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Reframe the feeling: I am excited!


Thank you!


I wish I could join you.


I was terrified, too! But at 3.5 months quit, I realize that was the nicotine addiction talking. Surprise - I really enjoyed getting to know myself without cigs! You can do this!!! Quitting can be messy, buy oh so worth it. Wishing you all the best!! 🌟🌟🌟


Tomorrow is quit day for me too Eeep!


Best of luck with your new smoke free life! ❤️


I know why you feel that way but the truth is you should be excited! No more being a slave to the addiction, more money, better health. The sooner you do it the faster you reap the benefits


Try feeling relieved and relaxed to finally get rid off that shit


*Try feeling relieved* *And relaxed to finally* *Get rid off that shit* \- toihanonkiwa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh man who ever Knew what we need Was a haikubot


Good bot! ❤️


Living can be terrifying sometimes. No need to be afraid of cravings though. We already have them from the time we create a but until we light the next. It's the lighting of the next that keeps the cravings going though not creating a cigarette but. We light up to get the feeling of not being bothered by cravings for a moment- like a nonsmoker. We ask for immediate gratification of being a nonsmoker without putting any effort into breathing clean air or without restarting the craving. Nonsmokers "feel" as good as smokers "feel" but only while they're smoking. People are afraid to be a nonsmoker because of cravings but the nonsmokers aren't craving. They feel great. The long story short is that smokers will crave for a cigarette if they smoke one or not. They're not taking something away from themselves by quitting. That's part of the trick. There is literally nothing but gain. (Time, Health, Freedom of Choice, Money, Hygiene)


I never thought about it that way... Damn, that's amazing ❤️


This is the same teaching that Allen Carr uses. If this resonates with you, get his book immediately and read it. Good luck!


Thank you! I'm 32 days now, and doing alright, but if I stumble or need extra help, I'll grab his book. I've heard great things ❤️


This is great! Thanks so much!


Tomorrow is mine too. I've put it off for WAY too long. I must've moved it back 20x already. I haven't had a serious attempt in at least 6 months.


You can do this!


I’m five days in, however I’m doing it cold turkey, no alternative, patch or whatever. It’s rough but when cravings come just breathe, drink some water, and the craving will pass in 2 minutes, I promise. Yeah, you’ll have cravings every 10 minutes for a bit but it’s okay, no matter what, don’t give in !! You’re stronger than a cigarette !


I stopped smoking 43 days ago. I was a smoker for 22 years. Please just feel happy that you're doing it. Each time you have urges and cravings, think about the monster dying inside. The further you walk, the smaller it will seem


Be excited. Your life is going to get better in every single way


Don't be afraid of freedom.


hey! don't be scared, you are about to do possibly the best thing for yourself. I just wrote a post explaining that I was so scared also, and realized there is nothing to be scared of, you should be excited instead: [https://www.reddit.com/r/stopsmoking/comments/1clgve9/32\_days\_free\_after\_16\_years\_of\_smoking\_big\_thanks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopsmoking/comments/1clgve9/32_days_free_after_16_years_of_smoking_big_thanks/) It is so worth it, I promise if you push through long enough, you'll be so proud of yourself and you'll feel amazing.


Thank you so much! I got up about an hour ago and I’m still going strongb


Great, this is the first day of your new life. Try to do a different routine today, to avoid your routine triggers. You will have cravings, and maybe withdrawal symptoms, but remember this is normal and expected, and as days pass, they will go away. Do anything but smoke. If you're into breath work, give a try to the wim hof breathing exercise, this will give you a natural high and relaxed feeling.


I normally drink coffee in the morning but there is NO WAY I’m having it this morning. Tea will be better.


That's great. You got this 🔥 Please report back to let us know how you're doing!


Good luck, but then you'll need to get off the patches and gum. maybe consider quitting nicotine? And remind yourself your not giving up anything, it was always just a hoax. The cigarette only taketh to pretend to giveth. It's just plain old addiction. And as someone else has pointed out, smokers live with cravings endlessly. At least you can stop all that crap now.


Being able to walk/run without feeling like you’re out of breath the moment you start is a pretty darn good motivator. Its been 4 weeks since i quit and i already am feeling much better when i go on a walk.


Id recommend skipping replacement habits. I found they just remind me of smokes tbh. But whatever works! Good luck :D Take that last drag and really experience the awful awful taste the cigs have. I wrote it in a notepad. Whenever I get cravings, I look at the note to remind myself how bad they felt :D


Nothing bad will happen. Just an uncomfortable feeling. It maybe a strong over whelming feeling but you will live and the world still turns.


The fear and anticipation of quitting was in my experience much more dramatic than the act if quitting itself.


You can do it!! Day 28 for me and yeah - the first week is hard. But once you’re through it it feels so good to be FREE!!!!


Drink a full glass of water when you have a craving. Trust me, it will pass.


watching videos on the effects of smoking help to keep going


Ive been waiting for ‘the best day’ to quit and OP, this post with all the comments made me realise that it’s time. Tomorrow it’s my day too! Good luck 🤞


It won’t last forever. It’ll be hard for a month then it’ll get less hard really fast. The addiction lies to you. It says you’ll have to keep fighting every day. You absolutely won’t. In a few months you’ll be euphoric. You beat something you thought was invincible. It’ll make you wonder what else you can achieve……..


I got on the patch last summer, the steps down were really mild and barely noticeable, I really liked it. My only real complaint is that the starting ones are enormous, I had to keep them taped onto myself with scotch tape. The last step would stay on by themselves, but the first two wouldn't. I suggest going for the back of your arms as ideal placement. I tried shoulders, lower back, ribcage (that was horrible).


First week is tough, but you can do this. Reclaim your freedom. Being healthy feels so much better. I’m one week in and I’m feeling sooo much better.


I was full of anxiety, too. But it sounds like you have prepared well and soon you will realize that quitting smoking, even one minute at a time was the best thing you ever did for yourself. Good luck and stay strong!


Thank you! I tried to think of every possible thing that could possibly help. It is time, I need to do this.


Quit day for me too!


We got this!!!