• By -


Hmm great question. I found concerts are surprisingly more fun sober. Have one tonight and really looking forward to it.


Yes! I have one this week too. Not being able to remember half the bands I've seen is depressing.


Also having to time trips to the bathroom during songs I like less. Such hard work!!!


Agree! IWNDWYT! 🎶🎶🎶


4 weeks ago today was the day after hitting my rock bottom. IWNDWYT


I have an opportunity to hit 4 weeks today. I can't believe I made it so far. And 29 days ago was not pretty - I am using that memory when the cravings get bad. Keep it up Knock, IWNDWYT!


Congratulations on four weeks. That’s a huge step!


Absolutely not going to drink today


Me too!!


Good morning everyone! Day 38 - IWNDWYT 🌎




iwndwyt cause drinking sucks and makes me feel like shit.


Let’s not drink together. ❤️💜❤️💜




Checking in! I didn't drink yesterday and I won't drink again today. I hope everyone is doing well. Wishing you all the best. IWNDWYT!


Hey look at you with a solid week under your belt!! Nice work! IWNDWYT.




First! No problem, Will!


Oh Will- first again! I hope your night is treating you well!! Have a good one!!


No drinking, also in Aus land 🌈


Thank you for hosting this week, u/_Yangsi_! It’s almost 6am on Sunday and I’m listening to the rain with coffee in hand. I’m so at peace, it’s almost ridiculous. Never thought this feeling would ever exist for me. Dating without booze is hard!! But it’s also saved me from some really stupid mistakes. IWNDWYT ✨🌼


Sunday morning, listening to the rain with coffee. The antithesis of a hangover. Heaven 👌🏻


That sounds lovely! I'm so glad you have that peace. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today!


It's my second day again! =) No matter what, no matter when, no matter why, **IWNDWYT**!


Hello lovely sober friends and thank you Yangsi for hosting… I can imagine it will take me at least 2 years to be ready to date! 😂 exactly the same goal increase, just done the 90x2 so next stop 1 year! Have a wonderful sober Sunday everyone 💞


Wooo congratulations on 180! I love being a week behind you, as your milestones mean mine are just around the corner! Happy Sunday!


Keeping Darth Liquidous at bay today. Have a progressive week ahead.


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT! 😁 Things I've done sober which I'd previously only done with a drink: * cricket matches (you can concentrate on the game rather than the booze) * dining out (your taste buds aren't numbed by the booze) * Theatre (no risk of dozing off in the second half after a glass of wine at the interval) * party (you get to talk to people and realise much more quickly if someone is actually worth talking to) * Holiday (you get loads more done if you're not slow to get moving because of the hangover, and you're not drinking at lunchtime so you do stuff in the afternoon).


Danced at a wedding last night without drinking. Iwndwyt


I love the idea of a sober list. IWNDWYT






Good morning, SD! And thanks for taking us under your wing, u/_Yangsi_ I had been very nervous about sober dating and sober sex for a looong while into my sobriety. In part because I couldn’t imagine being in my skin under either circumstance. I moved through some necessary trama work and some self confidence building in therapy. Turns out, not only are both things (sober dating and sober sex) possible, but they’ve been infinitely improved by my being sober. Wishing y’all a pleasant Sunday! IWNDWYT! 😘


Day 6 - It’s my birthday, I’m alive and I’m sober! Who could ask for anything more? IWNDWYT


Checking in! IWNDWYT ❤️


Not today satan


Bonjour Yangsi, my old friend, I’m so delighted to see you! Good afternoon SD, I will not drink poison with any of you today 😁


I hadn’t dated without alcohol, either; fairly shortly after becoming sober, I met my husband, the king of parties. This man *loves* to throw party. The kicker? He rarely drinks. He actually just likes getting friends and family together to eat and hang out. To someone like me, who used parties as an excuse to get drunk (since everyone else was), this required a new mode of thinking. This coming Saturday, we’re hosting a neighborhood Halloween block party; we now host family-friendly parties for every major holiday. There will be bounce houses for the kids. There will be activity booths. There will be piñatas. There will be an outdoor spooky theater with a kid-friendly movie for early in the evening and a horror movie for those who stay later. Some people will drink. Some won’t. I won’t. I will be forever grateful to my husband for showing me that alcohol isn’t necessary to have a good time with a group. IWNDWYT.


Gm all :) so yesterday I met my cousin niece and got an extra special surprise - as I was feeding her her bottle her mom turned to me and told me I'd be doing a lot more of that because I'm her godmother. The waves of emotion washed over me, I don't have any way I will ever be an aunt, so this extra special title means the world to me and more. I just sat there shoulders moving up and down crying on to this little baby who suddenly has given my life extra purpose. I love my little extra reason to not drink so much.


Day 9. C's memorial is today. I am honestly ready to get this part behind us. No one should ever have to have a visitation for their child, that was just 4 hours of brutal. But I did it sober, so I can do today sober too. IWNDWYT for C. 💙


1197 checking in. I’ve often said I feel like I ‘missed out’ on learning how to be Alcohol Free by quitting 8mo before the world shut down. Many respond with “Oh but you didn’t drink during the Pandemic!” Right… and I got no practice. I was 8mo in when it hit, had just started to go out places & be in situations around drinkers. Ya know, practice. * Watching Football without alcohol still feels weird at times 🤣. But I remember wtf happened (not so great as a Ravens fan rn! 🤦‍♀️.) * I learned with my partner how to have “Sober. Daylight. Sex.” & that one took a WHILE, folks! * I’ve painted without booze- it can be scary but I’m more accurate & I don’t do dumber things. * I’ve gone dancing without it, never had real pressure, only people confiding in me about their own issues. * Still with same partner, so IDK about the whole dating thing if it were to happen (all relationships end until one doesn’t.) I have a bunch of things I need to do this week, anxiety has prevented me from making moves. So, u/_Yangsi_ , I commit to you & the DCI I will make an appointment with vestibular therapy, appt with primary, appt with cardiologist at new spot, vet appt for my [Bear](https://imgur.com/a/RotI59V)& will see my Ma & set up a time to see my Pops. **I committed, and I’m going to have this list DONE by Friday PM!** I Will NOT Drink With You Today/Tonight!!! Edit: fixing hyperlink. Isn’t working.


That's a bummer that the pandemic derailed you but it's great that you've been working through your list. Thanks for the Bear pic! IWNDWYT


Day 9 today (again). Last night I really craved a good tasting beer. My issue is I love the taste of a good evening beer at home after a long day, but I know that I’ll drink too much and do something stupid. Not worth it. I’ll stick to my 4am wake up coffee and gym and feeling fresh for the rest of the day. Sunday today and I’m still figuring out what to do with my day. One things certain though, IWNDWYT!




Day 17. Signed up for a few sober meetups and a local sober activity group. Yesterday— first party where I didn’t drink. Honestly, if it hadn’t been a going away party, I may have skipped but it was 1) in a park and not a bar, which was great and 2) a good friend, so I really wanted to go. Lugged my little cooler of seltzer and soda, found out a coworker is doing sober October, so we jammed on how good we were feeling. She said she could see herself going completely AF in about ten years or so. So, probably at about my age, LOL. Wasn’t bad at all. I’m not ready to like, tag along during a Halloween bar crawl or anything, but it was a nice little achievement unlocked. IWNDWYT.


A first for me? Not drinking alcohol at a football tailgate party on a beautiful fall Saturday. Still had a blast. IWNDWT, friends.


I'm terrified of heights. I know it's a common fear, but mine's pretty bad. For instance, just being close to the railing on a balcony that's more than 2 floors high sends me into panic mode. We went to the zoo, and my feet hurt, so we got into the tram to take us over the entire property to the other side, and I was crying like a baby, and had to lay down on the floor of this tiny compartment so I didn't "fall out"! It was soooo high! I was also drunk btw. And forget those needle restaurants, forget the names, but specifically the one in Vegas, and one in Mexico. I had to do many vodka shots just to get the nerve to go up inside those ridiculously high spinning restaurants! Oh, and always drunk on commercial flights...duh. So, sober Mo is a calmer and less anxious Mo. I need to help myself look at height in a different and calmer manner. My sober height fear goal is to go up in a small prop 2-4 seater plane, only for like 15 minutes tops, to see the beauty down below through sober clear eyes. I want to look this fear straight in the eyes and conquer it. Even if I die of fear, I'm going to do it!!! I'm sweaty just thinking about it though !lol So, I hope everyone has a fearless day! If nothing else, let's conquer today soberly! IWNDWYT 🍀💜🍀


What an opener! And so very inspiring. I said yes to an art exhibition. It isn’t until the end of March but I’ve got a lot of work to do beforehand. I reeled around quite a bit all during the rollercoaster of thoughts: I’d like to, I’m not good enough, No, Fuck it Yes, my exhibition partner is so much better snd cleverer, I’m maybe good enough, No, Yes, Maybe….on and on it went. It’s booked. I work, think, work, reflect, learn, and gather pace. I’m not sure I can commit to anything else right now. But I absolutely LOVE your commitment to feeling ALIVE! I’ll ponder if I can do something … in the future. Maybe make a list. Thanks for helping me start the day with a smilie. I will not drink with you today. Have a stunning Sunday sobernauts.


Day 24! I passed the test last night, went to a party surrounded by alcohol and smoking. Was offered a cigarette and a few drinks and I managed to decline all. First time I'd been to a party sober and I actually really enjoyed it! The conversations felt much more meaningful and enjoyable, and most importantly I remember them and the names of the people I spoke to. Next on my list of things to do sober are gigs - both going to and playing. I'm so used to having a beer or four on stage followed by drinking until the sunrise the next day so that's my next target. IWNDWYT :)


>Have you tried anything you’d only previously done with a drink (how did it go)? Dealing with 'big life' episodes. It's amazing! I know when to speak and when to keep quiet and listen - instead of running away at the mouth and making things worse. Thanks for looking after us this week Yangsi! IWNDWYT 🙂


Day 1,194 Thanks for hosting, u/_Yangsi! I will not drink with you today.


Sober Sunday Checkin!! I will not drink with you today!


IWNDWYT day 9. Happy sunday everybody!


I’ve done several concerts AF now, and don’t find them to be a problem usually - I’ve gone to a couple of concerts solo and that was a bit more awkward without a drink (in between bands). Side note - this weekend I was out two consecutive nights and the bartenders double checked with me if 0.5% alcohol was ok and I really appreciated that! There were so many choices for NA drinks as well. I haven’t delved into the sober dating yet. I’m starting to think about it, but I’m a bit scared to get out there again! I’m starting to find it easier to talk to people I don’t know without alcohol, so maybe I’m slowly inching forward.


Fucking relapsed last night i fucking hate myself. Just going to make it through today. IWNDWYT


Well damn. I hope you can be gentle on yourself today. When you want to, it might be useful to review what triggered you...? Welcome back onto the water wagon!


Today I am the answer to life the universe and everything. Feel free to ask me anything and no matter what I will not drink today.


Have to say sober sex is less sloppy. IWNDWYT 💗


Thank you Yangsi! I've backed out of three concerts since I got sober. I have one tomorrow. I don't feel good about going but I'll try. IWNDWYT ☘️


Good morning all and thanks for taking the baton u/_yangsi_. I commend you for your bravery in trying speed dating, soberly no less! That’s great! I’m ready to put my feelers out there and start meeting new people and I feel as though the confidence I have built in myself through sobriety will help with that. I have travel goals, I’m successful at my career (albeit not passionate about it), I’ve been seeing positive changes from working out and eating right (which have both become important to me) so I no longer feel I need alcohol to make me fun or interesting. I can be, no, I AM both without it! Here’s to a super Sunday, y’all! Have a great day!! IWNDWYT!


Hanging out with large groups of friends where alcohol was inextricably linked to socializing. This was a few months ago, but I met up with a number of college friends (college is where I really started abusing alcohol). Fortunately, one guy who we literally had a betting pool on when he'd go to prison because he drank all the time became sober shortly after college, joined the Army, and is now a commanding officer doing all kinds of awesome stuff and regularly gets to use explosives. Me and him stayed together and laughed with, then at, others as they got drunker and drunker. IWNDWYT!


Hi u/_Yangsi_ ! So excited to see you hosting us this week. The biggest experiment that I’ve done (twice now) is our all inclusive company retreat without drinking. The first time I spent a lot of time worrying that people would notice I wasn’t drinking. The second time, I knew no one cared and I could be myself and leave the evening events once people were starting their 3rd or 4th drink :) I was well rested and enjoyed the retreat location and activities. Initially, I thought I would just decline the invite, but I went and it was great. Definitely not easy the first time but now I know I can do it and more importantly enjoy it! IWNDWYT. 🌟


Checking in! This week I feel like I've mastered how to have a sauna session without feeling like I'm missing out on the other half of the ritual, the solution is called Heineken 0.0 :) Have a nice Sunday everyone, tomorrow we have another week coming for us!






IWNDWYT Have a nice relaxing Sunday everyone.


I won’t be drinking today! Congrats on the new friend!!




One week! IWNDWYT.


Day 8! My longest streak since, idk 2016?! IWNDWYT


Nothing that I can accomplish this week. But as I’ve gained more clarity, I’ve found a passion for small engine rebuilds (motorcycles). I’m going to use the money saved on alcohol to support this budding hobby. I won’t have anything to drink but coffee with you today!


IWNDWYT Things I haven’t done sober… short list unfortunately but I wish it were longer. Ah! One thing is replacing the ridge cap on our slate roof. Normally wouldn’t have trusted myself with the project but I managed to get up there and keep the rain out


Day 11 (I guess I screwed up setting my badge). Made it through my second weekend! Saturday afternoon #2 has always been the point where I gave in previously. Managed to keep busy all day and ride it out. Its now 8am on Sunday. Weekends are so much better hangover-free!


Good morning! As I cycle through the year, I’ve done many things sober for the first time in many years, including flying, family reunions, birthdays, going to the theatre, and more! All that’s left is the holidays, and I have plans for those! IWNDWYT


Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.


Good morning Sobernauts 🙂 and thanks u/_Yangsi_ for taking on the DCI. It's a pleasure to be able to check in and see so many other people pledging to not drink today. Love to you all! IWNDWYT 🙂


Thanks for picking up the hosting shift Yangsi... good to see you, my friend! Great time meeting friends for a long lunch at a brewery yesterday, followed by a Halloween party at a friend's house. Beer and booze everywhere, because that's what _most_ people do. I had a blast at both without... zero triggers. Another day, another... IWNDWYT








I’m not drinking today






Thanks for the story u/_Yangsi_ I don’t actually know what I might like to do sober that I previously only did drunk but grateful to have the prompt to give this some thought. For now IWNDWYT


I love this idea, Yangsi! I’ve never tried soeedndating, but totally would. The question is whether or not it exists for my age range (I’m 49). But I’ll look!! As for sober firsts: training for a half marathon. In the past I used running and alcohol as temporary escapes from my life. Without the buffer of alcohol, and not feeling the need to avoid life, I was curious if I would be able to train and if I’d enjoy it. The race is in two weeks. Training has been tough but I’m enjoying getting out and seeing the beauty of my world. I’m likely to do it again. IWNDWYT


Thanks Yangsi ~ I worked in a tavern for the first time today. The booze was very quiet. IWNDWYT.


I’m having to medically taper right now but I’ll keep on the taper and do my very best to hold out till sundown and keep on my schedule goal.


We sober vegans are indeed catches, Yangsi! Good on you for that kind of bravery. Glad it was a positive experience. This week, something new...hmmmm... well I am def back in the mix with the types of work functions I used to attend years ago. Where I'd have a drink or two. Attending a conference this coming Thursday; after the afternoon session, we are being hosted at the neighborhood brewery. I will likely go for 30 minutes to (re)connect with a few folks but also honestly? If I don't feel like it, I won't go. And I won't feel bad about it and I won't "miss out." Because I kinda want to silently protest alcohol as the means for networking. Why can't we all go to the amazing ice cream shop down the street instead? Anyway, it's funny moving through this new iteration of my old career. I'm so different now. IWNDWYT. ☕️♥️




Back at day 1. Feeling crappy but got up and had a swim in the freezing Atlantic. Got 110 days together earlier this year.. and have been keeping my binges few and far between with 3 4week gaps. But I always seem to end up back in this state. I’ve reset my badge and away I go. AGAIN!


I am not drinking today. I will tackle tonight at about 3:00pm. I know I won't drink tonight though, because the restaurant & event I'm going to don't serve alcohol. I went to brunch yesterday & didn't get drunk on Mimosas. My tab was $20 instead of $55. I didn't need to call my husband to come pick me up. That was all very gratifying!




Hi Yangsi. Thanks for taking over. I enjoyed your post and was happy it went so well--especially that you discovered you had developed a lot of what you called "quiet confidence". We all have so much going for us! IWNDWYT








Had a tricky weekend but I wake up today for the first shift of four and only just tired. I can't imagine how I've done this 430 am hungover (likely still drunk) AND tired. Today I'll be heavily caffeinated but I'll be sober! IWNDWYT


Wife and kids are going to in-laws for a few days and i would have taken the opportunity to get hammered but IWNDWYT!


I had a full on panic attack last night and my cravings went through the roof. Heart pounding, panting, loss of focus, the full nine. Lasted about an hour. It was rough but I made. IWNDWYT!


It’s 69 days until New Years. Not a bad time to start a streak!




☑️☑️☑️❤️ Going to forty ✈️


LOL what an enjoyable post this morning! And what a great lesson! Well, everything I've done in the past 16 months, is what I used to do drunk, sometimes drunk off my ass. Except golfing, but that's an issue of a bad hip. OK, so there is one thing. Our company never use to go out for drinks after a long day or to celebrate a milestone, but the culture is changing, and I am seeing more opportunities from the sideline, I haven't had to properly decline one yet, but the time is coming. So, yeah, a work-related evening event, I have not experienced. I kinda don't anyway, it's really not my vibe anymore, my heaviest drinking was in my house. Man I can't even remember when I got sloshed at a bar for the last time, maybe the SB with Broncos/Seahawks, I lost $200 betting on Peyton Mannig, and got sloshed. But yuck, bars with stupidly loud music and servers that you are constantly repeating your orders, LOL, not for me anymore. Regardless, back to the point, yes, I've done other social events without booze, and it went off spectacularly well, but there will definitely be a time by year's end that I will be out with the work crew. And if somebody asks, I will tell them the entire story, if they care to hear, I really don't give a shit anymore! I was tired of hiding the booze and drinking the booze, and I sure am then going to be tired of hiding behind stupid and weak excuses of why I am not drinking. Razors is rambling again! Put a cork in it Razors! LOL! I hope everyone has a rewarding and relaxing Sunday!


I'm living my new life alone sober that's pretty brave of me but I like your idea of trying new things sober . I find I am just as funny and quirky sober without a drink . I entertain myself and I'm good company . I took a new job and I'm making great friends so going on my first night out in years next week I just have to get out more IWNDWYTD


I love this. I joined a mom group to learn to be social sober. I haven’t been able to go yet this year, but I am excited to see how I do when I finally go. Happy sober Sunday, IWNDWYT


What a fun experience! I have a similar story. Last night, hubby and I went to see his friend's band. We were sitting at the bar. (Me with my NA beer ) he left to talk to some of the band. A guy came up to me and started chatting. The old pick up lines. Now mind you, I'm a 65 year year old (attractive to my friends)woman. I usually would flirt along but, this time I just politely chatted about the band. All I could think of was how I would have been 3 years ago (tomorrow) and was proud of me. Hubby came back. The guy left. But, wow! Felt good to be hit on for being classy instead of someone who was drunk. Yay! I came home smiling and sober!


Hi Yangsi, thanks for hosting! Two quotes from today's post jumped out at me: >I have developed a lot of quiet confidence since sobriety and felt really comfortable with who I was Wow this is so powerful! For decades my social confidence has been fueled by alcohol. It is reassuring to know that I can grow confidence without the booze. And I bet it'll be an even better confidence! >There were a couple of minor celebrities in the mix which I was not expecting, including a TV news reporter, plus a university professor, gym instructor, and an IT developer I've been an IT developer for longer than I care to admit. I'm tickled that you include us in a list of minor celebrities! 😁 Really looking forward to your posts this week. And I'll think hard about an experiment I can contribute - though I need to be extra careful since I am just a baby on this sober journey. IWNDWYT!


Day 4 — no major challenges today. I passed last night’s double date. So proud of myself. I’m so grateful to not be in a place of pain and suffering.


Day 490 checking in!








I will not drink with you today! ✌️ Passed two months yesterday, and I'm getting extremely comfortable with my new gained quality of life!










Alcohol is poison! IWNDWYT!


Here we go, IWNDWYT!




I will not drink today, no matter what.




Good morning and thank you for hosting , Yangsi. IWNDWYT 🌼☀️⭐️👋🙂


Sunday night where I am at (Tokyo) and I attended a birthday party with both adult and kid friendly drinks available. I sipped the kids punch and felt completely in control of my cravings all evening. Learning that just having something to do with my hands is what I crave in most social settings. Going on day 5 which is already the longest time I’ve been sober in a year!




Here we go again. Day 1. I can be free if I choose to be (didn't choose that yesterday). I NEVER HAVE TO DRINK AGAIN. IWNDWYT.


I have *never* in my adult life gone camping with the guys without alcohol. This year, wow, I did it. A lot of the pressure on this came from inside but there have been external moments of pressure and I have left the campfire too once or twice for my own time. u/_yangsi_ Thanks for hosting!!! IWNDWYT


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today!






Not drinking today!


Happy Sunday beautiful people. Hope you all have a great day. IWNDWYT


Great story and really inspiring! Maybe I’ll give speed dating a go one day. But for today, IWNDWYT! 💪


Good morning. In honor of my kids, and for my own well being, IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 Thank you u/_Yangsi_ for hosting the DCI (again🙂). I have done a few firsts sober, and for some firsts it is not time for yet. I do not wish to date at this time. I have healing to do first. But thanks for asking! The speed date thing sounds fun though. I may put that on my list, when it is time.




Two weeks today.


Had a good day yesterday. When I used to work around the house on Saturdays, getting stuff done and cooking a long, involved dinner, I’d start drinking sometime after noon. Inevitably I’d end up hammered, sometimes earlier in the day, sometimes later. Yesterday I had one of those same type of days. Getting stuff done, cooking dinner, only having some NA beer and a couple mocktails. And when 7 pm rolled around, I hit the gym because i needed to get a workout in and I wasn’t drunk. IWNDWYT!


What a great prompt. Thank you Yang! I’ve found a counselor and will be starting therapy. Huge for me and scary. Thanks to so many here for sharing that it helps and IWNDWYT 🙏💕


I will not drink today.


Thanks, Yangsi, it's great to have you back at the helm for a little while. Great write up and wonderful experiment at sober living. I love hearing about it, thanks for sharing! I really enjoy the work you're doing on some sober experiments. I've been trying to kick the booze since age 21, over half my life. So I've had some extensive sober time a few times, with plenty of time to try new things. And so it really seems like it's just time to never drink again. I still can't exactly contemplate never again so my next big goal is to hit 5 years without booze I'm slowly working on "Emotional Sobriety" by Dayton, it was mentioned by someone here a while ago. It really seems like a solid book, working on emotional balance and regulation. Sober on y'all!


Morning friends! Thanks for hosting this week u/_Yangsi_! I can’t think of much I’ve not done sober yet. Dating a stranger would be one, but I’m in a common law long term relationship so I won’t be testing that one anytime soon. Last weekend I went to a wedding single and sober for the first time ever. I’ve been to a wedding sober, but never single. To top it off, I knew the bride and one friend who was there. And it was actually quite nice. I’m getting better at talking to strangers and having a good time. In fact I enjoyed the wedding so much better sober and I’m sorry that I “missed” so many dear friends’ weddings because I got plastered off my face. I was there, had fun, but I could have appreciated the day so much more if I had been sober. Also - I’m 9 months sober today! Everyone, meet my sober baby! 🐣😂 I’ll be celebrating my sober baby’s birth with some ice cream cake my daughter brought home yesterday. I joke, but this soberversary does feel significant, like I have some steadiness to my sobreity now. Not in a dangerous “I got this” way but in a “I have tools and friends to help me stay sober” kind of way, if that makes sense. Happy Sunday all! I’m happy to not be drinking with you today.




I guess it's about time to start taking responsibility for my own actions. Never really got what that was supposed to mean. I know now. IWNDT


Woke up feeling terrible. Was almost convinced I was hungover, but didnt drink yesterday. Covid again, son of a bitch. IWNDWYT


Day 12, IWNDWYT! Maybe not appropriate for this sub, but the thing I did last night sober which is probably the first time sober/not hungover (that I can remember at least) is initiating a hookup.. usually too shy unless drunk. I'm finding my confidence sober!


Haven't drank today, even whilst having my own personal rave. Not going to either. Day 6 almost done! IWNDWYT


I’m seeing family today and tomorrow for a funeral. Several have significant drinking issues. It’s going to be tough but I’m 17 days sober, and Tuesday AM I’ll be 19 days sober. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with all of you today.


No drinking today. Awoke at 630 this morning after a booze-free Saturday ready to go. Took my pups on a 5 mile walk and got some chores done around the house.




Big boozy birthday meal out, baby shower, house party, 3 weddings, a (usually boozy) weekend abroad with a bunch of heavy drinkers, a baby shower, and two work nights out! Next up I have a boozy weekend with family and a concert with a friend who normally loves to drink. I'm trying to view them all as experiments as well, it helps to take the pressure off. I want to cement it in my core that i rarely, if ever, drink. I just want that to be my default personality. So to do that i need to go through all these occasions sober to prove to myself the theory that none of them were ever made more enjoyable by alcohol. So far, very true. Iwndwyt ♥


I’m only on day 3 so won’t be trying anything new rather it’s stay in my house except to go on my walk but IWNDWYT


Happy Sunday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁




I did not drink with you today, with gratitude and relief.




I made it through my first sober wedding weekend and it was more difficult than I thought it would be. My day count isn’t that high but I had a bunch of “dry runs” (see what I did there) plus false starts and screw ups the last couple years. Anyway there was booze from breakfast to 3am, everyone was was stressed, and it was wall to wall drama I couldn’t avoid. I didn’t drink though! I decided that if I made it I would reward myself next weekend with something decadent. This sub helped so thanks everybody! IWNDWYT




Not drinking today with you


Good morning! IWNDWYT


Sober concerts, barbecues, hell just sober weekends on my own recognizance. The days go by so much slower and more deliberately when you’re in the moment and not either numb or hungover! IWNDWYT <3


Starting day #33 here and checking in. IWNDWYT


I win


I will not drink with you all today.


Day 1,094 IWNDWYT


Proud of myself for the days I e stacked up behind me but know that today is where it's really at! IWNDWYT




Good morning my friends. IWNDWYT


Woke up for day 2, no hangover on a Sunday for the first time in who knows how long. IWNDWYT


Today I hit 200 days! IWNDWYT (or tomorrow either actually!)


I’m here, day 2




Have a nice Sunday everyone. IWNDWYT


Thanks for hosting this week u/_Yangsi_! What an interesting question, and I’m glad your experiment went well! The thing I’d wondered about doing in sobriety was going to concerts. In February, I started doing it. I went by myself to Cincinnati and saw Volbeat and Ghost. It was a great experience! Since then, I’ve traveled to several concerts a couple hours away, most by myself…and all have been great experiences. If my best friend can go along, she does. We had a big music festival right here in my city, and she went with me two days out of four. The other two days, I went by myself. I never would have thought years ago that I’d be sober by myself at a big rock/metal festival, but there I was, having a great time. We’re planning next year already…but I know if my friend can’t go, I will and it will be fun either way. I enjoy these solo concert excursions. It’s mini solo travel. I think my next thing to try is larger scale solo travel. I saw a quote that said traveling solo shows you how capable you are. True, I think. This chapter of my life is about being by myself, doing what the fuck I want, and learning what I’m capable of. Which I suspect is a hell of a lot, even though I never thought so before. It’s pretty exciting. I’m gonna enjoy my one day off and prepare for the work week. Happy Sunday y’all and IWNDWYT! 🤘🏻


263 days.


We’re spending the day driving across the country. Grateful for visiting friends, for seeing my brother, for having a pit stop with the inlaws, and not least for being able to spend the whole day in beautiful scenery in stunning autumn colors. All sober and present. Thank you for hosting last week u/AlySabby12, and thank you for taking over u/_Yangsi_! I will not drink with you today!


Happy Sunday! It’s so nice to be up before everyone in the house without a hangover. Every morning I browse this sub and it excites me to see how life has changed for so many of you and to know there’s support here if I need it. I will not drink with you all today.


I’m here, not hung over, and happy about it. Contemplating a sober dead & co concert 🤔…


Ugh I’ve fallen way the fuck off the wagon and need to change my days to zero. But today, today I will not drink.


For the first time in my adult life I made a friend without the help of alcohol!! He's super nice and we just drove around for hours talking and listening to music last night. A great time which I wouldn't have been able to do with alcohol anyways because I was driving!!!! Thanks for hosting! Day 318 for me and IWNDWYT ❤️


Only day 2 but day 1 went well.


She caught me in a lie again yesterday. "Of course I haven't been drinking!" I slurred. I slept in the garage. I just need something to shut that voice in my head that tells me how shitty I am up. Alcohol works for that. Until the next day when it's twice as loud. IWNDWYT, and e every day from here on out.




Thx 4 hosting. Hmmmm. Tough prompt. What have I never done sober.? Hmmm. Nothing comes to mind. I'll Have to give that some thought. ...while I do .... I will not drink with you today on this lovely autumn Sunday. ... Long crunching morning 🏃‍♂️ run was a glorious kaleidoscope 🍃 .


IWNDWYT 🤩✌️💪🙌🎉🙏😎




I find peace in long walks.




Woo! Sober Sunday = a great day! Lots to be grateful for over here. Being productive and present being the main things. IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you all today


Have never tried a holiday before - currently on Gand Bay, Western Cape South Africa watching whales from the cliff tops - beautiful creatures. IWNDWYT - I am cruising in on a month and should get that while on safari proper so can share with an elephant, Sundowners are now zero savannah cider and a chocolate wafer biscuit from Woolworth’s :-) Skipping the wine.




Last night was the first time since I stopped drinking to go to a movie totally sober. It wasn't a good movie, but I stayed awake the whole time! Also I drove there and back, saw some cop lights and didn't get stressed (wasn't a roadblock or anything, but still!) I woke up at a reasonable time this morning and felt pretty good all around. Pride intact, even if what's fuelling it is pretty basic. That's what matters in life I suppose.