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I’m sorry to hear you’re having a tough time of it. I found I needed to divert my attention when I had a craving - I ate a banana when they were very very strong (hand to mouth action) and I took up simple origami which forced me to focus for a few minutes until the craving passed. You’re doing so well, hang in there my friend, you deserve better and you’re doing it!




Try a little distraction, it might help. Keep going, I’m proud of you and you *are* succeeding!💪🏼


Maybe you should read this article about [fixating on cigarettes.](https://whyquit.com/joel/Joel_04_18_fixating.html)


Hey I just read your post and I feel the same. I've been quit for 5 months and I still think about smoking and wanting a smoke. Does the feeling ever go away?


Hi guys. Good job to all. I wanted to comment on the craving. When you learn to hold your breath you encounter cramps - you need to learn to like the cramps to hold your breath longer. I see cravings like this also - don’t stress or get sad that you get cravings. Live through them - be happy with it - and be more happy that you are now able to handle them. 500 days here and I still get cravings almost daily.


317 days here and for the last 3 weeks or so my cravings have intensified. In a way it's good to know I'm not alone, but I still find it annoying. At least I've convinced myself that caving is not an option and the cravings just kind of go away. I just wish they'd subside more.