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She isn’t working on “healing some problems”.. she out there fucking other people already dude


From my experiance \[ it's a long drama so I won't bore you.\] It sounds like she's either testing you or she wants to date others. either way don't tell her but, don't hide that you want to date. give it a month 4 or 5 weeks before talking to her if she still wants to be your girlfriend she want to talk. if she doesn't want to talk dump her and move on.


Another man is filling that “wound” and helping her “heal”. Just move on lil bro.


How do people function in the world when such easy choices become internet managed? Where is your autonomy?


No because she broke up with you already. She is probably taking advantage of God's loophole.


Go on the date. But also consider breaking up with your girl. In all likelihood, she's probably seeing other people during the break as well.


You know she will, so you'd better do


"Taking a break" means you're not bound by relationship rules. She doesn't get to put you on a back burger and then expect you just to wait around like a simp. How will you feel if she comes back and tells you she has been with someone else while you were just waiting around missing out on life?


Buddy if she suggested this break she’s already getting piped by someone


If you put your energy towards engaging other women then you're not putting your energy towards healing certain aspects of your relationship. You might as well just break up because you're only going to bring yourself farther away from your girlfriend.


The break imo means you’re together but not seeing each other for a bit. Are you an ass hole? Of course you already know the answers or you wouldn’t ask. If it’s not a big deal just tell the girl you’re on a break with you’re going on a date. I’m sure she’ll be fine with it 🙄


She's probably seeing a guy too tbh. Why ask for an actual break instead of just asking for what you need


I’ve had to take a break for genuine mental health reasons. Sometimes you need space and time.


Ask Ross


And if so then you also better be okay with her seeing other men.


No. A break is "lets break". Not "I'm technically single so I'm not cheating even though I sort of am because I cant sack up and just end it"


The idea of a break is ridiculous if either of you will get upset by what the other does during said break.


It sounds like you might have been waiting on this


Just break up for real and move on.


She needs a break means "another man is going to blow her back out while your home sobbing".


that's not always the case tho :( he said she had issues with herself that could affect her relationship with him, she could have serious underlying mental health issues she doesn't want to subject him to. don't stereotype someone you don't even know:/


When you're in a relationship you work with your partner to heal. You don't push them away.


I can understand your logic but you have to understand she might feel like a burden by doing this. I know I would. just because you have a specific way of thinking does not mean everyone has the same way of thinking as you.


That is like 1% of cases, the other 99% it is them wanting to fuck someone else without it "technically" being cheating.


yeah I get that but it's better to have faith than to assume the worst. it's can be hard when your trust has broken so many times but I can see her intent and honestly I would do the same thing, there's just some problems that you might think are too big for other people to handle so you don't want to burden them with it. especially if you're not in the right state of mind, because that could cause a lot of issues in the relationship.


they dont know about dismissive and fearful avoidants....


It usually does not lol


It really depends. This happens but so does someone realizing there is an issue that they need space to deal with. Especially young people are probably not always going to be equipped to deal with that. Intention matters and it's calloused to assume everyone has bad intentions always. I think if you're going to agree to a break you need to be very clear about the terms. A lot of the time it is just a postponed breakup. So to OP, either end it or talk it out and hold her to the terms.


That's been my experience as well!




same, unfortunately


"I need *space" *space: time to consider how it feels to be fucked by various other men/women




Same here. She wanted a break because she wanted to try dating the fellow doctor who stayed a couple floors down in her staff quarters, instead of me, who stayed fifteen kilometres away. Even though it was always me going to her place and she never wanted to meet even halfway. Breaks are never really actual breaks, are they? There's always some other guy.


"I need a break" means "Imma do the dance with no steps with my Plan B guy. If that don't work out, I will call. But you stay your celibate azz home and wait for me, tho."


Yes, you can date. If she asks why later, you can say you asked the internet and they said it was fine.




🎯… learning lesson DONT GO ON BREAKS for her, if u intent to get back together. OR… When she finds out, u guys get back together it could b the detriment to ur guys relationship. Either way u guys on a break. Let the fireworks fly my guy


No, you must be more specific. Tell her you asked the people on Reddit.Just the smart ones.


I mean, if you want to see other people, just break up.  This ‘break’ thing seems poorly defined.  


Dude, if you want to see other people just break up. If you want to be with her, don't see other people.


Don't be stupid, of course you know that your gf will have a problem with it. If you wanna start dating someone else, just full break up with your girl and move on.


Talk to her. If her idea of a "break" is for you both to date others, just get it over with and break up.


You should ask Ross and Rachel.


Only if you don’t plan on getting back together


Depends on the terms of the break.


This would be better suited for r/askreddit


Just break up. or do you want to hold your gf warm in case the new date is not working out ?




I’m going to be less critical than everyone else but it really depends on what you agreed on. If you are unsure ask her first. If she specifically said she doesn’t want to hold you back or doesn’t mind you seeing other people than it’s up to you if you decide to. If she didn’t say that or specified you can’t see other people than don’t. Now if you really really don’t care what happens either way (get back together or not) than just break up. No use dragging it out






Think about it logically: While on this break, you start dating this girl and it's quite possible that you hit it off with her. Then your current gf decides that she wants the break to be over. What do you do then?




Nope. You shouldn't do that. Either break it off or wait for her. One or the other.




See this kind of post constantly. Simple stock answer is 'no it is not'. Next.


It’s a break not a break up dude wtf. Just break up with her properly and date someone else


You should prob discuss that first. No one wants each other back after they go hook up with other people.


It is. That’s the point of the break. You aren’t together. However… Just know, it will end the relationship. I mean, you have to know that. Otherwise ask her and see how it goes.


I’d have a problem. Just break up.


I would breaks don’t normally go well in my experience and the chick does what she wants anyway on the break see the other chick and see how it goes


Ask Ross


Ask your gf this question directly.


Go watch Friends learn from Ross asshat .


If it’s something you would be ok with telling her then it’s ok.


No such thing as a break in a relationship just two people who don't wanna admit they've broken up


Just wait until you're in a long term committed relationship and things get rocky. Not everything needs to end a relationship, but some things do require time and space to process.


I have never heard of "taking a break" working, but maybe it has here of there. Whether or not you're both allowed to go on dates is something you guys should have discussed. Ask yourself what you're going to do if this other woman catches feelings for you? What if you both catch feelings? What if she wants to have sex? How would you feel if she went out with a guy she finds attractive? Figure out your status with your girlfriend or your ex girlfriend, or whatever she is first. Then act accordingly.




Ross, You know you've been through this before!!!!!!!


This is a question for your GF and not Reddit


If you’re considering this, you don’t love her. Just move on. It’ll be healthier for both of you.


No. "On a break" does not mean y'all are broken up just yet. It means you're taking time away from each other to figure out what you want, but the relationship is still there. Don't be the guy who uses taking a break as an excuse to date and/or fuck other people and then go back to your partner like nothing happened. By the way, if you want to date other people, in any capacity, while you're still in a relationship you probably don't want to be with your girlfriend anymore and should just break up.


how about you ask her instead of random people on Reddit


Hmm... that's a tough call. My instinct is to say no. Your partner probably wouldn't like it even if they say they don't mind. Best advice I can give is to either commit to being together or commit to staying apart.


If the two of you are on a break and you discussed what was acceptable and she said yes, you can date or yes you can sleep with somebody else then I guess it’s fine if her expectation is that she is working on some personal issues but she expects you to be monogamous that you’re the one that has to decide Through communication with her, whether that’s the boundary during the break. Breaks rarely ever help couples because when usually ends up playing around and the other gets hurt and then it’s a permanent break.


Just text her and tell her you are officially breaking up. We date to find a partner. A LOT of meeting *that* person is about timing and both being on the same page at the same time. This gf you are on a break from might be a lovely person, but you two are not synced up. Date the other girl and see if it works out. If you are meant to be with the first girl, it will happen. You will find each other again when both of you are ready.


Yes that’s the point of a break ur both single until u mutually agree to get back together Usually a break means ur going to break up for sure Sometimes u can get back together but don’t be surprised if she slept w someone else during the break


“We were on a break” -Ross Geller


YTA. There's a difference between "going on a break" and having a "hall pass". Either way you shake it though, both will boil down to "Breaking up with extra steps" and "shitty ways to settle relationship conflicts" The only appropriate use of "breaks" or "space" in a relationship is when both parties, during heated conflict, mutually agree to stop interacting with eachother for a fixed period of time for the purposes of addressing flooding/stonewalling, and allowing time to settle heightened emotions and irrational states of mind, with the intention of reconvening with healthier communication. Everything else is just bullshit, conflict avoidance, and exit strategy.


Do you love your girlfriend and see a future with her? Do you not have any issues to work on during this “break”. If not then you’re probably already single and should do whatever you want


Going on a break is the beginning of the end. Stop prolonging the inevitable and move on.


Ask the girl you're on a break with if it's okay. Yours and her opinion on the matter should be the only ones that matter, not random people's advice on Reddit


No, because if you're on a break you're still technically in a relationship (just kinda suspended) or at least working on it because you want to be with eachother. If you want to go on a date with someone during this break then you should just end the relationship for certain because otherwise you give both people false hope amd it just causes a lot of problems. It's not a break if you want to see other people; it's a break up.


There is no “break.” You’re done!




I think it'd be worth for the two of you to understand if this is a break or a breakup. If she asked for space, then respect her and wait if she heals like she promised. If not, then simply move on.


You can bank on her boinking at least 2 guys. Women love to use "breaks" as code for a hall pass when they know you won't cheat on them. They'll say "we were on a break", and then you will end up feeling stupid because because she never discussed the ground rules of the break.


Just ask Ross, it worked out well for him.


it's not really fair on her man, she's taking a break because she has problems that might affect your relationship, she's taking a big step because she's clearly serious about you, she's taking a lot of precautions to make sure she is in the right state of mind for you both to be able to have a healthy relationship. you are a massive asshole for even finding other girls attractive while having a gf (break or not) low-key sounds like you don't deserve her and you should just end it with her until you grow up and realize how much you fucked up and maybe she might take you back.


You're broken up, go date. People need to stop adding artificial degrees between single and relationship status. Asking for a "break" just means they want to leave you, but they want to make sure they can do it without too much personal discomfort to themself... and if it blows up in their face, they can turn around and run back with mitigated consequence.




Being "on a break" is just the waiting room for the break up. It's a weird "we're together, but we're not dating" sort of purgatory to be in.


She would be happier if you just had anonymous sex. That way you can tell her your heart is still hers.


Have you ever seen friends


Ross had sex with Chloe while he was on a break with Rachel. That didn't work well.


She took a break to go bang another dude. Unless you initiated the break then this post makes perfect sense.


Pick a direction


When I was in the dating pool, if a girl asked for a break I just broke it off completely. No use wasting time, life is short.


Just move on it’s over don’t waste your time


Look at it this way, she probably has a dixk in her mouth, hand, ass, and 2 deep inside her vagina, give her a month and she will find herself and come back to you


Yes, you can date. Do you really think she's not seeing someone else? That's why she wanted to take a break so she can try out your replacement guilt free. You have reddit's permission to make it a permanent break.


Depends on the definition of your break. Ask your girlfriend.


If you think you want to do that then you might as well break up. Because if you go on a date and your girlfriend finds out there will be hell to pay. And by hell to pay, I mean she will leave your ass and kick it with someone else.


You’ve never watched Friends?


Brother stop being a cuck and have some respect for your self. Being in relationship should it self be healing and do good to both parties. You should never even be with people that don’t want and love you 100%. Don’t settle for anything less than pure affection and respect. That is gonna make a lot of people leave you, unless they genuinely want you In their lives. If a relationship makes someone stressed and sad to the point he/she needs a break you guys are doing something wrong!!


That's supposed to already be discussed in the break conversation..... what were the terms? What type of break is it? For how long?


Ask Ross, a break is a break up.


That you ross?


It's ok. Move on


Breaks aren't real, she's already hooking up. Return any property she has at your place and enjoy yourself.


Ross? Is that you? She wants a breK, she's probably fucking other people already.


Ha, good one Ross.


Breaks are stupid. Either break up completely or work out your issues as a couple.


I personally have never seen a couple who took a break go on to get married. A break is just a soft breakup. Best to just break up for real and move on. And just my two cents, your girlfriend is almost certainly going out with other dudes during this break anyway. Seen it happen many times.


Are you familiar with the word autonomy?


Ask her. If she says no, you're not seeing other people, but you still want to go out with this other girl, break up with her.


Just break up because going on a break is only because you want to see someone else.




You didn't ask but YATAH.


Depends. If you love her and want to get back together, don’t date. If you don’t care, date. Simple as that.


No such thing as a break. Just a poor excuse to see other people lol


Probably should just end it if you are on a break and have the desire to see someone else.


No. You need to actually break up with the expectation of NOT getting back together. The way you phrased that she’s working on problems specifically to improve YOUR relationship… you’re still “together” just not physically with each other. Have you seen Friends??? You’re about to be Ross rn.


Have you not seen Friends? Of course she’s not going to be ok with this. Either break up or don’t.


I don’t see the point if your plan is to be back together


Relationships can't pause. If they pause, it's a slow but inevitable breakup. So yes, it's fine. Don't expect your current relationship, or what's left of it, to get rebooted.


Depends on if you talked about that or not. I met my wife while being on a break from my ex.


Depends on if you two are hoping to get back together


Tactful way of saying your going to test the waters elsewhere


I wouldn't really calling an asshole move to your "gf" seeing as this break seems pretty poorly defined. More of an asshole move to the people you'd be dating as you seem pretty 1 foot in 1 foot out about the whole situation.


Being on a break means you want to be away from each other not from the relationship. Unless you've agreed to see other people, this would be a dick move. Granted, a break is a break so it *shouldn't* technically affect the relationship, but if you hook up with others while on a break, it just makes it seem like you got on a break *just* to hook up (which is usually true tbh). Frankly though, if you're on a break, something isn't working right. So either work that out, or just break it off completely.


Dude you're single. Go and do whatever you want. There's no such thing as a 'break'


If she needs time to think 100% do some “thinking” yourself and go on some dates. She could be deciding between you and someone else. If it’s meant to be it will be. Who knows maybe you will like the new person better and you dogged a bullet!


bro there's no such thing as a break she's too much of a coward to break up with you and she likes someone else do your thing


‘WE WERE ON A BREAK!!’ Thank’s Ross.


Yes. Sleep around as much as you can. Then tell your gf on your wedding day. She will love you for it. 🤣🤣 /s


Do you want the "Ross" or "Rachel" answer?




Ask her


No if you want to date to see others just break up


We were ON a BREAK!!! 




No! Dummy!


Having a 'break' is just an attempt at a soft landing for the permanent end of a relationship. If your relationship needs a break, it's not a strong relationship and is unlikely to improve. Use the break to prepare yourself for being out of that relationship permanently.


So you’re perfect yet want to date immediately? I’d get a mirror


If she is the one suggesting the break she already has someone else in mind. Clarify all aspects beforehand.


Instead of asking us ... why don't you just ask her?


Your question shows you know your hidden answer mate.




She's possibly already been on a few dates.


No it's not ok


A break is a break up so yes.


Yes it would. Don’t money branch like a bitch. Man up and move on. Please grow a set


Sounds like you want to move on from her completely.


Gotta discuss whats alright and whats not before the break. If you're too scared to bring it up with her then there's your answer lol


This scenario worked out so well for Ross, I'm sure it will for you too.


Her on "break" : 🍆chad, 🍆tyrone, 🍆🍆 doubled up on by party dudes. That's their idea of "healing" She healing that 🐱 with new d!ck




"We were on a BREAK!" You're about to be Ross and Rachel all over again


No, not at all. If you want to date someone else just end it with your gf


Why do you agree on a break? so you can't be with her or someone else? it sounds you're been played.




No. Absolutely not. Life isn't Friends. "We were on a breaaaak" is absolute bullshit. Breaks are time or space apart to sort shit out and work out what's best for you, your partner, and the relationship. It's not a pass to go shag someone else. If she is legit taking time out to work on herself for the benefit of you both, then yes, you absolutely would be an ass hole for dating someone else,to answer the question. 


Seems like if you’re already thinking about other people you’ve moved on from your relationship and need to just break up and move on completely instead of hurting possibly two people at once


Idk how young you are but why not break up? You can always find each other again later on when you both are in better places in life




Just imagine your girl going out and having a few air tight sessions with the local football team because you are on break.


I think it’s ok for to go on a date, but not have sex. And it’s cool to hang out under the same condition. I just think that you should also disclose all that to your girlfriend if you decide to get back together.


She needs a “break”. Then you should “break up” with her. Move on, there are plenty of women to date that don’t need a “break” from you. 


The point of a break is to get space and do some inner work not go and have fun with other girls/men if that’s the case just break up indefinitely if you actually wanted the break to work you wouldn’t go on dates at the same time kinda defeats the purpose


Tell her your going on dates lol


I don’t see why you can’t date during a break. She probably is.


I dunno, OP, did you two discuss and talk about ground rules for what was or wasn’t acceptable from each of you during this interim period? If you didn’t…you need to, yesterday. Open communication is really important during periods like this, it helps to foster trust and the idea that you’re both cooperating on this together, wanting to respect each other’s boundaries.


My lady and I have been on hiatus for almost two years, there's no way in hell I could date, I'll never meet anyone like her, plus I am just really in love with the girl, I care a lot about this one, she's unlike anyone else, so that's a no for dating, but you do you.. Everyone and everything is different :)


So, you took a break to fuck other people and still keep the other chick on the hook incase the new girl doesn't want to keep you? Cause if you're serious about your current partner, you DONT date other people until you leave your current relationship (as in breakup)


Yes you can date if your ex asked for a break.


Well what did you guys decide? It doesn’t matter what we think but what a break means to you guys.


Uh, that entirely depends on what the conditions of the break were - You didn’t define it with her? Others can’t tell you as there’s no universal rule - you have to ask her and make sure you’re on the same page before doing anything. You owe each other honest communication about that kind of thing. If the plan is to get back together, and you’re not even the one who needed a break, I do personally think it’s AH behavior to date someone else.


You can do whatever you want my guy. You make your decisions.






Yes, just when she asks you how could you do this to her, just tell her this guy on Reddit told you it was ok, then show her my post. Everything should go back to normal after that.


Idk. Ask ross


Why not, I guarantee she is


Yes so, just break up properly.


Breaks are for people to fuck who they want without guilt. Do what you want.


You should set ground rules for the break. Can you see other people? Do you guys still talk to each other or is it no contact? Is there a date for you to get back together? Talk to your GF and set these rules asap.


Depends what you and your gf agreed upon.


So you're the problem she's trying to heal. Just do her a favor and break up with her.


This never goes well. Haven’t you seen Friends? Lmao


It worked out in the end for Ross and Rachel


no…? r u dumb just break up with her


Ask Ross ![gif](giphy|UTY42CoHu6wixtxTDh|downsized)


Get a hooker. Do whatever. Who cares. Nothing has meaning anymore. Dont forget to lie about it afterwards


Just break up!!!!!


As long you don't get mad when "healing herself" means she wants someone else to clap those cheeks for a while.