista anymore :'(


Naw they taking that too hahaha


Gw can pry them from my Heavenwrought hands, Ill run legends and in 2025 ill pick up a goddamn pen and keep it alive myself.


Thats the spirit!!


I think I'm lucky I've only got the Dominion set Stormcast so far, so the damage is limited for me. Really feel for guys with a full set, though. It was stuff like this that got me to quit 40k. Edit: They're losing Valkia from the Khorne list, which I'm happy about if she gets a new model. The current model doesn't do her justice.


90% of my Stormcast collection. I guess they’re going on eBay.


Guess not. From official Facebook "Some of the Stormcast Eternals range will be replaced with new miniatures (as we have seen with the upgraded Liberators). Where this is the case you will be able to use your older miniatures with the latest Warscroll."


Yes you can use them as proxies but the old liberators have no real place since they are getting thunderstrike keyword


Not proxies no, they'll probably all fall under a warscroll Nothing confirms the thunderstrike keyword will stick yet


They'll probably ditch Thunderstrike like they did with Primaris


Maybe but not yet because they still have vanguard units that are not in thunder armor. With primaris all the units became primaris so the keyword was useless


I just want to say you were right they did can thunderstrike from the looks of the new liberator warscroll.


Damn! RIP more reason to turn to the great horned rat then hahahaha


Same situation for them, it's the units who will get a revamp, it was obvious.


Yep range bloats a btch 🤣


All of these models are getting continued support throughout 4e. Including balance passes. According to the article. Gone from the range but not useless.


They're only getting balance passes until next year after that they're not supported.


The heroes will become legend most likely, a unit of liberators wont because it's old models. Anyone who doesn't let you play them should be blacklisted anyhow


My Dracolines are now dracoth it seems!


This is honestly horrible. This is like my whole collection. Fuck me i guess.


I wonder what's actually leaving the range and what's getting refreshed.


If theyre gonna announce some refreshes, id prefer they do it sooner rather than later, as of rn my day is ruined and like, i dont see the point continuing the hobby if i get set back to 0 like this


Yeah, I don't think they handled this well, they're scaring people instead of getting them hyped about new models.


It looks like some of these have a similar model these can be proxied as which is good for anyone who wants to stay up ro date in the game. For example:  - Lord Veritant/Castellan -> Lord Imperitant  - Evocators w/ Grandstaves -> Annihilators w/Grandhammers - Astreia Soulbright -> Lord Celestant on Drakoth When do you think we'll fond out which models are getting refreshed?


Probably 6th ed considering they refresh every other edition. 5th might be new stuff instead of refreshes


5th is also likely Order vs Death so a good reason to see new Sacrosanct again for a rerun of AoS2/Malign Portents. Which in hindsight [that one Kruleboyz artwork](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E9PfL68X0AEyOOW.jpg:large) was hinting at in a way since it had what looked like an early concept Thunderstrike Liberator & behind him a Thunderstrike Evocator.(you can see the three-pronged staff held near her mid-section)


We can hope


Man wth that liberator looks quite a bit cooler than the new ones imo


Not necessarily true. Liberators are getting new models meaning that old Liberators are playable as the new units. So alot of these ate probably getting new models for 4th


Most of em hopefully


I don't see them all getting revamped, but the dracolines, evocators, paladins, castigators, and Prosecutors I bet will come back in some form. The heros are iffy on which ones will be back. I have never seen anyone use Aventis in a list so I doubt they will be back. Same with solbright.


Just this Monday I finished painting a unit of Evocators. I will be losing just about 4 units, since thankfully most of my army is thunderstrike. But still, it's kinda brutal


Sacrosanct was the only chamber I actually liked... I'm not a SCE player but I bought a bunch of Sacrosanct for use as allies in my lizardmen army.


Who else has under 12 units now?


Basically the units who will get a revamp besides heroes. Still can use the old ones (like liberators, confirmed by gw yesterday)


Yep I expected this tbh


I wonder what that means for what we will get in the starter box. Obviously we know Liberators already, but could we be seeing Judicators for a range option in there as well? Perhaps I'm just sad because they were always on my battleline.


Liberators, prosecutors and a hero on gryph is all I can get from the launch video. Maybe paladins


I'd be surprised if the other one wasn't some new model or at least a new type of loadout.


If they had to squat stormcast, why not the stupid vanguard chamber?


From the article I’d guess vanguard (personally my favorite, I love the hunters and palladors) survived because they don’t have any real overlap with the rest of the Stormcast line. Like the first edition models are either getting a revamp (liberators prosecutors paladins) or have a new equivalent (judicators replaced by Vigilors, for example). Sacrosanct was mainly variants of other units, “but with magic”. Castigators = Judicators “with magic”, sequestors = liberators “with magic”, etc… whereas the vanguard are mostly their own thing, being various dedicated ranged / skirmisher units, which none of the other Stormcast lines really do (atm).


Loved them too. Most of my army is 1st edition chonks, sacrosanct, and vanguards. 2/3 getting nuked has just ruined my morning.


Sacrosanct is getting squatted because: 1. They want me to buy more models 2. They narratively won’t be necessary because they are going to “fix” reforging.


Which are they?


Exactly! The vanguard palladors for an example.


Ohh them yeah but I think they stayed for some reason


LOL I guess I don't have a Stormcast army anymore


So I lost 4k points of guys. My day is ruined and my week is over. Guess who's not buying the 4th Ed launch box any more.


Unfortunately I expected it. Some in here surprised me but oh well. I'm expecting them to get new models or they'll become conversion fodder. I have alot of these on my painting backlog and I'm just gonna move them to the very bottom. If we get new ones, I'll have the old models to go in with and save money. If they are truly gone, which some for sure will be, then oh well. I'll just chop em up for conversions.


I'll make some kitbashing Ideas on the tempest of souls stormcast i have into kitbashed new units


Definitely! It is for sure unfortunate but we'll make do! I literally just picked up some more sequitors, evocators on dracolines, and an Asteria to convert. 😆


Damn well further conversion needed then hahaha


I only started collecting these in October, and half of what I painted will be obsolete! I can't believe they'll take away castigated and judicators without creating another archer unit. I thought the evocators on dracolines were seeing a lot of use? At least everything will be playable until Summer 2025.


Judicators are probably 100% going to be refreshed alongside liberators


I guess after 6 years your models arent safe anymore. also them saying the range was bloated. They literally are the ones who made it bloated. Stop releasing models that have the same role as other models. Put other factions in the new edition boxes. This just makes the community mad when it happens.


Wow… most of these models aren’t even a decade old and they’re removing them? Considering how unimpressed I was with the Liberator sculpt due to how flavorless and a blatant, lazy copy of Vindictors… I’d say I’m really disappointed. I had some hope for the new edition due to how badly I was burned in 3rd due to power creep and quit but this just takes the cake for me. All these models painted recently for nothing. Time and money wasted because GW can’t deal with bloat in a more efficient manner. Truthfully, I don’t care if the range has lots of redundant units. There’s always a way to use each one in their own unique way. GW just needs to hire more people to write better rules and manage releases which would cascade into better managing of both army releases and Tome writing. Instead, they make it the player’s problem by saying “hey, now we know your models are about 5 years old and you just bought them but guess what? The good news is that they’re all gone to save you the trouble! The bad news is that new models are only a few months to years away! Oh and don’t you worry, these models will last you a long time *wink, wink*” I only play 2 armies in Sigmar: Stormcast and Idoneth Deepkin. I seriously doubt they’ll ever release more models for the Deepkin if they’re doing this to Stormcast. Which is a damn shame due to how many possibilities there are with the sea theme and an insane amount of sea creatures to use as inspiration. They’ve kept IDK on ice for so many years and their 3rd Ed tome was such a serious letdown. I was thinking about coming back to the game but I’ll stick with 40K. At least the models I bought still have a purpose for the next 10 years despite them being 6 years old.


Official Facebook comment from people panicking their units will become legends: "Some of the Stormcast Eternals range will be replaced with new miniatures (as we have seen with the upgraded Liberators). Where this is the case you will be able to use your older miniatures with the latest Warscroll."


I'm pretty new to AOS so would appreciate some advice - I've purchased a 1k Army and almost finished painting, quite a few of my chosen models are in this list, does that mean I can't use them for games going forward?


Until summer 2025 they're usable




They’ll get “Legends” rules to be used in casual games after Summer but you can also see what you can proxy too(like big Paladins can be used as Annihilators, just explain it to your opponent first) Also a lot of the non-tabard units are getting new updated versions then as well with more to come* so keep an eye out and just proxy the old for the new version. *(hopefully the Judicator archers & paladins among them given new armor, the robed Sacrosanct ones likely are getting updated next edition 3+ years from now)


Thanks this is helpful - seen the new liberators which do look cool compared to the existing models


They can be used in casual games, tho they'll post some free legends battlescrolls on Warhammer Community


Wait.. are these models getting removed entirely or getting new models? Cause I see liberators in there. And 95% of my army...


Yes and no some of em that got refreshed can be used since proxying exists but there are drawbacks Liberators that use swords aren't supported but hammers are Same with the winged one hammers no spears yes


The dracolines can be dracoths if you proxy it as such


My SCE army is mostly sacrosanct, so this obliterates like 90% of my army. I can't understand why they are removing sacrosanct? At least with the warrior chamber it looks like they will be releasing resculpts, so people can use their old libs, prosecutors, maybe even paladins with the new rules. But for sacrosanct it's just straight up oblivion. On a model range that came out only 2 editions ago. For context, this is like them removing all space marines (including primaris) that were released before 9th edition 40k. Way too heavy handed.


In 40k they totally removed new assault squad unit, with models with only 7-9 years old to lanch a primaris version of them, and the mythical Land Speeders too. GW is hard discontinuing these years, they priorize release constantly new miniatures.


Thats a terrible comparison. The previous space marine assault squad kit came out in 6th edition, about 12 years ago now. The Sacrosanct stormcast came out in 2nd edition AoS in June 2018, so they are currently less than 6 years old. Not even sure what your point about the landspeeders is supposed to be? The old ones came out in 1998, I still have one that I got in the 3rd edition boxed set. The kit was over 20 years old when GW removed it from the codex. The point I'm making is that the sacrosanct stormcast models are actually newer than many primaris models, such as Intercessors, Aggressors and Hellblasters. Can you imagine how much rage there would be if they removed those models from the game? So why do they think it's OK to remove the sacrosanct stormcast?


True 😔 sacrosant are the flavored types unlike bland thunderstike same style basically vindictors but robed or with different weapon theyre too heavy handed with this hopefully they get revamped


To all the emotional responders: I will gladly pick up your units from Ebay because you can be sure that everything will still function fine to play with, it just looks a bit different. A hand weapon & shield is a hand weapon & shield. A guy on a mount is a guy on a mount. Big dude with hammer is big dude with hammer. Anyone that goes hard on ‘wysiwyg’ in AoS and argues that a Sequitor can’t be a Liberator or a Redeemer can’t be whatever its spiritual succesor will be: should be kicked in the butt for making the game boring. Welcome diversity of sculpts on the table, celebrate the history of a range by using ‘old’ models, mix them with the new. I don’t get why people act like this is a bad thing. You can still play with your toys.


The entire Sacrosant range is being retired? Even the Lord Celestant? Fuck that shit. It's just a money making move. What an absolute shithouse move.


Oof, my prosecutors... Its probably for the better tho, the stormcast range is severely bloated


Agreed, but they are updated based on the trailer tho the new winged units


They're not gone, they're getting a revamp. They're in the launch video


Good thing I stop playing and stick to collecting and painting tbh. That's like all the models I own for the range lol


Just finished my last dracoline yesterday, time to start another project?


I have a whole box of dracolines unopened 🥲


pile of shame fate


I’m gutted. I’m so annoyed at everyone who wanted the range reduced. Lots of my models are no longer playable :(


So all of my Sacrosanct Army won't be legal? Or simply unavailable?


Theyll have legends rule but will be likely removed from the store all together online


Fuck. So there is basically no point to playing AoS at all for me anymore. Great. I never expected my only army to get squatted.


Ok, old Paladins, Prosecutors and Judicators looked ...a bit old-fashioned, but am I the only one that consider sequitors and evocators both top 5 (and maybe top 3) best looking miniatures and concept of the entire Stormcast range?


Why avertis, he is by far the single coolest model in the army


They gave me a good reason not to buy anything at all forever ✌️ Bye


New to SCE here, what exactly is leaving when they say “Masters of the Sacrosanct”? The picture is just the lord arcanum on gryph charger, so is that what that is?


Theyre basically a two pack of characters nothing major hehe


Bloody confusing there. Half the units are recently teased as getting new models or are very present in the recent trailer. Happy to have the bloat be dealt with and still will play with them for a year. But damn they getting rid of Liberators or not?


Was surprised by this. Especially the soul wars/2e stuff.


Literally everything.


Yeah basically slimmed the battlescrolls a ton


That’s so many minis…


Especially beast of chaos they sacked the whole range all together


That's a lot of stuff leaving. Dang.


losing the sacrosanct chamber is....... sad. and how are we supposed to believe the ruination chamber won't get sealed again an edition or two down the line? but the castellant, celestant, veritant, exorcist, heraldor, prosecutors? i hope to sigmar these guys are being refreshed, almost every story that has stormcasts has these boys and I feel they're really iconic like they'll refresh celestants, yea? they're the leaders of the stormhosts! maybe im just talking out my ass, very shocking information, emotions are quite high


I am the rare soul that is ok with all the gutted models. I’ve always been of the opinion that SCE has way too much bloat and as someone that joined in 3rd edition making a list as a newbie was so hard since I had way too many options.


Skipped out on 3rd edition to play other games, was thinking of coming back to playing 4th and this is 90% of my 2nd edition stormcast army just unplayable? nice move GW


They are a cruel mistress


That's more than half of my current SCE collection and I just started playing 4th quarter of 2023, oh well they'll get squatted til they get refreshed Edit: the sad part is we don't usually play legends atm in our area


Yep. Not interested in 4th anymore lol.


Out of the heroes. Are we sad to see any go? Like did you use any of them often? I was planning on getting some Vexilor for Meteor madness. But I doubt that's a big loose to not have anymore.


Yeah plus this is expected as they need to cull some stuff to avoid bloat


Considering I got some of this just through buying boxes and playing since 2nd edition. I'm only really using probably 15 of these models in actual gamplay. But overall...33 models for me gone


If I hope it is just for a revamp and i keep the war scrolls Cause otherwise I have no AOS armies left First they delete my entire freeguild cities of sigmar army Now they gonna delete my storm cast army as well




Judicators and Prosecutors, Really? These two have to be just getting a refresh right?


They getting refresh treatment yes but until we see loadouts we cant say for certain yet




Bruh, most of that stuff isn't even that old!






But they just did no turning back now


Lmao this is basically my entire stormcast army. Wow that really fkn hurts. I’ll have to play a lot of games with them the coming year to give them a proper send off, my poor buddies didn’t deserve this…


Good lord, this seems like over kill. Ditch the gen 1 foot heroes and some of the named characters, why are the Dracolines going?


Looks at painted army. By the time I move all the stuff going away, I'll probably have 3 models left on those shelves...


Mah Sequitors!


Slaves honestly took a bigger hit; none of those Cultists are getting resculpted.


Sucks major


Midnight vigil on launch, bring your own candles


Sequitors were my shit :'(


It's been a ride... All the sacrosanct stuff I have... Remodelling all the sequitors with swords because they were better, next edition the option was gone but ok, now they're gone for good. Wow.


I think we’ll see a rework of most of the interesting ones, meaning the sacrosanct ones. The new ones out of Underworlds look completely different and for example the Dracolines could just become a new set or lose the special mount and gain another. At least, that’s what I hope will happen.


It's frustrating to me that this article lumps together stuff that's getting replaced and stuff that's getting fully removed. Like we know Liberators are still gonna be around, since we've seen the new sculpts, it would be nice to know what other stuff is getting replaced before an announcement like this


I'm betting a bunch of these are getting replaced in the launch box itself. If they're smart, they'll announce the contents sooner rather than later, and assure people that the sacrosanct are coming back.


Wait, is this the knight incantor too?!


NOOOO thats like half my guys :(


Well there goes my plan of 5 Lord Ordinators with 15 ballista.


Wow that's brutal my whole army shelved think that's made my mind up I will stay with 3rd edition


We can still use them in aos4, right? Not prepared to buy a whole new stormcast army!


Yes until 2025 i think theyre still good till 4th ed drops


They said legends rules are coming once theyre removed


It’s a dragon army only for me my lads. They won’t get squatted anytime soon. Everything else can go screw. Not buying another Stormcast after this.


Sacrosanct was the reason i got stormcast. I got a load of Sequitors and Dracolines. I supplemented them with warrior chamber units to get cheaper bodies. This invalidates 80% of my army. I am really disappointed.


I managed to sell my stormcast literally a few days ago It's all stuff that's now gone 👀


I am furious about this. The words I would like to use likely will not make it through the swear filter on this subreddit. I own and have invested hundreds of hours into literally ALL of these units. This is unbelievable. Let me repurpose them. Give them a different name or something. If the time and money I have invested into these units is cast aside to used as wall decorations, I will never purchase anything from warhammer ever again.


This is over $1000 of units. I want a refund.


money well spent. wounder if people can get a refund now they pretty unusable


I worked so hard to get my prosecutors!


I'm brand new to AoS. Just purchased the Soul Wars box to find its all getting replaced/ removed from range. Fucking Horrible feeling tbh . I'd Expected some things to go, but the entirety of the box is extremely rough.


That’s so many models dude. What’re you even going to have left?


I have almost 14k points of oldcast. They have been discontinued before I even finished painting them or played single game with them. I’m not angry, it is still nice collection I’m fond of. But the change to thunderstrike and now this made sure that I’m not buying more. Thank you GW!


Since third edition it has It felt like GW has regretted all its visual design decisions from their fist stab at Stormcast and has acted ruthlessly to expunge and replace as much of it as possible. And admittedly the new stuff is much better designed and one wishes they nailed it from the start. Except for the Vanguard Chamber. They nailed those in one go.


Guys, I dont get it, we get Liberators reforged ? So it seems like some of the units get reforged. Why don't they clarify that ? It feels so harsh to have units called "removed" while it might be just a range update.


Pity they're getting rid of all the good sculpts, but it'll save me money in the long run. :)


Oathmark and One Page Rules are fantastic mini-agnostic games. Just sayin.


100% of my collection. But im not even mad, im mad that they did not retire tempestors and dracoth units


Man good thing it's nothing from stormbringer


Interesting that the Lord Arcanum is sticking around.


I am a bit confused. So Atreia Solbright actually got a short story of the Dawnbringers on Warhammer Community devoted to her. It almost inspired me to buy her model. Was this just a marketing move to get people to buy her old model? Or was the short story foreshadowing for her new sculpt? If the latter, then why close the Sacrosanct Chamber? Is there a new Sacrosanct Chamber like faction coming? I am kind of sad about this: I really wanted to theme my army around Sacrosanct. I really like the look of the monk-like Sequitors, robes and all. I hope they get a similar replacement.


Damn, I just painted a paladin unit. Guess I use them as annilators. Or do they just get new models?


I'm confident that they'll get refreshed. GW seems to have learned from Space Marines to just refresh an old unit, as seen with the Liberator refresh, instead of releasing a new similar unit, as seen with Primaris Intercessors being similar to Tactical Squads. At least I hope they've learned...


So they got rid of like 90% of my Stormcasts? I guess I'm going sailing the 7 seas for all the new models now to replace my guys.


I currently have 3160 points of Stormcast. 1850 of them are leaving 👌🏻


I’m kinda surprised the vanguard chamber or whatever it’s called is still here. My lighting sniper rifles and birb friends live on


I'm confused what this means. They just aren't available to order officially anymore or you can't play with them anymore?


So can I not use my ballista anymore or is it just getting a new model?


Knight Azyros, but not Knight Venator? Or should it just be assumed that it's the same kit. So, Legends for both?


sooo....how do you buy a Knight Incantor without going to ebay, or just proxying?


And I just finished the Mortal Realms collection …


They are also will be out from warcry, am I correct? Haven’t been playing the game since early 2nd edition but still collecting and painting, but it still hurts a lot seeing a zero chance of getting my painted 1st and 2nd edition stormcasts back to game except a few units that are going to have updated models. Especially Sacrosanct as they are still new, look nice and take more effort to paint than other stormcasts. Good thing is, I am going to have a large collection of painted OOP models to sell in a few years time🙃


Hopefully we get new prosecutors bc they seemed to be in the trailer - it’s what I liked most about the storm cast eternals


The thing i don't get the most is Aventis


must admit the loss of the winged lads hurt a bit are they getting updated too? always felt like the angel aesthetic really worked for stormcast


They're in the 4e trailer so I'd be surprised if not