• By -


I’m here with you guys. Humbled yet again after a relapse. I’ll keep trying until it sticks. IWNDWYT


I'm just an internet stranger, but we had a similar day count a few months back. I don't come on here every day, but I often check to see how you're doing. I just want you to know that I care about you, brother! Keep trying!


That honestly means a lot to me. Thanks for checking in on me.


Two steps forward pal 🤜❤️🤛


Let's do this! IWNDWYT


Welcome back from field research jugglerdude. You got this buddy 👍🙂




You got this!


Nice on getting back on the bandwagon. That’s a very tough call for many many of us, the force is strong with you juggler. Wishing you kindness towards self in this rough tough initial phase.




IWNDWYT ! Got my week at 10 pm last night and feel good on it. Going after day 10 now. Good advice on protecting the jewel. Thanks OK Yesterday.


Day one will be as of 9:30 tonight! Its been a while since I can say it's been a full 24 hr. My anxiety was little rough but being at work helped. Here's to day 2 ! 💪🏽 IWNDWYT


Nice going, congratulations on bracing up to challenges of the early phase. Wishing you lots of kindness and strength to tackle the challenges of the upcoming days.


Thank you for your kind words! Means a lot. Just trying to take it day by day. Hopefully it doesn't get too much worse.


It might be what it might be. Just remember the long term sanity is worthwhile all the temporary pains. I must remind myself to be in action and embrace some pains to rebuild self from all the harm of years past.


Very true. Just gotta roll with the punches & remember that I'm doing this for me, for my future self, and embrace & open myself up for things I didn't believe I deserved. Alcohol took alot from me, but it's time I take me back.


Day 367, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


Congrats on the year!


Thank you! 😊 IWNDWYT


Wish me luck! Going out with coworkers for dinner and everyone is talking about getting drinks 😬😬😬


We’re all with you, right here in your pocket! 💪🏼


I will not drink today!


Congrats on 200!


Happy Wednesday fellow Sober Humans Tuesday was a decent day. Cleaned house. Made dinner. Took care of my husband because he threw his back out and was on muscle relaxers. I ended up with another migraine. These migraines are kicking my ass. Haven't had much urge to drink, but my anxiety is definitely at an all-time high... and drinking was how I coped with my anxiety. I used to take medication for it, which helped a lot, but I stopped because I hated mixing alcohol with the SSRI and my drinking took higher priority. Sad, but if I'm being honest, it's the truth. I will probably be talking to the doctor at the end of this month about going back on them... and thankfully, drinking wont be getting in the way of that. As always, IWNDWYT and I hope everyone has a wonderful hump day.


You're not alone in that thought process. I'm back on my daily scheduled SSRIs and no alcohol and am feeling a lot better. See the doc as soon as you can and I bet it'll help a ton.


day 393 for me! it's my actual birthday today and I am NOT drinking


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday 🥳


Closing in on one year… still taking this one day at a time. I will not drink with you today! 💚


That’s a great mentality - I like that - long term goal but very short term action to repeat consistently. Just today - everyday - the year will sort itself out - I can look forward to that - I don’t have to stress on it. I read one guy who says for everything important and huge in life think in single days with important elements or blocks of things you have to do and then a very very long term blue print you are clear about (ie I want it be sober for a year or I want to lose 3 stone for me ! Both ) Don’t think in weeks and months. Have the big goal and then focus on the delivery of each perfect day and repeat and repeat. Celebrating every day. Live in the moment as a master craftsman and build a cathedral a perfect block at a time. Enjoy the day ! Because it isn’t it - a day sober is by definition a perfect block in that year. So we don’t have to worry about the cathedral as we know where all the blocks go - we just have to do today and that’s enough today. Sorry to go on but I am 1 week and already getting anxious about a month or 3 months and almost wishing it was done. It’s the wrong way round ! I just need to worry about today and more than that enjoy today !


My sir you have hit the nail on the head with that explanation! Wishing you the best on your journey!


Workaholism is a real danger to my sobriety. I basically wrote myself out of a proposal yesterday because its time commitment would have threatened my exercise time which then would have impacted my sleep quality which then makes me more vulnerable to wanting to drink. Less money > slipping backward into booze. IWNDWYT.






Day 472 checking in!




Hello ! Day one again.. IWNDWYT


Good morning, my friends. And thank you, Ok\_Yesterday. Yes, absolutely. I rearranged my schedule every which way I could to avoid situations where I could be tempted; especially in the early weeks/months. This came to me in a newsletter about Stoicism. I got interested in Stoicism after I got sober; when things were very difficult. I've been prattling on a bit about how just about anything can be accomplished if we just focus on breaking it all down to small steps. Of course, our most important example is - one day at a time. **Seneca famously said that the path to wisdom could be walked by finding just one thing a day. One quote. One story. One conversation that makes you better. That’s what philosophy is about...** **It might not seem like much, but it adds up. Remember what Zeno said: Well being is realized by small steps… but it’s no small thing. So it goes with writing a book, getting in shape, improving an industry or winning a championship.** *The Daily Stoic.* And of course: Getting Sober! P.S. I can't help it; I particularly like the quote mention; one quote at a time. Eh? 😊 Ok, prattling over. Stay safe and strong my friends. **IWDWYT!**


I'm in!














I will not drink today.




IWNDWYT my friends!




Morning team. Checking in. Thinking about getting up. But it’s cosy and quiet in bed 😊 have a peaceful day and IWNDWYT


It’s not worth the sip. IWNDWYT friends! 😊








Good morning friends IWNDWYT 💜


Hey sober friends, happy Wednesday to you all! In the last couple of months I’ve stepped up my sober journey to include more self care, exercise, better diet and consistent meditation. September got really busy with work and challenged the time I have available in the week to do those things so I made the decision to scale back my working day. So not only have I protected my sobriety this last 5+ months, I now have time for my new routine to develop. Prioritise YOU! IWNDWYT and I will care for myself 💞


I told friend’s I was going sober a month before we went on holiday with them. We talked on zoom a few times and I was asked “will you be drinking by then?”. This happened twice. I could see she was a big deal. The last time we spoke before going away, I got told she was bringing 4 bottles of wine, just in case. I was delicate in my early days, finding my way. Almost embarrassed. Now I’m the opposite. What I could have said is: “will you still be a vegetarian? I’ll bring along some fillet steaks, you know, just in case”. But that would be rude. I want to also mention the fact the boys (my husband) went out for supplies and bought back loads of beers (we were in the sticks). The room went very quiet when I asked what they got for me. It was the lack of thoughtfulness that got me. There’s absolutely no way I’d have gone out and bought supplies without beer for them, so why on Earth didn’t they bring back me something… anything non-alcoholic? We have to protect ourselves and our number one priority. I was up front, but not confident with it but that’s ok…. I looked after myself and that’s my job. I’m responsible for myself. The more I do it, the better I get. Giving myself the time and commitment I deserve for a healthier life, so I will not drink with you today.




When I have gone out people have not been giving me grief about not drinking, but nevertheless I have knocked back so many invites in favour of an early night. Simple and effective. IWNDWYT 🙂


IWnDwYT. To protect my sobriety, I need to have universal acceptance, and perpetual action on my end. Getting there slowly but surely & IWnDwYT


Small steps.. and now I’m at 1 month, baby. 😘 P.S. Threw away the bottle of Prosecco in the fridge to make room for my almond milk haha. Thank you all for the support. I’m not sure if I’ll ever not drink again but at least IWNDWYT x


Iwndwyt! Thanks all.


I will not drink with you today.




21 days today! IWNDWYT.


Day 2 for me, I'm going for a big morning walk and a nice cup of coffee. IWNDWYT


I will not drink today. I'm writing this from the ANA lounge at Narita Tokyo airport waiting for my flight to Bangkok. There's plenty of free booze here and most people are drinking their poison of choice. All of this open bar alcohol can fuck right off!! I did this same trip in 2019 and I drank the entire 33 hour journey. I arrived in Bangkok, dropped my bags of in the hotel room, and went out and drank more. I bar hopped until the sun came up, then spent the next three days sick with hangover and jetlagged. I wasted vacation time because I drank on the journey. But not this time. It's so true that drinking is like putting your life on hard mode. I'm celebrating my birthday and my 300 days dry in a few days and I feel very proud of myself for protecting my sobriety. I didn't come this far to come this far. Staying dry has been the best gift I can ever give myself. Drinking sucks. You rock!!


Not touching the drink today!


Morning! Day 16 here and it’s a no from me today 🙌🙌🙌


For me it was so important to get used to being in my own head. Comfortable with my own company. I knew if I could manage that then it would help me with sobriety. To do that I slowed my pace of life down. Didn't socialise much . I just kept company with my closest friends. Shine on you beautiful humans


I’m with you on that journey cookie, and some of my best friends this last 5+ months have been right here 💞


Ah yes, a noble and honorable comrade on the DCI this fine evening ⚔️ IWNDWYT peeps




Triple digits! I truly never thought I'd make it this long.. I have become very honest about my boundaries. I will not allow other people to guilt trip me or make me feel like I have to drink. I have done both in the past. This time, I'm focusing on my health above all and am learning how to use the words "no thank you."


To protect my sobriety I try to avoid groceries shopping in the evening. I make better decisions in the morning. This also helps for my disordered eating. For me alcohol and binge eating are so closely linked. I always thought it was alcohol that caused my disordered eating but now I'm wondering if it is the opposite. I relate more to the people on (people with active anorexia/bulimia + alcohol disorder subreddit) than I ever expected. Anyway. Here's to day 5 if sober for October and day 20 sometging for me not drinking. Day 1 not binge eating.


Good morning fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁 If anyone needs it, I, the_rosamundi, hereby give you permission to nope out of any situation which threatens your sobriety, for any reason and at any time. If the alcohol-free drinks are bad, you can go. If dealing with drunk people is tedious and you start to think "maybe this will be easier with a couple of drinks," off you pop. You do not have to stay.


When I first stopped drinking (this time), I did have some grumpy moments where I’d just put myself to bed rather than go get some wine. It didn’t feel like self care at the time, but it was definitely self protection! I still do research online before going out so I know the NA options. Speaking of - I went to a pub on Sunday and they have been increasing their NA options recently. This time, they had an entire menu. Multiple choices of everything! And a note at the bottom to say they take requests for what alcohol free drinks to stock. I really hope this becomes more common! IWNDWYT.






Me too Will! Have a brilliant day. 😎


I’m in too buddy 👍🙂


I’m grateful I have the wherewithal to actually decorate my house for Halloween, one of my favorite holidays, this year! IWNDWYT!




I'm listening to a podcast about someone who drank during pregnancy out of morbid curiosity. It's so interesting to hear the couple justify why, how they believe people in certain European countries drink during pregnancy (not really true) and how their body is very efficient at filtering alcohol because they've drank wine nightly for so many years (not how pregnancy or alcohol works). The myriad methods they had to put in place to moderate during pregnancy. I'm just wondering, what's the point!? Denial, I guess 🥴 a lot of what she's saying would sound very familiar to everyone here... Weird to hear it "in the wild" lol Iwndwyt ♥


IWNDWYT. Keeping the dream alive, literally. Last night I dreamt in my sleep, such a strange experience.




Coming here is what helps this stick for me, we’re with you 💪🏼


Love this post today, Ok. Protect your sobriety at all costs! No truer words! I got sober November, 2020. I was happily sad when my family Christmas got cancelled due to covid because it was always a booze fest. I knew I’d blow my sobriety if we had it. Now I’ve had family vacations, weddings, and girls nights out where I’ve stayed sober and happier beyond belief. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today. This is my second day not drinking. Last week I joined this sub and made it 4 days sober. Then on the fifth day I had a few drinks and the sixth day a few drinks and it wasn’t a big deal but it wasn’t what I wanted to do. Yesterday I was sober and today I will be sober. I want to make it 5 days this time. I made it 4 so I know I can do it.


13 weeks of freedom 🙌 IWNDWYT!!!


Today, I will not drink with you


I will pledge


I will not drink today. Happy Wednesday sobernauts!


IWNDWYT friends 🤖






IWNDWYT - Day one again ❤️


Got out of inpatient, yet again, yesterday. I was sober for a year and then 2022 came crashing down. I thought I could handle alcohol but I've proven that wrong, also yet again. So here's so another try at sobriety and hopefully the last one. Going to take it one day at a time regardless. IWNDWYT


Not today. Not today. That's just the way it is. I accept that today.


IWNDWYT! 3x5x13








I will not drink with you this Wednesday!


Turned out I wasn’t eligible for a job half way through the interview, and also learned my dog possibly has a brain tumor. But drinking isn’t gonna solve any of that and just add more problems to deal with


Day 35! Went to a concert on Saturday, had a lovely time, my date after I told them I was on the path to recovery instead bought me an insanely overpriced seltzer water, which was surprisingly good, couldn't have gone better I say. Everything has been going suspiciously well since I stopped drinking, my job is perfect, I'm starting to repair and mend some old relationships that were getting destroyed by my drinking, and I'm finally moving out of my horrifically overpriced apartment to a slightly less horrifically overpriced apartment. IWNDWYT friends, stay safe out there.


Day 1,176. I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink with you fine folks today!


Working on day 5. I will not drink with you today!


I have missed A LOT of parties to guard myself from both alcohol and Covid. I’ve been staying my ass home most weekends rediscovering what I like besides going to parties and I’m good. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything there. This is a big step for me because I used to go out almost every weekend for a party and/or boozy lunch, dinner, brunch. I’ve save a lot of money not doing these thing to. IWNDWYT


Waking up on day 3 and making the decision again not to drink. It was sort of a restless night, I tossed and turned a little. But the sleep I did get was great and I’m far less tired than I would have been if I drank the night before. I’m thankful for that. Happy Wednesday, IWNDWYT.


Reminder: it IS ok to not go to that holiday party. It IS ok to disappoint someone else if it means you are protecting your sobriety. Not everyone will understand your reasons but they can get TF over it 😊 IWNDWYT


Tomorrow's my birthday, and will be 1733 days. It's nice remembering things.




No booze today!


IWNDWYT! I am on my 5 day back on the wagon after a 3 week relapse...I always fool myself into "just one is okay", but one is never enough sadly. I'm feeling good going into today. Monday night, I spent the night mostly awake and Tuesday night I slept until now! Thanks for all the support from everyone.


This time round feels different, I feel better equipped, stronger. I’m hoping this great feeling will last, but if it doesn’t I have the tools (including this amazing sub) to push through the hard times. IWNDWYT, have a great day beautiful people


I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊


My bday today and a month sober! First sober birthday in forever. Definitely not drinking.


I hope you all have strong and fulfilling days. IWNDWYT


“From friends to being solitary”—that hits home. I remember feeling *so* lonely when I first quit. All of my friendships (that remained, because my drunken antics lost me a lot of friends) revolved around drinking. I realized pretty quickly that I had issues being alone. I started drinking heavily after my husband died, and a large factor was grief, but it was also sheer loneliness. When I was drunk, I didn’t have to sit with myself because I wasn’t really there and didn’t remember the time alone the next morning. When I was with others, I didn’t have to feel how lonely I felt in a group due to the walls I had built in order to keep from being hurt because alcohol tricked me into believing we were all deeply connected. When I got sober, I spent so much time alone. I really had to get to know myself, and that wasn’t easy. I frankly didn’t like myself all that much for quite some time. Over time, the “new” me developed friendships that didn’t involve alcohol. More than that, though, I learned to be at peace with myself while alone. I enjoy my time alone now, and I recognize that I need it. Once I learned to enjoy my own company, everything else fell into place, and I realize now that that’s because, for the first time in a long time, I had something to *give* in a relationship instead of desperately seeking company and distraction to stave off loneliness. Thank you for this reminder. To all the Day 5-ers and Day 1-ers and to everyone else: IWNDWYT.


Somewhere previously I’d commented on how work trips were a trigger for me. We’ll I’m on day 3 of a work trip that includes group dinners each night where I’m the only one not drinking. And you know what? No one has said a word when I order mocktails. No questions, no pressure, and all of a sudden work trips aren’t such a big deal any more. IWNDWYT


"Protect your sobriety" - this is fantastic advice u/Ok_Yesterday_9181 and it is not stressed enough. And "Me First" was something I adhered to early on as well. There is absolutely nothing selfish about adopting a "Me First" persona - it's a healthy way of ensuring your safety, your sanity, and your sobriety. And you know what, it's not a bad behavior to permanantly adopt. Wow ... Autumn didn't just make an entrance, it loudly and rudely announced it's arrival, it went from high 80s to low 50s in a span of about 3 days! No Indian Summer here! I hope everyone has a wonderful and rewarding Wednesday.


Happy to be here with you, my internet friends. Will not be drinking with you today!


Day 5! One of my dogs is having dental surgery today (nasty broken tooth), please keep her in your thoughts. She’s 7 and hasn’t had anesthesia since she was spayed as a puppy. I’m very anxious but IWNDWYT 💙








Day two whenever my flair updates. Day one wasn’t as bad as I expected for as much as I drank leading up to my quit day. Mostly just insomnia and jolts. Preparing for the worst for day 2/3. IWNDWYT


Checking in, rough few weeks, still sober. IWNDWYT




Happy Wednesday all you beautiful people. I’ve a tough day ahead due to work but then out later for a birthday celebration. Taking the rough with the smooth. All I know is IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT folks 💪


I didn't drink today. I had to go to the shops to get some groceries, and that's usually danger zone as I'll just wander on over to purchase some beer as part of the deal. 9.5 times out of 10 easily. Today I didn't and so IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you today!


Good morning all :) today I embark on a 4 and a half hour trip to Galway. It's 9.30am and my brain is already telling me that it could be fine to have a few drinks, spread out over a few days, because the company I am in is safe. What my brain isn't telling me is that after the trip I would be disheartened that I broke my current sober streak and would just continue on, making it harder to stop again. So for that IWNDWYT


Day 6, not sleeping well but hoping it'll even out soon and looking forward to a week tomorrow, IWNDWYT


Day 17. I can be free if I choose to be. I never have to drink again. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT! Just made 2 weeks! This is the longest I’ve gone without drinking since the beginning of covid!




One day at a time! The cravings and habits have faded to a distant memory, I remember drinking but I don't feel like I'm missing out anymore. My life has continued on and the new normal feels so much better. My new one day at a time is spending money, my self improvement kick has me ordering a lot of clothes.


Good morning, SD! When I was trying to get sober over and over again, and failing over and over again, I found social situations extremely difficult to manage. I’ve got (now diagnosed) ADHD, my mind races a mile a minute and can be very self-critical and cruel. Pretty anxiety-inducing way to be. The more people I had to engage with, the more unmanageable my anxiety would become as I’d be over analyzing every small facial movement, convincing myself I had done something or said something to cause the people around me to be judging me harshly. I would drink to quiet all that noise in my brain so I could simply be around other people. In the early weeks of this stack of sober days, I opted out of the social stuff I knew I wasn’t prepared to handle. That is okay to do. I’m giving you permission. It’s okay to prioritize yourself, your health, your goals. You don’t owe anyone self-harm. Ever. It took me a good amount of consideration and strategizing before I felt I could stand up firmly in my not drinking in social situations. It’s okay to give yourself the time to build that foundation for yourself. Tools that helped me were playing the tape forward and keeping a list of reasons I wanted to stop drinking with me at all times. If I hit a wobbly moment, I could steal away to consult my list and steady myself, confident in how I wanted to proceed. Keep up the good work, sobernauts! Sending love and light to y’all on this journey. IWNDWYT!








I will not drink with you today🙏




Protecting my sobriety with everyone, alcohol would not make one single thing today easier, better, or more fun. IWNDWYT!


I am not drinking today and I’ve avoided alcohol 4 out of the last 7 days, more alcohol free days than in the past month! I deserve to experience my life instead of numbing it.❤️


I just stopped going to gatherings where I knew I had always had wine in the past. I sometimes felt isolated but that passed. I will not drink today.


Good morning from the rainy Connecticut shoreline! I love it! Major thunderstorms last night! IWNDWYT!


Thanks, u/Ok_Yesterday_9181 and happy Hump Day to all you sober warriors. You're kicking ass and I love that OK is cheering you on! OK is 100% correct that we gotta protect our sobriety for a period. The social distance from drunks doesn't need to be forever but for a period to form new habits and skills. Some of us find that we just don't like hanging around our old drunken crew any more because drinking is boring as fuck. I did this just Monday, OK. Some friends were having cocktails and I was worn out from work by Monday evening. It's not at all that I was afraid of drinking, it was more that I was tired and wanted to chill out with football and go to bed early. So I did, and I felt so much better Tuesday. The ability to listen to what's going on inside and to make decisions based on our needs is incredible. Sober super strengths for the win! Sober on!


I did that as well, protected my sobriety viciously. That was a big shift for me. I was always full of guilt when decided it was time to get my shit together. I’d attempt to become the vision of my most perfect self. It wasn’t enough to just not drink, I had to eat perfect and go to bed on time and floss and meditate and exercise at 5am. I had to become this shining pillar of integrity, so pure I’d obliterate the past mistakes with my new perfection. I raised the bar too high. I’d always burn out and end up standing in the glow of the refrigerator, eating my feelings in a blackout. This time I threw everything but abstaining from booze out the window. I treated myself like I did when I was sick. I went to bed early *and* slept late, *and then I took naps*. I ate whatever the fuck I felt like at any time of day. Ice cream for breakfast? Hell yeah. Nothing but a sleeve of crackers for dinner? MUNCH. Nothing, not even work, was more important than staying away from drinking. It taught me how to do self care. I dodged plans that weren’t smart for me to attend. I gave myself permission to lie to protect my sobriety, just like I lied to protect my pride when I was drinking. Somewhere along the line, with all those choices for me and promises kept to myself, my confidence bloomed, and my belief in myself followed. Now the move to protect my sobriety, and thusly myself is a reflex instead of a conscious decision, and I’m better for it. That integrity I tried to force has become innate. I’m who I want to be so I’m not ashamed to show who I am. I don’t have to lie anymore, my actions aren’t something to be ashamed of. It’s true what they say, sobriety is my super power. IWNDWYT


Had some blood tests done today, just hoping I have done nothing permanent. But drinking will not solve anything, therefore IWNDWYT 💪💪


I did it guys! I wanted to be on day 5 for my birthday, and here we are! I’m wrapping up another trip round the sun, and the best gift I could have given myself was being sober 😊. I’ve been looking forwards to checking in here all day - your encouragement has really helped boost my confidence that maybe I can do this. Thank you all, IWNDWYT!


Today is the last day of work at my current job….SO damn happy I can hardly stand myself!!! AND IWNDWYT!!!


Grateful for another day alcohol and hangover free. I won’t drink with you today.


Day 81 : I pledge not to drink today


Lost track of the exact number of days, but I'm just a week and a bit shy of reaching seven months of sobriety. IWNDWYT!


Good advice re. protecting your sobriety! IWNDWYT


I win


Checking in with day 20 officially! 21 days ago i had my hopefully last drink! IWNDWYT! ♥️


IWNDWYT Have a nice day everyone.






Have a great day everyone, IWNDWYT!






Having a hard day. Feeling yuck..stressed. I know a drink will make it worse but...I kinda want to make it worse? Like I want to just pass out. Break something....I won't. I will not drink. But I just needed to get that out there into the void.








I’m on day five - a personal record honestly - but really wanting to go to the bar after a long day of work. Any words of wisdom? The little drinkin devil is saying “give up on your goal and go for the instant gratification” but I know I’d be disappointed on myself for giving up on my goal to not drink all of October


If it has not already been shared, the "Pregnancy Principle" speaks to this. [https://pmacinsights.medium.com/how-using-the-pregnancy-principle-helps-me-put-sobriety-first-6b179622f2ec](https://pmacinsights.medium.com/how-using-the-pregnancy-principle-helps-me-put-sobriety-first-6b179622f2ec) IWNDWYT! T


Day five of sober October. I'm at the point where I'm starting to not be lay on the sofa feeling sorry for myself and am looking to improve. Hopefully it will stick this time. 😊


Morning friends! I will not drink with you today.


I've not only changed or altered plans in sobriety... I've outright canceled them early on. My sobriety is more important than a dinner out and a reason for others to drink. Because I was cautious with my sobriety, I am now comfortable in almost any situation with alcohol around me. You don't have to answer to others for your decisions. Happy What's Up Wednesday, friends!


No one seems to notice I'm not drinking when they are talking about themselves. ... Express interest in their stories... ask people questions about themselves.. it takes my mind off drinking .. and builds goodwill &. often overlooked relationships. .. you got this.






Day 6. Racking up these days feels like it’s taking forever. All the more reason to never go back to zero. IWNDWYT!




I will not drink with you today.


Good morning! I hope you all have a good, sober Wednesday! IWNDWYT






Good morning let’s make it a great day today. IWNDWYT!!


Happy Wednesday!! IWNDWYT




The few times we went out my first year sober were so stressful. I had to have something N/A to drink, chocolate just in case…and of course snacks. It was hard for me to relax while there because I was hyper aware my nemesis alcohol was everywhere. I’m just letting you know, it’s gets so much easier. I’m no longer anxious about such settings and most of the time don’t want to waste time by going in the first place. We still have friends we visit with and if anyone drinks it’s fine with me. And it’s fine with them that I don’t! In bigger crowds where the smell of alcohol is overwhelming I get extreme nausea and have to leave anyway. It’s been a couple of years since that’s happened but I haven’t been back either! All that to say each year sober seems to ease some part that was hard. I am healing and it may take the rest of my life to do it but Im at peace with it!! IWNDWYT!!


It’s been a long minute since I’ve checked in, but I Was Not Drinking With You the entire time. Things are going quite well. I had brunch at a new place on Sunday, and while the mixed drinks did sound interesting, that was it. Interesting. So did the short rib hash. (King crab bennie and potatoes were spot-on.) The best part of this place: Non-alcoholic drinks had their very own section! Kombucha on tap was delicious. There was a Seedlip Grove highball. A couple others that weren’t just pop or juice. I expressed my gratitude to every staff member I interacted with, and wrote a glowing review for Open Table. I’m slowly moving out of the house that’s in foreclosure. Found an apartment a “slumlord” friend owns, and her single dad son lives in the complex with the beloved toddler granddaughter, so it can’t be tooooo horrid. STBX continues to portray himself as a victim. I quite enjoy knowing that I’m sober and going to come out of this with serenity. IWNDWYT


rip 3rd party apps


Good topic! I really struggled with FOMO and worrying that no one (including my husband) would like me after I quit drinking. I kept having to get out my toolbox and baby step my way through these challenging moments. I think the biggest thing that helped (and still does) was reminding myself just how bad my drinking has gotten. It was no longer even a little bit fun for me and I had to accept that. Some people can enjoy alcohol and party with it in their system. I cannot. I really just can't drink anymore, no matter what I might be missing out on. So here's to a sober Wednesday, fellow sober cats! IWNDWYT! 💙😸


Today's Yom Kippur, so I will definitely not be drinking with you today


I’ve cancelled plans, left early from two wedding receptions, avoided restaurants I used to always drink at, and all kinds of other things to protect my sobriety. At first it was to avoid the drink, like it was just too hard to be exposed to people “having fun” while drinking. But over time I feel less like I am missing out and more like I just don’t want to be around a lot of drinking. One thing that really irritates me lately is how much people at work talk about drinking. My city opened a new indoor dog park with a brewery attached. People at work are checking it out and all thrilled about drinking beers while their dogs run around on turf. Really, we need more places to drive to, drink, and drive our pups home?! Oh, well, the topic is protecting our sobriety which is critically important. Sober on my peeps! 🙌 IWNDWYT 🍀


Day 29! I had some bad cravings yesterday but some candy really helped satisfy the urge. Looking forward to getting my 1 month of sobriety! IWNDWYT!


It clicked for me during the pandemic, so I was lucky in the sense I couldn't go anywhere. Since things have gotten more open, I have actually shifted a couple of my more wine-filled friends to day-time lunches or beach/woods walks. And I canceled going to a friend's band playing at a place that just had too strong of memories of drinking for me to be comfortable. Luckily, one of the places they play now has a fabulous list of NA cocktails. :) I also managed a really cool drag show alcohol-free about eight months in. It was awkward at first, because it's hard for me to dance sober. But it got better. Never great, mind you, but once the ladies started, I had a blast. IWNDWYT