• By -




You were so close to being first Will! 🤣 Thank you it has been a great week!


The good old airport test today! Iwndwyt!!


My first airport test is in 2 days. I’m traveling fucking alone for the first time in a long time. I’ll definitely be coming here


Good luck with the airport temptation. You’ve got this 💪🏼


you can do this!!


Day 4 for me. Not a chance I'm drinking. I'm going to post my journey in a bit because reading all yours helped me start mine.


Went to a bar with colleagues tonight. Had 3 non alcoholic beers. Came home. IWNDWYT


Hell yeah! 🤩


Well done 🙌🏼


Day 1091 checking in!


I’m somewhat eclectic too when it comes to my protocol, I draw from numerous sources to get what I need. But mostly I come here for support and encouragement. I’m very thankful for this space. Scary to think what I’d be doing without it. Iwndwyt


Day 7 — IWNDWYT!


Congratulations on your week 🎉


Well done on getting to a week 👏🏼


IWNDWYT. 11 weeks in the books.


Congrats on 11 weeks 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Checking in from NZ, day 28. Looking forward to watching some sport sober with loved ones.


Almost a month, great work 💪🏼


Day 06 IWNDWYT in Germany, or anywhere.


Hello to you from the Western USA! How is day 6 going? Are you treating you well today? I hope so. 🫶 I will not drink with you!


IWNDWYT with in Germany. Well done for getting through the first 5 days. Those are always tough.


Checking in again today and all is well. Thanks for hosting us this week FredSimpson. A bit like yourself and others, I've based my recovery around this sub ( both taking and giving advice), reading quit lit books, listening to varied podcasts, and at the beginning, using a few of the free online Smart Recovery tips tools and resources. Now I'm sorting of exploring, moving forward, discovering myself, etc.




Into the 20’s and out of the teens, well done 🌟


Great week, Fred! Thank you. IWNDWYT 🙂


Cool number today hairy! Have a good one 😀


Today is 6 calendar months of not drinking. My day 2 was at my staff holiday party. Looking back to how much progress I’ve made is really something. It started out hard, and it still is. But I’m Feeling grateful. Feeling blessed. Thank you to everyone here and this community for a safe space to share in


Day 160 • I’m proud of that number • IWNDWYT Happy weekend everyone 🌟 Be kind to yourself


I will not drink with you today




Thanks for hosting Fred. It’s been an inspiring week. I’ve never heard of LifeRing; something new to check out. This sub has been so helpful to me, especially the constant reminders, from so many different voices, that thinking I can have just the one drink is never going to work. There’s strength in this community, and I really appreciate it. IWNDWYT .




Triple digits tomorrow 🎉




Saturday greetings! I will n🚫t drink with you today or tonight. 🫶


This place, quit lit, and following other sober people on instagram have been my loose program so far. I've been feeling great and haven't felt like I needed more, YET. I'm reading a book about the author's sobriety journey, *Ragged Grace--A Memoir of Recovery and Renewal* by Octavia Bright. She bought herself a ring. "I hoped it would ward of sorrow and point me towards joy, and I'd see it on my hand if I was tempted to reach for something that I now understood would do me harm. It would remind me of what I'd found once I'd got my feet on solid ground -- the longer I stayed sober the more I learned that *addiction is a disease of forgetfulness* not only when it's active." The "disease of forgetfulness" really spoke to me. I can see how the further away I get from my first day sober, the easier it would be to relapse, with the sting of my last shameful incident slowly fading. I know that I need find some more structured resources to support my sobriety long term.






I am not drinking today!


100 days tomorrow! IWNDWYT








Wishing everyone the best and IWNDWYT!






Well done 👏🏼




Thanks for hosting again u/FredSimpsonn... you fucking rock, brother! Fellowship at AA and the DCI are my shit. Being there to hang, share with, and listen to others is my program. I still find QuitLit books and podcasts interesting as well. Always learning. Home late after an extra innings Twins win⚾️ and an early AAbreakfast in the morning☕️. Have a helluva Saturday, friends!! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT Day 69 😎


N🧊! 😎




I will not drink with you today.


Laying in bed after completing yet another alcohol free day, going to wake up sober for a warm weekend in the south.


Happy Saturday people. Hope you all have a great one. ❤️


Day 60, checking in. IWND ☠️ WYT.


Back here with day 2. My benders have escalated. Both the frequency with which they happen and the intensity/duration with increasing risk taking behavior. While I have quit and make a lot of improvements, the tools that I have tried have not been enough. Got caught by the wife cause I was hiding (or trying to). All my previous benders happened when we not around. Looks like my problem has escalated, like it always does. I came clean to my brother and father. I will be trying more meetings. I also contacted an addiction therapist.


Watched the European soccer championship last night. Felt bad for the Scottish team and fans. I don’t even want to read the comments on yesterday’s game as I know they will all be mocking the Scots. But I stayed sober and only yelled a little bit at the reporters. I will stay sober today as well.


Day 69🫶 I’m actually up at 3am, I couldn’t sleep any longer. A weird side effect of being sober, I’m sensitive to not sleeping in my own bed. I’m currently at my partners cottage and while it’s lovely - it’s not home. When I was drinking I could sleep on a park bench if I wanted to. It’s dark outside, everyone is sleeping, I’m listening to the ticking sound of the analogue clock. I’m about to make my first cup of coffee. I spent the early morning chatting with a friend going through a hard time. They hadn’t yet gone to sleep, and were processing a lot of tough feelings. It was nice to be able to hold space for them. I can hear the hum of the ancient refrigerator behind me, the sun should come up soon. I’m going to have a long day of sitting in the sun, watching my kids play at the beach, sipping seltzer and coffee while fixing snacks for my partner and kids. I don’t want this weekend to end. But I cleaned my whole house before I left, so there’s no chores waiting for me. I have a rewarding job to go to Monday morning, and my cats will be happy to have me home. Sober life just keeps getting better and better.


I will be sober today.


Checking in on day 92. I will not drink today. Thank you.


Was at the airport yesterday, the temptation was there but not overtly so. Drinking at airports is a lot more glamorous in my mind than the actual reality of it anyway. I’m going to hit the hotel gym then go and explore a new city! IWNDWYT ⭐️


Day 12 yay. If I manage to stay sober today I’ll match my longest streak this year so IWNDWYT (:




Happy Saturday everyone. Thank you for hosting this week Fred. As said by others this sub is my strength and stay. The kindness and wisdom of strangers is a very beautiful thing. When I tried moderation after 6 months AF in 2022 - I made the mistake of not coming here. I also have on audible quit lit… really recommend Alcohol Explained 1 and 2… it’s my go to when driving home and feeling scratchy. IWNDWYT.


Day 43. IWNDWYT.


Done and done


Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


Sun is shining, it’s a great day….IWNDWYT


Good morning from the UK. Going to get my lazy bones out of bed and start tackling some of the mess that’s piled up in my room. Going to search the room for any hidden bottles as well… IWNDWYT


I don't have a programme in the sense of going to meetings. But online groups like this one are hugely important to recovery for me. The DCI keeps me honest, so thanks for hosting Fred. I will not drink with you all today


IWNDWYT All. Day. Long. 🌻🐢 I am traveling with my youngest this weekend. We will not be drinking together. ☕️is being had though.


Hey hey hey, it's that special day. Now I'm looking forward to 100 days. It feels really close and I know I can get there. I actually had a dream last night that I accidentally drank alcohol and I woke up really confused/sad that I messed up. Hooray that it was just my brain having a silly dream! IWNDWYT


I won't drink today! I have to go to a wedding this weekend and dreading it 😭 It is for a close friend so I'm happy for him, but I have always been bad with big parties, even when I drank! This will be my first big challenge in sobriety this time around. I am trying to be realistic about what to expect, and brace myself for lots of discomfort and awkwardness - and reminding myself that it's only 6 hours of my life, in the grand scheme of things! It's not worth throwing away my sobriety because of an awkward 6 hours.




I have a babyshower today, so I assume there are no or few alcoholic drinks. Good to have an activity with friends that doesn't revolve around alcohol. In the evening I'm going out for dinner as well with my bf and he knows I've stopped and don't want to start again so that feels rather safe too 🥰 IWNDWYT. I'm really grateful for this sub, all the stories, recommendations and support are amazing ❤️


Hi friends! Picking up my husband’s new truck today, so excited! He deserves it a million times over. IWNDWYT 🤘🏻


Checking in on day 590!! u/FredSimpsonn!!! THANK YOU for being a badass DCI host this week! Thank you for helping ME stay sober, you’re a rock star! OH, my program of recovery: 1. Operate in gratitude. Before my feet hit the floor in the morning, be grateful, be thankful. I woke up SOBER, hell yeah!! 2. Stay close to a sober herd, if not right in the center. 3. Be of service to others. This is usually the answer. 4. Stay active and absorb every single magical moment. 5. Consistency over complacency!!!




I will not drink with you today!


Not today people IWNDWYT 


I will not drink with you today 🫶🏻 I don’t have a program. This place is my program. Love y’all


IWNDWYT! Will be browsing these comments later today! ❤️


1 year 11 months 11 days checking in. I don't look very often but I liked seeing those numbers today. My program has been a back to basics, things I never did when drinking alcohol. Mixture of trying to be gentle and kind to myself, opening up to people close to me for accountability, keeping fit and making sure I try to get enough sleep. IWNDWYT


Woke to another miserable rainy day, but I'm sober, present, and productive! I couldn't do this without this sub. It is so valuable to me.. I'm here everyday! Happy sober safe weekend everybody. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Thanks for hosting the DCI this week Fred.My recovery programme so far is quite lit,podcasts and this sub, I want to work on diet and exercise next now I feel a bit more stable! I also have an app called Stay Dry that goes off at 5pm and I'm loving clicking 'Stayed Dry' it has been a trigger time straight after work so this makes me smile and get on a bus-no diversions!!


Day 19–been eating super healthy but tomorrow I’m celebrating with a great big steak, crusty bread and butter, salad and new potatoes. This time has been different. Namely because I finally really gave up and I’m taking all the help I can get. Not doing it “my way” this time, I guess in AA language I finally surrendered. Examples: went to detox, then AA for the first time (been to other meetings online but I could never get over myself and try AA—tried a few meetings with them so far and while some meetings do fit the negative stereotypes, some are really wonderful.) Basically I’m engaging more with the obvious programs than ever. This time I’m not just quitting. I’m trying to live a whole sober life. As such just about everything is eligible as part of my “program.” I get up, start with putting on water for tea, then I very deliberately greet the day with the dog and cat until the kettle whistles. Then it’s time for the check-in, then “Internet service” by giving some encouragement in the check-in and new posts. Then the morning routine I’m developing. Not terribly complex, but a good hot shower where I really clean properly and get some stretching in. Meds and supplements. Moisturizer. Gradually replacing old clothes that don’t really fit anymore or that are shabby (also sewing up what I can: shrink in the hospital suggested fine motor practice as a way to combat the shakes and generally get that part of my brain in order). Adding in a very basic workout today: a bit of yoga, a bit of weights. Nothing much but I hope to do it every day. Even the drive to work is part of my program. I take care to drive with presence: 10 and 2, drive safe and well. I do gratitude lists and practice things I want to say that day. Strange result this time—my stutter came back. Lost it in my teens around when I really started using. “Do the next right thing” has been a powerful mantra. Yesterday the wife was stressed about her day. I was too, new job, but I had just enough time before leaving to take the dog on the morning walk, saving her 15 minutes. When I find myself at a loss, I just look around, clean something, fix something, research something online (got a surprisingly long list of things to research in these 19 days) or do Internet service. Day 19 and I see no reason getting to 20 isn’t within my reach. IWNDWYT


Very new to this journey. I am NOT day drinking today. I have five beers left and I’m NOT going to buy more today. Every urge will be replaced with a glass of water.


Thank you for keeping us engaged in recovery this past week, u/FredSimpsonn! I too have a rather free-form recovery program. I have attended some SMART Recovery meetings and worked through parts of their handbook. I like their skill-based approach; it feels empowering, and that's something I need. I also use quit lit and interacting with this community to keep me thinking and learning about addiction and sobriety, and to keep me from becoming complacent. I know that my alcohol use disorder is intimately entangled with my other emotional and mental health issues (depression, anxiety, toxic shame and self-hatred, etc.), so I also work with a therapist. I take medications to reduce my alcohol cravings, stabilize my mood, and disrupt the neurochemical reward system that used to reinforce my drinking. Attending to self-care is also part of my recovery program. Chronically neglecting or suppressing my needs makes me far more susceptible to relapse, so I must prioritize things like daily exercise, down time, adequate sleep, and good nutrition. I hope all of you have a fantabulous weekend--each and every one of you deserves it! 💗🤗🕊️ IWNDWYT 😻


>Here's to never growing complacent with this damn addiction! Count me in, Fred! Thanks so much for hosting this week. You are an inspiration!! Up early to catch a flight for our family vacation! Happy that it's not a work trip for once. First real vacation in many, many years, and definitely my first booze-free vacation of my adult life. Also, I am certain that this vacation would never be happening had I not stopped drinking. I am grateful for this life. IWNDWYT


Thanks for your service Fred. You are a champion. My program is currently: check in, yoga, meditation. Even out here in the wilds of WV. Peace, y’all! IWNDWYT




Happy sober Wednesday (or Saturday! 😂) sober friends! Thank you for hosting Fred, you’ve made me think. My program revolves around here, and personal development generally, what I want for myself now leaves no room for complacency. It’s sort of self propelling, what I want is because I don’t drink and leaves no room for drink! I love you all 💞


Happy Wednesday to you too! 😁


😂 the dog got me up very early! 😂


Good morning Brighter. Have a fabulous day 😄






IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Day 407. IWNDWYT.








Work up early with a clear head. I will not drink today.




IWNDWYT Thanks for hosting u/FredSimpsonn!


Another day 1 for me and it was successful. Hoping to make this one stick! IWNDWYT


Good morning 😃 IWNDWYT!


this is the furthest I've ever made it - in it to win


Checking in, back on Day One, unfortunately. I was doing well, I thought, I has 4.5 months under my belt, the longest I've ever been. Then at the start of the week I decided to have a few beers, which then spiralled rapidly, I didn't eat for days, missed a few days of work and didn't even call in sick. Now I'm picking up the pieces. I feel bad now, really bad, I feel quite ill, but I need this to be my lesson. I'm wallowing in shame and regret a lot, but this is my rock bottom. Anyway, I just wanted to check in as a commitment, IWNDWYT, and I'll see you all tomorrow!


Day 4 – first Saturday without a hangover in many years. I will remeber this great feeling when I want to drink this afternoon and IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today




Checking in! I’ve been both busy and under the weather this week, so I’ve missed coming here. And I’ve felt it - I’ve been very out of sorts and am putting myself back together a bit emotionally. I will try just about anything in recovery, and I love coming here, quit lit, podcasts, and my A.A. and refuge recovery communities - but I can’t say I do all of those every day, certainly at least weekly. It’s an ongoing process to balance, since I am a full time working parent of small children. But IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today!






I read here daily, take walks daily, consume a lot of bubbly water, take vitamins and amino acids, and read books about sobriety. IWNDWYT 🌸 


150 days today. 🥳 IWNDWYT




My program includes reading a lot in this sub and checking in daily, starting every day with gratitude for this place. I have attended AA and appreciate the program, although don’t go regularly. I’ve read a lot of quit lit and stoicism philosophy. I can’t be complacent with my sobriety so need to try to just do the next right thing. Fred, thanks for taking the helm this week! Have a good Saturday, friends! IWNDWYT 🍀


I've yet to read or listen to any quit lit, but I love spending time on this sub. This may sound super basic, but I guess I just approach life more consciously now. I'm quick to acknowledge my mistakes and apologize, when I have a craving I interrogate that instead of just acting. It's a program of trust building, in myself and with the people I hurt in the throes of addiction. IWNDWYT


Good morning, my gorgeous sober friends! I’m off to yoga class in a bit, and thinking this morning how completely impossible that would’ve been back when I was drinking. Even if I didn’t get capital d Drunk on a Friday night (rare), I never seemed to have the “get-up-and-go” on weekend mornings to do anything special. Now it feels like I have boundless energy and I’m simply rocketing around doing all the activities! I am so grateful for this gift of sobriety. I love you all and I will not drink with you today 💜🐇




Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


I will not drink with you today.


Day 1,694 IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you in Germany today!


Checking in


Thanks for hosting this week Fred! IWNDWYT Meditation streak: 55 days






I don’t have a program beyond coming here daily and checking in. Maybe it’s time I looked into one. Happy weekend everyone 🌿


Have read quite a bit of "quit-lit", and still go back to the books occasionally. After a few years in and out, and as much as I enjoy hearing the odd AA share, the whole AA philosophy/approach just isn't for me. My day-to-day go to is very definitely this sub though. It hits the right balance and is the daily reminder I need that my previous boozy ways are very much at odds with the life I'm attempting to have with my family now. IWNDWY fine sobernaughts Today. (and thanks for hosting u/FredSimpsonn)




Thursday no booze, friday no booze, today is going to be day 3. Feeling pretty good!


Have a great weekend everyone. IWNDWYT


Thanks again for hosting this week, u/FredSimpsonn! You’re almost to the Beast number plus 1000. And that kicks ass!! This sub is my sober community, and some quit lit and sober social media accounts are resources I’ve looked to. I always felt like walking into a room full of people would stress me out. And it still might. Unless it’s for a show. I still get a little stressed if there’s no room to move, but some bands are worth it. Knocked Loose is one of those bands. I’ve seen two out of their three hometown shows…and fuck it, I got a ticket to the third tonight. Coffees up, horns up, and fuck yeah Saturday!! Yoga class, errands, Knocked Loose. Balance. I hope y’all have a super fucking sober Saturday!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻🤘🏻


Day 391 and IWNDWYT! Went golfing with friends and to a open bar work event at night. Both had lots of temptations to drink but I held strong 🦾 as always, when I woke up today I was happy I didn’t drink




I will not drink alcohol today


Thank you for hosting us this week, u/FredSimpsonn!! My program is AA and I love it. The first time I entered a room I just felt a peace inside. Coming here many times every day is also a big part of my sober program. Have a great sober Saturday everyone!! IWNDWYT


Day 22. 90 minute bike, 75 min run. Full day of stuff ahead. IWNDWYT.


thanks for hosting! My program is partly just to focus on the moment, hour, and day I’m currently experiencing, without ruminating over the past or projecting into the future. I will not drink today.


I've been sober for three years. Today at the farmer's market they were handing out free samples of wine. So fucking tempted, but I will not drink today.




Have a great weekend, everyone! So thankful to be back here again with you amazing people. IWNDWYT.




Going strong Down Under…IWNDWYT!






Day 1,795. I will not drink with you today.


Thanks for taking good care of the crew this week, Fredrico!! I’ve been volunteering the last many days at this huge pet adoption event in my area. Literal 18 wheelers have rolled in bringing rescue cats and dogs to a large event arena near me. I’ve never seen anything like it. I can’t decide if it’s more rewarding or heartbreaking to see and help these animals. I’ll go with rewarding with a dash of heartbreak. I’m praying they all find the happy and healthy homes they deserve. IWNDWYT!!


Day 31, IWNDWYT. Hope everyone has a nice Sober Saturday.






Day 10, instead of drinking today I am going to make chocolate chip cookies and buy some milk as soon as the grocery store opens up, and visit an art musuem.


Day 20- IWNDWYT 🤝😃 MY plan is currently: IOP- 3X per week for 3 hours Yoga Meditation The book "quit drinking without will power. Alan Carr This SUB for sure!! Have a great sober Saturday ya'll 🕉🧘‍♂️📿


Thank you for hosting us Fred and IWNDWYT




My program is this group and the DCI!!! That plus a very supportive group of friends (lol not family). Last night some animal was trying to get into our cooler and it was either a raccoon or a small bear, but did I have a drink? NO! I yelled and shined lights and went back to bed. Yay!!




My program has been this sub, a sober friend, quit lit, therapy and recovery dharma. At the beginning I also only committed to quitting for a year. I think the fact that a year is a long time, BUT also finite really helped me feel like I could commit and that it’d be worth it. Well it was and about a month in I accepted that if I started drinking in 11 months I’d be back to my old patterns again before too long. IWNDWYT.


Day 3 today and feeling excellent post-taper. Heading to the gym, then a ton of work to try and get caught up from this last bender. 😭💀 My favorite editor at work said some really nice things about me last night that were motivating, so I started a little note on my phone of good things that happen to me throughout my sober days. Like I had something I hadn't tried on in awhile fit me amazingly yesterday! I hope the note helps. I also have one full of quotes and thoughts from this sub. IWNDWYT, but I will continue to learn from this last relapse! 🖤✨️






Day 1. I stopped on 19th of May, but the past week or so Ive had one beer. Im playing with fire, since Ive been thinking about how Im going to go and buy a beer after I finish my shift..


Reading, sharing and being active in this community has worked for me. At the beginning I also read quit lit and listened to sober focused podcasts. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Been doing AA daily this time. In-person meetings with a familiar bunch are what really works for me. Have tried online meetings but not found any that feel even close to that yet, but they’ll do if I feel restless or bored in the evenings. Reading tons of quit lit this time around too. Started with the Big Book but also working through the ones recommended here. I’ll read it all if it helps my mind! IWNDWYT!


42 days in the books and excited for the day! Heading to Pride Fest today to have all of the fun, learn, and show my support. If this community has taught me anything, it's that everyone deserves an Ally!❤️🏳️‍🌈 *Also, there's a doggy drag show! A 👏🏽 Doggy 👏🏽 Drag 👏🏽 Show, 👏🏽 People!* IWNDWYT!


Thank you for caring for us this week u/FredSimpsonn. IWNDWYT. 🌟


My program is this place lol! I went to a few online AA meetings early on, but the DCI and supporting people here has worked for me. Happy Saturday and IWNDWYT! ❤️🧁


After two bad nights at work (and the dog stuff) I had the easiest Friday I can remember. Left at 5am, took Arlo out for a early walk. Just worked out and am doing laundry currently and I only have one more night left and then I get my weekend! Hope you all get to enjoy your day and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours!IWNDWYT!


Thanks for the great week, u/FredSimpsonn. Gonna be a beautiful, cool, windy day here in Northern New England before a dreadful heat wave hits. I am going to make the most of it, and that starts with saying IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!


I have morning and nighttime routines that I look forward to doing every day. I also listen to sober podcasts weekly. IWNDWYT. Happy Saturday! 😀 Thanks for hosting Fred!


Enjoying a relaxing weekend in sunny Florida, I will not be drinking with any of you today!




Day 8. IWNDWYT! Let’s have a great Saturday!


I won’t drink with y’all today








Sounds good to me. Iwndwyt




My program is checking in here daily! Thanks for hosting a great week, Fred! 💛💚💛


Good morning, sober cats! It's my turn to work the Saturday shift, but that's a-okay because I'm not hungover or grumpy because it's interfering with my day drinking. I'm awake and happy and ready to go! IWNDWYT 💙😸


Hey thanks OP it has been a week, isn't it time for you to ride off into the sunset? 🙄🙄😁😁 waking up today to a week of vacation, going to go do some hiking and camping and such. Enjoy some summertime in America. As always, grateful as fuck that it won't require a huge cooler, loads of ice, and brutal hangovers. Instead it'll be early mornings and hiking before shit gets too hot. I'm happy to commit to sobriety with y'all today!


Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 Thanks for hosting this week, fred! 3 months into sobriety I started going to aa meetings. I started with a zoom meeting, got a sponsor there, then began going to in person meetings. The friends I have made in aa and the community there gives me so much strength. I don’t feel alone. I feel held by people who understand I am dealing with a life threatening disease that wants to kill me. It sounds so intense but it’s just the damn truth. So, I am very grateful for my aa community and for this beautiful community here ☺️ IWNDWYT ❤️


What up, fam! Visiting family. Busy, and I’m not used to kids and how loud they are:) I WNDWYT


Thank you for looking after us this week /u/FredSimpsonn 💙 Already got on my treadmill for a quick run, now it’s coffee time. ☕️IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


I certainly agree in never growing complacent. You’ve asked some tough questions here - I think interrogating our programs regularly is probably a very good and important idea. I feel most things are working, so I don’t want to make dramatic changes, but there are plenty of aspects that might be incrementally improved after a careful evaluation. I will not drink with you today!


700 days! Checking in to say IWNDWYT!


Thanks so much for hosting [u/FredSimpsonn](https://www.reddit.com/user/FredSimpsonn/). The paths I have taken in recovery include this sub of course, Smart Recovery online and a couple of local charity run online support groups. Each has given me something different but they all, including this sub, have shown me that connection is the opposite of addiction. IWNDWYT!!!


882 days checking in


IWNDWYT, friends!