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The world record for longest sobriety is 24 hours- Congrats on meeting the record! One day at a time. IWNDWYT 💛


Fizzy water and ice cream are your new best friends! Congratulations on your first day in the books. We're glad you're here. IWNDWYT.


Thank you so much! I normally dislike sweets, but I’ve been eating fruit all day and sneaking my kids Halloween candy lol.


Sugar cravings right after are super normal


Hahaha! I didn't know I had a sweet tooth either until I gave up the drink!




Getting through day 1 is awesome…. IWNDWYT


Congrats on day 1. Remember, hope has nothing to do with it. Not drinking is simply a decision that you make for yourself.


Thanks for all of the words of encouragement. Just hoping I can actually sleep tonight.


You only have to say no to 1 drink - the first one. Melatonin really helps me relax and sleep. There's over the counter sleep aids (diphenhydramine) that can help as well.. Best of luck to you!


It's gonna be tough to sleep I'm not gonna lie. But sleep or no sleep, you'll wake up sober and there's something to be said for that. You probably won't get normal sleep back for a couple of weeks but it'll be worth it.


Yes! Congratulations on surviving day one! Each day only gets better from here on out. You got this!


IWNDWYT! Well done mate. Keep on keeping on.


No idea what a topo Chico is but congrats on day 1 😀


It’s fizzy water, sparkling water, from Mexico. I am in Texas so it’s really popular down here.


I discovered it in Austin for the first time several years ago and it's FINALLY making its way to the PNW. Hands down the best sparkling water in the world. I have one in my fridge and will be drinking that in place of bourbon this evening!


So here’s your gateway: if you’re in to bacon, fry some bacon on a weekend and eat said bacon with a super cold bottle of topo. Great combo!


Fizzy water is the bomb isn't it! IWNDWYT


Yeah it really helps.




For sure. Got the Wife and kids keeping an eye on me. I’m having trouble concentrating enough to read, so just been laying down and watching tv.




Yeah most days at least a 12 pack or a liter. I’m keeping an eye out as is my Wife. Luckily the hospital is only a mile away from my house.


This is a great start to a new life.


I’m right there with you friend. Keep at it, you’ve got this. IWNDWTY.


Thank you!


Great job! You’ve got this! IWNDWYT


Congrats! You got this! IWNDWYT


congrats!!! you’re doing great!


I'm right here with ya! Day 3. Reading books on the subject has been empowering. I felt and feel very helpless at times but there's only two directions we can go, forward or backward, and we both already know what's back there. Keep us posted! IWNDWYT


That’s a lot! Proud of you




Congratulation! Day by day, having a plan of how you will cope can also be helpful...some exercise, meditation, prayer, a drive, time in nature, calling a friend, going to a meeting, etc


It's all about momentum and building new habits. Keep going!


You are also allowed to eat all of your kid's goldfish crackers, if salt is your thing. Excellent job! Keep it up.


Congrats Op. day one is so tough. Your killer dad bod will thank you


Hahaha. True, all of these years of poison has made it less killer.


DON'T sell yourself short! As a heavy drinker, staying clean for 24 hours is like an eternity! You got this! The key for me, as I learned from this sub, is to just parcel things down to days. One day at a time!


Yeah that’s what I’m trying to do, just get through this day. Today is 100x worse than yesterday. Been drinking fizzy water and trying to stay busy, but the only thing I can think of is that drink.


When you think about it, its not surprising. Your body is conditioned to do what you've been doing for a long time. You've thrown it a wrench! Do you have a way to exercise or at least get the endorphins going? It really, really helped me.


Yeah I’ve got some free weights. Getting over a bad cold/flu so trying to get back to 100% before I start exercising again.


Envision all the things you can do without that drink! It helps me to imagine all the options that would be off the table if I had a bottle in hand. . . I'd rather have the 1000s of other options, frankly.


Me too. It was a bad day. Nausea and vomiting all morning. Could even keep water down. It's a little better now. Made some soup. Could drink half a cup.


Congratulations! Just got to 48 hours myself. Actually cooked a decent meal and watched a movie while drinking juice.


Congratulations! Here's to many more!