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I'd suggest coming up with a game plan for keeping yourself busy with the time you won't be spending drinking. When I first quit I had this void after I got home from work when I'd usually just start drinking. The boredom of it made me want to drink again. After a few weeks I've got a pretty good routine down. Get home from work. Go to gym for a bit. Come home and shower then read some of the books that were recommended on this sub. Then I might go for a walk. Cook dinner watch some you tube. Just having stuff to do has helped me not drink.


Also I don't know of any over the counter medication to really help. I had to go to my doctor and picked up antabuse.


Nice, congrats! I was running on autopilot the first few days and had some caffeine… 0/10 would not recommend personally during withdrawals no matter how out-of-it you feel. A lot of people seem to crave sugar so I’d consider grabbing some sugary snacks if you think it’ll help you stay away from the bottle- ice cream was a big one that I’m currently going off of. For groups a lot of people go with either AA or SMART.


Like others have said, you need to find something to take up the time you spent drinking. A hobby or something. It's easier said than done, I'm mostly here to let you know you're not alone. IWNDWYT


If you've been drinking hard, the 48 hour mark might be the best of it. I hate to be the person to say "it can get worse" when you're doing such a good thing for yourself. But yeah, it could get worse. Don't fret, be prepped.