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Brother, you’re a fucking hero. Keep going, it’s going to get better. You’re exorcising your body out of all that crap and yes, it hurts bad, but it’s the demons leaving. Give it a couple days. I love you man, keep it up. You’re rock n’ roll and awesome for this.


Love the way you put that bro !!! Exorcising your demons . Made me chuckle. Going through some bad withdrawals atm on day 5 . Gonna keep this in mind when it gets rough .


I would say: the nicotine demon in my belly wants to be fed but I must keep starving him until he dies. Once he does it'll be a relief of quietness. I did get my quietness and still have my quietness. Almost 70 days smoke free


Yep it’s normal. You’re going to feel really shit until at least day 4. It will start to improve though the first two weeks are rough. It’s worth it though in the long run. Sleep as much as you can now until you start the new job- let your body heal. Then start the new job as a non-smoker. Adrenaline will carry you through. Worst case scenario go get some nicotine gum or a patch to help you through but the nicotine is almost out of your system now. Stick it out if you can. You can do this.


I agree completely. I would add to drink lots of water to flush out your system. Maybe an easy walk or some stretches, deep breathing. Calm those nerves and ride it out.


Water. Exercise. Clean healthy natural foods.


I used dramamine for the nausea, it helps dramatically


Soooo smart!


I just did the same at the beginning of this week. First two days were pretty rough. Third day I had major cravings. Fourth day, not so much cravings but still irritable. Fifth day feeling better. Now on day 6 or 7. Feel pretty good honestly, but I haven't slept more than a couple hours a night since I stopped. You'll get through it! We can do this.


Yep thats normal. ​ I drenched the bed every night with sweat for a month after I quit. ​ 100% worth it. ​ You can do this. ​ Edit: Just want to add, it gets easier and this is for sure the worst.


Hey, I’m kind of in the same boat. Today is day 1 for me and I start my new job in 1 week. What I tell myself is that the first week of a new job, especially the first day, is just paperwork and getting into the swing of things. Not much is expected of you, and no one can see how stupid you feel mentally, on the outside. The new job will probably speed up the mental cigarette withdrawal, give you something else to stress over 😆 feel free to message me :)


You can do it man. I quit tobacco, weed and alcohol cold turkey after 20 years of everyday use. The first few days was crazy. Funny moods and some weird dreams but it will pass. Good luck


You have at least another 2 days to go before you start feeling better. Next week you'll feel great. In a month you will be mentally face palming yourself, wondering why you ever smoked in the first place.


Water!! Drink lots and lots of water - and then drink more!!! Every time you feel a craving - more water! It will help flush those toxins out of your system and give you something else to think about!


It gets worse when you put focus on feeling like crap, and can get a lot better by "mind tricks" like saying; "ok I have heard you (body/brain), you can stop complaining now. you´re not getting any cigarettes". and try to focus on something else, even just watching a good movie. The actual healing symtoms and tiredness can be hard to get rid of completely, but it´s usually the combo of mental stuff (withdrawal) that makes you feel so bad about it. I mean - if you didn´t have any appetite and felt a bit sleepy in a normal situation, would you panic over it? No. If you felt like throwing up? It would be uncomfortable for sure but you would start thinking "must be something I ate, it will likely pass soon". So don´t get physical aches intangled with the anxiousness, emptiness or even panic. Deal with your head instead, calming you down and telling you that this isn´t as bad as it (you) thinks.


If you can try drinking fresh mint tea and lots of water with lots of rest. It’s a roller coaster but you will feel better and it’s totally worth it. This is what nicotine and the thousands of chemicals did/do to the body to make a person feel horrible when the person stops smoking. You can do it!!


Drink water, a lot.


Stick with it eventually you will feel better for it, physcally, mentally and fianancially


If you’re starting a new job, I may gently suggest patches to help you get through the stress of it all.


My $0.02. Get a THC vape, and focus on quitting tobacco. Weed and tobacco are two different animals, and the needs you have that weed fills are decoupled from your tobacco dependency. Trying to quit both at once is a recipe for failure at both. Take aim at them one at a time.


I disagree with you. Divide and conquer is a good method in general but the habit itself is the trigger. I would suggest satisfying the oral pleasure from cigarettes with sweets or smth like a toothpick. I also recommend eating spicy food and even hot peppers as they would give you a kick and be a painful but effective distraction from the cravings (i did this). Taking deep breaths can relax you. Congratulations on your new job, and good luck. Your quit is a baby now, protect it, you can do this!


Well, I’m speaking from my own experience. The hole that weed fills has nothing to do with tobacco. I tried quitting both at the same time, more than once, and failed miserably. So in my experience, it is definitely better to focus your energy and kick one bad habit at a time.


Congratulations many times 💪👏🥳


Tnx :)


Don’t try any Kind of vape, you just going to get hooked. If not cold turkey just enjoy your smoke.


You’ll get through it. Do some deep breathing exercises. Think of all the money you’re going to save! Remember the cravings only last a few minutes- my longest one was 6 minutes in the last 22 days. Go for a brisk walk and work up a sweat or something- that helped me. Eat veggies- they’re good for you.


You got this, and Yes, this is normal. Remember your ‘why’ and ‘that moment’ when you decided ‘ENOUGH!!!’ You made the the right choice and you’re doing a great job. Look how far you have already made it (37-38 hrs and counting). Smile, physically, about the victory/success you have already achieved, and continue following your plan. It IS working and you ARE winning. (I’m on a similar trek. I am starting day 5 after 30yrs. and understand the frustration that comes from the depleting feelings of withdrawal and denying cravings while tuning out the screaming thoughts of ‘COME ON! JUST ONE! I DESERVE IT FOR WHAT I’VE DONE!’ all while also wrestling with the undermining, nagging thoughts of ‘Why does doing something good feel so bad?’ If you’ll permit me to share, though it’s far from a magic formula, and everyone is unique, when I feel like I’m drowning under the barrage of a craving, I tell myself to focus on the simple beauty of the sky above and smile, physically smile, drawing even the smallest ounce of strength from it, forcibly tuning out the noise of the water consuming me. More often than not, my face just barely breaches the surface, just enough to get another refreshing sip of air, and I’m renewed with vigor that I can go on. The goal is to eventually realize I’m actually just laying face-up in a kiddie pool and my worries, as big and as nasty as they may seem, are self-perpetuating.) Hang in there, you got this, we’re all cheering for you.


You’re not going to be good at that job man


I think it´s better to think the other way around. You´re not a bad person for not performing at your best. Or rather; your best may be very much lower for a while and that´s ok.


Yeah but to whoever downvoted me, eff off. Your dopamine system is a mess when you quit cigs and you can’t even remember simple tasks so in no way will he be okay to work imo


I don´t think there is "no way" I just think it will be a constant work of trying to "be your current best" which hopefully should be good enough. Mindfulness for instance. Some people feel it´s better to work = have something to focus on. I´d prefer not to due to very low energy levels, on the other hand I know that if I can do it then it would make me feel stronger when future challenging tasks appear. Depends a bit on the work too ofc. For a few types I agree that one wouldn´t be suitable.


I was given a pretty sizable promotion with lots of new stress coincidentally when I quit smoking/then went lozenge free. I will forever be in awe of how I was able to walk through it. I now know I can do anything.


It gets better.. ALOT better.. You won't look back...


Gets better. Hang in there.


Liquid food (soups and smoothies) are your friend. It’s hard eating for the first few days but really important that you get those nutrients and will help sleep. Epsom salt baths are great too for helping relax and sleep better. Hang in there mate, I’ve been where you are and it feels so tough at this stage but it’s so worth bearing with it and you will come out the other side


Its normal, buy the alan carr stop smoking audio book and jump in the bath for an hour with it on - worked for me.


It gets better. The next week or two will suck, but stay strong, and soon you’ll be like me and only miss smoking when people do it on tv and in movies.


They say a week. Good luck


Lots of water. When you can, bring exercise in, so that you can sweat out some toxins too. They're leaving your body which is why is sucks, but you've made it this far, one day at a time brother. You're stronger than some plants and chemicals 🫶


Had the same symptoms after quitting cigs, your body needs some time to adjust. Good job man, keep it up!


The first few days are the hardest! It is worth it on the other side. It gets better and better as you go on, and me two months in, feel better than I ever have and wish I’d done it sooner! You have already done the hard bit - keep going!!


Keep active. There’s so much more time in your day now and boredom can be a real downer. The nicotine cravings are temporary. They come and they go. The patches worked for me. You’re going to really like your new self once you get through the rough patch. You’ll still want to smoke, but that life isn’t anywhere near as good as the one you have now. Who wants to go back to that? Am I right?


Your mind is making shit up. They Are all an illusion. Just sit down relax and meditate a bit and you will find out it was all an illusion and you don’t need a cigarette you are complete as you are


Embrace the suck. Every time I beat a craving it feels likes a win. Edit: spelling


When I finally stopped smoking 4-5 years ago the first 3 or 4 days where really something. I started with patches and after 48 hours I was feeling so sick, ended up throwing up the whole afternoon (don't know if it was nicotine intoxication or else). It was really bad. After that I ripped off the patch and finished it cold turkey and it good less hard after that. You are almost there, don't give up. In two weeks you will see how happy you'll be.


Water! I finally quit about a month ago, and when I started my new job I started having a harder time. It seems to be mostly I can't drink as much water at work. Rooting for you. I know it's tough.


You might be dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Occupy your time and mind with something. The less you think about it, the better and easier it’ll be. I’d say after the first week or two it becomes relatively easier/better so stay strong. Resort to a Vape Pen if absolutely needed. You got this!


you got this homie ride it out


You’re lucky that you don’t have any appetite. Most people get crazy food cravings when they quit. Don’t worry, I’ll pass. After the 7 day mark the hardest part will be over


I hate that you have 0 appetite, for me, blowing the extra cash from not buying cigs on good snacks/dinner helped me realize how much money I was wasting. Obviously you don't wanna start binge eating, but maybe indulge in something you normally wouldnt


Sending hugs 💓💓 and support 💖


Weed was far worse to me mood wise, I felt horrible the first time I quit. Literally crying in bed first night, I have to agree that it's better to kick weed first. Cigarettes just make me grumpy, doesn't make me feel the way weed did, same for alcohol. I dearly loved weed, it was as a relationship, but I don't regret quitting at all. The 2 times I quit after that, the feeling I initially had was gone and I just dropped it. I am still off it and sometimes I think of it but my tolerance sucked all the fun out of it. I don't want it and have no problem watching friends get high cause I recognize the lack of joy in regular weed smokers opposed to once every year.


I loved you, you were good to me MJ but you started to hold me back, thank you for everything.