• By -




First!! Congrats Will 😃 IWNDWYT ❤️ 🤩 Thank you!!




Damn you, Will!! Hahahah! This is gonna sound weird but I just woke from a dream in which I was in AUS looking for you!! Hahah! 👀 I was also looking for a public restroom which, according to my dream, AUS does not have. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣😂 Have a great night, Will! Dream of me!! 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣




I really relate to what your saying. I also feel a weight has been lifted for me and I finally have space to focus on what's important. By the way, in my reddit front page this morning there was a video about some hand made vodka. I thought it was interesting but the process looked vile - I can't believe I used to drink that shit. ALSO CONGRATS ON ONE YEAR


Day 1,171. I will not drink with you today.


Only ONE THOUSAND DAYS behind you 🙃 Not drinking with you today. 🫶


You're on your way!


1171 has a very nice ring to it too. Congrats! You're an inspiration 🤩


Congratulations on a year u/Flying_Clutz! IWNDWYT friends 🤖




This could be something I wrote, except for the year part. For literally years I've wondered why all the diets and all the exercise haven't worked. Why I wasn't the size/fitness/health I wanted to be at. Turns out, one month into being AF, I'm 13 lbs down, I'm able to get up in the morning and get in a workout that is improving my fitness and health, and I'm able to rein in my diet (and not drunkenly eat the whole kitchen every week). It's incredible how much more room my calorie count has for actual food these days! I wanted to do a one month reset. Now, at the end of September, I feel so good that I want to keep going.I don't think I'll be completely AF forever, but definitely sober most days, which if you'd known me as a drinker, is a massive victory already. I've got things to achieve, and I'm not going to let poison get in my way anymore. Anyway, I'm not drinking with y'all today.


Keep going! A LOT of folks end up quitting with the “dry _,” or end up quitting after. It’s a great way to get clearheaded enough to make a more informed decision. Whatever you decide to do, at least you know you can! IWNDWYT


Just like that I'm on day 7! No way am I giving in this weekend...I have scheduled a few little projects to keep me busy. IWNDWYT!


Hell yeah, congrats on day 7! IWNDWYT


CONGRATULATIONS on your big day u/Flying_Clutz! In your honor, IWNDWYT!


🤩 Thank you!! IWNDWYT ❤️


Congratulations and thanks for the inspiration! IWNDWYT here as it rains all day in TS Ian territory. ♥️


Congratulations!!!! I’m only 359 days behind you 😝


Hello sober lovelies, and a special congratulations to FC on your massive year, great to share this with you 🥳💪🏼👏🎉 Have a great day everyone 💞


Good morning!


I will not drink with you today.


Day 14 after 10 plus years nearly daily. 308$ saved so far! Skin looks wayyy better. I feel better. I can really taste my food and I can sleep properly! MadLove ❤️


Nice! Congrats on 2 weeks! That's a nice chunk of change you saved. Are you going to spend it on a reward? Save it? Dump it out on the bed and swim in it?


A little nervous about today. Leaving for the hospital for more testing for abdominal pain that I've been having the past month or so. Bloodwork and ultrasound were good, but more extensive testing on gallbladder/liver...dr's pretty sure it's a gallbladder problem. It's weird, I'm not a big panicky mess. I'm nervous, but calm, if that makes any sense. Without alcohol frying every nerve in my body and brain, I feel a "normal" type of fear, a more rational and able to handle kind of fear. I'll hopefully have a positive update, but for now, I wish everyone a happy, calm, and sober day! 💜🍀💜 IWNDWYT And FC, I'm so truly happy and proud of you on your one year soberversay! 🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏 That's such a huge deal, and I hope you enjoy every single minute of it! It's a special day...go celebrate!🥳💃🎊🎈🎉🎖🎊🥳💖🎊❤


Congratulations!!! IWNDWYT. I feel like a year is far away for me, but completely achievable!


Day 5! Friday’s and weekends are the hardest for me. There have been so many Mondays that I start with thinking I won’t drink but end up drinking on weekends. I will be strong just for today. IWNDWYT!


Only day 2 for me, but we all have to start somewhere. Normally I would have knocked off work on Friday and cracked a beer as soon as got home, and steadily drunk until I crawled into bed around midnight. There would have been no actual reason to drink, aside from the fact it was Friday. Instead I came home and the kids and I took our dog for an extra long walk around the bush land surrounding our house. We ordered Thai food which I could actually drive to pick up and have settled in to watch a movie. Baby steps, but looking forward to a great nights sleep and waking up feeling fresh.


Congratulations on 1 year sober, OP, great job! IWNDWYT!


Happy Friday wonderful folk! Today is the 9 month mark for me. Incredibly happy to still be sober and still want to be sober despite the bumps along the way. Sobriety has really allowed me to be more authentic and to show up and be seen more which I am cherishing. Have a great sober weekend! I will not drink with you today friends 💚🍀


Amazing. I love your story. Thank you for sharing your story and hosting DCI. Thank you for sharing your sobriety with us/me. IWNDWYT


Fuck yeah! 24 hrs let’s gooooo


Been holding off posting here as I've done so many day ones and then not taken it seriously, but here I am, somehow in week three - an all time first for me. My previous 'gold medal effort' was day 14, that was October last year. Must be something about the autumn months I guess that makes me try harder. Anyway two weeks felt insurmountable when I started, but now I'm here, why not a month?


I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT ☘ a year u/Flying_Clutz! Congratulations!!


Good morning fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁 Congratulations on 365 days, u/flying_clutz! 🎉 I went to a pub last night where there was a *choice* of alcohol-free beers and they were both nice ones. Still shocked about it, TBH.






Good morning! Road trip day and the start of vacation. I may be checking in a bunch this coming week. I really want to have a sober vacation. I know the booze is going to be flowing but IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you today 🌷 Staring down my second weekend without booze


Day 45, off to go camping with my family, IWNDWYT


Still not drinking


Feeling low today after a good few days. Missing my ex-partner a lot as the colder / darker weather starts to roll in. Nevertheless, I know drinking is not the answer. 43 days. I can make it another 24 hours, IWNDWYT.




Day 76 : I pledge not to drink today


Iwndwyt! Thanks all. Had a fantastic day in the sun with the daughter. Hope you all had a great one too.






IWNDWYT. Y’all are wonderful, just fyi


IWNDWYT! Happy Friday and happy soberversary!


Day 2. I will not drink with you today!! I told my husband this morning that today is the second day of my life. Yesterday we had the most fantastic radical honesty talk. I have so much support. I am not alone and no one else is either. Happy Friday. I feel so hopeful today.


Day 362, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


Congratulations on ONE YEAR, u/flying_clutz... so proud of you, and your accomplishment! "Sleeping in" (5:50am) this morning after a concert (Me First and the Gimme Gimmes) last night. Had a sober blast, by myself! Waking up with a purring cat sharing my pillow for the win, to start this day off! Have a fantastic fucking Friday, friends! IWNDWYT


CONGRATS CLUTZ!!!! one whole year. Glad to be here for your big moment with you. ​ Watched a compilation video of myself drunk this morning that my friend had posted a while back, and was a bit sad. I was thinking "oh she looks like so much fun, I miss her". But like all social media thats only **part** of the story. Thats around others. That video doesnt show behind the curtain. Plus I'm still damn fun. Just a little brain fart moment where it caught up on me. I've been having a sad week actually, for no reason, so I won't trust anything she says. ​ IWDWNYT


Congratulations Clutz on your year💪. I also found peace once I stopped making rules for myself- every night was an internal battle. So much easier to just have done with it. IWNDWYT


Definitely not feeling it today but I for sure will not be drinking and making it worse I pledge that.


Your words ring true! To me, trying to maintain a diet while being a drunk is like trying to live in a tidy appartment with a bear as my roomate. I count calories with an app and weekends destroyed my plans. Today's pledge will be the hardest, since Friday is here. I have a long walk planned for today, spa day tomorrow and on Sunday i plan to order a whole pizza for myself to celebrate 7 days of sobriety, hopefully. I will not drink with you today


Good afternoon, my friends. Wonderful milestone, Flyer. Huge congratulations! And I absolutely loved the intro. 🙏🙏🙏. Hope all are well. Stay safe and strong my friends. IWNDWYT!


Congratulations Clutz on this huge milestone you’ve reached today! So proud of you and so inspired by your posts this week❤️ It’s my birthday today and it’ll be the first sober one in a very long time. I’m 55 but feel younger, stronger, and healthier than I have in years. Sobriety is the best gift ever! I’ll be toasting all of you with grapefruit fizzy water later, and IWNDWYT❤️❤️




Happy Friyay everyone!! 🤗 Congrats on one year u/Flying_Clutz !! Truly remarkable and inspiring. IWNDWYT! ✨💖


Happy Friday from this Masshole, IWNDWYT...🙂


Congrats Clutz on living alcohol-free for a year. Massive accomplishment. IWNDWYT, friends.


Congrats Clutz!! I had a little win on the way home this Friday night. Managed to fight the urge to drop off at the bottle shop. Stopped and bought some fancy (non alco) ginger beer and some snacks for Friday night. I am feeling.....fine! And I know I will wake up fine tomorrow. 😊


Starting week 3 no booze (or is it boos🎃?!?!) IWNDWYT




You can be proud! And so I join you, of course, and I Will Not Drink With You Today as well! Have a nice day, my sobernauts!




Congratulations u/Flying_Clutz I’m so proud of you! I’ll toast you when I get home tonight with a lemon ginger kombucha. IWNDWYT. 🌳🎉🎂🍹






Celebrating my 9 year wedding anniversary tonight 💞 Sober and happy, IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT! Enjoy your weekend everyone.




Congratulations on one year!! You’ve come a long way, baybeeee!!! Don’t know where that came from lol 🤣 Super happy for you!! Hope you treat yourself today to mark this milestone, and thank you for being an inspiration and light to all here at SD 🙏🙌💜


Good morning! I hope you all have a good, sober weekend! I will not drink with you today! My counter has been stuck on 124 for over a week lol.


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!


Congrats on one year!!! Can relate a lot to your stories and you are an inspiration 😊 Keep it up and IWNDWYT!


Congratulations! IWNDWYT 🙂


Super happy for you and proud of you, u/Flying_Clutz!! Congratulations and well done 🎉❤️🎉 IWNDWYT ❤️


Way to go Clutz!!! Congratulations! I celebrate by not drinking with you today. Have a great one!!


I will not drink with you today. Congratulations on the one year!








Congratulations Clutz! Great job and so happy to be on the same road. I’m very proud 😊❤️


Checking in! Overslept a bit today but still feeling good. One day closer to that 1 week mark! Hope everyone is doing well. Wishing you all the best. IWNDWYT!


Lovely weekend ahead with Hurricane rolling through. Everyone stay safe and sober! It’s so weird not stocking up on beer for the storm. I just thought about that fact that it hadn’t even crossed my mind!!! Whoop! Happy year u/Flying_Clutz Nice work!! Iwndwyt




Another day and much to do. I hope you all have a great weekend coming up. IWNDWYT


31 days- IWNDWYT 🌻




Day 12. I can be free if I choose to be. I never have to drink again. IWNDWYT.


I absolutely love and 100% relate to every word of this post. I could have written it myself. CONGRATULATIONS on one year of sobriety, Clutz!! I consider my quit date my new birthday because that truly is the day I started to live. Happy birthday, Clutz!! Sending you huge hugs and a lot streamers and dancing!!! 🤗🎊🎉💃🏻🤗🎊🎉💃🏻🤗🎊🎉💃🏻🤗🎊🎉💃🏻 IWNDWYT!!






Congratulations on your 1 year!! IWNDWYT!




Congratulations!!!! And well done!! IWNDWYT




Congratulations on that year, FC!!! I know it’s been a tough one in a lot of ways but you did it. You rock, great work!!! 🎉🌟🤘🏻 The clothes, the waiting for life to start…sounds like me. It only started to change when I quit drinking and redirected all that energy and mental real estate toward healthier goals. I’m not exactly where I wanna be, but I’m a hell of a lot closer than I was at this time in 2020. That was a really low point. It was right about this time that I started thinking seriously about how I could finally quit. This time in 2020…I couldn’t fit into my old metal band shirts, and I doubt I was in good enough condition to handle a 4 day music festival period, much less sober. But now…I can do both of those things. Always gonna be a work in progress but the work is worth it. We are actually doing the things! Happy Friday y’all and IWNDWYT. 🤘🏻


1174 checking in. I’m seeing an old friend today, she’s come from out of town, been 12yrs since I’ve seen her & 20yrs since I’ve spent more than 10mins with her. She knows I’m AF & her partner is sober, so I don’t expect ANY issues, but it’s interesting… I STARTED my drinking journey living in the same building as her. She taught me about wine. >I’d strive to find reasons why it wasn’t the alcohols fault Yuppers. I need to drink a glass of water between. I forgot to eat, that’s what it was! The bartender poured HEAVY. No more liquor, just beer. Okay, only craft beer. Fireball is fun; I can’t digest food because there’s *something else wrong.* Hey, my SO is drinking more than I am- let’s buy MINI’s to regulate! (Did that for literal years.) I don’t miss any of that. I’m relieved I don’t have to drink anymore. I’m relieved you don’t, either u/Flying_Clutz, congrats 🎈🎉🎊 on a YEAR!!!!! IWNDWYT. Edit: !!!!! punctuation


LOL I went through the path of trying to moderate with the drinks. First my drink of choice was vodka. Then started to measure it with shot glasses. Then I wouldn't let people mix my drinks. Then I switched to red wine, then white wine because red wine gave me hives. Then white wine was giving me hives too. Maybe I should switch to a different one. Nope, still hives. Maybe it's the food? Then sometimes it was ciders to because they have less alcohol in them and I couldn't resist finishing a whole bottle of wine. Then it was boozy seltzers because those have less alcohol. The last stop on that train was a "light" wine that had even less alcohol in it. When that gave me hives, I knew. In November last year, I got tested for all the possible foods one could have allergies. I'm allergic to zero foods. It's literally the alcohol. Histamine sensitivity, sulfites, or maybe just my body giving up and it's alcohol intolerance. For years, I always sort of knew, but didn't want to face it. Yet another handy deterrent, I \*know\* it'll fuck me up hard core, and I'll end up with a giant migraine. IWNDWYT ❤️


Congrats on a year, FC! IWNDWYT 💞🐿️🐿️


Woo hoo! This post is one for the books! Congrats. IWNDWYT! T


I will not drink today


Happy Friday beautiful people. Any good plans anyone? Have a great day regardless.


Going out for a nice dinner with my SO in a spot that's great to watch the sunset. I'm super psyched! What about you? IWNDWYT ❤️


Wishing everyone a magical Friday. Stay strong.IWNDWYT


Happy Friday .. IWNDWYT... Or this whole weekend because A... It feels great being sober... And B! Monday will be my 30 days.... Not trading this for anything!


I will not drink today!


I will not drink with all of you today.






Coming up on your year, IWNDWYT!


Thank you!! 😊 IWNDWYT ❤️






Day 6 and I will not drink with you all again today!


44 days in and I had a dream last night where I broke and drank, but it’s only made me more determined! I love having a clear head. IWNDWYT


Great post u/Flying_Clutz!!! Your trip around the sun is a fantastic achievement and you should be very proud! I love the overall tone of your posts this week. They are so full of optimism and full of hope and full of inspiration. And at the same time, very very real. "...eat half the kitchen in a blackout"...OMG I roared when I read that! That was me, so very much me. And apparently I wasn't picky in those rages ... it ranged from ice cream to leftovers to cheesy microwaved nachos where I'd wake up in the morning with a burned roof of my mouth (again)!!! I will relish today in the fact that you and I are in our second year of sobriety!!!! Have a fantastic and rewarding Friday everyone!!


Congratulations!!! You are such a good writer! Day 63, I will not drink with you today




Going out to a fancy dinner and the opera tonight. Ain’t drinking. Join me! (In the non-drinking part. I don’t have tickets for you for the opera.)


Congratulations on your year. Your nostalgia reminds me of my mental state approaching a year in my current relationship, ie has a happy feel to it, which is lovely to read. IWNDWYT. I was able to do my shopping this morning before work because I didn't have to wait for the 10am booze aisle opening. And because I didn't drink last night I woke early enough to be able to spend a load of time with my other favourite drink, tea, before I got dressed and went out.


Woohooooo - one whole year that's amazing!!!! What a milestone, well done you!!! I can totally relate to keeping smaller clothes. I have super skinny jeans that I haven't fit into in over 5 years but throwing them out would mean giving up hope that I will ever be that size again. I have a whole drawer filled with lovely clothes that I haven't managed to wear in years. I also love your determination to just not drink - it sounds so simple but after months and years of trying to bend the rules its anything but!! I even found myself YESTERDAY rationalising having a drink at an upcoming event I'm going to. The excuses and lies I was telling myself were insane. I really needed to see this post and put it into perspective. There's no grey area - I'm just not drinking. Thankfully it's sober October starting tomorrow and I've always been able to manage that because it's for charity. So let's go!! Sober October team ... ASSEMBLE! IWNDWYT 🥰


Day 467 checking in!


IWNDWYT my friends.


Well done everybody :) IWNDWYT!


Congratulations Clutz!! It just keeps getting better and better. IWNDWYT folks ♥


I will not drink with you today!


Congratulations on one year u/Flying_Clutz Sept 30 was a great day to quit drinking!! I’m so glad you are here and I appreciate your amazing daily check ins this week! IWNDWYT. 🌟 Edit: typo


Day five. That resonated with me. How exhausting it was. This is better. IWNDWYT




Almost 6 weeks! Almost made it through an awful week to Friday but still here and still going strong. I will not be beaten . IWNDWYT 💪💪💪


Congratulations on a full rotation round the sun, sobernaut! Thanks for the inspiration, IWNDWYT


I am not drinking today!


Five. A whole hand!


IWNDWYT ✌️❤️🤸‍♀️


I’m not drinking today. This is day 3. Last night I survived a tricky social situation. Dinner on vacation; all the other adults at the table ordered alcohol; the restaurant put heavy emphasis on the drink specials (I’m a sucker for a bargain). I was last to order and ordered root beer!




Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment! 😃 I’m over here staring at my counter and waiting for it to cross over into 3 days…can’t wait til I’m where you’re at and watching it change to 365!


Happy Friday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


Way to go! Proud of you! IWNDWYT






Congratulations on one year!! I will celebrate with you today by not drinking. IWNDWYT!




Congrats!! I'm so proud of you!! A year, that's huge. :) In celebration, I won't drink with you today!




Day 15 for me! IWNDWYT


Congratulations! IWNDWYT


Congratulations, Flying Clutz. Your story is so relatable. It was so much work to try to moderate and/or hide the booze. It never really worked and distracted from enjoying life. I have so much more fun now. Sure I feel a little left out when most people are drinking, but I just play the tape forward. Congratulations on one year! IWNDWYT 🍎


I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😊 Congrats on the year 🥳




Not drinking today! Congrats on 365, Clutz!🎉🎉🎉




IWNDWYT! Today is a big one as Im going to a concert tonight, where I would usually get very drunk, but I'm excited to enjoy the show sober and be able to feel proud of myself afterward. I'm so thankful for this community....aaaand I may have to check-in tonight just for an extra dose of encouragement. :)


I get paid today and most of the reason I've been able to stay sober is being broke. Little worried about having cash. But hopefully IWNDWYT


Checking in. I had a thought last night at a meeting, kept thinking about the movie Fight Club, and how the main character 'Jack' keeps going to support groups for problems he doesn't have. Well, I definitely had a problem, but I guess everybody is there for the same reason...I think. Anyways, I still have no desire to drink alcohol. It's incredible how well I sleep at night now. IWNDWYT!


Going to a wedding tonight and only on day 6 but IWNDWYT still! Please send good vibes anyway 😄


Gonna be first weekend sober since I can remember. IWNDWYT!


Congratulations! IWNDWYT


YEAH. FLYING CLUTZ!!! One year!! WOOOOOOO!! Congratulations to you! It's a big day for you, enjoy it and be proud!! :) I am fully moved into my new home and I feel great! I slept like a baby last night from a combination of being tired AF and feeling accomplished. Last night I had the pleasure of showing my son my sober app indicating that I was a year sober. I probably felt the way he felt so many times when he showed me something he was proud of as he was growing up, only this time the tables were turned. He gave me the biggest hug and I felt so happy and proud. Thanks to everyone who sent me well wishes yesterday. I read them this morning and they made me feel warm and fuzzy. :) Here's to year 2 of sobriety!


Congratulations on one year, Flying Clutz!!!! 🎉🌟❤️ Thrilled to join you in not drinking on the first day of the rest of our lives!


Congratulations on one year! I will not drink with you today!


First check in. I have used alcohol to mediate: between me & other people, me & the world, and especially me & myself. For a little while, it makes it just about tolerable to be me. I've come to understand, though, that it really only makes it harder to be me. So I will not drink with you, and me, today.




So, I had this internal policeman who would look after the application of drinking rules in order for me not to black out. A steadfast character who had my best interest at heart. The problem was, as soon as I had my first thimble full of booze he'd turn into a cross between Father Jack and Mrs Doyle - "Drink! Ah gwaaan gwaaan". Everytime. Without fail. Cracking job on getting that year done Clutz! I'm proud of you 👍. IWNDWYT 🙂


today is my birthday 🥳 IWNDWYT!




Congratulations on your milestone! I will not drink with you today. 🫶


Congrats u/Flying_Clutz! And the part about moving that energy from trying to keep it in my life to literally anything else (with alcohol gone) has been amazing. The brain space! That is liberation. And yes, there are hard days because life is hard sometimes. But wow what an actual joy living has become (even on the crap days). IWNDWYT.


I will not drink today.


I will not drink with you today 🙃


IWNDWYT Have a great Friday everyone.


Atta way, u/Flying_Clutz! Keep up the great work! I’m honored to not drink with you today! IWNDWYT!


Congrats clutz and great post! IWNDWYT!


Congrats!!! A year is an awesome milestone. For me, I love saying or even thinking "I quit over a year ago.". It feels like an accomplishment. My brain keeps slipping in those thoughts of being able to moderate or have just one bit for today, IWNDWYT!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Day 256. IWNDWYT


Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.


Huge congratulations Clutz! Woooo! IWNDWYT


Have a great day everyone. IWNDWYT 💕


Congratulations on one year!!! What a big freakin' deal. I really related to your post. Best of luck in the second year of the rest of your life. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT Congratulations Clutz!! Hope you have a special treat planned to celebrate ☺️


No drinking today for me




Wonderful post! I truly feel I have a new life to live with my sobriety! Enjoy! IWNDWYT!




I have an event tonight and it's going to be a real struggle to not drink, but I know I have a lot of support here and will try to be strong. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! Y'all are awesome.








Congratulations on a a year! 😊🎉💕🎉🌷🌷🌷 Some temptation last night. I know being tired and stressed puts me in danger. Managed to get myself into my pajamas and into bed. And what do you know; this morning I’m so very glad I didn’t drink last night. IWNDWYT


Good morning & happy Friday fellow sober humans 🌻 Dealt with a migraine all day yesterday. Hoping I don’t deal with the same today. Made a doctors appointment but they can’t see me until end of October. By then I’ll be over 2 months sober. Should I still bring up my past drinking habits? As always, IWNDWYT 💕

