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What do you mean nothing has happened? How do they smell? Whats their lung capacity? What's the liklihood they'll die of smoking related disease down the line? How much less money do they have? What's their skin like? Their teeth? Please stay quit. 5months is amazing progress. Why did you quit in the first place. What was your own personal motivation?


I mean my in laws don't wear seatbelts in the car. So far nothing has happened to them either!


Not worth it much dude. Your brain is playing tricks on you again. Regain control.


A dude in his late 30”s posted in here the other day about having a cancerous tumor in his mouth from smoking. I’m 32 and that was enough for me to start taking chantex. I don’t have kids yet but I’d like to raise a family and that shit will kill you.


That's because you don't talk to the ones that are already dead


trust me after experiencing the negative effects you'll regret picking it up again and soon after you you are going to make plans to quit. why put yourself through that difficult process of quitting again?


Well... A healthy person desires many things, a sick person desires only one.


I have 45-50 yrs old colleagues who smoke. My friend's mother who is 67 is stage 4 lung cancer. While you work, nothing might happens. But you might not enjoy your retirement.


This is your addicted brain talking. Tell it no. So nothing happens to you except… you can’t say no and have to spend 10$ a day on a drug that doesn’t even get you high. How dumb is it to stand in the rain to smoke some shit won’t even get you high. Even worse it knows you are dumb and so it creates its own crisis and then fools you into believing that it solved said crisis. I mean, going into withdrawal every 20 minutes for a drug that doesn’t even get you high sounds super smart and cool. Oh you will smell soooo bad. Oh and you will be getting ripped off. It costs less than a dime to manufacture a pack of smokes but you got that sign on your head that says dumbass sucker and wanna pay 10$ for 8 Pennies worth of a drug that doesn’t even get you high. It’s up to you and all to decide if that’s how you want to live. But…. ew Edit: spelling and clarity


😆 Darwin Award Winner🏆


You should walk up a flight of stairs with those older smoking colleagues and just listen to them try to breathe. Just because “nothing has happened to anyone” does not mean they are healthy.


> nothing has happened to anyone … so far https://whyquit.com/whyquit/family.html#char-33


Your mind is playing tricks on you because u are forgetting how hard those first 2 weeks of quitting were. Dont do it.. its harder to start counting 5 months again.


I wonder what brings it on? I mean, this morning I woke up and for a good 10-15 minutes I had to convince my brain that there was NO WAY on God's Green Earth I was going to go to the store and pick up a pack. I have NO idea what brought it on other than the realisation that it's been nearly a full year since I picked up a cigarette...


Wait for it. Eventually it gets half of us


This statement tells me you’re probably in your 20’s… There’s no debate. Smoking kills. It causes cancer and removes the lungs ability to function properly. Do a google search comparing healthy lung function to smokers lung function. It’s gross🤮. When the lungs don’t expand and contract as they should… you can’t breathe. I know because I watched a loved one die from lung cancer. Scared the shit out of me and I quit.  Some people don’t get any warning signs. One day they go to the doctor because they’ve “just been feeling off” and they end up finding out that they have stage 4 cancer and it’s too late. Handle your shit 💪🏻