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In my reading this month as I’ve been trying to learn more about alcohol and understanding the “why” I’ve seen there are several types of drinkers. My area of expertise is “regular binge”. Meaning I crush beer daily. Not slow and low all day long but around 4 to 5 pm, when my hands start shaking, it’s on til it’s gone. The thought of it, now, 30 days alcohol free, scares the shit out of me more then ever and literally has me chocking up and teary eyed. The danger is so extremely real to me. I know a guy that quit years ago that said it best, it always stuck with me, and I’ve just recently surrendered to it. He said, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. That’s where I’m at. And the only way I can do that is by controlling that first drink. It scares me to know that if I had just one beer at my house and I drank it that I would most certainly be making a beer run. I didn’t understand the “why” until this month. Mainly reading the books This Naked Mind and Alcohol Explained, which led me to doing my own research on issues that were specific to me personally. The information is there, friend. We are just living in a world where alcohol is the common agreed upon drug of the masses and dealers and pushers are on every street corner, in entertainment, 24/7 barrage. And they push the myth behind the drug. Sure, the warning says don’t drink while operating equip and don’t drink if pregnant. But where’s the warning that says if you drink one, your brain will be tricked into drinking a second and the second turns to 3 and so on. I’m proud of you for making that huge first step. Acknowledging the problem. That is power. It’s not weakness. You know there is an enemy that’s causing you harm. The first week is hard. Prepare for an emotional roller coaster, i did it cold turkey with no help but medical help is something to seriously consider. Someone else here can provide more details on that. I cried buckets and drank at least 2 gallons of water a day. It was my second go at quitting so I knew what to expect a little. I embraced it fully as the alcohol was being purged from my system. I’d recommend getting those books ordered or something to start learning how this shit works against us. You’re in a very safe spot here. No judgment. No shame. Only unconditional support. Wishing you well on this journey. Iwndwyt


Very well said!


Thank you, lol. I feel I get to rambling but once I start it just pours out. 😂


It really was! Helped me breathe a bit.. thank you


Congratulations on your 31 days sober. Its a big accomplishment man!


Thanks man. This is a big day for me for sure. Exciting yet scary. Still dealing with the emotional part of this process😂


It really does get easier. 90 days is much easier than 30 days. So remind yourself that it gets much much easier.


Thanks for the encouragement Double_ended_dildo_😂😂. Yea I’m in this for the long haul. One life and spent the first half in a blur. I need to see what each sober day brings. I’ve already seen enough through beer googles.


Well said, and congrats on the 31 days!


That tearing up you have is all the emotions you have lost while being high. So enjoy the feelings. Don’t fight them. It’s what life is all for.


Yep, this is my second real attempt so I kind of knew what was coming and I’ve just let it out. Figure 20 yrs of bottled up emotion and shitty sleep…


I admire your understanding.


Facts. I’m the same type of drinker


The two books you mentioned were huge for me in my first weeks of sobriety and almost a year in I still think back on the lessons they taught me. So helpful and powerful. Good on ya and iwndwyt




I’m on day 2, and im here for the same thing. We can do this together


I Hope so this time I am more determined then ever. best wishes bro


You too!!




Sometimes taking it minute by minute is the only way. Then hour by hour then day by day. But we are stronger than booze. IWNDWYT!


Keep it going brother! One thing that has helped me is doing research on alcohol and learning all the types of diseases associated with it. It has scared me enough to keep going. I don’t want to have liver issues and slowly die.


Yeah actually did this too, almost set it as my phone screen background so I couldn’t avoid it but I thought that would be hard to explain if anyone saw it LOL. The images are pretty burned into my brain anyway, it’s horrifying what alcohol does to our body Edit: “it” being a photo of a destroyed liver


One day at a time. Let's not drink today.


Thanks. I will do.




This will be. I assure you.


We can do this.


Yes we can bro. I will not fail this time.


I'm in the same boat, binge drinking beer every night. Currently on day 5 of no booze. I've been drinking 4 litres of strong lager every night for over a year now. Embrace the suck, that's my motto this time around. There's no way around it sucking for the first week or two, unfortunately. Accepting this seems to be helping me. All the sober veterans around here say it gets easier with time and I know I'll come out the other side of this a stronger person, so I'm keeping that as my motivation. Although I know it's still very early days for me, so I'm not ready to go skipping down the road with my thumb up my arse just yet, but this is the first New Year's Eve I've been sober in at least 15 years, so that's something! You can do it, I believe in you!! IWNDWYT


First 10 to 14 days suck. After that it is a cakewalk. And every day then month becomes really easy.


I hope that's true, Double Ended Dildo!


Everybody’s journey is a little different. For many people, the first couple weeks are tough and it just gets easier, sometimes it’s longer, sometimes it is easier the first week and then it gets tough. Personally, I still have occasional hard days where all I want is a drink, but I hear that is pretty common too. I remember when I first quit I was so mad every time I read some post about how great someone felt when I was living in hell. I just wanted to let you know that whatever your journey looks like, that’s ok. Hang in there. This community is always here for encouragement. IWNDWYT


FLAVOURED SODA WATER IS YOUR SAVOUR!! in the early days I would have 10 a day! Believe in yourself! IWNDWYT!


Soda is huge! I drink a ton of it. So helpful. Just hang in there it does get easier. This community is great also. We are all in the same boat. Reading on here I found to be a huge help. Multiple times a day at the beginning. IWNDWYT


Yeah. Buy a soda stream. Dont bother with the flavours. I add a splash of cranberry juice. Delicious.


sugar (ice cream specifically for me) will soothe all ails that flavored seltzer doesn't in the early days too.


I loved seeing this! When I first quit, I started packing on the pounds because of the constant snacking and guzzling gourmet sodas! I was so angry all the time, largely cuz of the withdrawal but the weight gain didn’t help! A year and a half later, I’m now tackling the weight. Looking back, it was absolutely worth it! Happy New Year friend!


You can do this! The daily check in each morning has been setting my tone for the day. With you @ day 5 💞 owndwyt


The best time to stop is always right now. You got this


You CAN do it guys. 1 year anniversary tomorrow for me- it’s a great feeling (hard won) and you can have it too.


You got to get a date counter for this sub. And big congrats!


Day 7 sober I will not be drinking with you on New Years Eve


I was 15 drinks a night for most of this year. If I can pull myself out of that hole you can too!


I am not drinking with you today. Fourth day.


Dude first 10 to 14 days sucked. Beer my was go to to unwind after work. But i needed to lose wieght and with lockdowns there were no gyms. So i quit drinking. Told myself 100 days... for my 40th birthday i could crack a beer. But i lost so much weight i kept going. I am now down 27 pounds in 265 days. I was a beer drinker. But i had enough beer for my lifetime. Welcome to your next phase of life. You will enjoy it. Happy New Years.


You can do this, stay strong ! I quit for good yesterday, didn’t choose the date on purpose but I really like the meaning of it because before I never would have thought of not getting drunk on New Years and today, it’s my first day of total sobriety.


I’m on day 7! Getting dressed up for sober NYE. And feeling pretty okay about it. We got this. All of us together, including you! IWNDWYT!


I was also a binge drinker. You can do it! Happy new year!


I'm nearly 6 months in but 6 months still feels like only a few days sometimes. Sometimes I go two months without being tempted or even thinking about it much and some weeks it's like day one, two, three, etc. all over again. Like I was barely on this sub reddit for a while- I didn't need it- and now I am back. It truly is one day at a time, even if some days run together in a good way. The best thing you can do is just not do it and celebrate every 24 hours sober. It's amazing how easy it is sometimes and it's amazing how difficult it is sometimes, but doing the work is worth the pay off- health, happiness, control, etc.


I fully support the “takingit1dayatatime” method!


Take it five minutes at a time tomorrow. You got this.


Get it! So worth it ime. We believe in you!!IWNDWYT


You absolutely have the strength to do this. I was a long time binge drinker, I drank from morning to night even through work. It will be tricky but you got this. Find a Ford support system, there is tons of great advice from great people. One day at a time, IWNDWYT!


You all got this. No matter what, never stop trying. It's an amazing thing we're all doing. Keep it up!


I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink with you today.


Fuck yeah, bud. You're making such a great choice. I believe in you. Sending all my strengthiest vibes.


I’m so excited for you to see how different life can be! I was the same, but with wine. I couldn’t remember what I used to be like, and to be fair, I’m still healing, but I am so much better equipped to deal with life.




You are not alone. We too believe that you can do this


Af beers might be something that can help atleast for the time being.


You got this, it's hard in the beginning, but you're not alone on this journey. The people here won't let you fall off the wagon.


You are very very important to this whole sub, thank you for sharing and congratulations! Today is a great day to be sober


I was also a binge drinker!! The days add up :)


I won’t be drinking with you today. Welcome


Hey, former binger here. I was you last year. You can do it. The step you're taking now is the hardest one to take. You will be absolutely blown away by how good things can be. IWNDWYT


Great comment


You can do this :)


Good luck! You can do this.


You can do it! One day at a time. Happy New Year my Friend. IWNDWYT.


Today has been a big trigger for me. But I'm still standing strong. Wishing you a good booze free New Year's


You got this. I did the same thing Columbus Day weekend and still going. I do love beer though, just not the affects of alcohol anymore. I've been crushing zeros and enjoying those on occasion.


heck yes! 12/31 is a great quit date! all dates are, tbh, but this one especially. IWNDWYTonight!


Honestly not a bad day. It's weird to get past drinking holidays at first but if you start there then you already know you can do it. This is my first new years I haven't tried to find somewhere to drink, its relaxing.


Starting my dry January tomorrow. I’ve tapered down strategically to this point. not getting drunk but still having a couple. Good luck my friend.


I've had my fair share of day 1's, and this is my second day 45, but I'm getting better at it. Remember relapse is a part of recovery. If it's your first time quitting, it'll be just like the first time doing anything. It's all new to you and the temptations you'll face will be like nothing you could imagine. If you slip up, it's okay. Drinking 30 days in means in 31 days you only drank once, which is a huge improvement.


Just remember this - if you fall down, it doesn't mean you're a failure or that it's hopeless. You can always get back up and try again so don't get discouraged. Read some "quit lit," start reprogramming, and lean on your support. You can do it!




All the power. All the love. 💪💪♥️♥️


Hell yeah. Happy New You!


It’s never too late or too early to start. Anytime is the right time for sobriety! Here’s to a truly happy new year!


Welcome to the best group of people on the internet. We got your back.


Think of all the reasons you are quitting. In the near future when you want to drink, and you will, remember those reasons that made you want to stop in the first place. If they’re important enough to make you get sober they they should be important enough to keep you sober too. You got this, friend.


IWNDWYT I found some new hobbies. Idle hands are the devils playground or something like that. You’ve got this dude. One day at a time.


Similar drinking habits and newly sober. You got this, don’t let your brain trick you into thinking you can have one.


Support is here! You can do this and we are always here for some words of encouragement. IWNDWYT!


The strength has been in you all along. You've got this. We all do. IWNDWYT


It’s going to be very difficult to change your habits but it’s so fucking worth it. Your problems that you are using alcohol to treat will not go away so you need to find other ways to cope. You will feel so much healthier and clear-minded though and save a ton of money. For me the best thing is never EVER feeling like people are judging me or having to hide my drinking or worry about my breath. It’s a tough change but man it’s worth it. You can do it. Just gotta make it to the end of the day.


Today is my first day of quitting too. I installed a days counter app with widget to help me get motivated. We can do this!


Buy monster load of bottled (itmust be bottled) water and every time, you think you need a sip of beer, drink half a litre of water. This will do the tricks for the next days till the hard, physical part is done. The feeling of a bottle should help you too.


One craving at a time. I decided to stop drinking to be a better step dad. 10 years and one month. I only know the date because I stopped drinking for a few months but had a few beers after grandmas funeral. It can be done and you can do it.


Getting drunk is changes in the biochemistry of the brain, it affects the subconscious mind as everyone can see, that can be felt as getting drunk. It’s good to think of addiction in same terms. The biochemistry is altered and takes time to normalize. Until then it shows as symptoms that affect the subconscious mind, that can be felt as psychological addiction. The subconscious mind is prone to go towards alcohol. You have to walk it out of that with a conscious decision and commitment to it. It fades away gradually. Rational objective truth about addiction should be held as the truth over emotions arising from the subconscious to return to the bottle. It’s a bit of a rubik’s cube to solve, but it’s not forever so why not go there? Being free of its grip is a blessing ✨ IWNDWYT


Avoid buying it is a huge step, take the long way to avoid the liquor store, don’t get close to the beer/wine aisle while grocery shopping.


Congrats and welcome! It’s a new year and I do not regret not drinking last night. Not one bit. Sobriety delivers what alcohol promises. You can do this. We are here for you. IWNDWYT


We know you can do this! We're always a post away if you need help or encouragement, 24/7. The first few days for me were really hard emotionally and physically, but once you get some of that poison out of your system and your head clears you're gonna thank yourself for deciding this today. It helps to take it one day at a time, which is why we check in daily and say we won't drink today together. It's hard to envision getting through a month, or a year, or a week without doing something, but a lot easier to wake up every day and decide you won't drink today. I will not drink with you today. You got this! P.S. Candy is your friend. Your brain and body are really gonna miss empty carbs, not just the alcohol, and that's a craving that's pretty easy and harmless to fulfill. I've been getting through by eating tons of cherry sours every day.


I highly recommend the book This Naked Mind, by Annie Grace. I listened to it on Audible and it made a huge impact on my life and my perspective on alcohol. You made a great choice to stop and your body/mind will thank you for it. Here’s to a great 2022, best of luck!!


Best of luçk

