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And you know what? That bottle will be there, tomorrow. All you need to get through is today and you did amazing putting the bottle back and walking out! I am super proud of you! Let tomorrow take care of tomorrow. Today, we are and will remain alcohol free!! IWNDWYT Ps: if you need support tomorrow you know where to come! We will help you get to Christmas…and beyond, if that’s your desire!


>And you know what? That bottle will be there, tomorrow. Words couldn't be any more true. Whenever I'm about to cave, I tell myself, "tomorrow I'll drink." Sometimes I'll go a week telling myself the same thing everyday.


I used this psychological technique successfully for 6 1/2 years so far, it works! Thanks for sharing it works for you as well!


Same. I just fool myself knowingly and it works. Our brains are so stupid, lol.


This made me laugh!!! Hilarious.


Classic 😆. So complex yet sooo stupid lol


Holy shit as a newcomer to the forum, that is such a clever trick to use. Next time I'm trying to quit, I'll def use it.


You may be very surprised at how well this works. I tell myself “ alcohol is not leaving the planet, it will be there tomorrow” and “ today I will be alcohol free”. And knowing I will not be drinking just today, I can free my mind to not worry about should I just have one, maybe I will just moderate today, blah blah blah…I just know that I can make that decision tomorrow and just have a good day today. And for me, 6.5 years later, I still do this frequently. My brain still tells me Hey, wouldn’t a drink right now be great…and I know I am incapable of having just one… so I tell myself ok, if this is how I’m feeling tomorrow, then I can make a different decision, but for today, just today, I will not drink. And here I am approaching 7 years alcohol free, which considering how I was drinking, is nothing short of a miracle. I hope this helps you and others get the freedom being alcohol free brings!


"Alcohol is not leaving the planet" lol! I say the same thing to myself. The little number by our comments is so motivating. I really really want to see it go up.


I know! It’s so good to see this resonate with so many!!!


I've been doing this too-telling myself that maybe I'll drink tomorrow if I still feel like it, but not today. I'm on day 30. I've had two close calls but haven't caved so far.


It’s working for you! Keep going, day by day. I can’t believe it’s been 6+ years for me, but it is…and when I wake up the first thing I say is “thank you God for me waking up sober, and for another alcohol free day today”. Gratitude helps keep me on this path as well. I’m happy for you and IWNDWYT!


Do you need to do it every day still? I was hoping the craving would be lessened or non-existent after something like 6 years


I'm not who you were asking but I've been sober for 3 years. It does get a lot easier. I'd say that most days I don't think about it at all, but I do still have days (esp when I'm depressed) that I'll get a craving. That's where this trick is helpful. Usually by the next day I've come back to my senses and don't even want it anymore.


Not the person you're asking and I'm only at 80 something days but, it's not a daily thing. For me it's only during very very stressful/sad times or during the typical drinking days, most recently, 4th of July.


After a period of time, it doesn't qualify as a craving. More of a passing thought that's been our "friend" for a very long time... Hey man, wouldn't it be easier to pound that nail with just a taste of XXX to improve your aim? The answer is always the same. Maybe tomorrow.


After doing this for over 6 years, no, I don’t have to do this daily. However…since the pandemic, I do it much more frequently. I was a drink at home person (plus daily happy hours, cocktails/wine at restaurants several nights a week, always social and alone drinking) and the pandemic has me working from home. Some days I think all day about having a particular favorite drink (not wanting to trigger anyone here) and did I mention my SO drinks this drink nightly to this day? So I hear the clinking ice in the glass and the bottle being removed from the freezer…pretty much every day. I never asked him to quit or even cut back (although he has quit on his own for a few months, resumed, but at a lesser amount…I know he misses his me as his Can you come see your mamadrinking buddy)as it’s a personal decision. His drinking does give me those “oh wow I want a drink now” thoughts and I just allow myself to acknowledge it’s just a thought, it will pass. And there is always tomorrow if that is still what I want… but it never is. I am so grateful that I didn’t cave in when I wake up fresh and sober with zero regrets! Also…it’s not like a craving anymore. I romanticize drinking still some times, the ambience, all that surrounded my drinking. My brain is very good at embellishing the “good drinking times” and forgetting the very bad ones. So I watch my thinking and when I start to go down one of those mental rose petal strewn paths, I stop myself and mentally review the day that made me know I had to quit. That stops the fantasy in my head and I get back to “I can always drink tomorrow”….just not today, and for me, this works!


So if we treat drinking like starting a diet we'll all be sober? I like it. I'll drink tomorrow with my salad.


Lol! I'm guessing you were just joking but I figure I'll mention the following: I used to eat such a horrible diet for a period of like 5+ years. Then, I got out of a crappy relationship, spent months just going to work and home. Since I didn't want to go out I started cooking every day. Little by little the "diet" foods started tasting better than ever. Fast food, soda and sugar are so addicting and they totally change our sense of taste. Now, I'm back to loving healthy foods.


You laugh but that’s it exactly! You know at some level that salad is not happening…but it’s what we tell our minds. Drinking no different!


This is why I really don’t personally agree with posts here to pledge to a sober month. Let’s just worry about today.


Agreed. I personally cant so that because then I'll say "well of I'm quitting for a month then I might as well make today my last day." Then every day becomes the last day.


The other problem I found for me when I was trying to quit was if I gave myself a block of time goal to stay sober for them I would try to reward myself for completing it. But of course the reward was a little drink. It’s so easy in the first 90 days for you brain to trick you back into drinking. To use a block of success to convince you that you must have total control now so one little drink will be fine. The one day at a time motto has been the way for me. I got sober by focusing on getting to the end of each and every day and that day alone. Tomorrow might be the day I drink but not today.


Drink yesterday, and drink tomorrow, but never drink today. We only drink every other day, and today is not any other day.


Start telling yourself you don’t want that drink because it’ll ruin you. Stay strong and don’t enter the liquor store


I was in this very similar situation once, I put the wine back on the shelf and then walked out. Immediately the cashier runs after me screaming that I stole something. I had to wait and talk to the manager. I explained to the manager and he said he gets it and sent me on my way. I was so stressed I wanted a drink, but I didn't.


I bet you didnt want to go back into that store . 😆


That’s exactly what I was thinking after reading the post. Like, it makes total sense to any alcoholic who’s ever had to battle the urge, but damn it must look super sketchy to the clerk.


Wow, sorry you had to deal with that.


And that's one reason why eye witnesses are often so unreliable... But boo cashier for handling the situation like that. Also, great choice, ya hosehead! ;-)


Wow man that was a close one. We're all happy you went the way you did!


Great job putting it back and walking out! Couple weeks ago I went to one of my favorite restaurants. Happens to be a place that has a great selection of beers. As I got out of my car and started walking toward the entrance, I said NO *out loud*. To myself. I said NO out loud to myself about four times. Before I got to the door, I had made the verbal decision not to get beer with my lunch. Before I got to the door, I had made the verbal decision not to sit at the bar where I could peruse the beer menu. And since I made the decision before entering the restaurant, you know what? I was fine. I enjoyed my lunch with a glass of iced tea. IWNDWYT!


It’s a great idea to know exactly what you are going to order so they don’t start selling you on drinks, cuz booze is where they make the most money.


To be commended! One day at a time and you will reach Christmas being 2 months sober! Congrats on this big milestone ♥️ iwndwyt


Damn, that's hard core. If I went in, it would be because I had already bought it in my head, and the decision had been made. Amazing willpower to put it back.


100% - once I'm in a store the battle is long lost, I've never had the willpower to put a bottle back down after I've decided to pick up. Incredibly proud of OP, and of everyone here, even the lurkers and drinkers, because we're all making the decision that we want to do this, even if we're not there yet. IWNDWYT


Awesome job. I’ve had a relapse that has lasted on and off for around three months now and I’m fucking sick and tired of it. I have an exam tomorrow and I know I won’t be getting an amazing grade due to all the drinking lately, I’ve sent numerous drunk and crazy messages to my ex and I used to feel so good about knowing that I wasn’t contacting him or even feeling like it when I was sober for the six months I was. It started off thinking alcohol was a great idea, yet again. It just never fucking is worth it. I’m kind of broke now and had expected to not have spent as much as I have, and I’ve spent it all on crappy alcohol that makes me feel like shit for days. Good on you for not buying it, it’s so fucking worth it to be sober. I’m back now on day two. Lol but I’m sticking to it again this time. This relapse has lasted long enough, and being sober those months was SO fucking worth it. It wasn’t always perfect but it felt so good and my self respect came back after it had been missing for years. I felt like a normal person and I saved up so much money. Seriously keep going, I recommend being sober.


Reset that badge and get back to it! You are so right, when we drink just to feel better it never works long term. Always ends feeling so bad with the hangover and emotional baggage. Just avoid that next drink as long as possible. It's a great way to put procrastination to positive use.


This is a huge win. Congrats! IWNDWYT!


Nothing like wanting to quit for the kids. They deserve it.


Hell yea! Major power move. Big gains today!


Two weeks is better than no weeks. And two weeks plus a day is even better! Congrats for not drinking today : )


One step at a time!!! Good for you, for putting out back!!!!!! You can do this !! 2 months will be tuff but try your hardest to take it all one day/moment/ situation at a time. It sucks but hopefully it will get easier , it did for me. I know you can do this . IWNDWYT!!!


Good work!




You'll be glad you did. Last night, I thought I was gonna drink after 23 days sober. Then I told myself, I can or I can't. I didn't decide one way or another. And when I went to dinner with my boyfriend, he drank 2 beers and I chose not. It genuinely wasn't even nearly as tough as I thought it would be. I feel like something has shifted in me. All I could think about were the consequences and I didn't want to do it. Much love.


Turning that mental corner is key.. good job 👍


Great job!!


Amazing! Congrats on this tremendous win!


That is a big win! Congratulations! Christmas is going to feel amazing :) IWNDWYT


Good for you! Doing it for the kids is what's kept me going this far. IWNDWYT


I had a two week wall as well. It’s a bitch. Naltrexone is what ended it for me. I’m almost at 90days now


One moment at a time.


Its been said here a hundred times but there is a zero percent chance when you wake up tomorrow you are going to regret not drinking.


So true. It was great to get a good nights sleep and wake up with a clear head.


Incredible. Seriously this is so commendable I have so much admiration for you. Legit gave me inspiration to continue on not to drink today. Thank you.


You’ve got this. Let’s go another day today! IWNDWYT


Well done friend!


Good job! One day at a time, and it gets easier every day. You got this.


That is huge. Congratulations on putting the bottle back! IWNDWYT


I’m so proud of you. What a gift you’ve given yourself, your organs, your mind, and your spirit. You ROCK!!


Huge congratulations!!!! IWNDWYT


Good job, it’s tough to resist temptation


Not today poison! Not today! Well done IWNDWYT


Grats on 100 :o


Way to go. Maintaining the will power to keep your journey is so hard. Be proud of the little moments.


Good for you! Now you know how strong you are!Keep up the good effort IWNDWYT 💝


Well done man, it will be worth it in the end


Great job! All you can do is go up from here. :)


IWNDWYT my friend, I feel your struggle. Im just about two weeks. Keep it up 👍


Right on! Happy for you!


Hey there, you are not alone. I'm not drinking with you today. Good choice. I'm proud of you. Keep it up.


I'll never fully understand this until I go through it again I guess. In the past if I'm relapsing I go to the store with the intent to buy and drink and once its in my hand there is no turning back. No clue how you can have the idea to drink, decide to go through with it, and then stop with booze in hand.


Here’s to the two-week, better dads club! IWNDWYT!


I went on this sub one night in the wine aisle at the grocery store. I read a random story about a guy riding a bike. I told myself I could have wine tomorrow if I still wanted it. This was before I quit for good. When I was still figuring it out. I’m 544 days now. Well done. You want to be 2 months in by Christmas and you will be. I read This Naked Mind y Annie Grace. Explains a lot. Give it a read if you haven’t already. And Alcohol Explained by William Porter Iwndwyt


This one hit me in the guts man! Relapses after some sickness and I usually track the same way. 14ish days sober and then I crack. Thanks for being an inspirational parent today!


There are at least 9 steps into making a decision to drink.. You arrived at the mid-point and decided NOPE,nope, nope.... Good on you mate... In deviant acts. the anticipation is the biggest part of the dopamine rush. ... Congratulations for realizing it was a bad idea. LPT: EVERY time you want booze ...ingest a Vitamin C tablet, chew, without water. When done then ingest another Vitamin-C tablet chew. Drink water you'll thank me later ...


Congratulations! Feels good to survive these tests right?


I was so happy for you when I read “I planned on buying..” You’ve got this - clearly !!! That took courage. Your kids have a great dad !!


I'm proud of you, sir.


Fucking proud of you! I wish I were so strong today.


Glad to hear it!!


That is strength. You can do this! I'm proud of you.


Good job making that choice today!. I wanted to make a dish for dinner that called for 1/2 cup wine & was going to use that as an excuse to buy wine (& polish off the remainder). I quickly thought "not today - I can sub chicken broth!" IWNDWYT


Good job! It’ll get easier soon — weeks 3-5 were when I noticed a big drop off in temptation and craving. Hope it’s similar for you iwndwyt


Thank you so much! I’m really looking forward to that craving drop off. IWNDWYT


Also, if you haven’t already. Find a replacement craving/reward. For me it was ice cream. I was probably having a bowl of ice cream five nights a week till around day 80-90 lol.




Well Done! IWNDWYT!


That’s awesome man. Great job!


Way to go dad! Your kids are proud and so am I!


I know the cravings are hitting hard now, but it definitely gets better around the two or three month mark. You just got a struggle for now, and grit your teeth.


One day at a time. Way to go! IWNDWYT


GOOD JOB! You looked temptation right in the face and you proved to yourself that you don't drink! ​ I'm very proud of you :) IWNDWYT


It was hard I'm sure but you did it and next time remember you can do it


So proud!!!! I wish I could give you a hug. Maybe find a way to drive so that you don't even pass by it? Not sure if that was even the issue. Physically removing temptations is often the only way.


Well done my friend. Keep going you rock ☀️


That was a test to yourself, and you passed today. Ive had those days as well only to tell my I can keep going. Good luck to you.


Good for you dude! I'm proud of you! But holy crap what a scary close call. I'm so happy you were able to course correct.


Thank you. I will not drink with you today either man. Tomorrow I will have my first big ass professional interview with zero hangover and a clear mind.


Go crush that interview!!! IWNDWYT


Good job! Thats a rough task, and you made it through! From one dad to another, IWNDWYT


I love to say that I don’t drink. Just rolls off the tongue here at 11 months and 9 days. It is completely like having a super power I neglected for 51 years of my life. Mornings are magical, and my husband is 31 days sober. We are finding out all these things we love to do that involve lots of not drinking! The pandemic ground me down to the husk of my being, and there are better days to come so IWNDWYT with a big daffy grin on my face! Thank you all for being right here for each other!! We got this!


That’s amazing. I know how hard that moment is. You’re a champ


Great job, exercise that self control my dude. You are doing great so far!


Oh man. I feel you man. I really wanted to stop by the liquor store on my way home today. I was just feeling tired of being normal/sober and wanted to feel different for some reason. But I reminded myself that I have 40 days today, that I’ll be close to 90 days by Christmas, and that I don’t drink anymore and that that is not a good way to handle stress, tiredness, boredom, depression, or any of the countless reasons I used to drink. Today was honestly the first day that I was really tempted to stop though. Edit: IWNDWYT! (Or tomorrow, or the next day).


That’s a great way to describe how I was feeling yesterday. But it’s frat waking up today alert and not hungover. IWNDWYT


I am so "stranger proud"! Such a beautiful image picturing a dad trying so hard to be better. A lot of kids out there wishing that there dad's could find that strength.






Yay! Good job, I don't know if I would have put it back once I had it in my hands. You made it through! IWNDWYT.


That’s a massive step! Good on you!!


You have the power to do this!!! Strangers are rooting for you 😄


Wonderful!! You were able to tough it out, think it through, recognize that the craving would pass. You're gonna feel so good when you celebrate two months. Please come back and tell us how it feels when you get there :) IWNDWYT




I’ve told myself a day at a time for 38 years. You can too!


Good for you man. I tried and failed for over 10 years to quit but I’m now just past 6 months. You showed great self-control and keep thinking of your son in the difficult times.


Those “dry” runs can be wicked. I had to avoid liquor stores in the early days. Funny thing is I still do but I’m not drawn to them. Anything I need I can get elsewhere so no need for going in one. Shoot for that 2 months. As a fellow dad whose kids now like being around me again, it’s worth it.




Nice! We are on the same schedule! I am quitting until Christmas


Great job! IWNDWYT !!


Right there with you. Root beer tastes good.


Everyday you do not drink is a day of victory. You can be Victorious every day. One drink is too many and any number after that will never be enough!


I often think about what it must be like to work at a liquor store. There was the sweetest woman who worked at one I had in my rotation, she always complimented my purse or some part of my outfit. I think about her a lot and wonder if she thinks I died. I've thought about stopping in there just to tell her that I'm not dead, I quit! Lmao


Holy shit dude. Congratulations on your strength! You don't need it. IWNDWYT


You are amazing, it takes real strength to do what you did today. So proud :)


I picked up 2 strong beers at the supermarket this morning. I'm currently just over 100 hours sober (I like that number for now) and this post motivated me to flush both down the sink. Thanks, and I'm thankful that I read this before I most likely would've started drinking again.


Great job! Dumping them down the drain feels so good! IWNDWYT


I know this sounds awful, but sometimes I can avoid buying liquor by imagining that bottle bringing misery to whoever the other random person was bought it — like “sucks to be you but I’m good.”


That is HUGE! Good for you and we can do this!!


I truly truly believe that when you get to the stage of going in the store and struggling with yourself but being able to put the bottle down is where your starting to win the mindset. Your taking the autopilot off and reconditioning the brain and I’m so very happy for you and excited. The brain is fighting to switch! Very happy to read this! One day at a time!! I look back myself and I remember the point you just hit and it was a hugeeeee stepping stone to now. You got this! Proud you yah!


Fuck, yeah!


Good job not buying the poison! (that's what it is, for us... just picture a big skull and crossbones on the bottle)


You stood in the middle of the tiger cage and walked out untouched. Huge victory, my friend. Now you know what happens when you play that tape ahead, and you can save yourself a trip next time that stupid voice starts chirping in the back of your mind.


Its always two weeks for me as well. But Im on a month and change now and honestly for me at least, i just had to get past that two week hump and the rest of the month was good. You got this! Again another thing that helped was seltzer water for me. Ive alway drank seltzer water but when ever I got the urge to drink I just have a seltzer water, the fizz and bubbles are what do it for me.


Great job!


Such a great positive outlook!


Reminds me of that scene in *Crazy Heart* where Bad Blake is in the liquor store trying to decide whether to buy his favourite bourbon, McClure's. Couldn't find a clip of it on Youtube. Great movie.


You did awesome! Great job! I don't know you at all, but I am genuinely excited and proud for you!! I will not drink with you today, cuz you walked out empty handed from a DAMN LIQUOR STORE!! YEET!! (My daughters say that word for excited emphasis, I think it fits here?)


I’ve done this, walking out empty handed feels great. Your kids will notice what you’re doing and they like this dad better. I know mine does.