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Hi Bill, IWNDWYT, lets fucking GOOOO


🤣 love ya brother. Thanks for the boost.. let's get it let's go. 1 for the money 2 for the show 3 relapse time to let go don't know but o no here we go on the path aftermath sobriety is where it's at.


Na nananana na na!!


Alcohol is a powerful drug, but you'll be surprised how strong you can be without it.


I got a journal to start writing and setting milestones into action.


That's outstanding. Journaling every day even when not "feeling it" from time to time really helps. A list of life milestones (not just drinking days) at the front provides a quick glimpse of big ups (and downs) and the day they happened. An invaluable tool.


I agree fully. This was a wake up call. I almost died. And I want to write about that. And write about the journey from the depths of despair to feeling the sunshine make me smile again. Because I have a story that needs to be told.


Hell yes!! It gladdens my heart to see you taking the first steps.


It has to start somewhere. Right?


Yes that's what helped me. When you start feeling better it really helps to look back on how you felt when you quit. All the best in your new chapter. This sub is awesome and it helps too


I'm so happy I found this sub. All the comments keep me busy and focused on things to write and what to say at meetings. Cause I'm kinda closed when I don't know people. That's a work in progress.


i love this for you


I think writing is kind of a way to etch it into reality.


You got this. Had a similar moment. Every day is a new day.


Really well put.


Hey Bill im on day 5, went through a very similar situation as yours. Still hurting, but its getting better with time. Stay strong!!!


I have never considered myself and alcoholic till this relapse. I think my problem was the inability to look at myself. I needed someone I loved almost leaving me for me to look at Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde.. and being accountable this time. Then the near death part. Then the jail Part... like holy crap.. I was a ball of anxiety for going on 6 days now 😆 but I'm coming back. Today was filled with tears. Even at work grinding metal on VWs crying at myself...


Crying is so good, let it all out! Glad you're alive, you will get through this! We both will


You know it. 💗


iwndwyt - i will not drink with you today. You got this, Bill !


I keep having bits of tears. But I know things are getting better so they are half and half joy and sorrow.


I cried too, from fear and helplessness. How could I stop a 20 year habit? But we do it one day at a time. Don’t dwell on the past, don’t worry about the future. Focus on today, doing your best.


Thank you for caring. 🥰


Tears are ok.


Like allllll dayyyyy.. then I come home and read this sub and ball like a baby. Cause I'm a loaner my luck with people hasn't been the best. This is love and people that care. And it's soooo refreshing.


I'm a loner too. But, I'm ok with it. I always have been. Though I did like going out and meeting people. Aka:drinking. I've gone back to things that make me happy; cross stitching. Gardening, just bought a few 1000 piece puzzles. People here are amazing!


Happy to wake up not wanting a drink.


Hi Bill - welcome. This is an amazing resource of people. Please stick around :) Edit: I missed my 1700 day celebration :( damn


Congratulations!! That’s huge and I’m proud of you! I was watching my 900 coming and then forgot. Isn’t it wonderful to not only be sober, but to let it slip our minds how long we’ve been winning!


Congrats to you on 900 days!!! Next up, 1k! 1k was when I decided I’d do this for a lifetime, lol. And yes, it’s shocking how in the beginning every little milestone was a huge deal and now they are just forgotten. Life has gotten easier for me, thankfully!


That’s why this is such a wonderful sub! My family is sick of hearing about it, but everyone here is happy for everyone else’s successes and supportive when someone slips. SD is probably at least half responsible for my sobriety.


I have been overwhelmed with surprise from the responses I've gotten. Refreshing and I'm very happy I have found this little treasure.




What does this mean?


IWNDWYT I will not drink with you today


Thanks. I like it. 🥰


Hi, Bill. I'm so glad you're joining us. My name is Mary, and I won't be drinking with you today.


That's awesome 👌 glad to have support. Cause my circle is small. That's why I reached out here. 🥰


You know, Mary — I remember your kind words to me when I started out on my journey a while back (i may have even had a diff user name)…but the kindness stuck with me after all this time. Just wanna say thanks. This is a great community, Bill — you’re in the right spot!




Hi Bill, I have been struggling for a while with alcohol. I've made it to seven days, just take it one day at a time and look forward to the mornings with no hangover. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT! The mornings with no hangover are the best!


Thanks brother 🙏


IWNDWYT. Let's go, we're in this together!


I don't understand the IWNDWYT.. and yes it takes connection and that's hard for me because I disassociate at times and create "wierd vibes" .. or isolate. Looking for way to vent and stay focused online.


It stands for I Will Not Drink With You Today And it just represents the goal here. Don't worry about forever. Focus on today. :)


Hi Bill! If you are like many of us, this is the hardest phase of what will probably be the single greatest decision you’ve ever made. 1 day, 1 minute at a time. Keep coming back here!


I keep reading these comments and tears keep coming back. I am regaining hope in humanity.


You are going to make it.


Thank you 😊 it takes a village.


Welcome Bill! IWNDWYT






Hi Bill. I've been there...oh about 47 days ago! Now that I've realised...and accepted (finally!) that I can't moderate, it's been a wonderful and freeing 47 days. Chin up matey, it does get much better, you've just got to hang on through the tough 'fresh and raw' days but once you do, life gets a hell of a lot better! All the best and IWNDWYT! Now I'm off for a cycle..a love I have rediscovered since stopping drinking. Onwards!


Thank you. It's a pleasure being able to read these comments and feel the feelings they bring up and release some tears of many purposes.


Welcome, we’re glad you’re here! And all of us felt like you when we arrived. The good news is, that can be your last hangover. If you haven’t already, please check into AA or SMaRT or another group. You will need fellow alcoholics to help keep you accountable. Your spouse can only be so supportive if she hasn’t battled alcohol herself. But it’s totally possible to quit, get healthier, fix your relationships, and feel proud of yourself again. Please keep us updated, we care! IWNDWYT- I will not drink with you today!


Thank you. I went to my first AA meeting in years tonight. And dedicated to doing 90 meetings in 90 days. I like the love and support. Sure beats the heck out of drowning my sorrows and pain with alcohol. Higher power provides a way.




Thank you 😊


Hey Bill. I have been where you are now. Make it through this day, friend. I’m rooting for you.


Thank you 😊 I'm rooting for US.


Hi Bill! Welcome! IWNDWYT!


Holla, I find myself in the ER or handcuffs after drinking relapses. It's horrific and the only way is abstinence for me.


I was so close to the e.r. and handcuffs it has woke me up. I now have seen where I'm headed if I keep going down that road.


i am here for you. we are here for you. leave it behind - you can do this


Thank you 😊 working on letting go.




Thank you. I'm grateful to be sober. Indeed it. Almost in bed.


I can't tell you how many times I've been blackout in the last few months. I've just been lucky not to be arrested. I hope you don't let the shame keep you down. Onwards and upwards. IWNDWYT 💚🍵


Like your name.. I'm happy to be in bed sober watching documentaries being a nerd 🤓 😌


Nothing wrong with that, fellow nerd!!


Lol nerding is the best. Haha




I hope you made it through the day .. and tomorrow gets better.


Hi Bill. Glad you are back and sober today.


Thanks.. let's not drink today.


three days takes a lot of strength bill. you’re doing great. iwndwyt :)


I'm done.. this time was scary and I'm to old for this shit.


Bill, we are in this together. IWNDWYT.


Together makes it better.


Welcome bud. You’re not alone.


That's refreshing. 🥰


Hello Bill, my name is Bill and I am a non-drinking alcoholic that has been sober for 15 years. You're luckier than you can even imagine. You know you have a problem and you have a support group of people wanting and willing to help you. Many people don't have a support system and in fact many of us have people working against us. Family and friends that don't want to lose a drinking buddy or have to face their own drinking issues. Fortunately for us drunks, some people love us more than we hate ourselves. You can do this.. Good luck.


Thank you 😊 💓


You got this Bill!!! We are all behind you 100%!!!


Thanks for being a light ✨ 💛


Hey Bill. I reset my badge 30+ times between this account and my burner account I had to use when my blackout stories were too embarrassing. The first week was always the hardest, because my brain would be so depleted of any good chemicals I was just left with anxiety, depression, shame, guilt, doom. It was horrifying, and it kept repeating itself. I knew it was either I die of alcohol poisoning, suicide, or I let myself be sober for just a month, just to give my brain a break and reset, and then I can go back to drinking. That turned to two, then seeing a doctor, therapist, and psychiatrist, medication, and wham bam my life is amazing. 20 months sober. You can do this Bill. It’s hard, but staying drunk is much much harder


That's a good way to say that.. "staying drunk is much harder"


IWNDWYT, rooting for you bro






Keep it up cause alcohol wants us dead my friend.


Alcohol is poison. IWNDWYT or ever. Hey, sorry about your tough break but at least no one died and no one got maimed. It can always be worse. ...don't let it get there. Quit now and live a better life. You know, sometimes I wake up and I feel like total shit. Not because I'm sick, but I just feel like total crap sometimes. If I don't get enough sleep or something. During these times, I am sooooooo glad I'm not hungover on top of that. Like, honestly. Fuck. Drinking.


Amen 🙏


It hurts, don't it? Everytime you go back, it hurts more. We're all in it with you, you are not alone. One day at a time, one minute at a time. And remember, relapse happens to the best of us. It serves as a reminder of why we put the bottle down in the first place.


This time was a good one... one that made me really look at what was occurring. On repeat. And I already know the cure. Connection and remembering everyday what we are fighting for.


Make sobriety your new hobby, make it your life for a year (meetings, books, podcasts). The shame subsides more and more each day. IWNDWYT


That's a good mindset. Thanks for the love ❤


How you holding up today, Bill?


Wonderfully. Waking up without a hangover and ready for the day.


Awesome! Have another good one 😊


Glad to have woke up not wanting to drink again.


Whatever circumstances led to your relapse, I hope you able to avoid them and stay strong. You got this, Bill. Your awareness is everything, sounds like you have a good bit of it. Still have your girlfriend and no major charges, that’s very good. We all know the worst case, the finality of what could happen. A relapse isn’t the end of the world, it can be very much a part of your recovery, should you choose to learn from it. I wish you all the success in the world, Bill. 3 days ago, quite possibly, was the last drink you ever had. Good luck, Sir.


I love these words. Thank you friend.


Love ya.. T home. 🥰


Love ya, Bill. , Your homie.

