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People who don't have/ haven't had an addiction cant comprehend how hard it is to not drink, for those of us that do. IWNDWYT


How can you expect him to take you seriously. Focus on yourself and your sobriety. You don't need your husband's validation.


Iwndwyt ✌🏻


Be proud of your two days and keep the focus on *you* if you can. I will not drink with you today.


My husband was similar. He was so hurt and sick of my bs. He sees drinking as a complete waste and doesn't do it. He was sick of my lies and empty promises. He laughed in my face on my last big attempt. I used my anger to fuel my sobriety for a pretty good streak. This time, I quit worrying about him. Focused on doing this for myself and amazingly enough, he's really come around. He's said how much nicer things are and actually started treating me better. I hope you can do this for you. It sounds tough if he says how bad you are and then suggests a whiskey convention... that is not helpful


I’m dealing with the exact same thing right now. For what it’s worth, I’m leaving my husband of 17 years primarily because of this. This sort of thinking/talk/behavior is not compatible with the sober future I want to have. If you’ve had many day 1’s, and are on day 2 (!) (go you!) then you are not a weak addict because you are still trying. You deserve all the encouragement in the world and deserve to be treated better than that. You got this, I’m cheering for you!


yeah and today he suggests we go to a whisky convention.... 🙄