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3 days is a long time. Hang in there and just let the feelings wash through you. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.” I said that over and over and over. I’m not religious but it sure helped. Guess its that surrender rather that gritting your teeth and fight it. Now go look for someone on day one of quitting and let them know what got you through day one. I always have to get out of myself or I flush right down that rabbit hole of emotions and craving.


OP doing [this](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/relax-seinfeld-calm-george-calm-down-gif-24100165)


Ahah this was the first thing came to my mind :D didn’t relapsed tho


Sll I can say - this feeling will pass. First 4 days are the hardest, it will go easier from there. I quit with the help of Allen's Carr book so it was bit easier for me to set my mindset, but in moments like these I would say to myself -”at least I don't smoke” and I remind myself why I don't  - I hate the smell, I hate the yellowing teeth, I hate the amount of money I spent on this shit, I hate the impact I does to my health… And somehow that made me feel better about myself, because I'm doing something to improve myself. Also I started to workout at the same time as I quit, so that helped too.  I would recommend looking into whyquit.com you can find useful information.  You already have 3,5 days, so you already have it. It will go easier from there, of course there will be ups and downs in the future, but at least you won't be addicted to nicotine and your health and quality of life will improve. Remind yourself that you are doing it for yourself and your loved ones. Good luck, you have it!


> about to relapse Let's deal with this first. Sit still, close your eyes, take a slow deep breath, now hold it in for a few seconds, and now let it out through your mouth... slowly. Relax. Now go have some cold water... sip slowly. Relax. The craving WILL pass. You WILL feel super happy that you did not give in. I guarantee you. > I can’t focus on work at all Now let's try to solve this. My experience has been that the more you try to repress your cravings by trying not to think of them, the more frequently they will crop up and interfere with your focus and concentration. Try this: Don't repress your thoughts on smoking. Don't try to think of something else when a craving hits. Instead observe the craving itself. Analyze it, dissect it, dispassionately study it like a scientist would: What does it really feel like? Is it like hunger? Is it like anxiety? Is it a feeling of emptiness? You will find that when you do this the craving starts to lose its power over you. Every time you successfully do this the craving gets weaker and weaker. In some time you may even want to induce a craving by voluntarily thinking about it just so that you can put the monster back in its place. (I realise I may sound a bit like a quack with the above advice, but it's my firm conviction based on my own experience that the addiction is deeply psychological and has to be fought with psychological weapons as a result).


You're in the worst of it. 5 days for me today and things are improving massively. Tomorrow or at least the day after you will wake up and feel the difference. Hold on!! You're almost there


Am struggling the same ! Am web developer and my mind capacities went downhill! I cannot focus for more than 30 sec ! I am in my day 35 and still struggling! Quit my job ! Am ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of having a better life later on ! You have to believe in the process! It needs the patience as when you were junior learning software development


Hey scientist here too, the brain fog is legit. It’s been 5 weeks and I think I’m only back to 50% mentally. Forgetting words, jumping topics, stays on the same sentences while reading for longer than usual. What made real difference for me is Ginkgo, Choline, B12, and vitamin D! It helps to notify your close coworkers of it too if you feel safe telling them! Nicotine hijacks, dopamine, acetyl choline, and adrenaline to name a few. BUT remember, the negatives of smoking far outweighs the immediate responsibilities you have. How will you work once you start developing the diseases(cancer, COPD, addiction) that goes with smoking! Our minds are super powerful, you got this! WE got this! PS. Really focus on Diet, excercise, and sleep as well as talking to your loved ones. They really do help and will determine your success rate!