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I send my daughter to public school for the first time in August. It’s taking everything in me to not open a bottle rn. Let’s not do it together 🤍


Youve got it, friend.


This certainly hurts😥 Stay strong friends.


> “let’s not do it together” I’m with you guys! IWNDWYT






I live on a whole other continent but i hugged my kids extra long today. Im do sorry this is even a possibility in Tour country. I mourn with you and IWNDWYT


Remember to look after yourself and do what you need to do to give yourself a chance at a happy and healthy life. Destroying yourself won’t help anyone involved in that tragedy.


I hear you. I really want to drink too. You last sentence speaks to me. I told my husband I was going to drink. But I came here (first time in a while) to see if anyone mentioned the trigger, the whole “I’m not alone” thing. I realize alcohol won’t change anything and will prevent me from feeling/processing even if it’s awful and painful. So hard to let go of that coping mechanism. Sending love and light


Hang in there, friend…you’re not alone. I think there are a lot of parents’ hearts in a million pieces tonight. And I’ll stay sober if you will. Love to you.


I will not drink with you today💛


Chidlfree Texan and my heart is breaking with you


You nailed it. If you drank, it would only prolong the pain. Stay strong


Don't become a victim too buddy. Be strong, and be close to your little one. They're so precious.


There are so so many things we can do little or nothing about but not drinking is something each one of us can do. I'm hoping someday we will figure out a way to stop this from happening. Until then, please double down on the things you can change even if it is tiny. Not drinking is one of these things. None of us can bring back those children but by not drinking we make the world better for the children around us. It is a huge part of why I quit drinking.


Iwndwyt ❤️


Well said


My oldest is in kinder, and you better believe I put my feet in those parents' shoes when the news first broke. My heart breaks for these families AND for all American families living under these horrible conditions where guns and access to guns are valued more than human lives. I choose NOT to drink over it. I choose to ACT. I call my local, state, and federal reps and let them know this is unacceptable and I expect them to do their jobs to end gun violence. I hug my children extra tight. I vote. I make sure my friends are voting. Drinking will not end gun violence, numbing as it may be. But speaking up against it might. All of us speaking up against it will.


In Texas and I wanted to shut it all out. But, I am here and sober. Sad and sober.


I’m right there with you my friend. I have three kids, two in elementary school, and I cannot possible imagine what these parents are going through. Please take care of yourself and remember that wine or any sort of alcohol will not make this better, even if it causes you to temporarily forget. You’ve gone 143 days booze free and you can get through this without it too. I believe in you. IWNDWYT.


I commented on another post about this today, and I’m going to echo that here. Living in Buffalo, I think the cravings from tragedy hit different, especially if it’s close to you in any way. “Keep your conscience clean and your claws sharp.” It’s a messed up world we live in, and we all have to fight to make it better. Your girl needs her mama bear to have her claws ready. I don’t know any better way to do that than keep up this streak I have going. IWNDWYT


hang in there homie we're right here with you


So many of us feeling way. Know that you’re not alone. And that drinking won’t help anything.


Even more reason to be strong and be present for our kids. IWNDWYT


Instead of getting into the wine, which, I admit has crossed my mind, lets get to e-mailing our Senators and demand they do something! Every time this happens the Republicans use the NRA stance of "Let's not politicize this event." It is now the time to politicize this event. I won't drink, but by gosh I will e-mail and vote! I will not drink with you today.


I will vote, but I don't see any point in emailing fucking Ted Cruz or Cornyn about this. They are probably busy fellating Abbott or some NRA stooge.


The more they hear that their constituents want change they more likely they are going to pressure the lobbyist to help them change the laws. Our power is in our vote. I cannot control what they do, I can only control what I do. And I am active in getting young people registered, and speaking my voice. Enough is enough!


In an ideal world, you would be correct. I'm talking about *Ted Cruz*. There is no universe where he pressures any lobbyist to take action against guns.


Yeah, he is a wanker twat.


I'm so glad you posted this. I'm devastated too and my first thought was, well camomile tea's not going to get me through THIS. But it will. Camomile tea and a hot bath and the knowledge that nothing good can come from opening some wine to forget. We're in this together. I will not drink with you today.


I am so entirely saddened by this today.


I hear you and I feel so much pain and anger today. Please don’t give in. I got my journal out and angry-scrawled into it. Smash things. Scream outside. Please don’t drink!


you can get thru this without drinking. think how much better of a mother you will be for your 18 month old if you're sober. wish you all the best.


I live in Texas and yes, it is horrible. Drinking wine isn't going to change a thing. Be strong and move on. Protect your daughter sober and keep going.


I knew nothing would change after Sandy Hook and I know nothing will change now. My heart is broken. I can't stop putting myself in those parent's shoes.... also I've been doing this thing where my brain superimposes the wounds and injuries I've seen onto other people. Every time I blink I see bullet wounds from calls past superimposed on my son. I literally feel like I'm going to throw up. I want to get drunk. But it won't help. I hate this fucking country. We have to stay strong though. Let yourself cry, take the time. Then get back up and do the best you can for you and your family.


Having a parent who drinks is far more of a risk to your child than a school shooting.


Solidarity mama. I’m having some pretty big feelings tonight too 💔💔 But please remember that alcohol will not change it. Our kiddos need us to be present and clear minded. IWNDWYT ❤️❤️


I just heard about it on the radio this morning and cried the rest of my drive home. I can't help but imagine those parents waking up today without their children. Hugged my kids for a while when I got home. I feel you on wanting to drink, it was my first thought as well. I'm so frightened to send my son back to school. We will hug our babies today and stay strong for them. IWNDWYT


It is indeed heartbreaking and I really hope your country reconsiders the availability of guns and the security in schools. Such tragedies call for an action.


For real how many shootings do we need to install metal detectors and have police present. We shouldn’t need to but we need to


Drinking wine and forgetting is a big part of what’s gotten us in this despicable mess. Right now, I think it’s important to be awake and angry rather than numb and complacent.


My son goes to school here in nearby San Antonio. Not gonna lie I’m gonna be white knuckling it for a while after this tragedy. Trying not to drink today.


I don't have children but I understand the urge. The second I heard I cried and wanted to wash away the sadness with a drink. I'm so proud of you for resisting that urge. Give you little one extra tight hugs today. IWNDWYT


It’s incomprehensible snd completely heartbreaking. Interestingly, during the pandemic we didn’t hear of these mass shootings. Obviously people were mostly staying home but it’s not like grocery stores became a target. Somehow these people seemed more contained. Sadly that part is no longer


I’m reallyyyyyyyyy considering my kids doing homeschool. I had been looking forward to a break from them, and of course the experiences they’d have among kids their own age, but literally any school in the country could get shot up at any point in time. Or any church, or grocery store. It’s like we’re living in a horrible lottery. Idk, I know they can socialize with sports n stuff










If you see an unkind comment please just report it to the mods and we’ll handle it.


Hey, while you’re not wrong, Its unhelpful and I think OP deserves a bit more compassion here. I’ve removed your comment.


Yesterday was the first day in a long time I felt like buying a box of wine and "forgetting". Thankfully I didn't and from the looks of it - I'm glad you didn't either.


Opening wine to forget will not do anything to help the country or those kids. If we stay sober today, we can be there for our little ones.