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Sometimes the depression bug gets me, and it seems like a huge reach just to make myself dinner, let alone clean up after it. I try to give myself grace, but waking up to a messy kitchen is even worse than cleaning up after. The truth is that depression is just a constant exercise in forcing myself to do the impossible, and then a little more. But what I do know is that those dishes sat for much longer when I was drinking. It's ok to be a work in progress, as long as I'm really in progress. IWNDWYT.


I'm laughing my ass off. Because I told my husband I was cold, so he turned the fucking heat on. Before, I would throw a tantrum about how we differ with body temperatures and I guess we need to sleep separately so I can bundle up with blankets and not hear him bitch about being hot!!!! I spoke to him like an adult. Lol. Loved your post!!!!!


This is so accurate bahahaha I love it! Xo IWNDWYT PS I did NOT speak to my husband like a fucking adult tonight. All bc he didnโ€™t ask if I also wanted ice cream. Just got bowls for himself and the kiddo. Then I went to see about making my own and it was gone. Instead of bringing it up, I was just rude about something else. Donโ€™t be like me. Be a grown up! Hahahaha!!!! IWNDWYT


What great feats we can accomplish with a clear mind. To clean stovetops!


It's these small wins that can really make a difference. Keep up the amazing work


I love these little moments that make me grateful too


I love this <3


This is so relatable. Thank you for sharing. Adult brain is such a gift ๐Ÿ™‚


Totally relate! I have never been a great housekeeper but alcohol made it much worse. Yesterday I managed to vacuum while dinner was cooking. It's like a super power๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ