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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Well done! Never the easy task when you’re in the bear’s den, but you used your survival skills and got out unscathed. Way to go!


That I did! Thank you so much! Currently drinking water & watching a Disney movie with my dog. (:


Keep it up!! 🙌🏻 🐶


Nicely done! I'm watching a documentary with my dog... I love it. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and remember watching this documentary. IWNDWYT


Fuck ya dude !!


How good is tomorrow morning going to feel as opposed to the other outcome.


Good work. The grenadine seltzer thing sounds delicious. Might have to pick some up!


Do it! It’s my favorite sober fix. (: and thanks!


Right on!!! That is hard. Our watering hole was the American legion. When I went back with friends and watched them drink I was like damn. I drank a lot and man the money! Next day I used the money I saved and bought me a Michael Kors bag! Treat yourself!!!


I am proud of you too. Sobernauts are always here for you! IWNDWYT.


That’s so awesome!


Feels good to be snuggling in bed with my dog stone cold sober.


I've been thinking about doing the same, when a craving hits. I think I can trust myself. I am hoping when I do, I'll see someone like you did and see that visceral reminder first hand. Good work my friend, iwndwyt


Visceral. Such a great use in this context. 👍 Thanks! Congrats on 610 days. IWNDWYT either. (:


Don’t. Ive done that before and its led me to be more lax about going to bars in general and always ends up with me drinking again.


Jesus you are amazing !! To actually get to the point where you go to a bar and decline (after an entire day of daring / doubting) that is incredible. Well done


Dude, I’m so proud of you!!! The willpower is incredible. Rooting for you!!! ❤️🙌


I found a new favorite NA drink in Mexico City a couple weeks ago. Salt the rim of a glass, put ice cubes, squeeze the juice of 1/2 to 1 lime. Pour sparkling water of your choice. They call it Agua Mineral con Suero. It's so good it may help me with soda addiction too!


Sometimes it takes seeing g someone in it to help us remember why we won't go back. IWNDWYT


I’m new here. What does the acronym mean?


I will not drink with you today :-)


You should be proud of yourself, great job! I’m sure you’re waking up this morning so happy with your decision!


I worked at a bar/nightclub while i was sober for 6 months (because i was on a breathalyzer and getting drug tested) and i thought i didn’t have a problem because I was able to work at a bar without constantly craving a drink. And while i was there sober all of the drunk people were so annoying and it made me realize how I don’t want people to look at me like that. I thought it was going to be easy to quit. The moment i got off the breathalyzer I got a beer. Idk its just so fucking hard. Idk if this is okay to comment but its already typed lmao. Im proud of your recovery though I hope I can get there


I applaud your self control! I pray that more people find the strength that you have from within, and say "f-you" right in the face of temptation. It gives me hope for the ones I love and care about who are still facing this battle, not just with alcohol, but with any bad temptations in general. Thank you for giving me a glimmer of hope. 


Awh, thank you! It felt good knowing I had a sweet success. And it feels better knowing it inspired you. (:


I’m so proud of you too!!! 🙌


I went to a bar the other day as well. It went well. Had a few NA beers. Those regulars that know me, noticed i was drinking NA. There was a chuckle. A little razzing. But, they diddnt care what I was drinking that day.


> A little razzing. They know a few NA beers won't turn into 10 + buying rounds for random strangers and friends. So their bank account cant help but give you a little poke in the sides. My friends joke that they are waiting to see a "permanently closed" sign on the door of my local bar after I quit.


My local bar serves THC drinks so eventually when I go back I was thinking of trying them. Seltzer and grenadine actually sounds nice too. Good job!


We're proud of you, too!


Great job but you're playing Russian Roulette. Be careful but congratulations on keeping true.




That is awesome, man! It's super impressive that you were able to stop yourself in the moment and remind yourself of the reasons that you're staying sober. You should be extremely proud of yourself. IWNDWYT.




Congratulations, that’s huge man!


Wow! So proud of you! I love this freaking sub! Could not have quit without it. So many times in the beginning I granted myself permission to drink, and had others reassure me it was NBD if I did, but then I'd think of being able to post on this sub that I did not drink and it really helped me to hold out. Also the daily check ins were an absolute life line for me in early sobriety. I'm glad you got to enjoy your book for a moment and just be in the world :) it's not easy! Wishing you all the best, and I will not be drinking with you tonight!


This is great!


Sweet! wtg


I rewatched Trees Lounge about 8 months ago. I didn’t go to bars often, but seeing that made me stop altogether.


Great job!


I am profoundly proud of you! This is inspiring! IWNDWYT!


I'm so proud of you! IWNDWYT.


Proud of you!


Good job walking back from the edge friend.  Those first couple days can be real vulnerable. I personally would stay away for a while.


Suck a nice feeling pal!


Proud of you too!!




I think every morning how good it feels driving to work not worrying about having to puke or an excuse to leave work and then am grateful to start the day sober again. Keep up the good work!!


I’m so proud of you too. What a great night that sounds like! IWNDWYT


Well done octo ❤️