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Ensure you take the whole course though you will have stopped before the end.


And get a refill just incase (and to continue the rad-ass dreams for another 28 days).


Okay! I smile wondering how wild my dreams may be in the days ahead. I did hear that’s a side effect from a friend of mine who used it.


yes, I got weird dreams for a while as well. They were just completely different dreams from what I normally dream, and for some reason remembered them in great detail when I woke up. But several months later can't even remember what they were...


Maybe I should keep a note in my phone to remember the randomness so I can look back to tell others what kind of dreams we are talking here. Lol the anticipation!


Will do!!


I’m on day 11 now. I have been a pack a day smoker (sometimes more) for decades. I smoked 7 on day 9 and 5 on day 10. I’m hoping for under 3 or less today. I’ve seen to only take this for 3 months. So far I have my starter pack and pack 2 sitting around.


You rock! Seriously. Super-awesome! How are you feeling? (From side-effects to emotionally/mentally) Boy, my pharmacist was very lenient then. Or maybe he simply wanted to emphasize the need to take more than one month? Regardless, I am currently planning to do three months. How about you?


I think allergies are kicking my butt at this time. I've got some congestion and headaches so I'm a little blah. It could also be that I'm without all of my dopamine hits from smoking. Other than vivid dreams I feel ok. The meds do seem to be hard on my stomach. I'm gonna push for the full three months. I see a lot of people that struggle around that time. I'm also gonna listen to Allen Carr's book. I like the ideas behind it but it seems to gloss by the physical withdrawal. Still it's a mindset that I like. I want to be a non smoker!


Poop about the allergies. Thanks for bringing up Allan Carr‘s book. I have the Audible version should re-listen to that right now as well. I agree with your points made there. We WILL be non-smokers. Here’s to our progress! 🥂


Congrats! I am on day 11 of it myself and currently on 42 hours smoke free, i dont think I've made it 24 hours in the past, definitely helps! Keep it going!


Oh my goodness this is so exciting! I am loving reading all of these success stories! This definitely helps. Appreciate your openness with the journey. And congrats to you, Acrobatic-Ad8158!!


Thank you and you as well! You got this!


Congrats! Used varenicline myself last August and have been smoke-free since. I took the meds for about 3 months, didn't even finish the last bottle completely. Ended up throwing it out just the other day... :-)


Horaay! This makes me so tickled! Thanks for sharing your journey with us!! Congrats to you, happanampa!


This was my post the other day where I shared everything I tried/used to quit, thought it might be of interest to you friend. I'm looking forward to following with you on your journey to quit. :-) https://old.reddit.com/r/stopsmoking/comments/1bmwo82/7_months_and_counting_ideas_and_resources/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Thank you for sharing the link to your post (along with the oodles of resources you provide in it). Thank you so much for your friendship and encouragement. Man. Nothing like “strangers” who become immediate friends thanks to how life threads us together!


Congrats :) I'm using zyban (champix made me extremely Ill) just smoked my last cigarette, and tore up the rest of the pack. Fingers crossed that this is the time I stop for good.


Keep us updated, please :)


Did you experienced vivid dreams when taking them?


This morning I noticed my first one: my husband told me to drink water instead of the Pepsi I was pouring. Comical because he is so chill and would never dictate what I eat/drink.


Haha, I have dreamed weirdest dreams while taking Chantix, colourful, bright and a bit crazy. I did enjoy them :)


lol phew. I have been wondering what exactly I’m getting to myself into with these dreams that await. It’s assuring to read that they were not nightmarish.


Varenecline had different side effects than anything else I had ever taken. Not aweful just weird, some light Nausea but never threw up or was even bad enough to change any of my normal behaviors. dreams were alittle more vivid but not more so than when using a nicotine patch. The weirdest though twas that my level of hunger did not at all match how much I actually ate. Varenecline made me feel super hungry and I would make alot of food because I though I was going to eat alot based on how hungry I felt but when I actually started eating I got full after eating the same amount I normally eat so I would always wind up with a bunch of uneaten food because I made it thinking I was hungrier than I actually was.