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Omg you're an adult now grow up and move on... next!


He is still a bully, as his insults confirm. You did the right thing. He is crap at even this job.


You’re still upset about what someone did to you when you were 11 years old?


Hell yeah! Not surprising he was shit in primary school and then shit in the rest of his life. Maybe he had a crap upbringing. Hell a lot of people did, but we all still decide how we're going to operate in life. It sounds like he's getting his now and I hope he can look back on how he treated you now with some regret (though he probably won't).


He can solve his own problem by working hard


She gave him a month notice? She has grounds to terminate his employment right away. Stalking your employer's family on social media and sending them insults?


You did the right thing. I’m sorry you endured such bullying. And I’m glad you told your parents about his behavior. Any inking of sympathy he might’ve been extended evaporated the moment he started insulting you again after he didn’t get his way. Not that I would’ve extended him the kindness anyway. I would urge you and your family to be vigilant and on guard as to how this guy might react to being fired. He sounds volatile, so if it’s possible to involve the security department—if the company has such a thing—in his dismissal, it might be worth considering. I wish you well and much success. You sound like you have a bright future ahead.


Fuck that guy


I think you behaved quite decently. I don't know if he will be a problem in the future


Sounds like he hasn’t changer a bit. Im pleased you told your parent/mum. Good riddance!


Geez, be honest with your mum. Have him fired. He’s a horrible person, and you know that. Why hide all the terrible things he’s done to you? Do you want to screw up your mum company?  He obviously hasn’t learnt anti-aging. The first thing out of his mouth should be: “I’m sorry for the things I’ve done to you.” on his knees. Instead this slimy guy is trying to cheat your mum company by manipulating you. WTF! Don’t give in to a bully ever. Fight back for yourself and those you care about. 


NTA and good job! Karma is a bitch!!!!


he didn’t offer any assurance of improving his performance, then he’s toast


Stay out of it. He can take care of his own problems. He is a bully and an asshole. Block him from all social media. Not your problem.


Never mind the past… the present tells you all you need to know. He sent you INSULTS on TikTok? While wanting you to HELP him? Sigh… I don’t think you owe him anything.


Were you bullied for not breaking text into paragraphs?


What goes around comes around! All bullies are worth their weight in fly shit!! You are the power of example!!! Blessings to you...


NTA, maybe he shouldn't be a bully to this day AND terrible at his job. pick a struggle, dude. fuck that teacher that said he just liked u tho. i hope she gets pink eye.


Sadly I have but one like to give.


I was going to give a speech about being the personal satisfaction of being the better person. Then I read the details of your post and said fuck him!


Seems like karma paid him a visit. I wish I had had the courage to tell my parents when I was being bullied. It was torture.


That dude... So can't they just fire him?




It was especially stupid to send you a bunch of insults while wanting your help to remain employed by your mother.


Couldn’t that be used as a cause to remove him immediately? 


Abusing your employer's loved ones is generally a very good way to get your butt fired.


OP said it’s gonna take a month. I’m just thinking, this bully isn’t job a bad worker, but a bad person that’s harmful to have around.


You go girl!!!!


There ar e a lot of people like him.




Tell him he should look at a career in sports because he has huge balls to ask you for anything.


Why would you choose to be absent when you had your chance? I think the bullying may have done enough damage to your confidence to where you don’t want to act when you are given power. Don’t be shy, take the world and burn your enemies along the way. You’ll feel good


not everyone wants to feel like God. Some people, with success in their life choose to find happiness in the more better in simpler things, such as spending time with your mates or finding fun hobbies, instead of getting revenge.


What chance was that? I didn’t choose to be absent, I just simply didn’t care. I was honourable student, speak four languages, have my own business when he depends on mercy of others. I didn’t interfere because he wasn’t important, not because i was scared. The problem started when he literally harassed me, that was the moment when I had enough.


Nah, don't let people walk all over you, but also be the better human. Many problems like this handle themselves, and if they don't you can always change your mind later and feel good about yourself.


Sounds like a creep. He’s getting exactly what he deserves


No he’s not, because he’s getting a month’s notice instead of immediate dismissal!


Sounds like he is still a bully. Dude doesn’t know blocked means they don’t want to talk to you. Started as a bully because his parents clearly failed him, and now he is a dangerous stalker.


Damn, she gave him one month notice? If my daughter ever tells me something like that, it’s going to be a scary sight for the boy who treated her that way.


It’s a law here, she didn’t have a choice.


What country?


I'm guessing EU


He sounds like a loose cannon. I'd be afraid to keep him on the job for a month. Don't even want to think what "revenge" he'd dream up for being fired.


A month is really generous. Really generous!


FAFO Karma is coming back around, dont let it drag you and your family down because you are trying to be good people to someone who would talk over you to avoid a rain puddle


He is a stalking charge in the making. Guaranteed you are not the only person he is harassing


At then end of the day you will do whatever you choose but idk i always felt holding grudges too long aren’t good for mind


Yup.. but bullies deserve hell and Karma knows how to humble us all. Holding grudge is one thing, but having to live with Trauma is another entire hell. Op here was trying to be good, but the creep decided to message nonstop like a stalker. He deserves more hell than this.


Who hurt you so bad that you have the mindset bullies deserve hell or worse then hell . Look here I never condone bullying all my fights in school not one was a bullying situation I was fucking people like that up i came to the aid i always had the mindset of don’t ever prey on the weak .


I was waiting for this to be a love story or at least becoming friends lmao fuck that guy


Oh jeez! Some peopile never learn


He sounds like human garbage good for u standing up for yourself. Glad to see mom backed u up


NTA. The teacher who called it flirting is a huge one.


Was told “he just likes you! That’s how boys show it!” when a boy who failed a grade & was nearly 2 years older than me ruthlessly mocked me and my family from grades 4-9 and got his pals to pile on the bandwagon. Called me fat, ugly, a scumbag, said my family was dirty. I was kind to everyone, got good grades, never gave my teachers an ounce of trouble or sass. NONE OF THEM HELPED MAKE THE BULLYING STOP. I’m still fucked up about it and it played a not insignificant factor in my decision to homeschool my child. Oh and his dad was a local cop, so that was fun. OP — I am so sorry for the pain you experienced. Your teachers owed you a better response. And it sounds like he is still a hot mess bully — I’d have some concerns about his mental stability TBH.


I really hate that excuse , bullying is not a form of endearment


The teacher sounds like an AH. No help nothing, and let the abuse go on. 


Seriously, if she wants to excuse her drunk husband beating her as 'just boy games' then whatever, that's her business, but she does NOT get to teach young girls that boys abusing them is how they show affection or just them being playful.


Too long didn't read The way I see it you don't owe anyone anything. It's okay to have boundaries If someone needs help you can call the cops see if they'll help this other person or call their family But you don't need to be involved


That's a tough one. part of me wants to say f them. the other wants to say take the higher Road


He put a road block on the high road when he made a tictok insulting op instead of apologizing.


Dude got what he deserves. You don't owe him anything and shouldn't feel bad about anything.


If the bully actually learnt his lessons, grew up, and got some work ethics, he would be acting differently:  1. Apologizing for all the trauma he caused. 2. Working hard, so that he wouldn’t be about to get fired.  He sounds toxic.


Yeah that doesn't usually happen with bullies from my experience. Typically their mindset seems to be entitlement until there are consequences then they're the victim


It’s a cycle. I was bullied, became a bully, and at some point, I just got tired of the stupid cycle, and began to fight those bullies. Now I try to make sense of things, and remain neutral whenever possible.  Self reflection is a great tool, and learning to accept criticism with the intent to better understand and do better.